The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
#   PerlORM - Object relational mapper (ORM) for Perl. PerlORM is Perl
#   library that implements object-relational mapping. Its features are
#   much similar to those of Java's Hibernate library, but interface is
#   much different and easier to use.
#   Alexey V. Akimov <>
#   Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Alexey V. Akimov
#   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
#   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

package ORM;

use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use base 'Class::Data::Inheritable';

use ORM::Error;
use ORM::Cache;
use ORM::Broken;
use ORM::Date;
use ORM::Datetime;
use ORM::Ta;
use ORM::Const;
use ORM::Ident;
use ORM::Expr;
use ORM::Order;
use ORM::Metaprop;
use ORM::MetapropBuilder;
use ORM::ResultSet;
use ORM::StatResultSet;

our $VERSION = 0.83;

ORM->mk_classdata( '_class_hier' );
ORM->mk_classdata( '_db' );
ORM->mk_classdata( '_history_class' );
ORM->mk_classdata( '_default_prefer_lazy_load' );
ORM->mk_classdata( '_emulate_foreign_keys' );
ORM->mk_classdata( '_default_cache_size' );
ORM->mk_classdata( '_current_transaction' );


## use: $obj = $class->new
## (
##     prop      => { prop => [string|OBJECT] ... },
##     error     => ORM::Error,
##     temporary => boolean,
##     suspended => boolean,
##     history   => boolean,
## )
## 'temporary' - if set to true, then created object will
##     not be stored in database.
##     You can store that kind of objects later using method
##     $object->make_permanent.
## 'suspended' - if set to true, then constructor's behavior
##     is similar to those with 'temporary'=1 but after creation
##     object appended to the internal list of suspended objects.
##     Later you can flush all suspended objects into database
##     at one time by calling $class->flush_suspended. This allows to
##     optimize write of objects into database by means of database
##     server, e.g. ORM::Db::DBI::MySQL storage engine will use
##     multiple-rows form of INSERT statement:
##     INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,1,1),(2,2,2),(3,3,3)...
sub new
    my $class   = shift;
    my %arg     = @_;
    my $error   = ORM::Error->new;
    my $ta      = $class->new_transaction( error=>$error );
    my $self    = {};
    my $history = defined $arg{history} ? $arg{history} : $class->history_is_enabled;

    if( $class->_is_intermediate )
        $error->add_fatal( "Can't create instance of intermediate class" );

    unless( $error->fatal )
        my $prop;

        bless $self, $class;

        $self->{_ORM_tpm} = 1 if( $arg{temporary} );

        # Extract required DB properties from %arg
        for $prop ( $class->_not_mandatory_props )
            $self->{_ORM_data}{$prop} = $self->_normalize_prop_to_db_value
                name  => $prop,
                error => $error,
                value =>
                    exists $arg{prop}{$prop}
                        ? $arg{prop}{$prop}
                        : $class->_prop_default_value( $prop )

    unless( $error->fatal )
        # Check validity of object data
        $self->_validate_prop( prop=>$self->{_ORM_data}, method=>'new', error=>$error );

    if( ! $arg{temporary} && ! $error->fatal )
        $self->{_ORM_data}{id} = $class->_db->insert_object
            id     => $arg{repair_id},
            object => $self,
            error  => $error,
        if( ! $error->fatal && ! $self->{_ORM_data}{id} )
            $error->add_fatal( "Failed to detect id of newly created object of class '$class'" );

        # Make record in history
        if( !$error->fatal && $history )
            $class->_history_class->new( obj=>$self, created=>1, error=>$error );

        # Cache object
        $self->_cache->add( $self ) unless( $error->fatal );

    $error->upto( $arg{error} );
    return $error->fatal ? undef : $self;

## use: $count = $class->count
## (
##     filter   => ORM::Filter,
##     error    => ORM::Error,
## )
sub count
    my $class = shift;
    $class->_db->count( class=>$class, @_ );

sub exists
    my $class = shift;
    my %arg  = @_;

    return $class->count
        filter => ( $class->M->id == $arg{id} ),
        error  => $arg{error},

