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#ABSTRACT: Type constraints used by WWW::Sitemap::XML and WWW::Sitemap::XML::URL
use strict;
use warnings;
package WWW::Sitemap::XML::Types;
  $WWW::Sitemap::XML::Types::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:AJGB';
$WWW::Sitemap::XML::Types::VERSION = '2.02';
use MooseX::Types -declare => [qw(



use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw( Object Str Num Bool ArrayRef HashRef );
use MooseX::Types::URI qw( Uri );
use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );

role_type SitemapURL, { role => 'WWW::Sitemap::XML::URL::Interface' };

role_type SitemapIndexSitemap, { role => 'WWW::SitemapIndex::XML::Sitemap::Interface' };

# <loc>
subtype Location,
    as Str,
    where {
        my $url = to_Uri($_);
        $url->scheme && $url->authority
    message { "$_ is not a valid URL" };

coerce Location,
    from Uri,
    via { $_->as_string };

subtype LowercaseStr,
    as Str,
    where {
        $_ eq lc($_)
    message { "$_ contains uppercase characters" };

coerce LowercaseStr,
    from Str,
    via { lc($_) };

subtype Max100CharsStr,
    as Str,
    where {
        length($_) <= 100
    message { "Maximum of 100 characters allowed" };

subtype Max2048CharsStr,
    as Str,
    where {
        length($_) <= 2048
    message { "Maximum of 2048 characters allowed" };

# <changefreq>
my %valid_changefreqs = map { $_ => 1 } qw( always hourly daily weekly monthly yearly never );
subtype ChangeFreq,
    as LowercaseStr,
    where {
        exists $valid_changefreqs{$_}

coerce ChangeFreq,
    from Str,
    via { lc($_) };

# <priority>
subtype Priority,
    as Num,
    where {
        $_ >= 0 && $_ <= 1
    message { 'Valid priority ranges from 0.0 to 1.0'};

# allow_embed
my %valid_str_bool = ( yes => 1, no => 1 );
subtype StrBool,
    as LowercaseStr,
    where {
        exists $valid_str_bool{ lc($_) }

coerce StrBool,
    from Bool,
    via { $_ ? 'yes' : 'no' };

role_type VideoObject, { role => 'WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video::Interface' };

coerce VideoObject,
    from HashRef,
    via {
        return WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video->new( %{ $_ || {} } )

subtype ArrayRefOfVideoObjects,
    as ArrayRef[VideoObject];

coerce ArrayRefOfVideoObjects,
    from ArrayRef[HashRef|Object],
    via {
            map { blessed($_) ? $_ : WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video->new( %{ $_ || {} } ) } @$_

role_type ImageObject, { role => 'WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Image::Interface' };

coerce ImageObject,
    from HashRef,
    via {
        return WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Image->new( %{ $_ || {} } )

subtype ArrayRefOfImageObjects,
    as ArrayRef[ImageObject],
    where {
        scalar(@$_) <= 1000

coerce ArrayRefOfImageObjects,
    from ArrayRef[HashRef|Object],
    via {
            map { blessed($_) ? $_ : WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Image->new( %{ $_ || {} } ) } @$_

role_type VideoPlayer, { role => 'WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video::Player::Interface' };

coerce VideoPlayer,
    from HashRef,
    via {
        WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video::Player->new( %{ $_ || {} } )

coerce VideoPlayer,
    from Str,
    via {
        WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video::Player->new( loc => $_ )

# runtime to avoid circular references
require WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Image;
require WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video;
require WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video::Player;

no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

WWW::Sitemap::XML::Types - Type constraints used by WWW::Sitemap::XML and WWW::Sitemap::XML::URL

=head1 VERSION

version 2.02


Type constraints used by L<WWW::Sitemap::XML> and L<WWW::Sitemap::XML::URL>.

=head1 TYPES

=head2 Location

    has 'loc' => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => Location,

URL location, coerced from L<Uri|MooseX::Types::URI> via C<{ $_-E<gt>as_string }>.

=head2 ChangeFreq

    has 'changefreq' => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => ChangeFreq,

Valid values are:


=item * always

=item * hourly

=item * daily

=item * weekly

=item * monthly

=item * yearly

=item * never


=head2 Priority

    has 'priority' => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => Priority,

Subtype of C<Num> with values in range from C<0.0> to C<1.0>.

=head2 SitemapURL

    has 'url' => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => SitemapURL,

Role type, argument needs to implement L<WWW::Sitemap::XML::URL::Interface>.

=head2 SitemapIndexSitemap

    has 'sitemap' => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => SitemapIndexSitemap,

Role type, argument needs to implement L<WWW::SitemapIndex::XML::Sitemap::Interface>.

=head2 LowercaseStr

    has 'lowercase' => (
        is => 'rw',
        coerce => 1,
        isa => LowercaseStr,

Subtype of C<Str>, with only lowercase characters.

Coerces from C<Str> using C<lc>.

=head2 Max100CharsStr

    has 'short_str' => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => Max100CharsStr,

Subtype of C<Str>, up to 100 characters.

=head2 Max2048CharsStr

    has 'longer_str' => (
        is => 'rw',
        isa => Max2048CharsStr,

Subtype of C<Str>, up to 2048 characters.

=head2 StrBool

    has 'yes_no' => (
        is => 'rw',
        coerce => 1,
        isa => StrBool,

Subtype of C<LowercaseStr>, with valid values I<yes> and I<no>.

Coerces from C<Bool>.

=head2 ImageObject

    has 'image' => (
        is => 'rw',
        coerce => 1,
        isa => ImageObject,

Role type, argument needs to implement L<WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Image::Interface>.

Coerces from C<HashRef> by creating L<WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Image> object.

=head2 ArrayRefOfImageObjects

    has 'images' => (
        is => 'rw',
        coerce => 1,
        isa => ArrayRefOfImageObjects,

Subtype of C<ArrayRef>, were values are L<"ImageObject"> elements.

Coerces from C<ArrayRef[HashRef]> by creating an array of L<WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Image> objects.

=head2 VideoObject

    has 'video' => (
        is => 'rw',
        coerce => 1,
        isa => VideoObject,

Role type, argument needs to implement L<WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video::Interface>.

Coerces from C<HashRef> by creating L<WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video> object.

=head2 ArrayRefOfVideoObjects

    has 'videos' => (
        is => 'rw',
        coerce => 1,
        isa => ArrayRefOfVideoObjects,

Subtype of C<ArrayRef>, were values are L<"VideoObject"> elements.

Coerces from C<ArrayRef[HashRef]> by creating an array of L<WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video> objects.

=head2 VideoPlayer

    has 'video_player' => (
        is => 'rw',
        coerce => 1,
        isa => VideoPlayer,

Role type, argument needs to implement L<WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video::Player::Interface>.

Coerces from C<HashRef> by creating L<WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video::Player> object.

Coerces from C<Str> by creating L<WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video::Player>
object, where the string is used as L<WWW::Sitemap::XML::Google::Video::Player/"loc">.

=head1 AUTHOR

Alex J. G. Burzyński <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Alex J. G. Burzyński <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
