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package JSAN::Client;


=head1 NAME

JSAN::Client - JSAN Client 2.0 (migrated from Class::DBI to ORLite)


  # Create the client object
  my $client = JSAN::Client->new(
      prefix  => '/usr/local/js',
      verbose => 1,
  # Install by library name
  # Install by distribution name


The C<JSAN::Client> API intended to provide the highest-possible level
abstraction for the process of installing JSAN distributions.

However this class is still intended for developers, and
won't do things like auto-detect your C<JSAN_PREFIX> and so on.

For more DWIM type functionality aimed at users, see the L<JSAN::Shell>
class, or even more preferably the L<jsan> installer application.

=head1 METHODS


use 5.008005;
use strict;
use warnings;

# Versioned loads of all our main dependencies both for certainty
# and to feed the information to Module::Install.
use Algorithm::Dependency 1.106 ();
use Config::Tiny          2.12  ();
use Digest::MD5           2.33  ();
use File::Spec            0.80  ();
use File::Path            1.06  ();
use File::HomeDir         0.69  ();
use LWP::Simple           1.41  ();
use LWP::Online           0.03  ();
use Params::Util          1.00  ();
use Scalar::Util          1.11  ();
use URI::ToDisk           1.08  ();
use DBI                   1.607 ();
use DBD::SQLite           1.25  ();
use JSAN::Index                 ();

our $VERSION = '0.29';

# Pass through any import params to JSAN::Index
# if none params were provided - do nothing
sub import {
    my $class  = shift;
    my $params = Params::Util::_HASH(shift) || {};
    if (keys(%$params) > 0) {
        # Prevent double-initialisation
        Carp::croak("Attempt to re-initialize JSAN::Index via JSAN::Client's import method")
            if JSAN::Index->self;
        JSAN::Index->init( $params );

    return 1;

# Constructor and Accessors


=head2 new param => 'value', ...

The C<new> constructor takes a set of key/value params and creates a new
JSAN installation client, who's purpose is to install JSAN distributions
to a specific location on the local disk.

Please note that although you can create multiple C<JSAN::Client> objects
for multiple install paths, all clients will share the common L<JSAN::Index>
and L<JSAN::Transport> layers, which means both that distribution packages
will be cached across all the clients, and that they B<must> install from
the same remote JSAN repository.

The constructor takes the following parameters

=over 4

=item prefix

The C<prefix> params should be the location on the local disk that the JSAN
libraries contained in the distribution should be installed to.

=item verbose

The C<verbose> (current not implemented) enables verbose mode for the client.

In verbose mode, the client will write a number of procedural and diagnostic
messages to C<STDOUT> as it processes the installation requests.


Returns a new C<JSAN::Client> object, or dies on error.


sub new {
    my $class  = ref $_[0] ? ref shift : shift;
    if ( scalar(@_) % 2 ) {
        Carp::croak("Odd number of params passed to JSAN::Client::new");
    my %params = @_;

    # Create the basic object
    my $self = bless {
        prefix  =>    $params{prefix},
        build   => !! $params{build},
        verbose => !! $params{verbose},
        }, $class;

    # Check the prefix
    unless ( $self->prefix ) {
        Carp::croak("No prefix provided to JSAN::Client::new");
    unless ( -d $self->prefix and -w $self->prefix ) {
        Carp::croak("Prefix provided to JSAN::Client::new is not a writable directory");
    unless (JSAN::Index->self) {
        Carp::croak("Cannot instantiate JSAN::Client until JSAN::Index is not initialized");



=head2 prefix

The C<prefix> accessor returns the installation prefix path for the client.


sub prefix { $_[0]->{prefix} }


=head2 verbose

The C<verbose> accessor returns the boolean flag indicating whether the
client is running in verbose mode. If called with argument - modifies the
current 'verbose' value.


sub verbose { 
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{verbose} unless @_;
    $self->{verbose} = shift;


=head2 build

The C<build> accessor returns the boolean flag indicating whether the
client is running in build-time mode.


sub build { $_[0]->{build} }

# JSAN::Client Methods


=head2 install_library $name

The C<install_library> method takes the name of a JSAN library and
installs the most recent release of the distribution that the library is
contained in as indicated in the JSAN index.

Any dependencies required for the library will also be installed as needed.

Please note the difference between a JSAN "library" and a JSAN
"distribution". There are often many libraries contained in a single

Returns true if the library was installed, false if the library is already
up to date and did not need to be installed, or dies on error.


sub install_library {
    my $self = shift;

    # Take the library as an object or a name
    my $library = shift;
    unless ( Params::Util::_INSTANCE($library, 'JSAN::Index::Library') ) {
        $library = JSAN::Index::Library->retrieve( name => $library )
            or Carp::croak("The JSAN library '$library' does not exist");

    $self->_install_release( $library->release, $_[0] );


=head2 install_distribution $name

The C<install_distribution> method takes the name of a JSAN distribution and
installs the most recent release of that distribution.

Any dependencies required for the distribution will also be installed as

Please note the difference between a JSAN "library" and a JSAN
"distribution". There are often many libraries contained in a single

Returns true if the distribution was installed, false if the distribution
is already up to date and did not need to be installed, or dies on error.


sub install_distribution {
    my $self = shift;

    # Take the distribution as an object or a name
    my $distribution = shift;
    unless ( Params::Util::_INSTANCE($distribution, 'JSAN::Index::Distribution') ) {
        $distribution = JSAN::Index::Distribution->retrieve( name => $distribution )
            or Carp::croak("The JSAN distribution '$distribution' does not exist");

    $self->_install_release( $distribution->latest_release, $_[0] );

# Takes a JSAN::Index::Release object, and installs it
sub _install_release {
    my ($self, $requested, $name ) = @_;

    # Find the full schedule
    $self->_print("Scanning index for dependencies...");
    my $dependency = JSAN::Index->dependency( build => $self->build );
    my $schedule   = $dependency->schedule( $requested )
        or Carp::croak("Error while finding dependencies for '$name'");
    my @releases = map {
        JSAN::Index::Release->retrieve( source => $_ )
            or Carp::croak("Failed to get an object for '$_'")
        } @$schedule;

    # Following debian's lead, download all the releases first.
    # That way if there's a download error we won't be left half-installed.
    my $total = scalar(@releases);
    my $count = 0;
    $self->_print("Fetching releases from JSAN...");
    foreach my $release ( @releases ) {
        $self->_print("$count of $total: Mirroring release " . $release->source);

    # Install each of the releases
    $count = 0;
    $self->_print("Installing release to '" . $self->prefix . "'");
    foreach my $release ( @releases ) {
        $self->_print("$count of $total: Extracting release " . $release->source);
        $self->_extract_release( $release );


# Takes a single JSAN::Index::Release object, and extracts its libs to the prefix dir
sub _extract_release {
    my ($self, $release) = @_;
    $release->extract_libs( to => $self->prefix );
    $release->extract_static_files( to => $self->prefix );

# Support Methods

# Print to screen if in verbose mode
sub _print {
    my $self = shift;
    return 1 unless $self->verbose;
    while ( @_ ) {
        my $line = shift;
        print STDOUT "$line\n";



=head1 TO DO

- Add the testing dependency algorithm variant

- Add support for JSON META.yml files

=head1 SUPPORT

Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at


For other issues, contact the author.

=head1 AUTHOR

Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright 2005 - 2010 Adam Kennedy.

This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.
