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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use lib '../../lib';
use utf8;
use JSON::XS;
use YAML 'Dump';
use WWW::OpenResty::Simple;
#use Date::Manip;
use Getopt::Std;

#$JSON::Syck::ImplicitUnicode = 1;
#$YAML::Syck::ImplicitUnicode = 1;

my %opts;
getopts('u:s:p:h', \%opts);
if ($opts{h}) {
    die "Usage: $0 -u <user> -p <password> -s <openresty_server>\n";
my $user = $opts{u} or
    die "No OpenResty account name specified via option -u\n";
my $password = $opts{p} or
    die "No OpenResty account's Admin password specified via option -p\n";
my $server = $opts{s} || '';

my ($blog_name, $blog_home);
if ($user eq 'agentzh') {
    $blog_name = 'Human & Machine';
    $blog_home = '';
} elsif ($user eq 'eeee') {
    $blog_name = 'EEEE Works Blog';
    $blog_home = '';
} else {
    $blog_home = '';

my $resty = WWW::OpenResty::Simple->new( { server => $server } );
$resty->login($user, $password);

if ($resty->has_model('Post')) {

            description => "Blog post",
            columns => [
                { name => 'title', type => 'text', label => 'Post title' },
                { name => 'content', type => 'text', label => 'Post content' },
                { name => 'author', type => 'text', label => 'Post author' },
                { name => 'created', default => 'now()', type => 'timestamp(0) with time zone', label => 'Post creation time' },
                { name => 'comments', label => 'Number of comments', type => "integer", default => 0 },

if ($resty->has_model('Comment')) {

            description => "Blog comment",
            columns => [
                { name => 'sender', type => 'text', label => 'Comment sender' },
                { name => 'email', type => 'text', label => 'Sender email address' },
                { name => 'url', type => 'text', label => 'Sender homepage URL' },
                { name => 'body', type => 'text', label => 'Comment body' },
                { name => 'created', default => 'now()', type => 'timestamp(0) with time zone', label => 'Comment creation time' },
                { name => 'post', label => 'target post', type => 'integer' },

print Dump($resty->get('/=/model')), "\n";
#print Dump($resty->get('/=/model/Post')), "\n";
#print Dump($resty->get('/=/model/Comment')), "\n";
        definition => <<'_EOC_',
            select id, title, date_part('day', created) as day
            from Post
            where date_part('year', created) = $year and
                date_part('month', created) = $month
            order by created asc

        definition => <<'_EOC_',
            select as id, post, sender, title
            from Post, Comment
            where post =
            order by desc
            offset $offset | 0
            limit $limit | 10

        definition => <<'_EOC_',
            select id, title
            from Post
            order by id desc
            offset $offset | 0
            limit $limit | 10

        definition => <<'_EOC_',
            (select id, title
            from Post
            where id < $current
            order by id desc
            limit 1)
            (select id, title
            from Post
            where id > $current
            order by id asc
            limit 1)

        definition => <<'_EOC_',
            select count(*)
            from $model

        definition => <<'_EOC_',
    select to_char(created, 'YYYY-MM-01') :: date as year_month,
        sum(1) as count
    from Post
    group by year_month
    order by year_month desc
    offset $offset | 0
    limit $limit | 12

        definition => <<'_EOC_',
    select *
    from Post
    where date_part('year', created) = $year and
        date_part('month', created) = $month
    order by id desc
    limit $count | 40

        definition => <<'_EOC_',
    (select 'next' as id, date_part('month', created) as month,
        date_part('year', created) as year
     from Post
     where created > $now and (date_part('month', created) <> $month)
     order by created asc
     limit 1
    ) union
    (select 'prev' as id, date_part('month', created) as month,
        date_part('year', created) as year
     from Post
     where created < $now and (date_part('month', created) <> $month)
     order by created desc
     limit 1)

        description => 'View for post feed',
        definition => <<"_EOC_",
    select author, title, 'http://$blog_home/#post-' || id as link,
           content, created as published,
           'http://$blog_home/#post-' || id || ':comments' as comments
    from Post
    order by created desc
    limit \$count | 20

