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#   File Name    -
#   Description  - A class module that provides an interface to Monotone's
#                  automate stdio interface.
#   Authors      - A.E.Cooper. With contributions from T.Keller.
#   Legal Stuff  - Copyright (c) 2007 Anthony Edward Cooper
#                  <>.
#                  This library is free software; you can redistribute it
#                  and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
#                  Public License as published by the Free Software
#                  Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
#                  option) any later version.
#                  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be
#                  useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
#                  warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
#                  PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
#                  more details.
#                  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
#                  Public License along with this library; if not, write to
#                  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
#                  330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
#   Package      - Monotone::AutomateStdio
#   Description  - See above.


package Monotone::AutomateStdio;

# ***** DIRECTIVES *****

require 5.008005;

no locale;
use strict;
use warnings;


# Standard Perl and CPAN modules.

use Carp;
use Cwd qw(abs_path getcwd);
use Encode;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use IO::File;
use IO::Handle qw(autoflush);
use IPC::Open3;
use POSIX qw(:errno_h :limits_h);
use Socket;
use Symbol qw(gensym);


# Constants used to represent the different types of capability Monotone may or
# may not provide depending upon its version.

use constant MTN_CHECKOUT                      => 0;
use constant MTN_COMMON_KEY_HASH               => 1;
use constant MTN_CONTENT_DIFF_EXTRA_OPTIONS    => 2;
use constant MTN_DB_GET                        => 3;
use constant MTN_DROP_ATTRIBUTE                => 4;
use constant MTN_DROP_DB_VARIABLES             => 5;
use constant MTN_DROP_PUBLIC_KEY               => 6;
use constant MTN_ERASE_DESCENDANTS             => 7;
use constant MTN_FILE_MERGE                    => 8;
use constant MTN_GENERATE_KEY                  => 9;
use constant MTN_GET_ATTRIBUTES                => 10;
use constant MTN_GET_CURRENT_REVISION          => 12;
use constant MTN_GET_DB_VARIABLES              => 13;
use constant MTN_GET_EXTENDED_MANIFEST_OF      => 14;
use constant MTN_GET_FILE_SIZE                 => 15;
use constant MTN_GET_PUBLIC_KEY                => 16;
use constant MTN_GET_WORKSPACE_ROOT            => 17;
use constant MTN_HASHED_SIGNATURES             => 18;
use constant MTN_IGNORING_OF_SUSPEND_CERTS     => 19;
use constant MTN_INVENTORY_TAKING_OPTIONS      => 21;
use constant MTN_INVENTORY_WITH_BIRTH_ID       => 22;
use constant MTN_K_SELECTOR                    => 23;
use constant MTN_LOG                           => 24;
use constant MTN_LUA                           => 25;
use constant MTN_M_SELECTOR                    => 26;
use constant MTN_P_SELECTOR                    => 27;
use constant MTN_PUT_PUBLIC_KEY                => 28;
use constant MTN_READ_PACKETS                  => 29;
use constant MTN_REMOTE_CONNECTIONS            => 30;
use constant MTN_SELECTOR_FUNCTIONS            => 31;
use constant MTN_SELECTOR_MIN_FUNCTION         => 32;
use constant MTN_SELECTOR_NOT_FUNCTION         => 33;
use constant MTN_SELECTOR_OR_OPERATOR          => 34;
use constant MTN_SET_ATTRIBUTE                 => 35;
use constant MTN_SET_DB_VARIABLE               => 36;
use constant MTN_SHOW_CONFLICTS                => 37;
use constant MTN_STREAM_IO                     => 38;
use constant MTN_SYNCHRONISATION               => 39;
use constant MTN_U_SELECTOR                    => 41;
use constant MTN_UPDATE                        => 42;
use constant MTN_W_SELECTOR                    => 43;

# Constants used to represent the different error levels.

use constant MTN_SEVERITY_ALL     => 0x03;
use constant MTN_SEVERITY_ERROR   => 0x01;
use constant MTN_SEVERITY_WARNING => 0x02;

# Constants used to represent data streams from Monotone that can be tied into
# file handles by the caller.

use constant MTN_P_STREAM => 0;
use constant MTN_T_STREAM => 1;

# Constant used to represent the exception thrown when interrupting waitpid().

use constant WAITPID_INTERRUPT => __PACKAGE__ . "::waitpid-interrupt";

# Constant used to represent the in memory database name.

use constant IN_MEMORY_DB_NAME => ":memory:";

# Constants used to represent different value formats.

use constant BARE_PHRASE       => 0x001;  # E.g. orphaned_directory.
use constant HEX_ID            => 0x002;  # E.g. [ab2 ... 1be].
use constant NON_UNIQUE        => 0x004;  # Key can occur more than once.
use constant NULL              => 0x008;  # Nothing, i.e. we just have the key.
use constant OPTIONAL_HEX_ID   => 0x010;  # As HEX_ID but also [].
use constant STRING            => 0x020;  # Quoted string, possibly escaped.
use constant STRING_AND_HEX_ID => 0x040;  # E.g. "fileprop" [ab2 ... 1be].
use constant STRING_ENUM       => 0x080;  # E.g. "rename_source".
use constant STRING_KEY_VALUE  => 0x100;  # Quoted key and value (STRING).
use constant STRING_LIST       => 0x200;  # E.g. "..." "...", possibly escaped.

# Private structures for managing inside-out key caching style objects.

my $class_name = __PACKAGE__;
my %class_records;

# Pre-compiled regular expressions for: finding the end of a quoted string
# possibly containing escaped quotes (i.e. " preceeded by a non-backslash
# character or an even number of backslash characters), recognising data locked
# conditions and detecting the beginning of an I/O stanza.

my $closing_quote_re = qr/((^.*[^\\])|^)(\\{2})*\"$/;
my $database_locked_re = qr/.*sqlite error: database is locked.*/;
my $io_stanza_re = qr/^ *([a-z_]+)(?:(?: \S)|(?: ?$))/;

# A map for quickly detecting valid mtn subprocess options and the number of
# their arguments.

my %valid_mtn_options = ("--allow-default-confdir" => 0,
                         "--allow-workspace"       => 0,
                         "--builtin-rcfile"        => 0,
                         "--clear-rcfiles"         => 0,
                         "--confdir"               => 1,
                         "--key"                   => 1,
                         "--keydir"                => 1,
                         "--no-builtin-rcfile"     => 0,
                         "--no-default-confdir"    => 0,
                         "--no-standard-rcfiles"   => 0,
                         "--no-workspace"          => 0,
                         "--norc"                  => 0,
                         "--nostd"                 => 0,
                         "--rcfile"                => 1,
                         "--root"                  => 1,
                         "--ssh-sign"              => 1,
                         "--standard-rcfiles"      => 0,
                         "--use-default-key"       => 0);

# A map for quickly detecting all non-argument options that can be used on any
# command.

my %non_arg_options = ("clear-from"                => 1,
                       "clear-to"                  => 1,
                       "corresponding-renames"     => 1,
                       "dry-run"                   => 1,
                       "ignore-suspend-certs"      => 1,
                       "ignored"                   => 1,
                       "merges"                    => 1,
                       "move-conflicting-paths"    => 1,
                       "no-corresponding-renames"  => 1,
                       "no-ignore-suspend-certs"   => 1,
                       "no-ignored"                => 1,
                       "no-merges"                 => 1,
                       "no-move-conflicting-paths" => 1,
                       "no-set-default"            => 1,
                       "no-unchanged"              => 1,
                       "no-unknown"                => 1,
                       "reverse"                   => 1,
                       "set-default"               => 1,
                       "unchanged"                 => 1,
                       "unknown"                   => 1,
                       "with-header"               => 1,
                       "without-header"            => 1);

# Maps for quickly detecting valid keys and determining their value types.

my %certs_keys = ("key"       => HEX_ID | STRING,
                  "name"      => STRING,
                  "signature" => STRING,
                  "trust"     => STRING_ENUM,
                  "value"     => STRING);
my %generate_key_keys = ("given_name"       => STRING,
                         "hash"             => HEX_ID,
                         "local_name"       => STRING,
                         "name"             => STRING,
                         "private_hash"     => HEX_ID,
                         "private_location" => STRING_LIST,
                         "public_hash"      => HEX_ID,
                         "public_location"  => STRING_LIST);
my %get_attributes_keys = ("attr"           => STRING_KEY_VALUE,
                           "format_version" => STRING_ENUM,
                           "state"          => STRING_ENUM);
my %get_db_variables_keys = ("domain" => STRING,
                             "entry"  => NON_UNIQUE | STRING_KEY_VALUE);
my %get_extended_manifest_of_keys = ("attr"         => NON_UNIQUE
                                                           | STRING_KEY_VALUE,
                                     "attr_mark"    => NON_UNIQUE
                                                           | STRING_AND_HEX_ID,
                                     "birth"        => HEX_ID,
                                     "content"      => HEX_ID,
                                     "content_mark" => HEX_ID,
                                     "dir"          => STRING,
                                     "dormant_attr" => NON_UNIQUE | STRING,
                                     "file"         => STRING,
                                     "path_mark"    => HEX_ID,
                                     "size"         => STRING);
my %get_manifest_of_keys = ("attr"           => NON_UNIQUE | STRING_KEY_VALUE,
                            "content"        => HEX_ID,
                            "dir"            => STRING,
                            "file"           => STRING,
                            "format_version" => STRING_ENUM);
my %inventory_keys = ("birth"    => HEX_ID,
                      "changes"  => STRING_LIST,
                      "fs_type"  => STRING_ENUM,
                      "new_path" => STRING,
                      "new_type" => STRING_ENUM,
                      "old_path" => STRING,
                      "old_type" => STRING_ENUM,
                      "path"     => STRING,
                      "status"   => STRING_LIST);
my %keys_keys = %generate_key_keys;
my %options_file_keys = ("branch"   => STRING,
                         "database" => STRING,
                         "keydir"   => STRING);
my %revision_details_keys = ("add_dir"        => STRING,
                             "add_file"       => STRING,
                             "attr"           => STRING,
                             "clear"          => STRING,
                             "content"        => HEX_ID,
                             "delete"         => STRING,
                             "format_version" => STRING_ENUM,
                             "from"           => HEX_ID,
                             "new_manifest"   => HEX_ID,
                             "old_revision"   => OPTIONAL_HEX_ID,
                             "patch"          => STRING,
                             "rename"         => STRING,
                             "set"            => STRING,
                             "to"             => HEX_ID | STRING,
                             "value"          => STRING);
my %show_conflicts_keys = ("ancestor"          => OPTIONAL_HEX_ID,
                           "ancestor_file_id"  => HEX_ID,
                           "ancestor_name"     => STRING,
                           "attr_name"         => STRING,
                           "conflict"          => BARE_PHRASE,
                           "left"              => HEX_ID,
                           "left_attr_state"   => STRING,
                           "left_attr_value"   => STRING,
                           "left_file_id"      => HEX_ID,
                           "left_name"         => STRING,
                           "left_type"         => STRING,
                           "node_type"         => STRING,
                           "resolved_internal" => NULL,
                           "right"             => HEX_ID,
                           "right_attr_state"  => STRING,
                           "right_attr_value"  => STRING,
                           "right_file_id"     => HEX_ID,
                           "right_name"        => STRING,
                           "right_type"        => STRING);
my %sync_keys = ("key"              => HEX_ID,
                 "receive_cert"     => STRING,
                 "receive_key"      => HEX_ID,
                 "receive_revision" => HEX_ID,
                 "revision"         => HEX_ID,
                 "send_cert"        => STRING,
                 "send_key"         => HEX_ID,
                 "send_revision"    => HEX_ID,
                 "value"            => STRING);
my %tags_keys = ("branches"       => NULL | STRING_LIST,
                 "format_version" => STRING_ENUM,
                 "revision"       => HEX_ID,
                 "signer"         => HEX_ID | STRING,
                 "tag"            => STRING);

# Version of Monotone being used.

my $mtn_version;

# Flag for determining whether the mtn subprocess should be started in a
# workspace's root directory.

my $cd_to_ws_root = 1;

# Flag for detemining whether UTF-8 conversion should be done on the data sent
# to and from the mtn subprocess.

my $convert_to_utf8 = 1;

# Error, database locked and io wait callback routine references and associated
# client data.

my $carper = sub { return; };
my $croaker = \&croak;
my $db_locked_handler = sub { return; };
my $io_wait_handler = sub { return; };
my ($db_locked_handler_data,


# Constructors and destructor.

sub new_from_db($;$$);
sub new_from_service($$;$);
sub new_from_ws($;$$);
*new = *new_from_db;
sub DESTROY($);

