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#!/usr/bin/env perl

#use lib 'lib';
#use lib 'tmplib/lib';
use strict;
use warnings;

#use Smart::Comments;
#use Smart::Comments '####';
use Cwd ();
use File::Spec;
use File::Slurp;
use Text::Diff;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Find;
use XUL::App;
use XUL::App::I18N ();
use Encode qw(encode decode);
use Sys::Hostname;

my $operation = lc(shift);
if (!$operation) {
    die "No operation specified. See --help for usage.\n";
#if ($operation =~ /overlay|debug/) {
    #$XUL::App::APP_NAME .= '_debug';

my $app_name;
if ($operation =~ /^(?:-h|--help)$/) { help() }
my ($profile_dir);
my ($op_table);
my (@pofiles, @xulfiles);

    "help" => \(my $help),
    "name=s" => \(my $name),
    "profile|p=s" => \(my $profile),
    "lang|l=s" => \(my $lang),
    "type=s" => \(my $type),
    "target=s" => (\my $target),
) or help();

if ($operation eq 'app') {
    if ($name) {
        my $dir = $name;
        if (-e $dir) {
            die "Directory $dir already exists. No overriding.\n";
        print "Creating new application $name\n";
    } else {
        die "No --name option specified.\n";
} elsif ($operation eq 'view') {
    ($app_name) = glob 'lib/*/';
    if ($app_name && $app_name =~ m{lib/([^/]+)/$}) {
        $app_name = $1;

    gen_view($name, $type);

sub create_dir {
    my $dir = shift;
    print "Creating directory $dir/\n";

sub gen_app_pm {
    my $name = shift;
    my $id = lc($name);
    my $author = getlogin || '';
    my $hostname = hostname;
    my $content = <<"_EOC_";
use strict;
use warnings;

package ${name}::App;
our \$VERSION = '0.01';

use XUL::App::Schema;
use XUL::App schema {
    xpifile '$id.xpi' =>
        name is '$name',
        display_name is '$name',
        id is '$id\@$author.$hostname', # FIXME: ensure id is unique.
        version is '0.0.1',
        description is '',
        targets {
            Firefox => ['2.0' => '3.0.*'],  # FIXME
            Mozilla => ['1.5' => '1.8'],  # FIXME
        creator is 'The $name development team',
        developers are ['$author'],
        contributors are [],
        homepageURL is 'http://$id.$', # FIXME
        iconURL is '',  # like 'chrome://$id/content/logo.png'
        updateURL is '', # This should not set for AMO extensions.
        aboutURL is '';

    my $outfile = "lib/$name/";
    print "Writing file $outfile\n";
    write_file($outfile, $content);

sub gen_view {
    my ($name, $type) = @_;
    my $outdir = "lib/$app_name/View";
    create_dir($outdir) unless -d $outdir;
    my $outfile = "$outdir/$";
    if (-e $outfile) {
        die "File $outfile already exists. No overriding.\n";

    my $body = '';
    my $attrs = '';
    $type = lc($type);
    if ($type eq 'window' or $type eq 'page') {
        $attrs = <<"_EOC_";
            title => '$app_name',
            width => 800,
            height => 600,
            persist => 'sizemode screenX screenY width height',
    } elsif ($type eq 'overlay') {
        $body .= <<'_EOC_';
        # Add your elements here...
    my $id = lc("$app_name-$name");
    $attrs =~ s/\n+$//s;
    my $content = <<"_EOC_";
use strict;
use warnings;

package ${app_name}::View::$name;
use base 'XUL::App::View::Base';
use Template::Declare::Tags
    #'HTML' => { namespace => 'html' },  # HTML namespace support

template main => sub {
    show 'header';  # from XUL::App::View::Base
    $type {
        attr {
            id => "$id",
            xmlns => \$::XUL_NAME_SPACE,
            #'xmlns:html' => \$::HTML_NAME_SPACE,  # HTML namespace support

    print "Writing file $outfile\n";
    write_file($outfile, $content);

### $help
if ($help) { help() }

my ($file) = glob "lib/*/";
if (!$file) {
    die "File lib/*/ not found.\n";
eval { require $file; };
if ($@) {
    die "Can't load $file: $@";