        description => 'View for comment feed',
        definition => <<"_EOC_",
    select sender as author, 'Re: ' || Post.title as title,
           'http://$blog_home/#post-' || post || ':comment-' ||
           as link,
           body as content, Comment.created as published,
           'http://$blog_home/#post-' || as comments
    from Comment, Post
    where post =
    order by Comment.created desc
    limit \$count | 20

        description => 'Post search',
        definition => <<'_EOC_',
   select id, ts_headline('chinesecfg', title, q) as title, ts_headline('chinesecfg',  regexp_replace(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(content, '</?\\w+[^>]*>|&nbsp;', '', 'g'), '&gt;', '>', 'g'), '&lt;', '<', 'g') , q, 'MinWords=50,MaxWords=300') as content, comments, author
   from (select title, content, comments, author, id, q
         from "Post", to_tsquery('chinesecfg', $query) as q
         where to_fti(title, content) @@ q order by ts_rank(to_fti(title, content), q) desc
         limit $count
         offset $offset) as foo;

        description => 'Row count for Post search',
        definition => <<'_EOC_',
select count(*)
from Post
where to_fti(title, content) @@ to_tsquery('chinesecfg', $query)

        "description" => "Feed for blog posts",
        "author" => $user,
        "copyright" => "Copyright 2008 by Yahoo! China EEEE Works",
        "language" => "zh-cn",
        "title" => "$blog_name - Posts",
        "view" => "PostFeed",
        "link" => "http://$blog_home",
        "logo" => "http://$blog_home/me.jpg",

        "description" => "Feed for blog comments",
        "copyright" => "Copyright 2008 by Yahoo! China EEEE Works",
        "language" => "zh-cn",
        "title" => "$blog_name - Comments",
        "view" => "CommentFeed",
        "link" => "http://$blog_home",
        "logo" => "http://$blog_home/me.jpg",

        description => "Get sidebar",
        parameters => [
            { name => 'year', type => 'literal' },
            { name => 'month', type => 'literal' },
        definition => q{
            GET '/=/view/PostsByMonth/~/~?' || 'year=' || $year || '&month=' || $month;
            GET '/=/view/RecentPosts/limit/6';
            GET '/=/view/RecentComments/limit/6';
            GET '/=/view/PostCountByMonths/count/12';

        description => "Get full post (with the navigator and comments",
        parameters => [
            { name => 'id', type => 'literal' },
        definition => q{
            GET '/=/model/Post/id/' || $id;
            GET '/=/view/PrevNextPost/current/' || $id;
            GET '/=/model/Comment/post/' || $id || '?_order_by=id:desc';

        description => "Get full post (with the navigator and comments",
        parameters => [
            { name => 'sender', type => 'literal' },
            { name => 'email', type => 'literal' },
            { name => 'url', type => 'literal' },
            { name => 'body', type => 'literal' },
            { name => 'post_id', type => 'literal' },
        definition => q{
            POST '/=/model/Comment/~/~'
            { sender: $sender, email: $email, url: $url, body: $body, post: $post_id };
            update Post set comments = comments + 1 where id = $post_id;

        { method => "GET", url => '/=/action/GetSidebar/~/~' },
        { method => "GET", url => '/=/action/GetFullPost/~/~' },
        { method => "POST", url => '/=/action/NewComment/~/~' },

        { method => "GET", url => '/=/model/Post/~/~' },
        { method => "GET", url => '/=/model/Comment/~/~' },

        { method => "GET", url => '/=/view/RecentComments/~/~' },
        { method => "GET", url => '/=/view/RecentPosts/~/~' },
        { method => "GET", url => '/=/view/PrevNextPost/~/~' },
        { method => "GET", url => '/=/view/PostsByMonth/~/~' },
        { method => "GET", url => '/=/view/RowCount/~/~' },
        { method => "GET", url => '/=/view/PostCountByMonths/~/~' },
        { method => "GET", url => '/=/view/FullPostsByMonth/~/~' },
        { method => "GET", url => '/=/view/PrevNextArchive/~/~' },

        { method => "GET", url => '/=/view/PostSearch/~/~' },
        { method => "GET", url => '/=/view/RowCountForSearch/~/~' },

        { method => "GET", url => '/=/feed/Post/~/~' },
        { method => "GET", url => '/=/feed/Comment/~/~' },

eval { $resty->delete("/=/role/Poster"); };
    { description => "Role for comment posters", login => 'captcha' }