# Public methods.

sub ancestors($$@);
sub ancestry_difference($$$;@);
sub branches($$);
sub cert($$$$);
sub certs($$$);
sub checkout($$$);
sub children($$$);
sub closedown($);
sub common_ancestors($$@);
sub content_diff($$;$$$@);
sub db_get($$$$);
sub db_locked_condition_detected($);
sub descendents($$@);
sub drop_attribute($$$);
sub drop_db_variables($$;$);
sub drop_public_key($$);
sub erase_ancestors($$;@);
sub erase_descendants($$;@);
sub file_merge($$$$$$);
sub generate_key($$$$);
sub get_attributes($$$;$);
sub get_base_revision_id($$);
sub get_content_changed($$$$);
sub get_corresponding_path($$$$$);
sub get_current_revision($$;$@);
sub get_current_revision_id($$);
sub get_db_name($);
sub get_db_variables($$;$);
sub get_error_message($);
sub get_extended_manifest_of($$$);
sub get_file($$$);
sub get_file_of($$$;$);
sub get_file_size($$$);
sub get_manifest_of($$;$);
sub get_option($$$);
sub get_pid($);
sub get_public_key($$$);
sub get_revision($$$);
sub get_service_name($);
sub get_workspace_root($$);
sub get_ws_path($);
sub graph($$);
sub heads($$;$);
sub identify($$$);
sub ignore_suspend_certs($$);
sub interface_version($$);
sub inventory($$;$@);
sub keys($$);
sub leaves($$);
sub log($$;$$);
sub lua($$$;@);
sub packet_for_fdata($$$);
sub packet_for_fdelta($$$$);
sub packet_for_rdata($$$);
sub packets_for_certs($$$);
sub parents($$$);
sub put_file($$$$);
sub put_public_key($$);
sub put_revision($$$);
sub read_packets($$);
sub register_db_locked_handler(;$$$);
sub register_error_handler($;$$$);
sub register_io_wait_handler(;$$$$);
sub register_stream_handle($$$);
sub roots($$);
sub select($$$);
sub set_attribute($$$$);
sub set_db_variable($$$$);
sub show_conflicts($$;$$$);
sub supports($$);
sub suppress_utf8_conversion($$);
sub switch_to_ws_root($$);
sub sync($$;$$);
sub tags($$;$);
sub toposort($$@);
sub update($;$);

# Public aliased methods.

*attributes = *get_attributes;
*db_set = *set_db_variable;
*genkey = *generate_key;
*pull = *sync;
*push = *sync;

# Private methods and routines.

sub create_object($);
sub error_handler_wrapper($);
sub expand_options($$);
sub get_quoted_value($$$$);
sub get_ws_details($$$);
sub mtn_command($$$$$;@);
sub mtn_command_with_options($$$$$$;@);
sub mtn_read_output_format_1($$);
sub mtn_read_output_format_2($$);
sub parse_kv_record($$$$;$);
sub parse_revision_data($$);
sub startup($);
sub unescape($);
sub validate_database($);
sub validate_mtn_options($);
sub warning_handler_wrapper($);


# We are just a base class.

use base qw(Exporter);

our %EXPORT_TAGS = (capabilities => [qw(MTN_CHECKOUT
                    severities   => [qw(MTN_SEVERITY_ALL
                    streams      => [qw(MTN_P_STREAM
our @EXPORT = qw();
Exporter::export_ok_tags(qw(capabilities severities streams));
our $VERSION = "1.10";
#   Routine      - new_from_db
#   Description  - Class constructor. Construct an object using the specified
#                  Monotone database.
#   Data         - $class       : The name of the class that is to be created.
#                  $db_name     : The full path of the Monotone database. If
#                                 this is not provided then the database
#                                 associated with the current workspace is
#                                 used.
#                  $options     : A reference to a list containing a list of
#                                 options to use on the mtn subprocess.
#                  Return Value : A reference to the newly created object.

sub new_from_db($;$$)

    my $class = shift();
    my $db_name = (ref($_[0]) eq "ARRAY") ? undef : shift();
    my $options = shift();
    $options = [] unless (defined($options));

    my ($db,

    # Check all the arguments given to us.

    if (defined($db_name))
        $db = $db_name;
        get_ws_details(getcwd(), \$db, \$ws_path);

    # Actually construct the object.

    $self = create_object($class);
    $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};
    $this->{db_name} = $db_name;
    $this->{ws_path} = $ws_path;
    $this->{mtn_options} = $options;

    # Startup the mtn subprocess (also determining the interface version).


    return $self;

#   Routine      - new_from_service
#   Description  - Class constructor. Construct an object using the specified
#                  Monotone service.
#   Data         - $class       : The name of the class that is to be created.
#                  $service     : The name of the Monotone server to connect
#                                 to, either in the form of a Monotone style
#                                 URL or a host name optionally followed by a
#                                 colon and the port number.
#                  $options     : A reference to a list containing a list of
#                                 options to use on the mtn subprocess.
#                  Return Value : A reference to the newly created object.

sub new_from_service($$;$)

    my ($class, $service, $options) = @_;

    my ($self,

    $options = [] unless (defined($options));

    # Check all the arguments given to us.


    # Check the service name, either a Monotone style URL or server name
    # followed by an optional colon and port number.

    if ($service =~ m/\//)

        # A URL has been given so extract the host name.

        if ($service =~ m/^(?:mtn:\/\/)?([^\/]+)(?:\/.*)?$/)
            $server = $1;
            &$croaker("Invalid URL `" . $service . "'.");


        # A hostname and optional port number has been given so extract the
        # host name part.

        if ($service =~ m/^([^:]+):\d+$/)
            $server = $1;
            $server = $service;


    # Check that the hostname is know to us.

    &$croaker("`" . $server . "' is not known to the system")
        unless (defined(inet_aton($server)));

    # Actually construct the object.

    $self = create_object($class);
    $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};
    $this->{db_name} = IN_MEMORY_DB_NAME;
    $this->{network_service} = $service;
    $this->{mtn_options} = $options;

    # Startup the mtn subprocess (also determining the interface version).


    return $self;

#   Routine      - new_from_ws
#   Description  - Class constructor. Construct an object using the specified
#                  Monotone workspace.
#   Data         - $class       : The name of the class that is to be created.
#                  $ws_path     : The base directory of a Monotone workspace.
#                                 If this is not provided then the current
#                                 workspace is used.
#                  $options     : A reference to a list containing a list of
#                                 options to use on the mtn subprocess.
#                  Return Value : A reference to the newly created object.

sub new_from_ws($;$$)

    my $class = shift();
    my $ws_path = (ref($_[0]) eq "ARRAY") ? undef : shift();
    my $options = shift();
    $options = [] unless (defined($options));

    my ($db_name,

    # Check all the arguments given to us.

    if (! defined($ws_path))
        $ws_path = getcwd();
    get_ws_details($ws_path, \$db_name, \$ws_path);

    # Actually construct the object.

    $self = create_object($class);
    $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};
    $this->{ws_path} = $ws_path;
    $this->{ws_constructed} = 1;
    $this->{mtn_options} = $options;

    # Startup the mtn subprocess (also determining the interface version).


    return $self;

#   Routine      - DESTROY
#   Description  - Class destructor.
#   Data         - $self : The object.

sub DESTROY($)

    my $self = $_[0];

    # Make sure the destructor doesn't throw any exceptions and that any
    # existing exception status is preserved, otherwise constructor
    # exceptions could be lost. E.g. if the constructor throws an exception
    # after blessing the object, Perl immediately calls the destructor,
    # which calls code that could use eval thereby resetting $@.  Why not
    # simply call bless as the last statement in the constructor? Well
    # firstly callbacks can be called in the constructor and they have the
    # object passed to them as their first argument and so it needs to be
    # blessed, secondly the mtn subprocess needs to be properly closed down
    # if there is an exception, which it won't be unless the destructor is
    # called.

    local $@;

#   Routine      - ancestors
#   Description  - Get a list of ancestors for the specified revisions.
#   Data         - $self         : The object.
#                  $list         : A reference to a list that is to contain
#                                  the revision ids.
#                  @revision_ids : The revision ids that are to have their
#                                  ancestors returned.
#                  Return Value  : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                  failure.

sub ancestors($$@)

    my ($self, $list, @revision_ids) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("ancestors", 0, 0, $list, @revision_ids);

#   Routine      - ancestry_difference
#   Description  - Get a list of ancestors for the specified revision, that
#                  are not also ancestors for the specified old revisions.
#   Data         - $self             : The object.
#                  $list             : A reference to a list that is to
#                                      contain the revision ids.
#                  $new_revision_id  : The revision id that is to have its
#                                      ancestors returned.
#                  @old_revision_ids : The revision ids that are to have their
#                                      ancestors excluded from the above list.
#                  Return Value      : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                      failure.

sub ancestry_difference($$$;@)

    my ($self, $list, $new_revision_id, @old_revision_ids) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("ancestry_difference",

#   Routine      - branches
#   Description  - Get a list of branches.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $list        : A reference to a list that is to contain the
#                                 branch names.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub branches($$)

    my ($self, $list) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("branches", 0, 1, $list);

#   Routine      - cert
#   Description  - Add the specified cert to the specified revision.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $revision_id : The revision id to which the cert is to be
#                                 applied.
#                  $name        : The name of the cert to be applied.
#                  $value       : The value of the cert.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub cert($$$$)

    my ($self, $revision_id, $name, $value) = @_;

    my $dummy;

    return $self->mtn_command("cert",

#   Routine      - certs
#   Description  - Get all the certs for the specified revision.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  $revision_id : The id of the revision that is to have its
#                                 certs returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub certs($$$)

    my ($self, $ref, $revision_id) = @_;

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command("certs", 0, 1, $ref, $revision_id);

        my ($i,

        if (! $self->mtn_command("certs", 0, 1, \@lines, $revision_id))

        # Reformat the data into a structured array.

        for ($i = 0, @$ref = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
            if ($lines[$i] =~ m/$io_stanza_re/)
                my $kv_record;

                # Get the next key-value record.

                parse_kv_record(\@lines, \$i, \%certs_keys, \$kv_record);
                -- $i;

                # Validate it in terms of expected fields and store.

                foreach my $key ("key", "name", "signature", "trust", "value")
                    &$croaker("Corrupt certs list, expected " . $key
                              . " field but did not find it")
                        unless (exists($kv_record->{$key}));
                push(@$ref, $kv_record);

        return 1;


#   Routine      - checkout
#   Description  - Create a new workspace from the specified branch and or
#                  revision.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $options     : A reference to a list containing the options
#                                 to use.
#                  $ws_dir      : The name of the directory that is to be
#                                 created with a workspace inside of it.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub checkout($$$)

    my ($self, $options, $ws_dir) = @_;

    my ($dummy,

    # Process any options.

    expand_options($options, \@opts);

    # Run the command.

    return $self->mtn_command_with_options("checkout",

#   Routine      - children
#   Description  - Get a list of children for the specified revision.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $list        : A reference to a list that is to contain the
#                                 revision ids.
#                  $revision_id : The revision id that is to have its children
#                                 returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub children($$$)

    my ($self, $list, @revision_ids) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("children", 0, 0, $list, @revision_ids);

#   Routine      - common_ancestors
#   Description  - Get a list of revisions that are all ancestors of the
#                  specified revision.
#   Data         - $self         : The object.
#                  $list         : A reference to a list that is to contain
#                                  the revision ids.
#                  @revision_ids : The revision ids that are to have their
#                                  common ancestors returned.
#                  Return Value  : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                  failure.

sub common_ancestors($$@)

    my ($self, $list, @revision_ids) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("common_ancestors", 0, 0, $list, @revision_ids);

#   Routine      - content_diff
#   Description  - Get the difference between the two specified revisions,
#                  optionally limiting the output by using the specified
#                  options and file restrictions. If the second revision id is
#                  undefined then the workspace's current revision is used. If
#                  both revision ids are undefined then the workspace's
#                  current and base revisions are used. If no file names are
#                  listed then differences in all files are reported.
#   Data         - $self         : The object.
#                  $buffer       : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                  the output from this command.
#                  $options      : A reference to a list containing the
#                                  options to use.
#                  $revision_id1 : The first revision id to compare against.
#                  $revision_id2 : The second revision id to compare against.
#                  @file_names   : The list of file names that are to be
#                                  reported on.
#                  Return Value  : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                  failure.

sub content_diff($$;$$$@)

    my ($self, $buffer, $options, $revision_id1, $revision_id2, @file_names)
        = @_;

    my @opts;

    # Process any options.

    expand_options($options, \@opts);
    push(@opts, {key => "r", value => $revision_id1})
        if (defined($revision_id1));
    push(@opts, {key => "r", value => $revision_id2})
        if (defined($revision_id2));

    return $self->mtn_command_with_options("content_diff",

#   Routine      - db_get
#   Description  - Get the value of a database variable.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  $domain      : The domain of the database variable.
#                  $name        : The name of the variable to fetch.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub db_get($$$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $domain, $name) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("db_get", 1, 1, $buffer, $domain, $name);

#   Routine      - descendents
#   Description  - Get a list of descendents for the specified revisions.
#   Data         - $self         : The object.
#                  $list         : A reference to a list that is to contain
#                                  the revision ids.
#                  @revision_ids : The revision ids that are to have their
#                                  descendents returned.
#                  Return Value  : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                  failure.

sub descendents($$@)

    my ($self, $list, @revision_ids) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("descendents", 0, 0, $list, @revision_ids);

#   Routine      - drop_attribute
#   Description  - Drop attributes from the specified file or directory,
#                  optionally limiting it to the specified attribute.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $path        : The name of the file or directory that is to
#                                 have an attribute dropped.
#                  $key         : The name of the attribute that as to be
#                                 dropped.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub drop_attribute($$$)

    my ($self, $path, $key) = @_;

    my $dummy;

    return $self->mtn_command("drop_attribute", 1, 0, \$dummy, $path, $key);

#   Routine      - drop_db_variables
#   Description  - Drop variables from the specified domain, optionally
#                  limiting it to the specified variable.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $domain      : The name of the domain that is to have one
#                                 or all of its variables dropped.
#                  $name        : The name of the variable that is to be
#                                 dropped.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub drop_db_variables($$;$)

    my ($self, $domain, $name) = @_;

    my $dummy;

    return $self->mtn_command("drop_db_variables",

#   Routine      - drop_public_key
#   Description  - Drop the public key from the database for the specified key
#                  id.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $key_id      : The id of the key, either in the form of its
#                                 name or its hash.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub drop_public_key($$)

    my ($self, $key_id) = @_;

    my $dummy;

    return $self->mtn_command("drop_public_key", 1, 0, \$dummy, $key_id);

