package Aspect::Modular;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Aspect::Library ();

our $VERSION = '1.02';
our @ISA     = 'Aspect::Library';

sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	my $self  = bless { @_ }, $class;

	# Generate the appropriate advice
	$self->{advice} = [
		$self->get_advice( $self->args )

	# Warn if the aspect is supposed to be permanent,
	# but the advice isn't created as permanent.
	if ( $self->lexical ) {
		if ( grep { not $_->lexical } @{$self->{advice}} ) {
			warn("$class creates lexical advice for global aspects");
	} else {
		if ( grep { $_->lexical } @{$self->{advice}} ) {
			warn("$class creates global advice for lexical aspects");

	return $self;

sub args {

sub lexical {

sub get_advice {
	my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
	die("Method 'get_advice' is not implemented by class '$class'");

# Optional XS Acceleration

	local $@;
	eval <<'END_PERL';
use Class::XSAccessor 1.08 {
	replace => 1,
	getters => {
		'lexical' => 'lexical',




=head1 NAME

Aspect::Modular - First generation base class for reusable aspects


  # Subclassing to create a reusable aspect
  package Aspect::Library::ConstructorTracer;
  use strict;
  use base 'Aspect::Modular';
  use Aspect::Advice::After ();
  sub get_advice {
     my $self     = shift;
     my $pointcut = shift;
     return Aspect::Advice::After->new(
         lexical  => $self->lexical,
         pointcut => $pointcut,
         code     => sub {
             print 'Created object: ' . shift->return_value . "\n";

  # Using the new aspect
  package main;
  use Aspect;
  # Print message when constructing new Person
  aspect ConstructorTracer => call 'Person::new';


All reusable aspect inherit from this class.

Such aspects are created in user code, using the C<aspect()> sub exported
by L<Aspect|::Aspect>. You call C<aspect()> with the class name of the
reusable aspect (it must exist in the package C<Aspect::Library>), and any
parameters (pointcuts, class names, code to run, etc.) the specific aspect
may require.

The L<Wormhole|Aspect::Library::Wormhole> aspect, for example, expects 2
pointcut specs for the wormhole source and target, while the
L<Profiler|Aspect::Library::Profiler> aspect expects a pointcut object,
to select the subs to be profiled.

You create a reusable aspect by subclassing this class, and providing one
I<template method>: C<get_advice()>. It is called with all the parameters
that were sent when user code created the aspect, and is expected to
return L<Aspect::Advice> object/s, that will be installed while the
reusable aspect is still in scope. If the C<aspect()> sub is called in
void context, the reusable aspect is installed until class reloading or
interpreter shutdown.

Typical things a reusable aspect may want to do:

=over 4

=item *

Install advice on pointcuts specified by the caller

=item *

Push (vs. OOP pull) subs and base classes into classes specified by
the caller


=head1 AUTHORS

Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>

Marcel GrE<uuml>nauer E<lt>marcel@cpan.orgE<gt>

Ran Eilam E<lt>eilara@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright 2001 by Marcel GrE<uuml>nauer

Some parts copyright 2009 - 2012 Adam Kennedy.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
