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use t::lib::Emitter;

plan tests => 53;



=== TEST 1:
--- token: a
--- Layout
       <constant />

--- constant
       ## pos: 0 1
       ( ( substr( $s, $pos, 1 ) eq 'a' )
           ? ( $pos += 1 or 1 )
           : 0
--- global
## sigspace: 0
## ratchet: 1
do { my $rule; $rule = sub {
  my $grammar = $_[0];
  my $s = $_[1];
  $_[3] = $_[2] unless defined $_[3]; # backwards compat
  no warnings 'substr', 'uninitialized', 'syntax';
  my %pad;
  my $m;
  my $bool;
  my @pos;
  # XXX :pos(X) takes the precedence over :continue ?
  if (defined $_[3]{p}) {
    push @pos, $_[3]{p} || 0;
  } elsif ($_[3]{continue}) {
    push @pos, (pos($_[1]) || 0) .. length($s);
  } else {
    push @pos, 0..length($s);
  for my $pos ( @pos ) {
    my %index;
    my @match;
    my %named;
    $bool = 1;
    $named{KEY} = $_[3]{KEY} if exists $_[3]{KEY};
    $m = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new( {
      str => \$s, from => \(0+$pos), to => \($pos),
      bool => \$bool, match => \@match, named => \%named, capture => undef,
    } );
      my $prior = $::_V6_PRIOR_;
      local $::_V6_PRIOR_ = $prior;
      $bool = 0 unless

       ## <constant />
    if ( $bool ) {
      my $prior = $::_V6_PRIOR_;
      $::_V6_PRIOR_ = sub {
        local $main::_V6_PRIOR_ = $prior;
      #warn "pos2 = ", $pos, "\n";
      pos($_[1]) = $pos if $_[3]{continue};
  } # /for
  $::_V6_MATCH_ = $m;
  return $m;
} }

=== TEST 2:
--- token: 'a | b'
--- Layout
             <constant />
             <constant />

--- alt
       ## pos: 0 5
           ( $pad{I1170} = $pos or 1 )
           && (
           ## <group />

         || (
           ( ( $bool = 1 ) && ( $pos = $pad{I1170} ) or 1 )
           ## <group />

--- constant
             ## pos: 0 1
             ( ( substr( $s, $pos, 1 ) eq 'a' )
                 ? ( $pos += 1 or 1 )
                 : 0

=== TEST 3: concat
--- token: ab
--- Layout
         <constant />
         <constant />

--- concat
       ## pos: 0 2

         ## <constant />


         ## <constant />


=== TEST 4: metasyntax '...'
--- token: "'a'"
--- Layout
       <constant />

--- constant
       ## pos: 0 3
       ( ( substr( $s, $pos, 1 ) eq 'a' )
           ? ( $pos += 1 or 1 )
           : 0

=== TEST 5: metasyntax <$...>
--- token: ' <$a> '
--- Layout
                 <metasyntax />

--- metasyntax
                 ## pos: 1 5
                 do {
                   my $r = Pugs::Runtime::Regex::get_variable( '$a' );
                   push @match,
                     $r->match( $s, $grammar, {p => $pos}, undef );
                   $pos = $match[-1]->to;
                   !$match[-1] != 1;

=== TEST 6: metasyntax <@...>
--- token: ' <@::foo> '
--- Layout
         <metasyntax />

--- metasyntax
         ## pos: 1 9
         do {
                my $match;
                for my $subrule ( @::foo ) {
                    $match = $subrule->match( $s, $grammar, { p => ( $pos ), positionals => [ ], args => {} }, undef );
                    last if $match;
                if ( $match ) { $named{'::foo'} = $match;
                    $pos = $match->to;
                else { 0 }

=== TEST 7: metasyntax <%...>
--- token: ' <%hi> '
--- Layout
          <variable />