#   Routine      - erase_ancestors
#   Description  - For a given list of revisions, weed out those that are
#                  ancestors to other revisions specified within the list.
#   Data         - $self         : The object.
#                  $list         : A reference to a list that is to contain
#                                  the revision ids.
#                  @revision_ids : The revision ids that are to have their
#                                  ancestors removed from the list.
#                  Return Value  : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                  failure.

sub erase_ancestors($$;@)

    my ($self, $list, @revision_ids) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("erase_ancestors", 0, 0, $list, @revision_ids);

#   Routine      - erase_descendants
#   Description  - For a given list of revisions, weed out those that are
#                  descendants to other revisions specified within the list.
#   Data         - $self         : The object.
#                  $list         : A reference to a list that is to contain
#                                  the revision ids.
#                  @revision_ids : The revision ids that are to have their
#                                  descendents removed from the list.
#                  Return Value  : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                  failure.

sub erase_descendants($$;@)

    my ($self, $list, @revision_ids) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("erase_descendants", 0, 0, $list, @revision_ids);

#   Routine      - file_merge
#   Description  - Get the result of merging two files, both of which are on
#                  separate revisions.
#   Data         - $self              : The object.
#                  $buffer            : A reference to a buffer that is to
#                                       contain the output from this command.
#                  $left_revision_id  : The left hand revision id.
#                  $left_file_name    : The name of the file on the left hand
#                                       revision.
#                  $right_revision_id : The right hand revision id.
#                  $right_file_name   : The name of the file on the right hand
#                                       revision.
#                  Return Value       : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                       failure.

sub file_merge($$$$$$)

    my ($self,
        $right_file_name) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("file_merge",

#   Routine      - generate_key
#   Description  - Generate a new key for use within the database.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or a hash that is to
#                                 contain the output from this command.
#                  $key_id      : The key id for the new key.
#                  $pass_phrase : The pass phrase for the key.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub generate_key($$$$)

    my ($self, $ref, $key_id, $pass_phrase) = @_;

    my $cmd;

    # This command was renamed in version 0.99.1 (i/f version 13.x).

    if ($self->supports(MTN_GENERATE_KEY))
        $cmd = "generate_key";
        $cmd = "genkey";

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command($cmd, 1, 1, $ref, $key_id, $pass_phrase);

        my ($i,

        if (! $self->mtn_command($cmd, 1, 1, \@lines, $key_id, $pass_phrase))

        # Reformat the data into a structured record.

        # Get the key-value record.

        $i = 0;
        parse_kv_record(\@lines, \$i, \%generate_key_keys, \$kv_record);

        # Copy across the fields.

        %$ref = ();
        foreach my $key (CORE::keys(%$kv_record))
            $$ref{$key} = $kv_record->{$key};

        return 1;


#   Routine      - get_attributes
#   Description  - Get the attributes of the specified file under the
#                  specified revision. If the revision id is undefined then
#                  the current workspace revision is used.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  $file_name   : The name of the file that is to be reported
#                                 on.
#                  $revision_id : The revision id upon which the file
#                                 attributes are to be based.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_attributes($$$;$)

    my ($self, $ref, $file_name, $revision_id) = @_;

    my ($cmd,

    # This command was renamed in version 0.36 (i/f version 5.x).

    if ($self->supports(MTN_GET_ATTRIBUTES))
        $cmd = "get_attributes";
        $cmd = "attributes";

    # Deal with the optional revision id option.

    push(@opts, {key => "r", value => $revision_id})
        if (defined($revision_id));

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command_with_options($cmd,

        my ($i,

        if (! $self->mtn_command_with_options($cmd,

        # Reformat the data into a structured array.

        for ($i = 0, @$ref = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
            if ($lines[$i] =~ m/$io_stanza_re/)
                my $kv_record;

                # Get the next key-value record.

                -- $i;

                # Validate it in terms of expected fields and store.

                if (exists($kv_record->{attr}))
                    &$croaker("Corrupt attributes list, expected state field "
                              . "but did not find it")
                        unless (exists($kv_record->{state}));
                    push(@$ref, {attribute => $kv_record->{attr}->[0],
                                 value     => $kv_record->{attr}->[1],
                                 state     => $kv_record->{state}});

        return 1;


#   Routine      - get_base_revision_id
#   Description  - Get the id of the revision upon which the workspace is
#                  based.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_base_revision_id($$)

    my ($self, $buffer) = @_;

    my @list;

    $$buffer = "";
    if (! $self->mtn_command("get_base_revision_id", 0, 0, \@list))
    $$buffer = $list[0];

    return 1;

#   Routine      - get_content_changed
#   Description  - Get a list of revisions in which the content was most
#                  recently changed, relative to the specified revision.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $list        : A reference to a list that is to contain the
#                                 revision ids.
#                  $revision_id : The id of the revision of the manifest that
#                                 is to be returned.
#                  $file_name   : The name of the file that is to be reported
#                                 on.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_content_changed($$$$)

    my ($self, $list, $revision_id, $file_name) = @_;

    my ($i,

    # Run the command and get the data.

    if (! $self->mtn_command("get_content_changed",

    # Reformat the data into a list.

    for ($i = 0, @$list = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
        if ($lines[$i] =~ m/^ *content_mark \[([0-9a-f]+)\]$/)
            push(@$list, $1);

    return 1;

#   Routine      - get_corresponding_path
#   Description  - For the specified file name in the specified source
#                  revision, return the corresponding file name for the
#                  specified target revision.
#   Data         - $self               : The object.
#                  $buffer             : A reference to a buffer that is to
#                                        contain the output from this command.
#                  $source_revision_id : The source revision id.
#                  $file_name          : The name of the file that is to be
#                                        searched for.
#                  $target_revision_id : The target revision id.
#                  Return Value        : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                        failure.

sub get_corresponding_path($$$$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $source_revision_id, $file_name, $target_revision_id)
        = @_;

    my ($i,

    # Run the command and get the data.

    if (! $self->mtn_command("get_corresponding_path",

    # Extract the file name.

    for ($i = 0, $$buffer = ""; $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
        if ($lines[$i] =~ m/^ *file \"/)
            get_quoted_value(\@lines, \$i, 0, $buffer);
            $$buffer = unescape($$buffer);

    return 1;

#   Routine      - get_current_revision
#   Description  - Get the revision information for the current revision,
#                  optionally limiting the output by using the specified
#                  options and file restrictions.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  $options     : A reference to a list containing the options
#                                 to use.
#                  @paths       : A list of files or directories that are to
#                                 be reported on instead of the entire
#                                 workspace.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_current_revision($$;$@)

    my ($self, $ref, $options, @paths) = @_;

    my @opts;

    # Process any options.

    expand_options($options, \@opts);

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command_with_options("get_current_revision",

        my @lines;

        if (! $self->mtn_command_with_options("get_current_revision",
        parse_revision_data($ref, \@lines);

        return 1;


#   Routine      - get_current_revision_id
#   Description  - Get the id of the revision that would be created if an
#                  unrestricted commit was done in the workspace.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_current_revision_id($$)

    my ($self, $buffer) = @_;

    my @list;

    $$buffer = "";
    if (! $self->mtn_command("get_current_revision_id", 0, 0, \@list))
    $$buffer = $list[0];

    return 1;

#   Routine      - get_db_variables
#   Description  - Get the variables stored in the database, optionally
#                  limiting it to the specified domain.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  $domain      : The name of the domain that is to have its
#                                 variables listed.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_db_variables($$;$)

    my ($self, $ref, $domain) = @_;

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command("get_db_variables", 1, 1, $ref, $domain);

        my ($i,

        if (! $self->mtn_command("get_db_variables", 1, 1, \@lines, $domain))

        # Reformat the data into a structured array.

        for ($i = 0, @$ref = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
            if ($lines[$i] =~ m/$io_stanza_re/)
                my $kv_record;

                # Get the next key-value record.

                -- $i;

                # Validate it in terms of expected fields and copy data across
                # to the correct fields.

                if (! exists($kv_record->{domain})
                    || ! exists($kv_record->{entry}))
                    &$croaker("Corrupt database variables list, expected "
                              . "domain and entry fields but did not find "
                              . "them");
                foreach my $entry (@{$kv_record->{entry}})
                    push(@$ref, {domain => $kv_record->{domain},
                                 name   => $entry->[0],
                                 value  => $entry->[1]});

        return 1;


#   Routine      - get_extended_manifest_of
#   Description  - Get the extended manifest for the specified revision.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  $revision_id : The revision id which is to have its
#                                 extended manifest returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_extended_manifest_of($$$)

    my ($self, $ref, $revision_id) = @_;

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command("get_extended_manifest_of",

        my ($i,

        if (! $self->mtn_command("get_extended_manifest_of",

        # Reformat the data into a structured array.

        for ($i = 0, @$ref = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
            if ($lines[$i] =~ m/$io_stanza_re/)
                my $kv_record;

                # Get the next key-value record.

                -- $i;

                # Validate it in terms of expected fields.

                if (! exists($kv_record->{dir})
                    && ! exists($kv_record->{file}))
                    &$croaker("Corrupt extended manifest list, expected dir "
                              . "or file field but did not find them");

                # Set up the name and type fields.

                if (exists($kv_record->{file}))
                    $kv_record->{type} = "file";
                    $kv_record->{name} = $kv_record->{file};
                elsif (exists($kv_record->{dir}))
                    $kv_record->{type} = "directory";
                    $kv_record->{name} = $kv_record->{dir};

                # Now reformat some fields to be more meaningful/consistent.

                if (exists($kv_record->{attr}))
                    my $value = [];
                    foreach my $entry (@{$kv_record->{attr}})
                        push(@$value, {attribute => $entry->[0],
                                       value     => $entry->[1]});
                    $kv_record->{attributes} = $value;
                if (exists($kv_record->{attr_mark}))
                    my $value = [];
                    foreach my $entry (@{$kv_record->{attr_mark}})
                        push(@$value, {attribute   => $entry->[0],
                                       revision_id => $entry->[1]});
                    $kv_record->{attr_mark} = $value;
                if (exists($kv_record->{content}))
                    $kv_record->{file_id} = $kv_record->{content};

                # Store the record.

                push(@$ref, $kv_record);

        return 1;


#   Routine      - get_file
#   Description  - Get the contents of the file referenced by the specified
#                  file id.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  $file_id     : The file id of the file that is to be
#                                 returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_file($$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $file_id) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("get_file", 0, 0, $buffer, $file_id);

#   Routine      - get_file_of
#   Description  - Get the contents of the specified file under the specified
#                  revision. If the revision id is undefined then the current
#                  workspace revision is used.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  $file_name   : The name of the file to be fetched.
#                  $revision_id : The revision id upon which the file contents
#                                 are to be based.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_file_of($$$;$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $file_name, $revision_id) = @_;

    my @opts;

    push(@opts, {key => "r", value => $revision_id})
        if (defined($revision_id));

    return $self->mtn_command_with_options("get_file_of",

#   Routine      - get_file_size
#   Description  - Get the size of the file referenced by the specified file
#                  id.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  $file_id     : The file id of the file that is to have its
#                                 size returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_file_size($$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $file_id) = @_;

    my @list;

    $$buffer = "";
    if (! $self->mtn_command("get_file_size", 0, 0, \@list, $file_id))
    $$buffer = $list[0];

    return 1;

#   Routine      - get_manifest_of
#   Description  - Get the manifest for the current or specified revision.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  $revision_id : The revision id which is to have its
#                                 manifest returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_manifest_of($$;$)

    my ($self, $ref, $revision_id) = @_;

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command("get_manifest_of", 0, 1, $ref, $revision_id);

        my ($i,

        if (! $self->mtn_command("get_manifest_of",

        # Reformat the data into a structured array.

        for ($i = 0, @$ref = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
            if ($lines[$i] =~ m/$io_stanza_re/)
                my $kv_record;

                # Get the next key-value record.

                -- $i;

                # Validate it in terms of expected fields and copy data across
                # to the correct fields.

                if (exists($kv_record->{file}) || exists($kv_record->{dir}))
                    my ($attrs,

                    if (exists($kv_record->{file}))
                        $type = "file";
                        $name = $kv_record->{file};
                        &$croaker("Corrupt manifest, expected content field "
                                  . "but did not find it")
                            unless (exists($kv_record->{content}));
                        $id = $kv_record->{content};
                    elsif (exists($kv_record->{dir}))
                        $type = "directory";
                        $name = $kv_record->{dir};
                    $attrs = [];
                    if (exists($kv_record->{attr}))
                        foreach my $entry (@{$kv_record->{attr}})
                            push(@$attrs, {attribute => $entry->[0],
                                           value     => $entry->[1]});
                    if ($type eq "file")
                        push(@$ref, {type       => $type,
                                     name       => $name,
                                     file_id    => $id,
                                     attributes => $attrs});
                        push(@$ref, {type       => $type,
                                     name       => $name,
                                     attributes => $attrs});

        return 1;


#   Routine      - get_option
#   Description  - Get the value of an option stored in a workspace's _MTN
#                  directory.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  $option_name : The name of the option to be fetched.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_option($$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $option_name) = @_;

    if (! $self->mtn_command("get_option", 1, 1, $buffer, $option_name))

    return 1;

#   Routine      - get_public_key
#   Description  - Get the public key for the specified key id.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  $key_id      : The id of the key, either in the form of its
#                                 name or its hash.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_public_key($$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $key_id) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("get_public_key", 1, 1, $buffer, $key_id);

#   Routine      - get_revision
#   Description  - Get the revision information for the current or specified
#                  revision.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  $revision_id : The revision id which is to have its data
#                                 returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_revision($$$)

    my ($self, $ref, $revision_id) = @_;