## use: @obj = $class->find
## (
##     filter     => ORM::Filter,
##     order      => ORM::Order,
##     lazy_load  => boolean,
##     page       => integer,
##     pagesize   => integer,
##     error      => ORM::Error,
##     return_ref => boolean,
##     return_res => boolean,
## )
## If called in scalar context returns first object from result set.
## If called in array context returns array of found objects.
## If 'return_ref' is true then return value is reference to the array
## of found objects with no respect to context.
## If 'return_res' is true then return value is object of class ORM::ResultSet,
## found objects can be accesed one by one via $result->next. It is useful to
## retrieve large amount of objects. Pays no respect to context and 'return_ref'.
## If 'pagesize' and 'page' is specified then result set is divided to pages
## with 'pagesize' object per page and only page numbered 'page' will be returned.
## First page number is 1.
## If 'lazy_load' specified then only data from tables corresponding to base class
## $class will be loaded initially.
sub find
    my $class     = shift;
    my %arg       = @_;
    my $error     = ORM::Error->new;
    my $page      = defined $arg{page} && int( $arg{page} );
    my $pagesize  = defined $arg{pagesize} && int( $arg{pagesize} );
    my $lazy_load = defined $arg{lazy_load} ? $arg{lazy_load} : $class->prefer_lazy_load;
    my $order     = ( ref $arg{order} eq 'ARRAY' ) ? ORM::Order->new( @{$arg{order}} ) : $arg{order};
    my @obj;
    my $res;

    if( !wantarray && !$arg{return_ref} && !$arg{return_res} )
        $page     = ($page-1)*$pagesize+1;
        $pagesize = 1;

    if( $class->_is_sealed || $lazy_load || $arg{return_res} )
        $res = ORM::ResultSet->new
            class  => $class,
            result => $class->_db->select_base
                class    => $class,
                filter   => $arg{filter},
                order    => $order,
                page     => $page,
                pagesize => $pagesize,
                error    => $error,
        unless( $arg{return_res} || $error->fatal )
            my $obj;
            while( $obj = $res->next ) { push @obj, $obj; }
        $res = $class->_db->select_full
            class    => $class,
            filter   => $arg{filter},
            order    => $order,
            page     => $page,
            pagesize => $pagesize,
            error    => $error,
        unless( $error->fatal )
            my $data;
            my $obj;
            while( $data = $res->next_row )
                if( ref $data eq 'HASH' )
                    $obj = bless { _ORM_data=>$data }, $data->{class};
                    delete $obj->{_ORM_data}{class};
                    $class->_cache->add( $obj );
                    $obj = $data;
                push @obj, $obj;

    $error->upto( $arg{error} );
            ? $res
            : ( $arg{return_ref} ? \@obj : ( wantarray ? ( @obj ) : $obj[0] ) );

## use: $obj = $class->find_id
## (
##     id        => integer,
##     lazy_load => boolean,
##     error     => ORM::Error,
## );
sub find_id
    my $class = shift;
    my %arg   = @_;
    my $self;

    $self = $class->_cache->get( $arg{id} );

    unless( $self )
        $self = { _ORM_data=>{ id=>$arg{id} } };
        for my $table ( $class->_db_tables )
            if( scalar $class->_db_table_fields( $table ) )
                $self->{_ORM_missing_tables}{$table} = 1;
        bless $self, $class;

        unless( $arg{lazy_load} )
            my $error = ORM::Error->new;
            $self->finish_loading( error=>$error );
            $self = undef if( ref $self eq 'ORM::Broken' || $error->fatal );
            $error->upto( $arg{error} );

        $self && $class->_cache->add( $self );

    return $self;

## use: $obj = $class->find_or_new
## (
##     prop      => { prop_name => [string|OBJECT] ... },
##     lazy_load => boolean,
##     history   => boolean,
##     error     => ORM::Error,
## )
sub find_or_new
    my $class     = shift;
    my %arg       = @_;
    my $error     = ORM::Error->new;
    my $filter    = ORM::Expr->_and;
    my @obj;

    for my $prop ( keys %{$arg{prop}} )
        if( $class->_has_prop( $prop ) )
            $filter->add_expr( $class->M->_prop( $prop ) == $arg{prop}{$prop} );
            $error->add_fatal( "Non-existing prop '$prop' specified" );

    unless( $error->fatal )
        @obj = $class->find
            filter    => $filter,
            error     => $error,
            pagesize  => 2,
            lazy_load => $arg{lazy_load},
    unless( $error->fatal )
        if( @obj > 1 )
            $error->add_fatal( "More than 1 object were found" );
    unless( $error->fatal )
        if( ! @obj )
            $obj[0] = $class->new( prop=>$arg{prop}, history=>$arg{history}, error=>$error );