#if ($operation =~ /overlay|debug/) {
    #$XUL::App::APP_NAME .= '_debug';

if ($operation =~ /debug|bundle|overlay/i) {
    shell("rm -rf tmp");
    die "Cannot remove tmp/" if -d 'tmp';

mkdir 'tmp';
mkdir 'tmp/content';

my $id = $XUL::App::ID;
$app_name = $XUL::App::APP_NAME;

(my $package = $file) =~ s/.*lib\/|\.pm$//g;
$package =~ s/\//::/g;
#warn $package;
#warn $XUL::App::APP_NAME;

### files: $package->FILES
my $files;

#$XUL::App::ID = $XUL::App::ID;
sub help {
    die <<'_EOC_';
    xulapp <operaton> <options>

    app             Create new application tree.
    setup           Setup the things needed for debugging and bundling.
    debug <xulfile> Launch Firefox to debug the specified .xul file.
    overlay         Launch Firefox to debug the XUL overlay.
    po <locale>     Generate/update the po/<locale>.po file.
    po              Update po/*.po files.
    bundle <dir>    Bundle the extension to <dir>/<name>.xpi
    profile         Start Firefox's profile manager.
    --help          Print this message
    --name <s>      Use <name> as the extension or view name
    --profile <s>   Use <s> as the Firefox profile
    --lang <s>      Use <s> as the locale language
                    (like en-US and zh-CN)

$op_table = {
    findprofile => sub {
        if (!$profile) {
            die "error: No profile specified.\n"
                ."  Use --profile option to specify one.\n";
        #die $profile;
        my $root = '~/.mozilla/firefox';
        ($profile_dir) = glob "$root/*.$profile";
        my $count = 0;
        while (!$profile_dir) {
            if (++$count > 3) {
                die "No $profile_dir found. Please try again";
            warn "No $profile found. Please create one.\n";
            shell("MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 firefox -CreateProfile $profile");
            ($profile_dir) = glob "$root/*.$profile";
        print "Found profile $profile_dir\n";

    overlay => sub {
        $lang =~ s/_/-/g;
        $lang =~ s/-(\w+)/'-'.uc($1)/e;
        my $cmd = '';
        if ($lang) {
            $cmd = qq{MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 LANG="$lang.UTF-8" LC_CTYPE="$lang.UTF-8"};
        shell("MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 $cmd firefox -jsconsole -P $profile");

    profile => sub {
        # XXX
        shell("MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 firefox -ProfileManager");

    register => sub {
        register_ext($profile_dir, "tmp/");
        shell("rm $profile_dir/compreg.dat $profile_dir/xpti.dat");

    unregister => sub {
        unregister_ext($profile_dir, "tmp/");

    po => sub {
        my $pofiles = $lang ? "po/$lang.po" : "po/*.po";
        @pofiles = glob $pofiles;
        #die "!!! @pofiles";
        my @files;
             wanted =>  sub { if (/(?:\.pm|\.pl)$/) { push @files, $_ }  },
             no_chdir => 1,
        if (($operation ne 'debug' && $operation ne 'overlay') || @pofiles == 1) {
            for my $pofile (@pofiles) {
                shell(" -u @files -o $pofile");
        shell("cp po/meta.po po/foo.po");
        #@pofiles = 'po/foo.po';
        $XUL::App::I18N::Lang = ['foo'];

    setup => sub {
        shell("cp -rf components tmp/");
        shell("cp js/*.js tmp/content/");
        shell("cp -r js/* tmp/content/");
        shell("cp icons/*.* tmp/content/");
        shell("cp js/*.*html tmp/content/");
        shell("cp css/*.css tmp/content/");
        shell("cp -r js/thirdparty/* tmp/content/");
        #die "@files";
        while (my ($file, $obj) = each %$files) {
            #warn "$file => $obj";
            if ($file =~ /\.xul$/) {
                push @xulfiles, $file;
        if (@pofiles) {
            for my $xulfile (@xulfiles) {

        if ($operation ne 'bundle') {

    debug => sub {
        my $file = shift;
        if (!-f "tmp/content/$file") {
            die "ERROR: Can't find $file under tmp/content/.\n";
        my $cmd = "MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 firefox -jsconsole -P $profile -chrome chrome://$app_name/content/$file";
        #warn "$cmd\n";