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command("get_revision", 0, 1, $ref, $revision_id);

        my @lines;

        if (! $self->mtn_command("get_revision", 0, 1, \@lines, $revision_id))
        parse_revision_data($ref, \@lines);

        return 1;


#   Routine      - get_workspace_root
#   Description  - Get the absolute path for the current workspace's root
#                  directory.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub get_workspace_root($$)

    my ($self, $buffer) = @_;

    if (! $self->mtn_command("get_workspace_root", 0, 1, $buffer))

    return 1;

#   Routine      - graph
#   Description  - Get a complete ancestry graph of the database.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub graph($$)

    my ($self, $ref) = @_;

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command("graph", 0, 0, $ref);

        my ($i,

        if (! $self->mtn_command("graph", 0, 0, \@lines))
        for ($i = 0, @$ref = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
            @parent_ids = split(/ /, $lines[$i]);
            $$ref[$i] = {revision_id => shift(@parent_ids),
                         parent_ids  => [@parent_ids]};

        return 1;


#   Routine      - heads
#   Description  - Get a list of revision ids that are heads on the specified
#                  branch. If no branch is given then the workspace's branch
#                  is used.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $list        : A reference to a list that is to contain the
#                                 revision ids.
#                  $branch_name : The name of the branch that is to have its
#                                 heads returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub heads($$;$)

    my ($self, $list, $branch_name) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("heads", 1, 0, $list, $branch_name);

#   Routine      - identify
#   Description  - Get the file id, i.e. hash, of the specified file.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  $file_name   : The name of the file that is to have its id
#                                 returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub identify($$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $file_name) = @_;

    my @list;

    $$buffer = "";
    if (! $self->mtn_command("identify", 1, 0, \@list, $file_name))
    $$buffer = $list[0];

    return 1;

#   Routine      - interface_version
#   Description  - Get the version of the mtn automate interface.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub interface_version($$)

    my ($self, $buffer) = @_;

    my @list;

    $$buffer = "";
    if (! $self->mtn_command("interface_version", 0, 0, \@list))
    $$buffer = $list[0];

    return 1;

#   Routine      - inventory
#   Description  - Get the inventory for the current workspace, optionally
#                  limiting the output by using the specified options and file
#                  restrictions.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  $options     : A reference to a list containing the options
#                                 to use.
#                  @paths       : A list of files or directories that are to
#                                 be reported on instead of the entire
#                                 workspace.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub inventory($$;$@)

    my ($self, $ref, $options, @paths) = @_;

    my @opts;

    # Process any options.

    expand_options($options, \@opts);

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command_with_options("inventory",

        my @lines;

        if (! $self->mtn_command_with_options("inventory",

        # The output format of this command was switched over to a basic_io
        # stanza in 0.37 (i/f version 6.x).

        if ($self->supports(MTN_INVENTORY_IN_IO_STANZA_FORMAT))

            my $i;

            # Reformat the data into a structured array.

            for ($i = 0, @$ref = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
                if ($lines[$i] =~ m/$io_stanza_re/)
                    my $kv_record;

                    # Get the next key-value record and store it in the list.

                    -- $i;
                    push(@$ref, $kv_record);


            my $i;

            # Reformat the data into a structured array.

            for ($i = 0, @$ref = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
                if ($lines[$i] =~ m/^([A-Z ]{3}) (\d+) (\d+) (.+)$/)
                    push(@$ref, {status       => $1,
                                 crossref_one => $2,
                                 crossref_two => $3,
                                 name         => $4});


        return 1;


#   Routine      - keys
#   Description  - Get a list of all the keys known to mtn.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub keys($$)

    my ($self, $ref) = @_;

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command("keys", 0, 1, $ref);

        my ($i,

        if (! $self->mtn_command("keys", 0, 1, \@lines))

        # Build up a list of valid fields depending upon the version of
        # Monotone in use.

        push(@valid_fields, "given_name", "local_name")
            if ($self->supports(MTN_HASHED_SIGNATURES));
        if ($self->supports(MTN_COMMON_KEY_HASH))
            push(@valid_fields, "hash");
            push(@valid_fields, "public_hash");
        push(@valid_fields, "public_location");

        # Reformat the data into a structured array.

        for ($i = 0, @$ref = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
            if ($lines[$i] =~ m/$io_stanza_re/)
                my $kv_record;

                # Get the next key-value record.

                parse_kv_record(\@lines, \$i, \%keys_keys, \$kv_record);
                -- $i;

                # Validate it in terms of expected fields and store.

                foreach my $key (@valid_fields)
                    &$croaker("Corrupt keys list, expected " . $key
                              . " field but did not find it")
                        unless (exists($kv_record->{$key}));
                push(@$ref, $kv_record);

        return 1;


#   Routine      - leaves
#   Description  - Get a list of leaf revisions.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $list        : A reference to a list that is to contain the
#                                 revision ids.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub leaves($$)

    my ($self, $list) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("leaves", 0, 0, $list);

#   Routine      - log
#   Description  - Get a list of revision ids that form a log history for an
#                  entire project, optionally limiting the output by using the
#                  specified options and file name restrictions.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $list        : A reference to a list that is to contain the
#                                 branch names.
#                  $options     : A reference to a list containing the options
#                                 to use.
#                  $file_name   : The name of the file that is to be reported
#                                 on instead of the entire project.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub log($$;$$)

    my ($self, $list, $options, $file_name) = @_;

    my @opts;

    # Process any options.

    expand_options($options, \@opts);

    # Run the command and get the data.

    return $self->mtn_command_with_options("log",

#   Routine      - lua
#   Description  - Call the specified LUA function with any required
#                  arguments.
#   Data         - $self         : The object.
#                  $buffer       : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                  the output from this command.
#                  $lua_function : The name of the LUA function that is to be
#                                  called.
#                  @arguments    : A list of arguments that are to be passed
#                                  to the LUA function.
#                  Return Value  : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                  failure.

sub lua($$$;@)

    my ($self, $buffer, $lua_function, @arguments) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("lua", 1, 1, $buffer, $lua_function, @arguments);

#   Routine      - packet_for_fdata
#   Description  - Get the contents of the file referenced by the specified
#                  file id in packet format.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  $file_id     : The file id of the file that is to be
#                                 returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub packet_for_fdata($$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $file_id) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("packet_for_fdata", 0, 0, $buffer, $file_id);

#   Routine      - packet_for_fdelta
#   Description  - Get the file delta between the two files referenced by the
#                  specified file ids in packet format.
#   Data         - $self         : The object.
#                  $buffer       : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                  the output from this command.
#                  $from_file_id : The file id of the file that is to be used
#                                  as the base in the delta operation.
#                  $to_file_id   : The file id of the file that is to be used
#                                  as the target in the delta operation.
#                  Return Value  : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                  failure.

sub packet_for_fdelta($$$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $from_file_id, $to_file_id) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("packet_for_fdelta",

#   Routine      - packet_for_rdata
#   Description  - Get the contents of the revision referenced by the
#                  specified revision id in packet format.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  $revision_id : The revision id of the revision that is to
#                                 be returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub packet_for_rdata($$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $revision_id) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("packet_for_rdata", 0, 0, $buffer, $revision_id);

#   Routine      - packets_for_certs
#   Description  - Get all the certs for the revision referenced by the
#                  specified revision id in packet format.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  $revision_id : The revision id of the revision that is to
#                                 have its certs returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub packets_for_certs($$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $revision_id) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("packets_for_certs",

#   Routine      - parents
#   Description  - Get a list of parents for the specified revision.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $list        : A reference to a list that is to contain the
#                                 revision ids.
#                  $revision_id : The revision id that is to have its parents
#                                 returned.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub parents($$$)

    my ($self, $list, $revision_id) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("parents", 0, 0, $list, $revision_id);

#   Routine      - put_file
#   Description  - Put the specified file contents into the database,
#                  optionally basing it on the specified file id (this is used
#                  for delta encoding).
#   Data         - $self         : The object.
#                  $buffer       : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                  the output from this command.
#                  $base_file_id : The file id of the previous version of this
#                                  file or undef if this is a new file.
#                  $contents     : A reference to a buffer containing the
#                                  file's contents.
#                  Return Value  : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                  failure.

sub put_file($$$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $base_file_id, $contents) = @_;

    my @list;

    if (defined($base_file_id))
        if (! $self->mtn_command("put_file",
        if (! $self->mtn_command("put_file", 0, 0, \@list, $contents))
    $$buffer = $list[0];

    return 1;

#   Routine      - put_public_key
#   Description  - Put the specified public key data into the database.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $public_key  : The public key data that is to be stored in
#                                 the database.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub put_public_key($$)

    my ($self, $public_key) = @_;

    my $dummy;

    return $self->mtn_command("put_public_key", 1, 0, \$dummy, $public_key);

#   Routine      - put_revision
#   Description  - Put the specified revision data into the database.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to a buffer that is to contain
#                                 the output from this command.
#                  $contents    : A reference to a buffer containing the
#                                 revision's contents.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub put_revision($$$)

    my ($self, $buffer, $contents) = @_;

    my @list;

    if (! $self->mtn_command("put_revision", 1, 0, \@list, $contents))
    $$buffer = $list[0];

    return 1;

#   Routine      - read_packets
#   Description  - Decode and store the specified packet data in the database.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $packet_data : The packet data that is to be stored in the
#                                 database.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub read_packets($$)

    my ($self, $packet_data) = @_;

    my $dummy;

    return $self->mtn_command("read_packets", 0, 0, \$dummy, $packet_data);

#   Routine      - roots
#   Description  - Get a list of root revisions, i.e. revisions with no
#                  parents.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $list        : A reference to a list that is to contain the
#                                 revision ids.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub roots($$)

    my ($self, $list) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("roots", 0, 0, $list);

#   Routine      - select
#   Description  - Get a list of revision ids that match the specified
#                  selector.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $list        : A reference to a list that is to contain the
#                                 revision ids.
#                  $selector    : The selector that is to be used.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub select($$$)

    my ($self, $list, $selector) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("select", 1, 0, $list, $selector);

#   Routine      - set_attribute
#   Description  - Set an attribute on the specified file or directory.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $path        : The name of the file or directory that is to
#                                 have an attribute set.
#                  $key         : The name of the attribute that as to be set.
#                  $value       : The value that the attribute is to be set
#                                 to.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub set_attribute($$$$)

    my ($self, $path, $key, $value) = @_;

    my $dummy;

    return $self->mtn_command("set_attribute",

#   Routine      - set_db_variable
#   Description  - Set the value of a database variable.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $domain      : The domain of the database variable.
#                  $name        : The name of the variable to set.
#                  $value       : The value to set the variable to.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub set_db_variable($$$$)

    my ($self, $domain, $name, $value) = @_;

    my ($cmd,

    # This command was renamed in version 0.39 (i/f version 7.x).

    if ($self->supports(MTN_SET_DB_VARIABLE))
        $cmd = "set_db_variable";
        $cmd = "db_set";
    return $self->mtn_command($cmd, 1, 0, \$dummy, $domain, $name, $value);

#   Routine      - show_conflicts
#   Description  - Get a list of conflicts between the first two head
#                  revisions on the current branch, optionally one can specify
#                  both head revision ids and the name of the branch that they
#                  reside on.
#   Data         - $self              : The object.
#                  $ref               : A reference to a buffer or an array
#                                       that is to contain the output from
#                                       this command.
#                  $branch            : The name of the branch that the head
#                                       revisions are on.
#                  $left_revision_id  : The left hand head revision id.
#                  $right_revision_id : The right hand head revision id.
#                  Return Value       : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                       failure.

sub show_conflicts($$;$$$)

    my ($self, $ref, $branch, $left_revision_id, $right_revision_id) = @_;

    my @opts;
    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    # Validate the number of arguments and adjust them accordingly.

    if (scalar(@_) == 4)

        # Assume just the revision ids were given, so adjust the arguments
        # accordingly.

        $right_revision_id = $left_revision_id;
        $left_revision_id = $branch;
        $branch = undef;

    elsif (scalar(@_) < 2 || scalar(@_) > 5)

        # Wrong number of arguments.

        &$croaker("Wrong number of arguments given");


    # Process any options.

    @opts = ({key => "branch", value => $branch}) if (defined($branch));

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command_with_options("show_conflicts",

        my ($i,

        if (! $self->mtn_command_with_options("show_conflicts",

        # Reformat the data into a structured array.

        for ($i = 0, @$ref = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
            if ($lines[$i] =~ m/$io_stanza_re/)
                my $kv_record;

                # Get the next key-value record.

                -- $i;

                # Validate it in terms of expected fields and store.

                if (exists($kv_record->{left}))
                    foreach my $key ("ancestor", "right")
                        &$croaker("Corrupt show_conflicts list, expected "
                                  . $key . " field but did not find it")
                            unless (exists($kv_record->{$key}));
                push(@$ref, $kv_record);

        return 1;


#   Routine      - sync
#   Description  - Synchronises database changes between the local database
#                  and the specified remote server. This member function also
#                  provides the implementation to the pull and push methods.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  $options     : A reference to a list containing the options
#                                 to use.
#                  $uri         : The URI that is to be synchronised with.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub sync($$;$$)

    my ($self, $ref, $options, $uri) = @_;

    my ($cmd,

    # Find out how we were called (and hence the command that is to be run).
    # Remember that the routine name will be fully qualified.

