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# The same as 02_basics.t except with the array => 1 option

use strict;
	$|  = 1;
	$^W = 1;

use Test::More tests => 71;
use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
use t::lib::Test;

	# Test file
	my $file = test_db();

	# Connect
	my $dbh = connect_ok("dbi:SQLite:$file");
	ok( $dbh->disconnect, 'disconnect' );

# Set up again
my $file = test_db();
my $dbh  = create_ok(
	file    => catfile(qw{ t 02_basics.sql }),
	connect => [ "dbi:SQLite:$file" ],

# Create the test package
eval <<"END_PERL"; die $@ if $@;
package Foo::Bar;

use strict;
use ORLite {
	file  => '$file',
	array => 1,



# Check the file name
$file = rel2abs($file);
is( Foo::Bar->sqlite, $file,              '->sqlite ok' );
is( Foo::Bar->dsn,    "dbi:SQLite:$file", '->dsn ok'    );

# Check the schema version
is( Foo::Bar->pragma('user_version'), 0, '->user_version ok' );

# Populate the test table
	Foo::Bar::TableOne->create( col1 => 1, col2 => 'foo' ),
	'Created row 1',
isa_ok( Foo::Bar::TableOne->load(1), 'Foo::Bar::TableOne' );
my $new = Foo::Bar::TableOne->create( col2 => 'bar' );
isa_ok( $new, 'Foo::Bar::TableOne'  );
is( $new->col1, 2,     '->col1 ok'  );
is( $new->col2, 'bar', '->col2 ok'  );
is( $new->rowid, 2,    '->rowid ok' );
	Foo::Bar::TableOne->create( col2 => 'bar' ),
	'Created row 3',

# Check the ->count method
is( Foo::Bar::TableOne->count, 3, 'Found 3 rows' );
is( Foo::Bar::TableOne->count('where col2 = ?', 'bar'), 2, 'Condition count works' );

sub test_ones {
	my $ones = shift;
	is( scalar(@$ones), 3, 'Got 3 objects' );
	isa_ok( $ones->[0], 'Foo::Bar::TableOne' );
	is( $ones->[0]->col1, 1,     '->col1 ok' );
	is( $ones->[0]->col2, 'foo', '->col2 ok' );
	isa_ok( $ones->[1], 'Foo::Bar::TableOne' );
	is( $ones->[1]->col1, 2,     '->col1 ok' );
	is( $ones->[1]->col2, 'bar', '->col2 ok' );
	isa_ok( $ones->[2], 'Foo::Bar::TableOne' );
	is( $ones->[2]->col1, 3,     '->col1 ok' );
	is( $ones->[2]->col2, 'bar', '->col2 ok' );

# Fetch the rows (list context)
	[ Foo::Bar::TableOne->select('order by col1') ]

# Fetch the rows (scalar context)
	scalar Foo::Bar::TableOne->select('order by col1')

	# Emulate select via iterate
	my $ones = [];
	Foo::Bar::TableOne->iterate( 'order by col1', sub {
		push @$ones, $_;
	} );
	test_ones( $ones );

	# Partial fetch
	my $short = [];
	Foo::Bar::TableOne->iterate( 'order by col1', sub {
		push @$short, $_;
		return 0;
	} );
	is( scalar(@$short), 1, 'Found only one record' );
	is_deeply( $short->[0], $ones->[0], 'Found the same first record' );

	# Lower level equivalent
	my $short2 = [];
	Foo::Bar->iterate( 'select * from table_one order by col1', sub {
		push @$short2, $_;
		return 0;
	} );
	is( scalar(@$short2), 1, 'Found only one record' );
	is_deeply( $short2->[0], [ 1, 'foo' ], 'Found correct alternative' );

	# Delete one of the objects via the class delete method
	my @delete = Foo::Bar::TableOne->select('where col2 = ?', 'bar');
	$_->delete foreach @delete;
	is( Foo::Bar::TableOne->count, 1, 'Confirm 2 rows were deleted' );

	# Delete one of the objects via the instance delete method
	ok( $ones->[0]->delete, 'Deleted object' );
	is( Foo::Bar::TableOne->count, 0, 'Confirm 1 row was deleted' );

# Database should now be empty
	my @none = Foo::Bar::TableOne->select;
	is_deeply( \@none, [ ], '->select ok with nothing' );

	my $none = Foo::Bar::TableOne->select;
	is_deeply( $none, [ ], '->select ok with nothing' );

# Transaction testing
	ok( Foo::Bar->begin, '->begin' );
	isa_ok( Foo::Bar::TableOne->create, 'Foo::Bar::TableOne' );
	is( Foo::Bar::TableOne->count, 1, 'One row created' );
	ok( Foo::Bar->rollback, '->rollback' );
	is( Foo::Bar::TableOne->count, 0, 'Commit ok' );

	ok( Foo::Bar->begin, '->begin' );
	isa_ok( Foo::Bar::TableOne->create, 'Foo::Bar::TableOne' );
	is( Foo::Bar::TableOne->count, 1, 'One row created' );
	ok( Foo::Bar->commit, '->commit' );
	is( Foo::Bar::TableOne->count, 1, 'Commit ok' );

# Test the set method
	my @one = Foo::Bar::TableOne->select;
	isa_ok( $one[0], 'Foo::Bar::TableOne' );
	is( $one[0]->set( col1 => '10' ), 10, '->set ok' );
	is( $one[0]->col1, 10, '->set worked' );

# Truncate
	ok( Foo::Bar::TableOne->truncate, '->truncate ok' );
	is( Foo::Bar::TableOne->count, 0, 'Commit ok' );	

# Exceptions

# Load an object that does not exist
	my @rv = eval {
	is( scalar(@rv), 0, 'Exception returns nothing' );
	like( $@, qr/Foo::Bar::TableOne row does not exist/, 'Foo::Bar::TableOne row does not exist' );