    bundle => sub {
        my $out_dir = shift || 'tmp';
        my $xpi_dir = 'tmp/xpi';
        my $jar_dir = 'tmp/jar';
	shell("rm tmp/*.xpi tmp/*.jar");
	shell("rm -rf $xpi_dir");
	shell("mkdir -p $xpi_dir/chrome/icons/default");
	shell("cp icons/default/* $xpi_dir/chrome/icons/default/");
	shell("mkdir -p $xpi_dir/chrome");
        shell("cp -rf tmp/components $xpi_dir/");
	shell("rm -rf $jar_dir");
	shell("mkdir -p $jar_dir/content");
	shell("mkdir -p $jar_dir/locale");
	shell("cp tmp/install.rdf $xpi_dir");
	#cp contents.rdf searchall-jar/content/searchall/
	shell("cp tmp/chrome.manifest $xpi_dir");
        shell("rm -rf tmp/content/thirdparty");
        shell("find tmp/content -name '*~' -delete");
	shell("cp -rf tmp/content/* $jar_dir/content/");
	shell("cp -rf tmp/locale/* $jar_dir/locale/");
	shell("cd $jar_dir && zip -q -r ../$app_name.jar *");
	shell("mv tmp/$app_name.jar $xpi_dir/chrome/");
	shell("cd $xpi_dir && zip -q -r ../$app_name.xpi *");
        shell("cp tmp/$app_name.xpi $out_dir");

if (my $code = $op_table->{$operation}) {

sub gen_manifest {
    my @overlay;
    $files = $package->FILES;
    while (my ($file, $obj) = each %$files) {
        #warn "$file => $obj";
        if ($obj->can('overlays') &&
                (my $target = $obj->overlays)) {
            #die $file;
            push @overlay, [$file => $target];

    warn "Write tmp/chrome.manifest\n";
    my $content_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs( 'tmp/content' );
    my $locale_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs( 'tmp/locale' );
    my $s;
    if ($operation eq 'bundle') {
        #die "HERE!";
        $s .= "content $app_name jar:chrome/$app_name.jar!/content/ xpcnativewrappers=no\n";
    } else {
        $s .= "content $app_name file://$content_dir/\n",
        $s .= "content $app_name file://$content_dir/ contentaccessible=yes\n",
    for my $item (@overlay) {
        $s .= "overlay $item->[1] chrome://$XUL::App::APP_NAME/content/$item->[0]\n";

    for my $pofile (@pofiles) {
        (my $lang = $pofile) =~ s/.*?([-\w]+)\.po$/$1/i;
        $lang =~ s/_/-/g;
        $lang =~ s/-(\w+)/'-' . uc($1)/ge;
        next if $lang eq 'meta' or $lang eq 'foo';
        warn "LANG: $lang\n";

        if ($operation eq 'bundle') {
            $s .= "locale $app_name $lang jar:chrome/$app_name.jar!/locale/$lang/\n";
        } else {
            $s .= "locale $app_name $lang file://$locale_dir/$lang/\n";
        my $dir = "tmp/locale/$lang";
        shell("mkdir -p $dir");
        gen_dtd($dir, $pofile);
        # XXX more work needed here for overlays...
        #"overlay $target_xul $my_xul\n",
        {binmode => ':raw'},

sub str2ent {
    my $s = shift;
    $s =~ s/[^A-Za-z]/'_' . ord($&) . '_'/ge;
    $s =~ s/_$//g;
    $s = "QQQ_" . $s;
    $s =~ s/__/_/g;
    return $s;

sub gen_dtd {
    my ($locale_dir, $pofile) = @_;
    my $outfile = "$locale_dir/$app_name.dtd";
    warn "Write $outfile using $pofile\n";
    open my $in, $pofile or die "Can't open $pofile for reading: $!";
    my ($entity, $old);
    my $s;
    while (<$in>) {
        $_ = decode('UTF-8', $_);
        if (/^\s*msgid "(.+)"\s*$/) {
            $old = $1;
            $entity = str2ent($old);
        } elsif (/^\s*msgstr (".*")\s*$/) {
            next if !defined $old or $old eq '';
            my $value  = $1;
            if ($value eq '""') { $value = qq{"$old"}; }
            #$value =~ s/</\&\#60;/g;
            #$value =~ s/>/\&\#62;/g;
            #$value =~ s/\&/\&#38;/g;
            $s .= "<!ENTITY $entity $value>\n";
    #die $s;
    close $in;
    #warn "Write $locale_dir/$app_name.dtd\n";
    $s = encode("UTF-8", $s);
    write_file($outfile, {binmode => ':raw'}, $s);