    $cmd = (caller(0))[3];
    $cmd = $1 if ($cmd =~ m/^.+\:\:([^:]+)$/);

    # Process any options.

    expand_options($options, \@opts);

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command_with_options($cmd,

        my ($i,

        if (! $self->mtn_command_with_options($cmd,

        # Reformat the data into a structured array.

        for ($i = 0, @$ref = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
            if ($lines[$i] =~ m/$io_stanza_re/)
                my $kv_record;

                # Get the next key-value record and store it in the list.

                -- $i;
                push(@$ref, $kv_record);

        return 1;


#   Routine      - tags
#   Description  - Get all the tags attached to revisions on branches that
#                  match the specified branch pattern. If no pattern is given
#                  then all branches are searched.
#   Data         - $self           : The object.
#                  $ref            : A reference to a buffer or an array that
#                                    is to contain the output from this
#                                    command.
#                  $branch_pattern : The branch name pattern that the search
#                                    is to be limited to.
#                  Return Value    : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                    failure.

sub tags($$;$)

    my ($self, $ref, $branch_pattern) = @_;

    # Run the command and get the data, either as one lump or as a structured
    # list.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        return $self->mtn_command("tags", 1, 1, $ref, $branch_pattern);

        my ($i,

        if (! $self->mtn_command("tags", 1, 1, \@lines, $branch_pattern))

        # Reformat the data into a structured array.

        for ($i = 0, @$ref = (); $i < scalar(@lines); ++ $i)
            if ($lines[$i] =~ m/$io_stanza_re/)
                my $kv_record;

                # Get the next key-value record.

                parse_kv_record(\@lines, \$i, \%tags_keys, \$kv_record);
                -- $i;

                # Validate it in terms of expected fields and store.

                if (exists($kv_record->{tag}))
                    foreach my $key ("revision", "signer")
                        &$croaker("Corrupt tags list, expected " . $key
                                  . " field but did not find it")
                            unless (exists($kv_record->{$key}));
                    $kv_record->{branches} = []
                        unless (exists($kv_record->{branches})
                                && defined($kv_record->{branches}));
                    $kv_record->{revision_id} = $kv_record->{revision};
                    push(@$ref, $kv_record);

        return 1;


#   Routine      - toposort
#   Description  - Sort the specified revision ids such that the ancestors
#                  come out first.
#   Data         - $self         : The object.
#                  $list         : A reference to a list that is to contain
#                                  the revision ids.
#                  @revision_ids : The revision ids that are to be sorted with
#                                  the ancestors coming first.
#                  Return Value  : True on success, otherwise false on
#                                  failure.

sub toposort($$@)

    my ($self, $list, @revision_ids) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command("toposort", 0, 0, $list, @revision_ids);

#   Routine      - update
#   Description  - Updates the current workspace to the specified revision and
#                  possible branch. If no options are specified then the
#                  workspace is updated to the head revision of the current
#                  branch.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $options     : A reference to a list containing the options
#                                 to use.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub update($;$)

    my ($self, $options) = @_;

    my ($dummy,

    # Process any options.

    expand_options($options, \@opts);

    # Run the command.

    return $self->mtn_command_with_options("update", 1, 1, \$dummy, \@opts);

#   Routine      - closedown
#   Description  - If started then stop the mtn subprocess.
#   Data         - $self : The object.

sub closedown($)

    my $self = $_[0];

    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    if ($this->{mtn_pid} != 0)

        # Close off all file descriptors to the mtn subprocess. This should be
        # enough to cause it to exit gracefully.


        # Reap the mtn subprocess and deal with any errors.

        for (my $i = 0; $i < 4; ++ $i)

            my $wait_status = 0;

            # Wait for the mtn subprocess to exit (preserving the current state
            # of $@ so that any exception that has already occurred is not
            # lost, also ignore any errors resulting from waitpid()
            # interruption).

                local $@;
                    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die(WAITPID_INTERRUPT); };
                    $wait_status = waitpid($this->{mtn_pid}, 0);
                $wait_status = 0
                    if ($@ eq WAITPID_INTERRUPT && $wait_status < 0
                        && $! == EINTR);

            # The mtn subprocess has terminated.

            if ($wait_status == $this->{mtn_pid})

            # The mtn subprocess is still there so try and kill it unless it's
            # time to just give up.

            elsif ($i < 3 && $wait_status == 0)
                if ($i == 0)
                    kill("INT", $this->{mtn_pid});
                elsif ($i == 1)
                    kill("TERM", $this->{mtn_pid});
                    kill("KILL", $this->{mtn_pid});

            # Stop if we don't have any relevant children to wait for anymore.

            elsif ($wait_status < 0 && $! == ECHILD)

            # Either there is some other error with waitpid() or a child
            # process has been reaped that we aren't interested in (in which
            # case just ignore it).

            elsif ($wait_status < 0)
                my $err_msg = $!;
                kill("KILL", $this->{mtn_pid});
                &$croaker("waitpid failed: " . $err_msg);


        $this->{poll_out} = undef;
        $this->{poll_err} = undef;
        $this->{mtn_pid} = 0;



#   Routine      - db_locked_condition_detected
#   Description  - Check to see if the Monotone database was locked the last
#                  time a command was issued.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  Return Value : True if the database was locked the last
#                                 time a command was issues, otherwise false.

sub db_locked_condition_detected($)

    my $self = $_[0];

    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    return $this->{db_is_locked};

#   Routine      - get_db_name
#   Description  - Return the file name of the Monotone database as given to
#                  the constructor.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  Return Value : The file name of the database as given to
#                                 the constructor or undef if no database was
#                                 specified.

sub get_db_name($)

    my $self = $_[0];

    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    if (defined($this->{db_name}) && $this->{db_name} eq IN_MEMORY_DB_NAME)
        return undef;
        return $this->{db_name};

#   Routine      - get_error_message
#   Description  - Return the message for the last error reported by this
#                  class.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  Return Value : The message for the last error detected, or
#                                 an empty string if nothing has gone wrong
#                                 yet.

sub get_error_message($)

    my $self = $_[0];

    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    return $this->{error_msg};

#   Routine      - get_pid
#   Description  - Return the process id of the mtn automate stdio process.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  Return Value : The process id of the mtn automate stdio
#                                 process, or zero if no process is thought to
#                                 be running.

sub get_pid($)

    my $self = $_[0];

    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    return $this->{mtn_pid};

#   Routine      - get_service_name
#   Description  - Return the service name of the Monotone server as given to
#                  the constructor.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  Return Value : The service name of the Monotone server as
#                                 given to the constructor or undef if no
#                                 service was specified.

sub get_service_name($)

    my $self = $_[0];

    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    return $this->{network_service};

#   Routine      - get_ws_path
#   Description  - Return the the workspace's base directory as either given
#                  to the constructor or deduced from the current workspace.
#                  If neither condition holds true then undef is returned.
#                  Please note that the workspace's base directory may differ
#                  from that given to the constructor if the specified
#                  workspace path is actually a subdirectory within that
#                  workspace.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  Return Value : The workspace's base directory or undef if
#                                 no workspace was specified and there is no
#                                 current workspace.

sub get_ws_path($)

    my $self = $_[0];

    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    return $this->{ws_path};

#   Routine      - ignore_suspend_certs
#   Description  - Determine whether revisions with the suspend cert are to be
#                  ignored or not. If the head revisions on a branch are all
#                  suspended then that branch is also ignored.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $ignore      : True if suspend certs are to be ignored
#                                 (i.e. all revisions are `visible'),
#                                 otherwise false if suspend certs are to be
#                                 honoured.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub ignore_suspend_certs($$)

    my ($self, $ignore) = @_;

    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    # This only works from version 0.37 (i/f version 6.x).

    if ($this->{honour_suspend_certs} && $ignore)
        if ($self->supports(MTN_IGNORING_OF_SUSPEND_CERTS))
            $this->{honour_suspend_certs} = undef;
            $this->{error_msg} = "Ignoring suspend certs is unsupported in "
                . "this version of Monotone";
    elsif (! ($this->{honour_suspend_certs} || $ignore))
        $this->{honour_suspend_certs} = 1;

    return 1;

#   Routine      - register_db_locked_handler
#   Description  - Register the specified routine as a database locked handler
#                  for this class. This is both a class as well as an object
#                  method. When used as a class method, the specified database
#                  locked handler is used as the default handler for all those
#                  objects that do not specify their own handlers.
#   Data         - $self        : Either the object, the package name or not
#                                 present depending upon how this method is
#                                 called.
#                  $handler     : A reference to the database locked handler
#                                 routine. If this is not provided then the
#                                 existing database locked handler routine is
#                                 unregistered and database locking clashes
#                                 are handled in the default way.
#                  $client_data : The client data that is to be passed to the
#                                 registered database locked handler when it
#                                 is called.

sub register_db_locked_handler(;$$$)

    my ($self,
    if ($_[0]->isa(__PACKAGE__))
        if (ref($_[0]) ne "")
            $self = shift();
            $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};
    my ($handler, $client_data) = @_;

    if (defined($self))
        if (defined($handler))
            $this->{db_locked_handler} = $handler;
            $this->{db_locked_handler_data} = $client_data;
            $this->{db_locked_handler} = $this->{db_locked_handler_data} =
        if (defined($handler))
            $db_locked_handler = $handler;
            $db_locked_handler_data = $client_data;
            $db_locked_handler = $db_locked_handler_data = undef;


#   Routine      - register_error_handler
#   Description  - Register the specified routine as an error handler for
#                  class. This is a class method rather than an object one as
#                  errors can be raised when calling the constructor.
#   Data         - $self        : The object. This may not be present
#                                 depending upon how this method is called and
#                                 is ignored if it is present anyway.
#                  $severity    : The level of error that the handler is being
#                                 registered for.
#                  $handler     : A reference to the error handler routine. If
#                                 this is not provided then the existing error
#                                 handler routine is unregistered and errors
#                                 are handled in the default way.
#                  $client_data : The client data that is to be passed to the
#                                 registered error handler when it is called.

sub register_error_handler($;$$$)

    shift() if ($_[0]->isa(__PACKAGE__));
    my ($severity, $handler, $client_data) = @_;

    if ($severity == MTN_SEVERITY_ERROR)
        if (defined($handler))
            $error_handler = $handler;
            $error_handler_data = $client_data;
            $croaker = \&error_handler_wrapper;
            $croaker = \&croak;
            $error_handler = $error_handler_data = undef;
    elsif ($severity == MTN_SEVERITY_WARNING)
        if (defined($handler))
            $warning_handler = $handler;
            $warning_handler_data = $client_data;
            $carper = \&warning_handler_wrapper;
            $carper = sub { return; };
            $warning_handler = $warning_handler_data = undef;
    elsif ($severity == MTN_SEVERITY_ALL)
        if (defined($handler))
            $error_handler = $warning_handler = $handler;
            $error_handler_data = $warning_handler_data = $client_data;
            $carper = \&warning_handler_wrapper;
            $croaker = \&error_handler_wrapper;
            $warning_handler = $warning_handler_data = undef;
            $error_handler_data = $warning_handler_data = undef;
            $carper = sub { return; };
            $croaker = \&croak;
        &$croaker("Unknown error handler severity");


#   Routine      - register_io_wait_handler
#   Description  - Register the specified routine as an I/O wait handler for
#                  this class. This is both a class as well as an object
#                  method. When used as a class method, the specified I/O wait
#                  handler is used as the default handler for all those
#                  objects that do not specify their own handlers.
#   Data         - $self        : Either the object, the package name or not
#                                 present depending upon how this method is
#                                 called.
#                  $handler     : A reference to the I/O wait handler routine.
#                                 If this is not provided then the existing
#                                 I/O wait handler routine is unregistered.
#                  $timeout     : The timeout, in seconds, that this class
#                                 should wait for input before calling the I/O
#                                 wait handler.
#                  $client_data : The client data that is to be passed to the
#                                 registered I/O wait handler when it is
#                                 called.

sub register_io_wait_handler(;$$$$)

    my ($self,
    if ($_[0]->isa(__PACKAGE__))
        if (ref($_[0]) ne "")
            $self = shift();
            $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};
    my ($handler, $timeout, $client_data) = @_;

    if (defined($timeout))
        if ($timeout !~ m/^\d*\.{0,1}\d+$/ || $timeout < 0 || $timeout > 20)
            my $msg =
                "I/O wait handler timeout invalid or out of range, resetting";
            $this->{error_msg} = $msg if (defined($this));
            $timeout = 1;
        $timeout = 1;

    if (defined($self))
        if (defined($handler))
            $this->{io_wait_handler} = $handler;
            $this->{io_wait_handler_data} = $client_data;
            $this->{io_wait_handler_timeout} = $timeout;
            $this->{io_wait_handler} = $this->{io_wait_handler_data} = undef;
        if (defined($handler))
            $io_wait_handler = $handler;
            $io_wait_handler_data = $client_data;
            $io_wait_handler_timeout = $timeout;
            $io_wait_handler = $io_wait_handler_data = undef;


#   Routine      - register_stream_handle
#   Description  - Register the specified file handle to receive data from the
#                  specified mtn automate stdio output stream.
#   Data         - $self   : The object.
#                  $stream : The mtn output stream from which data is to be
#                            read and then written to the specified file
#                            handle.
#                  $handle : The file handle that is to receive the data from
#                            the specified output stream. If this is not
#                            provided then any existing file handle for that
#                            stream is unregistered.

sub register_stream_handle($$$)

    my ($self, $stream, $handle) = @_;

    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    if (defined($handle) && ref($handle) !~ m/^IO::[^:]+/
        && ref($handle) ne "GLOB" && ref(\$handle) ne "GLOB")
        &$croaker("Handle must be either undef or a valid handle");
    autoflush($stream, 1);
    if ($stream == MTN_P_STREAM)
        $this->{p_stream_handle} = $handle;
    elsif ($stream == MTN_T_STREAM)
        $this->{t_stream_handle} = $handle;
        &$croaker("Unknown stream specified");


