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use Test::More tests => 43;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'once';

use_ok( 'Pugs::Compiler::Regex' );
use base 'Pugs::Grammar::Base';

    my $rule = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('\w');
    my $rule2 = eval $rule->perl5;
    warn $@ if $@;
    is( ref($rule2), 'Pugs::Compiler::Regex', "a Regex object");
    my $match = $rule2->match("abc");
    is( "$match",'a',"perl5 returns eval'able code");

    local *rule = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('<ws>')->code();
    #print "rule: ", Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('<ws>')->{perl5};
    my $match;

    TODO: {
    local $TODO = "weird <ws> rule matches 'null' before the text";
    $match = __PACKAGE__->rule("abc");
    #print "match: ", Dumper( $match->data );
    is( $match ? 1 : 0 , 0 ,"no ws");

    $match = __PACKAGE__->rule(" abc", { pos => 0 } );
    #print "match: ", Dumper( $match->data );
    is( $match ? 1 : 0 , 1 ,"Matched <ws> at pos=0");
    $match = __PACKAGE__->rule("ab c");
    is( $match ? 1 : 0 , 1 ,"Matched non-anchored <ws>");

    local *Test123::rule1 = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('\w')->code();
    local *Test123::rule2 = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('(<rule1>)*')->code();
    #print "rule: ", Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('(<rule1>)*')->perl;
    my $match = Test123->rule2("abc");
    #print Dumper( $$match );
    is( $match->[0][0],"a","Capture 1...");
    is( $match->[0][1],"b","Capture 2...");
    is( $match->[0][2],"c","Capture 3...");
    is( $match->[0][3],undef,"No more captures");
    is( $match->[1],undef,"No more captures");

    local *Test123::rule1 = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('\w')->code();
    local *Test123::rule2 = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('<rule1>*')->code();
    #print "rule: ", Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('<rule1>*')->perl;
    my $match = Test123->rule2("abc");
    #print "match: ", $match->perl;
    is(ref($match->{rule1}),"ARRAY",'$<rule1> is an array...');
    is( $match->{rule1}[0],"a","Capture 1...");
    is( $match->{rule1}[1],"b","Capture 2...");
    is( $match->{rule1}[2],"c","Capture 3...");
    is( $match->{rule1}[3],undef,"No more captures");

    local *Test123::rule1 = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('\w')->code();
    local *Test123::rule2 = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('<rule1><rule1>')->code();
    my $match = Test123->rule2("abc");
    is(ref($match->{rule1}),"ARRAY",'$<rule1> is an array...');
    is( $match->{rule1}[0],"a","Capture 1...");
    is( $match->{rule1}[1],"b","Capture 2...");
    is( $match->{rule1}[3],undef,"No more captures");

    #skip "infinite loop - backtracking into subrules", 5;
    # backtracking into subrules
    my $rule1 = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('(\w)+');
    my $rule2 = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('a<$rule1>z');

    #print $rule1->perl5;
    #print $rule2->perl5;

    #print Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('a<rule1>z')->perl5;
    my $match = $rule2->match("abcz");
    is( "$match",'abcz',"backtracking subrule matched");

    #print map { ref($_) ? Dumper($_->data) : Dumper($_) } @{$match->[0]};
    is( $match->[0][0],"b","Capture 1...");
    is( $match->[0][1],"c","Capture 2...");
    is( $match->{rule1}[0][3],undef,"No more captures");

    # before
    my $rule = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('(a)<before z>');
    #print $rule->perl5;
    my $match = $rule->match("az");
    is( "$match",'a',"before matched");

    no warnings qw( uninitialized );
    $match = $rule->match("a");
    #print Dumper( $match->data );
    is( "$match",'',"before didn't match");
    $match = $rule->match("ab");
    is( "$match",'',"before didn't match");

    # <$rule>
    $Test::z = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('z');
    my $rule = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('(a)<before <$Test::z>>');
    #print $rule->perl5;
    my $match = $rule->match("az");
    is( "$match",'a',"<\$var> matched");

    no warnings qw( uninitialized );
    $match = $rule->match("a");
    #print Dumper( $match->data );
    is( "$match",'',"<\$var> didn't match");
    $match = $rule->match("ab");
    is( "$match",'',"<\$var> didn't match");

    skip "named parameters don't parse correctly", 1;
    my $subrule = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile(' .* $^a{to} ');
    #print $subrule->perl5;

        package Test;
        use base 'Pugs::Grammar::Base';
        *subrule = $subrule->code;
    my $rule = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile(' \[ <Test.subrule(to=>"]")> ');
    my $match = $rule->match("[abc]");
    #print Dumper $match;
    #print $match->(), "\n";
    is( "$match",'[abc]',"subrule+param matched");

    skip "failing optional quantifier - subrule + param", 1;

    my $subrule = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile(' .*? $^a ');
    #print $subrule->perl5;

        package Test;
        use base 'Pugs::Grammar::Base';
        *subrule2 = $subrule->code;
    my $rule = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile(' \[ <Test.subrule2("]")> ');
    my $match = $rule->match("[abc]");
    #print Dumper $match;
    #print $match->(), "\n";
    is( "$match",'[abc]',"subrule+param matched");

    # from pugs capture.t
        package Test123;
        use base 'Pugs::Grammar::Base';
        *dotdot = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('(.)(.)')->code();
        *rule2  = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('(a.)<.dotdot>(..)')->code();
        # my $dbg = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('(a.)<.dotdot>(..)');
        # print $dbg->perl5;
    my $match = Test123->rule2("zzzabcdefzzz");
    #print Dumper $match;
    is( $match->[0],"ab","Capture 0...");
    is( $match->[1],"ef","Capture 1...");
    is( $match->[2],undef,"No more captures");

    # from pugs capture.t
    my $rule = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('(a)($0)');
    #print $rule->perl5;
    my $match = $rule->match("zzzaazzz");
    is( $match->[0],"a","Capture 0...");
    is( $match->[1],"a","Capture 1...");