--- metasyntax
         ## pos: 1 6
                my $match = 
          ## <variable />
                if ( $match ) { $named{'hi'} = $match;
                    $pos = $match->to;
                else { 0 }
--- variable
          ## pos: 1 6
          do {
            our $I1176;
            our $I1176_sizes;
            unless ( $I1176 ) {
                my $hash = \%hi;
                my %sizes = map { length($_) => 1 } keys %$hash;
                $I1176_sizes = [ sort { $b <=> $a } keys %sizes ];
                $I1176 = $hash;
            my $match = 0;
            my $key;
            for ( @$I1176_sizes ) {
                $key = ( $pos <= length( $s )
                            ? substr( $s, $pos, $_ )
                            : '' );
                if ( exists $I1176->{$key} ) {
                    #$named{KEY} = $key;
                    #$::_V6_MATCH_ = $m;
                    #print "m: ", Dumper( $::_V6_MATCH_->data )
                    #    if ( $key eq 'until' );
                    $match = Pugs::Runtime::Regex::preprocess_hash( $I1176, $key )->( $s, $grammar, { p => ( $pos + $_ ), positionals => [ ], args => { KEY => $key } }, undef );
                    last if $match;
            if ( $match ) {
                $pos = $match->to;
                #print "match: $key at $pos = ", Dumper( $match->data );
                $bool = 1;
            }; # else { $bool = 0 }

=== TEST 8: metasyntax
--- token: ' <{ return $0.sqrt }> '
--- Layout
         <closure />

--- closure
         ## pos: 1 21
         do {
           local $::_V6_SUCCEED = 1;
           $::_V6_MATCH_ = $m;
           $m->data->{capture} = \( sub { return $_[0]->[0].sqrt }->( $m ) ); 
           $bool = $::_V6_SUCCEED;
           $::_V6_MATCH_ = $m if $bool; 
           return $m if $bool; 

=== TEST 9: alt
--- token: 'a|b'
--- Layout
           <constant />
           <constant />

--- alt
       ## pos: 0 3
           ( $pad{I1178} = $pos or 1 )
           && (

           ## <constant />

         || (
           ( ( $bool = 1 ) && ( $pos = $pad{I1178} ) or 1 )
           ## <constant />


=== TEST 10: special chars
--- token: "\\d \\s"
--- Layout
           <perl5 />
         <perl5 />

--- concat
       ## pos: 0 5
         ## <group />

         ## <perl5 />

--- perl5
           ( ( substr( $s, $pos ) =~ m/^(\d)/ )
               ? ( $pos += length( $1 ) or 1 )
               : 0

=== TEST 11: closures
--- token: " a { say 'hi' } "
--- Layout
           <constant />
           <closure />

--- closure
           ## pos: 3 15
           do { 
             local $::_V6_SUCCEED = 1;
             $::_V6_MATCH_ = $m;
             sub { say 'hi' }->( $m );

=== TEST 12: closure quantifier
--- token: " a**{2} "
--- Layout
           <constant />
           <constant />

--- quant
       ## pos: 0 8
        (   ( $pad{I1182} = $pos or 1 ) &&

           ## <constant />
 ||    ( ( $pos = $pad{I1182} ) && 0 ) ) &&         (   ( $pad{I1182} = $pos or 1 ) &&

           ## <constant />
 ||    ( ( $pos = $pad{I1182} ) && 0 ) )

=== TEST 13: quantifier +
--- token: " a+ "
--- Layout
           <constant />
           <constant />

--- quant
       ## pos: 0 4
        (   ( $pad{I1183} = $pos or 1 ) &&

           ## <constant />
 ||    ( ( $pos = $pad{I1183} ) && 0 ) )
       && do { while (
        (   ( $pad{I1183} = $pos or 1 ) &&

           ## <constant />
 ||    ( ( $pos = $pad{I1183} ) && 0 ) )) {}; $bool = 1 }

=== TEST 14: quantifier ?
--- token: " b? "
--- Layout
           <constant />

--- quant
       ## pos: 0 4
        (   ( $pad{I1184} = $pos or 1 ) &&

           ## <constant />
 ||    ( ( $pos = $pad{I1184} ) && 0 ) )
       || ( $bool = 1 )

=== TEST 15: subrule (<foo>)
--- token: " <foo> "
--- Layout
         <named_capture />