#   Routine      - supports
#   Description  - Determine whether a certain feature is available with the
#                  version of Monotone that is currently being used.
#   Data         - $self         : The object.
#                  $feature      : A constant specifying the feature that is
#                                  to be checked for.
#                  Return Value  : True if the feature is supported, otherwise
#                                  false if it is not.

sub supports($$)

    my ($self, $feature) = @_;

    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    if ($feature == MTN_DROP_ATTRIBUTE
        || $feature == MTN_GET_ATTRIBUTES
        || $feature == MTN_SET_ATTRIBUTE)

        # These are only available from version 0.36 (i/f version 5.x).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 5);

    elsif ($feature == MTN_IGNORING_OF_SUSPEND_CERTS
           || $feature == MTN_INVENTORY_IN_IO_STANZA_FORMAT
           || $feature == MTN_P_SELECTOR)

        # These are only available from version 0.37 (i/f version 6.x).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 6);

    elsif ($feature == MTN_DROP_DB_VARIABLES
           || $feature == MTN_GET_CURRENT_REVISION
           || $feature == MTN_GET_DB_VARIABLES
           || $feature == MTN_INVENTORY_TAKING_OPTIONS
           || $feature == MTN_SET_DB_VARIABLE)

        # These are only available from version 0.39 (i/f version 7.x).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 7);

    elsif ($feature == MTN_DB_GET)

        # This is only available prior version 0.39 (i/f version 7.x).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} < 7);

    elsif ($feature == MTN_GET_WORKSPACE_ROOT
           || $feature == MTN_INVENTORY_WITH_BIRTH_ID
           || $feature == MTN_SHOW_CONFLICTS)

        # These are only available from version 0.41 (i/f version 8.x).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 8);

    elsif ($feature == MTN_CONTENT_DIFF_EXTRA_OPTIONS
           || $feature == MTN_FILE_MERGE
           || $feature == MTN_LUA
           || $feature == MTN_READ_PACKETS)

        # These are only available from version 0.42 (i/f version 9.x).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 9);

    elsif ($feature == MTN_M_SELECTOR || $feature == MTN_U_SELECTOR)

        # These are only available from version 0.43 (i/f version 9.x).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 10
                     || (int($this->{mtn_aif_version}) == 9
                         && $mtn_version == 0.43));

    elsif ($feature == MTN_COMMON_KEY_HASH || $feature == MTN_W_SELECTOR)

        # These are only available from version 0.44 (i/f version 10.x).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 10);

    elsif ($feature == MTN_HASHED_SIGNATURES)

        # This is only available from version 0.45 (i/f version 11.x).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 11);

    elsif ($feature == MTN_REMOTE_CONNECTIONS
           || $feature == MTN_STREAM_IO
           || $feature == MTN_SYNCHRONISATION)

        # These are only available from version 0.46 (i/f version 12.x).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 12);

    elsif ($feature == MTN_UPDATE)

        # This is only available from version 0.48 (i/f version 12.1).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 12.1);

    elsif ($feature == MTN_LOG)

        # This is only available from version 0.99 (i/f version 12.2).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 12.2);

    elsif ($feature == MTN_CHECKOUT
           || $feature == MTN_DROP_PUBLIC_KEY
           || $feature == MTN_GENERATE_KEY
           || $feature == MTN_GET_EXTENDED_MANIFEST_OF
           || $feature == MTN_GET_FILE_SIZE
           || $feature == MTN_GET_PUBLIC_KEY
           || $feature == MTN_K_SELECTOR
           || $feature == MTN_PUT_PUBLIC_KEY
           || $feature == MTN_SELECTOR_FUNCTIONS
           || $feature == MTN_SELECTOR_OR_OPERATOR
           || $feature == MTN_SYNCHRONISATION_WITH_OUTPUT)

        # These are only available from version 0.99.1 (i/f version 13.x).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 13);

    elsif ($feature == MTN_ERASE_DESCENDANTS
           || $feature == MTN_GET_ATTRIBUTES_TAKING_OPTIONS
           || $feature == MTN_SELECTOR_MIN_FUNCTION
           || $feature == MTN_SELECTOR_NOT_FUNCTION)

        # These are only available from version 1.10 (i/f version 13.1).

        return 1 if ($this->{mtn_aif_version} >= 13.1);

        &$croaker("Unknown feature requested");


#   Routine      - suppress_utf8_conversion
#   Description  - Controls whether UTF-8 conversion should be done on the
#                  data sent to and from the mtn subprocess by this class.
#                  This is both a class as well as an object method. When used
#                  as a class method, the specified setting is used as the
#                  default for all those objects that do not specify their own
#                  setting. The default setting is to perform UTF-8
#                  conversion.
#   Data         - $self     : Either the object, the package name or not
#                              present depending upon how this method is
#                              called.
#                  $suppress : True if UTF-8 conversion is not to be done,
#                              otherwise false if it is.

sub suppress_utf8_conversion($$)

    my ($self,
    if ($_[0]->isa(__PACKAGE__))
        if (ref($_[0]) ne "")
            $self = shift();
            $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};
    my $suppress = $_[0];

    if (defined($self))
        $this->{convert_to_utf8} = $suppress ? undef : 1;
        $convert_to_utf8 = $suppress ? undef : 1;


#   Routine      - switch_to_ws_root
#   Description  - Control whether this class automatically switches to a
#                  workspace's root directory before running the mtn
#                  subprocess. The default action is to do so as this is
#                  generally safer.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $switch      : True if the mtn subprocess should be started
#                                 in a workspace's root directory, otherwise
#                                 false if it should be started in the current
#                                 working directory.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub switch_to_ws_root($$)

    my ($self,
    if ($_[0]->isa(__PACKAGE__))
        if (ref($_[0]) ne "")
            $self = shift();
            $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};
    my $switch = $_[0];

    if (defined($self))
        if (! $this->{ws_constructed})
            if ($this->{cd_to_ws_root} && ! $switch)
                $this->{cd_to_ws_root} = undef;
            elsif (! $this->{cd_to_ws_root} && $switch)
                $this->{cd_to_ws_root} = 1;
            $this->{error_msg} =
                "Cannot call Monotone::AutomateStdio->switch_to_ws_root() on "
                . "objects constructed with new_from_ws()";
        $cd_to_ws_root = $switch ? 1 : undef;

    return 1;

#   Routine      - parse_revision_data
#   Description  - Parse the specified revision data into a list of records.
#   Data         - $list : A reference to a list that is to contain the
#                          records.
#                  $data : A reference to a list containing the revision data,
#                          line by line.

sub parse_revision_data($$)

    my ($list, $data) = @_;

    my $i;

    # Reformat the data into a structured array.

    for ($i = 0, @$list = (); $i < scalar(@$data); ++ $i)
        if ($$data[$i] =~ m/$io_stanza_re/)
            my $kv_record;

            # Get the next key-value record.

            parse_kv_record($data, \$i, \%revision_details_keys, \$kv_record);
            -- $i;

            # Validate it in terms of expected fields and copy data across to
            # the correct revision fields.

            if (exists($kv_record->{add_dir}))
                push(@$list, {type => "add_dir",
                              name => $kv_record->{add_dir}});
            elsif (exists($kv_record->{add_file}))
                &$croaker("Corrupt revision, expected content field but "
                          . "did not find it")
                    unless (exists($kv_record->{content}));
                push(@$list, {type    => "add_file",
                              name    => $kv_record->{add_file},
                              file_id => $kv_record->{content}});
            elsif (exists($kv_record->{clear}))
                &$croaker("Corrupt revision, expected attr field but did not "
                          . "find it")
                    unless (exists($kv_record->{attr}));
                push(@$list, {type      => "clear",
                              name      => $kv_record->{clear},
                              attribute => $kv_record->{attr}});
            elsif (exists($kv_record->{delete}))
                push(@$list, {type => "delete",
                              name => $kv_record->{delete}});
            elsif (exists($kv_record->{new_manifest}))
                push(@$list, {type        => "new_manifest",
                              manifest_id => $kv_record->{new_manifest}});
            elsif (exists($kv_record->{old_revision}))
                push(@$list, {type        => "old_revision",
                              revision_id => $kv_record->{old_revision}});
            elsif (exists($kv_record->{patch}))
                &$croaker("Corrupt revision, expected from field but did not "
                          . "find it")
                    unless (exists($kv_record->{from}));
                &$croaker("Corrupt revision, expected to field but did not "
                          . "find it")
                    unless (exists($kv_record->{to}));
                push(@$list, {type         => "patch",
                              name         => $kv_record->{patch},
                              from_file_id => $kv_record->{from},
                              to_file_id   => $kv_record->{to}});
            elsif (exists($kv_record->{rename}))
                &$croaker("Corrupt revision, expected to field but did not "
                          . "find it")
                    unless (exists($kv_record->{to}));
                push(@$list, {type      => "rename",
                              from_name => $kv_record->{rename},
                              to_name   => $kv_record->{to}});
            elsif (exists($kv_record->{set}))
                &$croaker("Corrupt revision, expected attr field but did not "
                          . "find it")
                    unless (exists($kv_record->{attr}));
                &$croaker("Corrupt revision, expected value field but did not "
                          . "find it")
                    unless (exists($kv_record->{value}));
                push(@$list, {type      => "set",
                              name      => $kv_record->{set},
                              attribute => $kv_record->{attr},
                              value     => $kv_record->{value}});

#   Routine      - parse_kv_record
#   Description  - Parse the specified data for a key-value style record, with
#                  each record being separated by a white space line,
#                  returning the extracted record.
#   Data         - $list         : A reference to the list that contains the
#                                  data.
#                  $index        : A reference to a variable containing the
#                                  index of the first line of the record in
#                                  the array. It is updated with the index of
#                                  the first line after the record.
#                  $key_type_map : A reference to the key type map, this is a
#                                  map indexed by key name and has an
#                                  enumeration as its value that describes the
#                                  type of value that is to be read in.
#                  $record       : A reference to a variable that is to be
#                                  updated with the reference to the newly
#                                  created record.
#                  $no_errors    : True if this routine should not report
#                                  errors relating to unknown fields,
#                                  otherwise undef if these errors are to be
#                                  reported. This is optional.

sub parse_kv_record($$$$;$)

    my ($list, $index, $key_type_map, $record, $no_errors) = @_;

    my ($i,

    # Process a line at a time whilst we are looking at an IO stanza record.

    for ($i = $$index, $$record = {};
         $i < scalar(@$list) && $$list[$i] =~ m/$io_stanza_re/;
         ++ $i)

        # Look up the key with respect to its formatting.

        $key = $1;
        if (exists($$key_type_map{$key}))
            $type = $$key_type_map{$key};
            $value = undef;

            # Extract the key's value.

            if ($type & BARE_PHRASE && $$list[$i] =~ m/^ *[a-z_]+ ([a-z_]+)$/)
                $value = $1;
            elsif ($type & HEX_ID
                   && $$list[$i] =~ m/^ *[a-z_]+ \[([0-9a-f]+)\]$/)
                $value = $1;
            elsif ($type & OPTIONAL_HEX_ID
                   && $$list[$i] =~ m/^ *[a-z_]+ \[([0-9a-f]*)\]$/)
                $value = $1;
            elsif ($type & STRING && $$list[$i] =~ m/^ *[a-z_]+ \"/)
                get_quoted_value($list, \$i, 0, \$value);
                $value = unescape($value);
            elsif ($type & STRING_AND_HEX_ID
                   && $$list[$i] =~ m/^ *[a-z_]+ \"(.*)\" \[([0-9a-f]+)\]$/)
                $value = [unescape($1), $2];
            elsif ($type & STRING_ENUM
                   && $$list[$i] =~ m/^ *[a-z_]+ \"([^\"]+)\"$/)
                $value = $1;
            elsif ($type & STRING_KEY_VALUE
                   && $$list[$i] =~ m/^ *[a-z_]+ \"([^\"]+)\" (\".*)$/)
                my $string;
                $value = [$1];
                get_quoted_value($list, \$i, $-[2], \$string);
                push(@$value, unescape($string));
            elsif ($type & STRING_LIST
                   && $$list[$i] =~ m/^ *[a-z_]+ \"(.+)\"$/)
                $value = [];
                foreach my $string (split(/\" \"/, $1))
                    push(@$value, unescape($string));
            elsif ($type & NULL && $$list[$i] =~ m/^ *[a-z_]+ ?$/)
                &$croaker("Unsupported key type or corrupt field value "
                          . "detected");

            # Store the value in the record. If its non-unique then store the
            # values in a list, otherwise just store it normally.

            if ($type & NON_UNIQUE)
                if (exists($$record->{$key}))
                    push(@{$$record->{$key}}, $value);
                    $$record->{$key} = [$value];
                $$record->{$key} = $value;
            &$croaker("Unrecognised field " . $key . " found")
                unless ($no_errors);

    $$index = $i;

#   Routine      - mtn_command
#   Description  - Handle mtn commands that take no options and zero or more
#                  arguments. Depending upon what type of reference is passed,
#                  data is either returned in one large lump (scalar
#                  reference), or an array of lines (array reference).
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $cmd         : The mtn automate command that is to be run.
#                  $out_as_utf8 : True if any data output to mtn should be
#                                 converted into raw UTF-8, otherwise false if
#                                 the data should be treated as binary. If
#                                 UTF-8 conversion has been disabled by a call
#                                 to the suppress_utf8_conversion() method
#                                 then this argument is ignored.
#                  $in_as_utf8  : True if any data input from mtn should be
#                                 converted into Perl's internal UTF-8 string
#                                 format, otherwise false if the data should
#                                 be treated as binary. If UTF-8 conversion
#                                 has been disabled by a call to the
#                                 suppress_utf8_conversion() method then this
#                                 argument is ignored.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  @parameters  : A list of parameters to be applied to the
#                                 command.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub mtn_command($$$$$;@)

    my ($self, $cmd, $out_as_utf8, $in_as_utf8, $ref, @parameters) = @_;

    return $self->mtn_command_with_options($cmd,

#   Routine      - mtn_command_with_options
#   Description  - Handle mtn commands that take options and zero or more
#                  arguments. Depending upon what type of reference is passed,
#                  data is either returned in one large lump (scalar
#                  reference), or an array of lines (array reference).
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $cmd         : The mtn automate command that is to be run.
#                  $out_as_utf8 : True if any data output to mtn should be
#                                 converted into raw UTF-8, otherwise false if
#                                 the data should be treated as binary. If
#                                 UTF-8 conversion has been disabled by a call
#                                 to the suppress_utf8_conversion() method
#                                 then this argument is ignored.
#                  $in_as_utf8  : True if any data input from mtn should be
#                                 converted into Perl's internal UTF-8 string
#                                 format, otherwise false if the data should
#                                 be treated as binary. If UTF-8 conversion
#                                 has been disabled by a call to the
#                                 suppress_utf8_conversion() method then this
#                                 argument is ignored.
#                  $ref         : A reference to a buffer or an array that is
#                                 to contain the output from this command.
#                  $options     : A reference to a list containing key/value
#                                 anonymous hashes.
#                  @parameters  : A list of parameters to be applied to the
#                                 command.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub mtn_command_with_options($$$$$$;@)

    my ($self, $cmd, $out_as_utf8, $in_as_utf8, $ref, $options, @parameters)
        = @_;

    my ($buffer,
    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    # Work out whether UTF-8 conversion is to be done at all.