sub gen_meta_po {
    my $pofile = $pofiles[0];
    return unless $pofile and -f $pofile;
    open my $in, $pofile or die "Can't open $pofile for reading: $!";
    my ($s, $key, $entity);
    while (<$in>) {
        if (/^\s*msgid "(.+)"\s*$/) {
            $key = $1;
            $entity = str2ent($key);
        } elsif (/^\s*msgstr (".*")\s*$/) {
            next if !defined $key or $key eq '';
            $s .= qq{msgstr "\&$entity;"\n};
        $s .= $_;
    #die $s;
    my $outfile = 'po/meta.po';
    warn "Write $outfile\n";
    write_file($outfile, {binmode => ':raw'}, $s);

sub add_doctype {
    my $xulfile = shift;
    my $content = read_file($xulfile, binmode => ':raw');
    $content = decode("UTF-8", $content);
    my $old_content = $content;
    $content =~ s{<(window|dialog|page|overlay)}{<!DOCTYPE $1 SYSTEM "chrome://$app_name/locale/$app_name.dtd">\n\n$&};
    $content =~ s/\&#38;(QQQ_[A-Za-z0-9_]*;)/\&$1/g;
    if ($content ne $old_content) {
        warn "Write $xulfile with DOCTYPE\n";
        $content = encode("UTF-8", $content);
        write_file($xulfile, {binmode => ':raw'}, $content);

sub set_prefs {
    my $prefs = shift;
    my $old_content = read_file($prefs, binmode => ':raw');
    my $content = $old_content;
    set_pref_var(\$content, 'nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache', 'true');
    set_pref_var(\$content, 'javascript.options.showInConsole', 'true');
    set_pref_var(\$content, 'javascript.options.strict', 'true');
    set_pref_var(\$content, 'browser.dom.window.dump.enabled', 'true');
    set_pref_var(\$content, 'browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash', 'false');
    if ($content ne $old_content) {
        warn "Write $prefs\n";
        shell("cp $prefs $prefs.bak");
        write_file($prefs, {binmode => ':raw'}, $content);

sub set_pref_var {
    my ($rcontent, $var, $value) = @_;
    warn "Checking if Firefox config var $var is $value\n";
    if ($$rcontent !~ s/\buser_pref\("\Q$var\E",\s*[^)]+\);/user_pref("$var", $value);/gm) {
        $$rcontent .= qq{\nuser_pref("$var", $value);\n};

sub register_ext {
    my ($meta_dir, $chrome_dir) = @_;
    #my $meta_path = "$meta_dir/$opts->{id}";
    #warn "creating $meta_path\n";
    #mkdir $meta_path;
    my $manifest = File::Spec->rel2abs($chrome_dir);
    my $metafile = "$meta_dir/extensions.ini";
    my $count = 0;
    while (!-f $metafile) {
        if (++$count > 3) {
            die "Can't find $metafile";
        warn "$metafile not found. starting Firefox. please close it after it starts\n";
        my $close_me = File::ShareDir::module_file('XUL::App', 'html/close-me.html');
        #die $close_me;
        if (-f $close_me) {
            shell("MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 firefox -P $profile file://$close_me");
    my $prefs = "$meta_dir/prefs.js";
    $count = 0;
    while (!-f $prefs) {
        if (++$count > 3) {
            die "Can't find $prefs";
        warn "$prefs not found. starting Firefox. please close it after it starts\n";
        shell("MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1 firefox -P $profile");
    $metafile = Cwd::realpath($metafile);
    open my $in, $metafile or
        die "Can't open $metafile for reading: $!";
    my $state = 'init';
    my ($buf, $c);
    $c = -1;
    my $write_back = 1;
    while (<$in>) {
        if ($state eq 'init' and /^\s*\[ExtensionDirs\]\s*$/i) {
            $state = 'begin';
        } elsif ($state eq 'begin') {
            if (/^\s*\[\w+\]\s*$/) {
                $buf .= "Extension$c="
                    . $manifest
                    . "\r\n";
                $state = 'end';
            } elsif (/^\s*Extension(\d+)\s*=\s*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/i) {
                if ($2 eq $manifest) {
                    warn "Great! $manifest already registered.\n";
                    $write_back = 0;
                } else {
                    ### $2
                    ### $manifest
                $c = $1;
    } continue {
        $buf .= $_;
    #print $buf;
    #$buf .= "AAA\n";
    close $in;
    if ($write_back) {
        shell("cp $metafile $metafile.bak");
        warn "Write $metafile\n";
        #my $orig = read_file($metafile);
        #warn "Diff: ", diff \$orig, \$buf;
        write_file($metafile, {binmode => ':raw'}, $buf);