--- named_capture
         ## pos: 1 6
         do {
                my $prior = $::_V6_PRIOR_;
                my $match =
                     $grammar->foo( $s, { p => $pos, positionals => [  ], args => {}, }, undef );
                $::_V6_PRIOR_ = $prior;
                if ( $match ) { $named{'foo'} = $match;
                    $pos = $match->to;
                else { 0 }

=== TEST 16: subrule (<.foo>)
--- token: " <.foo> "
--- Layout
         <metasyntax />

--- metasyntax
         ## pos: 1 7
         do {
              my $prior = $::_V6_PRIOR_;
              my $match =
                     $grammar->foo( $s, { p => $pos, positionals => [  ], args => {}, }, undef );
              $::_V6_PRIOR_ = $prior;
              my $bool = (!$match != 1);
              $pos = $match->to if $bool;

=== TEST 17: subrule (quanlified)
--- token: " <> "
--- Layout
         <named_capture />

--- named_capture
         ## pos: 1 10
         do {
                my $prior = $::_V6_PRIOR_;
                my $match =
                     Bar->foo( $s, { p => $pos, positionals => [  ], args => {}, }, undef );
                $::_V6_PRIOR_ = $prior;
                if ( $match ) { $named{''} = $match;
                    $pos = $match->to;
                else { 0 }

=== TEST 18: capure (...)
--- token: " (a) "
--- Layout
                 <constant />

--- capture
             my $hash = do {
               my $bool = 1;
               my $from = $pos;
               my @match;
               my %named;
               $bool = 0 unless

                 ## <constant />
               { str => \$s, from => \$from, match => \@match, named => \%named, bool => \$bool, to => \(0+$pos), capture => undef }
             my $bool = ${$hash->{'bool'}};
             $match[ 0 ] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new( $hash );

=== TEST 19: named capure ( ... )
--- token: ' $abc := (a) '
--- Layout
                         <constant />

--- capture
                     my $hash = do {
                       my $bool = 1;
                       my $from = $pos;
                       my @match;
                       my %named;
                       $bool = 0 unless

                         ## <constant />
                       { str => \$s, from => \$from, match => \@match, named => \%named, bool => \$bool, to => \(0+$pos), capture => undef }
                     my $bool = ${$hash->{'bool'}};
                     $match[ 0 ] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new( $hash );
--- named_capture
         ## pos: 1 12
                my $match = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new( do {
                    my $bool = 1;
                    my $from = $pos;
                    my @match;
                    my %named;
                    $bool = 0 unless 
                 ## <capture />
                    { str => \$s, from => \$from, match => \@match, named => \%named, bool => \$bool, to => \(0+$pos), capture => undef }
                } );
                if ( $match ) { $named{'abc'} = $match;
                    $pos = $match->to;
                else { 0 }

=== TEST 20: non-capture groups
--- token: ' [ a ] '
--- Layout
           <constant />

--- constant
           ## pos: 3 4
           ( ( substr( $s, $pos, 1 ) eq 'a' )
               ? ( $pos += 1 or 1 )
               : 0

=== TEST 20: non-capture groups
--- token: '[ a ]'
--- Layout
         <constant />

--- constant
         ## pos: 2 3
         ( ( substr( $s, $pos, 1 ) eq 'a' )
             ? ( $pos += 1 or 1 )
             : 0

=== TEST 21: named capture + [ ... ]
--- token: ' $a := [a] '
--- Layout
                 <constant />

--- named_capture
         ## pos: 1 10
                my $from = $pos;
                my $bool = 
                 ## <constant />
                my $match = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new(
                    { str => \$s, from => \$from, match => [], named => {}, bool => \1, to => \(0+$pos), capture => undef }
                ); $named{'a'} = $match;

=== TEST 22:
--- token: ' .*? a '
--- Layout
                                       <constant />
                 <dot />
           <constant />

--- negate
               ## pos: 0 5
                   my $pos1 = $pos;
                   do {
                     my $pos = $pos1;
                     my $from = $pos;
                     my @match;
                     my %named;
                     $bool = 
                         ## <before />
 ? 0 : 1;