    $out_as_utf8 = $in_as_utf8 = undef unless ($this->{convert_to_utf8});

    # Work out what database locked handler is to be used.

    if (defined($this->{db_locked_handler}))
        $handler = $this->{db_locked_handler};
        $handler_data = $this->{db_locked_handler_data};
        $handler = $db_locked_handler;
        $handler_data = $db_locked_handler_data;

    # If the output is to be returned as an array of lines as against one lump
    # then we need to read the output into a temporary buffer before breaking
    # it up into lines.

    if (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR")
        $buffer_ref = $ref;
    elsif (ref($ref) eq "ARRAY")
        $buffer_ref = \$buffer;
        &$croaker("Expected a reference to a scalar or an array");

    # Send the command, reading its output, repeating if necessary if retries
    # should be attempted when the database is locked.


        # Startup the subordinate mtn process if it hasn't already been
        # started.

        $self->startup() if ($this->{mtn_pid} == 0);

        # Send the command.

        if (scalar(@$options) > 0)
            foreach $opt (@$options)
                my ($key,
                if ($out_as_utf8)
                    $key = encode_utf8($opt->{key});
                    $value = encode_utf8($opt->{value});
                    $key_ref = \$key;
                    $value_ref = \$value;
                    $key_ref = \$opt->{key};
                    $value_ref = \$opt->{value};
            $this->{mtn_in}->print("e ");
        $this->{mtn_in}->printf("l%d:%s", length($cmd), $cmd);
        foreach $param (@parameters)

            # Cater for passing by reference (useful when sending large lumps
            # of data as in put_file). Also defend against undef being passed
            # as the only parameter (which can happen when a mandatory argument
            # is not passed by the caller).

            if (defined $param)
                my ($data,
                if (ref($param) ne "")
                    if ($out_as_utf8)
                        $data = encode_utf8($$param);
                        $param_ref = \$data;
                        $param_ref = $param;
                    if ($out_as_utf8)
                        $data = encode_utf8($param);
                        $param_ref = \$data;
                        $param_ref = \$param;


        # Attempt to read the output of the command, rethrowing any exception
        # that does not relate to locked databases.

        $db_locked_exception = $read_ok = $retry = undef;
            $read_ok = $self->mtn_read_output($buffer_ref);
        if ($@)
            if ($@ =~ m/$database_locked_re/)

                # We need to properly closedown the mtn subprocess at this
                # point because we are quietly handling the exception that
                # caused it to exit but the calling application may reap the
                # process and compare the reaped PID with the return value from
                # the get_pid() method. At least by calling closedown() here
                # get_pid() will return 0 and the caller can then distinguish
                # between a handled exit and one that should be dealt with.

                $db_locked_exception = 1;


        # If the data was read in ok then carry out any necessary character set
        # conversions. Otherwise deal with locked database exceptions and any
        # warning messages that appeared in the output.

        if ($read_ok && $in_as_utf8)
            local $@;
                $$buffer_ref = decode_utf8($$buffer_ref, Encode::FB_CROAK);
        elsif (! $read_ok)

            # See if we are to retry on database locked conditions.

            if ($db_locked_exception
                || $this->{error_msg} =~ m/$database_locked_re/)
                $this->{db_is_locked} = 1;
                $retry = &$handler($self, $handler_data);

            # If we are to retry then close down the subordinate mtn process,
            # otherwise report the error to the caller.

            if ($retry)


    while ($retry);

    # Split the output up into lines if that is what is required.

    @$ref = split(/\n/, $$buffer_ref) if (ref($ref) eq "ARRAY");

    # Empty out any data on mtn's STDERR file descriptor. This should always be
    # empty unless it exits in error, which is picked up elsewhere. However if
    # a misbehaving mtn subprocess is outputting text on STDERR but not exiting
    # then there is a possibility that the STDERR pipe will fill up causing mtn
    # to block. Remember that anything wrong with a command that does not cause
    # mtn to exit should be reported in the error stream on STDOUT, so we can
    # just discard any STDERR data read here.

    while ($this->{poll_err}->poll(0) > 0)
        my $dummy;
        if (! $this->{mtn_err}->sysread($dummy, 1024))

    return 1;

#   Routine      - mtn_read_output_format_1
#   Description  - Reads the output from mtn as format 1, removing chunk
#                  headers.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to the buffer that is to contain
#                                 the data.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub mtn_read_output_format_1($$)

    my ($self, $buffer) = @_;

    my ($bytes_read,
    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    # Work out what I/O wait handler is to be used.

    if (defined($this->{io_wait_handler}))
        $handler = $this->{io_wait_handler};
        $handler_data = $this->{io_wait_handler_data};
        $handler_timeout = $this->{io_wait_handler_timeout};
        $handler = $io_wait_handler;
        $handler_data = $io_wait_handler_data;
        $handler_timeout = $io_wait_handler_timeout;

    # Read in the data.

    $$buffer = "";
    $chunk_start = 1;
    $last = "m";
    $offset = 0;

        # Wait here for some data, calling the I/O wait handler every second
        # whilst we wait.

        while ($this->{poll_out}->poll($handler_timeout) == 0)
            &$handler($self, $handler_data);

        # If necessary, read in and process the chunk header, then we know how
        # much to read in.

        if ($chunk_start)

            # Read header, one byte at a time until we have what we need or
            # there is an error.

            for ($header = "", $colons = $i = 0;
                 $colons < 4 && $this->{mtn_out}->sysread($header, 1, $i);
                 ++ $i)
                $char = substr($header, $i, 1);
                if ($char eq ":")
                    ++ $colons;
                elsif ($colons == 2)
                    if ($char ne "m" && $char ne "l")
                        croak("Corrupt/missing mtn chunk header, mtn gave:\n"
                              . join("", $this->{mtn_err}->getlines()));
                elsif ($char =~ m/\D$/)
                    croak("Corrupt/missing mtn chunk header, mtn gave:\n"
                          . join("", $this->{mtn_err}->getlines()));

            # Break out the header into its separate fields.

            if ($header =~ m/^(\d+):(\d+):([lm]):(\d+):$/)
                ($cmd_nr, $err_code, $last, $size) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
                if ($cmd_nr != $this->{cmd_cnt})
                    croak("Mtn command count is out of sequence");
                if ($err_code != 0)
                    $err_occurred = 1;
                croak("Corrupt/missing mtn chunk header, mtn gave:\n"
                      . join("", $this->{mtn_err}->getlines()));

            $chunk_start = undef;


        # Read in what we require.

        if ($size > 0)
            if (! defined($bytes_read = $this->{mtn_out}->sysread($$buffer,
                croak("sysread failed: " . $!);
            elsif ($bytes_read == 0)
                croak("Short data read");
            $size -= $bytes_read;
            $offset += $bytes_read;
        if ($size == 0 && $last eq "m")
            $chunk_start = 1;

    while ($size > 0 || $last eq "m");

    ++ $this->{cmd_cnt};

    # Deal with errors (message is in $$buffer).

    if ($err_occurred)
        $this->{error_msg} = $$buffer;
        $$buffer = "";

    return 1;

#   Routine      - mtn_read_output_format_2
#   Description  - Reads the output from mtn as format 2, removing chunk
#                  headers.
#   Data         - $self        : The object.
#                  $buffer      : A reference to the buffer that is to contain
#                                 the data.
#                  Return Value : True on success, otherwise false on failure.

sub mtn_read_output_format_2($$)

    my ($self, $buffer) = @_;

    my ($bytes_read,
    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};
    my %details = (e => {buffer_ref => undef,
                         offset     => 0},
                   l => {buffer_ref => undef,
                         offset     => 0},
                   m => {buffer_ref => undef,
                         offset     => 0},
                   p => {buffer_ref => undef,
                         offset     => 0,
                         handle     => $this->{p_stream_handle},
                         used       => undef},
                   t => {buffer_ref => undef,
                         offset     => 0,
                         handle     => $this->{t_stream_handle},
                         used       => undef},
                   w => {buffer_ref => undef,
                         offset     => 0});

    # Create the buffers.

    foreach my $key (CORE::keys(%details))
        if ($key eq "m")
            $details{$key}->{buffer_ref} = $buffer;
            my $ref_buf = "";
            $details{$key}->{buffer_ref} = \$ref_buf;

    # Work out what I/O wait handler is to be used.

    if (defined($this->{io_wait_handler}))
        $handler = $this->{io_wait_handler};
        $handler_data = $this->{io_wait_handler_data};
        $handler_timeout = $this->{io_wait_handler_timeout};
        $handler = $io_wait_handler;
        $handler_data = $io_wait_handler_data;
        $handler_timeout = $io_wait_handler_timeout;

    # Read in the data.

    $$buffer = "";
    $chunk_start = 1;
    $buffer_ref = $details{m}->{buffer_ref};
    $offset_ref = \$details{m}->{offset};

        # Wait here for some data, calling the I/O wait handler every second
        # whilst we wait.

        while ($this->{poll_out}->poll($handler_timeout) == 0)
            &$handler($self, $handler_data);

        # If necessary, read in and process the chunk header, then we know how
        # much to read in.

        if ($chunk_start)

            # Read header, one byte at a time until we have what we need or
            # there is an error.

            for ($header = "", $colons = $i = 0;
                 $colons < 3 && $this->{mtn_out}->sysread($header, 1, $i);
                 ++ $i)
                $char = substr($header, $i, 1);
                if ($char eq ":")
                    ++ $colons;
                elsif ($colons == 1)
                    if ($char !~ m/^[elmptw]$/)
                        croak("Corrupt/missing mtn chunk header, mtn gave:\n"
                              . join("", $this->{mtn_err}->getlines()));
                elsif ($char =~ m/\D$/)
                    croak("Corrupt/missing mtn chunk header, mtn gave:\n"
                          . join("", $this->{mtn_err}->getlines()));

            # Break out the header into its separate fields.

            if ($header =~ m/^(\d+):([elmptw]):(\d+):$/)
                ($cmd_nr, $stream, $size) = ($1, $2, $3);
                if ($cmd_nr != $this->{cmd_cnt})
                    croak("Mtn command count is out of sequence");
                croak("Corrupt/missing mtn chunk header, mtn gave:\n"
                      . join("", $this->{mtn_err}->getlines()));

            # Set up the current buffer and offset details.

            $buffer_ref = $details{$stream}->{buffer_ref};
            $offset_ref = \$details{$stream}->{offset};

            $chunk_start = undef;


        # Read in what we require.

        if ($stream ne "l")

            # Process non-last messages.

            if ($size > 0)

                # Process the current data chunk.

                if (! defined($bytes_read =
                    croak("sysread failed: " . $!);
                elsif ($bytes_read == 0)
                    croak("Short data read");
                $size -= $bytes_read;
                $$offset_ref += $bytes_read;

            if ($size <= 0)

                # We have finished processing the current data chunk so if it
                # belongs to a stream that is to be redirected to a file handle
                # then send the data down it.

                if ($stream =~ m/^[pt]$/
                    && defined($details{$stream}->{handle}))

                    # Send the headers as well so as to help the reader.

                    if (! $details{$stream}->{handle}->print($header
                                                             . $$buffer_ref))
                        croak("print failed: " . $!);
                    $details{$stream}->{used} = 1;
                    $$buffer_ref = "";
                    $$offset_ref = 0;


                $chunk_start = 1;


        elsif ($size == 1)

            my $last_msg;

            # Process the last message.

            if (! $this->{mtn_out}->sysread($err_code, 1))
                croak("sysread failed: " . $!);
            $size = 0;
            if ($err_code != 0)
                $err_occurred = 1;

            # Send the terminating last message down any stream file handle
            # that had data sent down it.

            $last_msg = $header . $err_code;
            foreach my $ostream ("p", "t")
                if ($details{$ostream}->{used})
                    if (! $details{$ostream}->{handle}->print($last_msg))
                        croak("print failed: " . $!);

            croak("Invalid message state");

    while ($size > 0 || $stream ne "l");

    ++ $this->{cmd_cnt};

    # Record any error or warning messages.

    if (${$details{e}->{buffer_ref}} ne "")
        $this->{error_msg} = ${$details{e}->{buffer_ref}};
    elsif (${$details{w}->{buffer_ref}} ne "")
        $this->{error_msg} = ${$details{w}->{buffer_ref}};

    # If something has gone wrong then deal with it.

    if ($err_occurred)
        $$buffer = "";

    return 1;

#   Routine      - startup
#   Description  - If necessary start up the mtn subprocess.
#   Data         - $self : The object.

sub startup($)

    my $self = $_[0];

    my $this = $class_records{$self->{$class_name}};

    if ($this->{mtn_pid} == 0)

        my (@args,

        # Deep recursion guard.

        $startup = $this->{startup};
        local $this->{startup};
        $this->{startup} = 1;

        # Switch to the default locale. We only want to parse the output from
        # Monotone in one language!

        local $ENV{LC_ALL} = "C";
        local $ENV{LANG} = "C";

        # Don't allow SIGPIPE signals to terminate the calling program (any
        # related errors are dealt with anyway).

        $SIG{PIPE} = "IGNORE";

        $this->{db_is_locked} = undef;
        $this->{mtn_err} = gensym();

        # If we have a disk based database name then convert it to an absolute
        # path so that any subsequent chdir(2) call does not prevent opening
        # the correct database.