# XXX untested...
sub unregister_ext {
    my ($meta_dir, $chrome_dir) = @_;
    #my $meta_path = "$meta_dir/$opts->{id}";
    #warn "creating $meta_path\n";
    #mkdir $meta_path;
    my $manifest = File::Spec->rel2abs($chrome_dir);
    my $metafile = File::Spec->canonpath("$meta_dir/extensions.ini");
    open my $in, $metafile or
        die "Can't open $metafile for reading: $!";
    my $state = 'init';
    my ($buf, $c);
    $c = 0;
    my $found = 0;
    while (<$in>) {
        #warn "$state : *$found* | *$_* | *$manifest*\n";
        if ($state eq 'init' and /^\s*\[ExtensionDirs\]\s*$/i) {
            $state = 'begin';
        } elsif ($state eq 'begin') {
            if (!$found and /^\s*Extension(\d+)\s*=\s*\Q$manifest\E\n/) {
                warn "Removing entry pointed to $manifest\n";
                $c = $1;
                $found = 1;
            } else {
                #warn "Loss!\n";
            if (/^\s*\[\w+\]\s*$/) {
                $state = 'end';
            } elsif ($found) {
                if (s/^(\s*Extension)(\d+)(\s*=)/$1$c$3/) {
        $buf .= $_;
    close $in;
    if ($found) {
        warn "Write $metafile.bak\n";
        shell("cp $metafile $metafile.bak");

        #my $orig = read_file($metafile);
        #warn "Diff: ", diff \$orig, \$buf;
        warn "Write $metafile\n";
        write_file($metafile, {binmode => ':raw'}, $buf);
    } else {
        warn "No registration found.\n";

sub shell {
    print join(" ", @_), "\n";
    system @_;


=head1 NAME

xulapp - frontend script for XUL::App


    # setup the components
    xulapp setup --profile dev

    # register the (debugging) chrome to ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/extensions.ini
    xulapp register --profile dev

    # unregister the (debugging) chrome from ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/extensions.ini
    xulapp unregister  --profile dev

    # launch a ff window loading searchall.xul :
    xulapp debug searchall.xul --profile dev

    # launch a ff window loading searchall-debug.xul :
    xulapp debug searchall-debug.xul --profile dev

    # launch a ff window loading searchall-debug.xul but using the zh-tw locale:
    xulapp debug searchall-debug.xul --profile dev --lang zh-tw

    # lauch a ff window to test the overlay:
    xulapp overlay --profile dev

    # lanch an FF window to test the overlay using the zh-cn locale:
    xulapp overlay -l zh-cn -p dev

    # create a new the po/fr.po file (or update if it's already there):
    xulapp po --lang fr

    # update all the po/*.po files:
    xulapp po

    # generate tmp/searchall.xpi :
    xulapp bundle

    # generate ./searchall.xpi :
    xulapp bundle .

    # The --profile option used above can be abbriviated as -p
    # The --lang option can be abbriviated as -l as well.
    # Note that xulapp uses the info in lib/*/
    # (i.e. lib/SearchAll/ in the SearchAll project repos)


More information about its usage can be found in my XUL::App talk's slides:


Yes, I really need to put more documentation here :P I'm working on it :)

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Agent Zhang C<< <> >>


Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 by Agent Zhang.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as perl itself, either Artistic and GPL.