        $this->{db_name} = File::Spec->rel2abs($this->{db_name})
            if (defined($this->{db_name})
                && ! defined($this->{network_service}));

        # Build up a list of command line arguments to pass to the mtn
        # subprocess.

        @args = ("mtn");
        push(@args, "--db=" . $this->{db_name}) if (defined($this->{db_name}));
        push(@args, "--quiet") if (defined($this->{network_service}));
        push(@args, "--ignore-suspend-certs")
            if (! $this->{honour_suspend_certs});
        push(@args, @{$this->{mtn_options}});
        if (defined($this->{network_service}))
            push(@args, "automate", "remote_stdio", $this->{network_service});
            push(@args, "automate", "stdio");

        # Actually start the mtn subprocess. If a database name has been
        # provided then run the mtn subprocess in the system's root directory
        # so as to avoid any database/workspace clash. Likewise if a workspace
        # has been provided then run the mtn subprocess in the base directory
        # of that workspace (although in this case the caller can override this
        # feature if it wishes to do so).

        $cwd = getcwd();
        $my_pid = $$;
            if (defined($this->{db_name}) || defined($this->{network_service}))
                die("chdir failed: " . $!)
                    unless (chdir(File::Spec->rootdir()));
            elsif ($this->{cd_to_ws_root} && defined($this->{ws_path}))
                die("chdir failed: " . $!) unless (chdir($this->{ws_path}));
            $this->{mtn_pid} = open3($this->{mtn_in},
        $exception = $@;

        # Check for errors (remember that open3() errors can happen in both the
        # parent and child processes).

        if ($exception)
            if ($$ != $my_pid)

                # In the child process so all we can do is complain and exit.

                STDERR->print("open3 failed: " . $exception . "\n");


                # In the parent process so deal with the error in the usual
                # way.



        # Ok so reset the command count and setup polling.

        $this->{cmd_cnt} = 0;
        $this->{poll_out} = IO::Poll->new();
        $this->{poll_out}->mask($this->{mtn_out}, POLLIN | POLLPRI | POLLHUP);
        $this->{poll_err} = IO::Poll->new();
        $this->{poll_err}->mask($this->{mtn_err}, POLLIN | POLLPRI | POLLHUP);

        # If necessary get the version of the actual application.

        if (! defined($mtn_version))
            &$croaker("Could not run command `mtn --version'")
                unless (defined($file = IO::File->new("mtn --version |")));
            while (defined($line = $file->getline()))
                if ($line =~ m/^monotone (\d+\.\d+)(dev)? ./)
                    $mtn_version = $1;
                elsif ($line =~ m/^monotone (\d+\.\d+)([\d.]+)(dev)? ./)
                    my ($first_part, $second_part) = ($1, $2);
                    $second_part =~ s/\.//g;
                    $mtn_version = $first_part . $second_part;
            &$croaker("Could not determine the version of Monotone being used")
                unless (defined($mtn_version));

        # If the version is higher than 0.45 then we need to skip the header
        # which is terminated by two blank lines (put any errors into
        # $header_err as we need to defer any error reporting until later).

        if ($mtn_version > 0.45)

            my ($char,

            # If we are connecting to a network service then make sure that it
            # has sent us something before doing a blocking read.

            if (defined($this->{network_service}))
                my $poll_result;
                for (my $i = 0;
                     $i < 10
                         && ($poll_result =
                             == 0;
                     ++ $i)
                    &$io_wait_handler($self, $io_wait_handler_data);
                if ($poll_result == 0)
                    &$croaker("Cannot connect to service `" .
                              $this->{network_service} . "'");

            # Skip the header.

            $char = $last_char = "";
            while ($char ne "\n" || $last_char ne "\n")
                $last_char = $char;
                if (! $this->{mtn_out}->sysread($char, 1))
                    $header_err = "Cannot get format header";


        # Set up the correct input handler depending upon the version of mtn.

        if ($mtn_version > 0.45)
            *mtn_read_output = *mtn_read_output_format_2;
            *mtn_read_output = *mtn_read_output_format_1;

        # Get the interface version (remember also that if something failed
        # above then this method will throw an exception giving the cause). If
        # the database is locked then this startup method will be called again
        # by the method call below, so use the $startup boolean to stop
        # unnecessary recursion.

        if (! $startup)
            if ($self->interface_version(\$version)
                && $version =~ m/^(\d+\.\d+)$/)
                $this->{mtn_aif_version} = $1;

                # We seem to be ok now despite any earlier failures so reset
                # $header_err.

                $header_err = undef;
                if ($this->{db_is_locked})
                    &$croaker("Database is locked and there is either no "
                              . "registered retry handler or the handler "
                              . "returned false");
                    &$croaker("Cannot get automate stdio interface version "
                              . "number");

        # This should never happen as getting the interface version would have
        # reported the real issue, but handle any header read issues just in
        # case.

        &$croaker($header_err) if (! $startup && defined($header_err));


#   Routine      - get_ws_details
#   Description  - Checks to see if the specified workspace is valid and, if
#                  it is, extracts the workspace root directory and the full
#                  path name of the associated database.
#   Data         - $ws_path : The path to the workspace or a subdirectory of
#                             it.
#                  $db_name : A reference to a buffer that is to contain the
#                             name of the database relating to the specified
#                             workspace.
#                  $ws_base : A reference to a buffer that is to contain the
#                             path of the workspace's base directory.

sub get_ws_details($$$)

    my ($ws_path, $db_name, $ws_base) = @_;

    my ($i,

    # Find the workspace's base directory.

    &$croaker("`" . $ws_path . "' is not a directory") unless (-d $ws_path);
    $path = abs_path($ws_path);
    while (! -d File::Spec->catfile($path, "_MTN"))
        &$croaker("Invalid workspace `" . $ws_path
                  . "', no _MTN directory found")
            if ($path eq File::Spec->rootdir());
        $path = dirname($path);

    # Get the name of the related database out of the _MTN/options file.

    $options_file = File::Spec->catfile($path, "_MTN", "options");
    &$croaker("Could not open `" . $options_file . "' for reading")
        unless (defined($options_fh = IO::File->new($options_file, "r")));
    @lines = $options_fh->getlines();
    $i = 0;
    parse_kv_record(\@lines, \$i, \%options_file_keys, \$record, 1);

    # Return what we have found.

    $$db_name = $record->{database};
    $$ws_base = $path;

#   Routine      - validate_database
#   Description  - Checks to see if the specified file is a Monotone SQLite
#                  database. Please note that this does not verify that the
#                  schema of the database is compatible with the version of
#                  Monotone being used.
#   Data         - $db_name : The file name of the database to check.

sub validate_database($)

    my $db_name = $_[0];

    my ($buffer,

    # Open the database.

    &$croaker("`" . $db_name . "' is not a file") unless (-f $db_name);
    &$croaker("Could not open `" . $db_name . "' for reading")
        unless (defined($db = IO::File->new($db_name, "r")));
    &$croaker("binmode failed: " . $!) unless (binmode($db));

    # Check that it is an SQLite version 3.x database.

    &$croaker("File `" . $db_name . "' is not a SQLite 3 database")
        if ($db->sysread($buffer, 15) != 15 || $buffer ne "SQLite format 3");

    # Check that it is a Monotone database.

    &$croaker("Database `" . $db_name . "' is not a monotone repository or an "
              . "older unsupported version")
        if (! $db->sysseek(60, 0)
            || $db->sysread($buffer, 4) != 4
            || $buffer ne "_MTN");


#   Routine      - validate_mtn_options
#   Description  - Checks to see if the specified list of mtn command line
#                  options are valid.
#   Data         - $options : A reference to a list containing a list of
#                             options to use on the mtn subprocess.

sub validate_mtn_options($)

    my $options = $_[0];

    # Parse the options (don't allow indiscriminate passing of command line
    # options to the subprocess!).

    for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$options); ++ $i)
        if (! exists($valid_mtn_options{$$options[$i]}))
            &$croaker("Unrecognised option `" . $$options[$i]
                      . "'passed to constructor");
            $i += $valid_mtn_options{$$options[$i]};

#   Routine      - create_object
#   Description  - Actually creates a Monotone::AutomateStdio object.
#   Data         - $class       : The name of the class that the new object
#                                 should be blessed as.
#                  Return Value : A new Monotone::AutomateStdio object.

sub create_object($)

    my $class = $_[0];

    my ($counter,

    # Create the object's data record.

    $this = {db_name                 => undef,
             ws_path                 => undef,
             network_service         => undef,
             ws_constructed          => undef,
             cd_to_ws_root           => $cd_to_ws_root,
             convert_to_utf8         => $convert_to_utf8,
             startup                 => undef,
             mtn_options             => undef,
             mtn_pid                 => 0,
             mtn_in                  => undef,
             mtn_out                 => undef,
             mtn_err                 => undef,
             poll_out                => undef,
             poll_err                => undef,
             error_msg               => "",
             honour_suspend_certs    => 1,
             mtn_aif_version         => undef,
             cmd_cnt                 => 0,
             p_stream_handle         => undef,
             t_stream_handle         => undef,
             db_is_locked            => undef,
             db_locked_handler       => undef,
             db_locked_handler_data  => undef,
             io_wait_handler         => undef,
             io_wait_handler_data    => undef,
             io_wait_handler_timeout => 1};

    # Create a unique key (using rand() and duplication detection) and the
    # actual object, then store this unique key in the object in a field named
    # after this class.

    $counter = 0;
        $id = int(rand(INT_MAX));
        &$croaker("Exhausted unique object keys")
            if ((++ $counter) == INT_MAX);
    while (exists($class_records{$id}));
    $self = bless({}, $class);
    $self->{$class_name} = $id;

    # Now file the object's record in the records store, filed under the
    # object's unique key.

    $class_records{$id} = $this;

    return $self;

#   Routine      - expand_options
#   Description  - Expands the specified list of options so that they all have
#                  values.
#   Data         - $options          : A reference to a list containing the
#                                      options to use.
#                  $expanded_options : A reference to a list that is to
#                                      contain the list of expanded options in
#                                      the form of key-value records.

sub expand_options($$)

    my ($options, $expanded_options) = @_;

    # Process any options.

    @$expanded_options = ();
    if (defined($options))
        for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$options); ++ $i)
            if (exists($non_arg_options{$$options[$i]}))
                push(@$expanded_options, {key => $$options[$i], value => ""});
                     {key => $$options[$i], value => $$options[++ $i]});

#   Routine      - get_quoted_value
#   Description  - Get the contents of a quoted value that may span several
#                  lines and contain escaped quotes.
#   Data         - $list   : A reference to the list that contains the quoted
#                            string.
#                  $index  : A reference to a variable containing the index of
#                            the line in the array containing the opening
#                            quote (assumed to be the first quote
#                            encountered). It is updated with the index of the
#                            line containing the closing quote at the end of
#                            the line.
#                  $offset : The offset within the first line, specified by
#                            $index, where this routine should start searching
#                            for the opening quote.
#                  $buffer : A reference to a buffer that is to contain the
#                            contents of the quoted string.

sub get_quoted_value($$$$)

    my ($list, $index, $offset, $buffer) = @_;

    # Deal with multiple lines.

    $$buffer =
        substr($$list[$$index], index($$list[$$index], "\"", $offset) + 1);
    if ($$buffer !~ m/$closing_quote_re/)
            $$buffer .= "\n" . $$list[++ $$index];
        while ($$list[$$index] !~ m/$closing_quote_re/);
    substr($$buffer, -1, 1, "");

#   Routine      - unescape
#   Description  - Process mtn escape characters to get back the original
#                  data.
#   Data         - $data        : The escaped data.
#                  Return Value : The unescaped data.

sub unescape($)

    my $data = $_[0];

    return undef unless (defined($data));

    $data =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
    $data =~ s/\\\"/\"/g;

    return $data;

#   Routine      - error_handler_wrapper
#   Description  - Error handler routine that wraps the user's error handler.
#                  Essentially this routine simply prepends the severity
#                  parameter and appends the client data parameter.
#   Data         - $message : The error message.

sub error_handler_wrapper($)

    my $message = $_[0];

    &$error_handler(MTN_SEVERITY_ERROR, $message, $error_handler_data);
    croak(__PACKAGE__ . ": Fatal error");

#   Routine      - warning_handler_wrapper
#   Description  - Warning handler routine that wraps the user's warning
#                  handler. Essentially this routine simply prepends the
#                  severity parameter and appends the client data parameter.
#   Data         - $message : The error message.

sub warning_handler_wrapper($)

    my $message = $_[0];

    &$warning_handler(MTN_SEVERITY_WARNING, $message, $warning_handler_data);