    $error->upto( $arg{error} );
    return $error->fatal ? undef : $obj[0];


## use: $ta = $class->new_transaction( error=>ORM::Error );
## Begins transaction.
## Transaction commits when object $ta is destroyed.
sub new_transaction
    my $class  = shift;
    my $iclass = $class->initial_class;
    my %arg    = @_;

    ORM::Ta->new( class=>$iclass, error=>$arg{error} );

## use: $self->update
## (
##     prop     => HASH,
##     old_prop => HASH,
##     history  => boolean,
##     error    => ORM::Error,
## )
sub update
    my $self     = shift;
    my $class    = ref $self;
    my %arg      = @_;
    my $error    = ORM::Error->new;
    my $ta       = $class->new_transaction( error=>$error );
    my $history  = defined $arg{history} ? $arg{history} : $class->history_is_enabled;
    my %changed_prop;
    my %expr_prop;
    my %old_prop;

    $self->finish_loading( error=>$error );

    # Check if current properties match to those in 'old_prop' argument
    unless( $error->fatal )
        %old_prop = %{$self->{_ORM_data}};
        if( $arg{old_prop} )
            for my $prop ( keys %{$arg{old_prop}} )
                my $old_normalized = $self->_normalize_prop_to_db_value
                    name  => $prop,
                    value => $arg{old_prop}{$prop},
                    error => $error,
                last if( $error->fatal );
                if( $self->_values_are_not_equal( $self->{_ORM_data}{$prop}, $old_normalized ) )
                        'Current properties of object #'.$self->id
                        . ' of class "'.$class.'" do not match '
                        . 'properties assumed by user',

    # Detect data changes
    unless( $error->fatal )
        for my $prop ( $class->_not_mandatory_props )
            if( exists $arg{prop}{$prop} )
                if( UNIVERSAL::isa( $arg{prop}{$prop}, 'ORM::Expr' ) )
                    $expr_prop{$prop} = $arg{prop}{$prop};
                    my $new_normalized = $self->_normalize_prop_to_db_value
                        name  => $prop,
                        value => $arg{prop}{$prop},
                        error => $error,
                    last if( $error->fatal );
                    if( $self->_values_are_not_equal( $self->{_ORM_data}{$prop}, $new_normalized ) )
                        $changed_prop{$prop} = 1;
                        $self->{_ORM_data}{$prop} = $new_normalized;
                        delete $self->{_ORM_cache}{$prop};
    # User validations
    if( %changed_prop && !$error->fatal )
        $self->_validate_prop( prop=>\%changed_prop, old=>\%old_prop, method=>'update', error=>$error );
    # Detect data changes again to consider changes in _validate_prop
    unless( $error->fatal )
        %changed_prop = ();
        for my $prop ( $class->_not_mandatory_props )
            if( $self->_values_are_not_equal( $old_prop{$prop}, $self->{_ORM_data}{$prop} ) )
                $changed_prop{$prop} = $self->{_ORM_data}{$prop};
                delete $expr_prop{$prop} if( exists $expr_prop{$prop} );
            elsif( exists $expr_prop{$prop} )
                $changed_prop{$prop} = $expr_prop{$prop};

    if( !$self->is_temporary && !$error->fatal && scalar( %changed_prop ) )
        for my $prop ( keys %expr_prop )
            $self->{_ORM_missing_tables}{ $class->_prop2table($prop) }{$prop} = 1;

        # Update object
        unless( $error->fatal )
                object     => $self,
                values     => \%changed_prop,
                old_values => \%old_prop,
                error      => $error,

        # Save changes to history
        if( $history && !$error->fatal )
            $self->finish_loading( error=>$error );
        if( $history && !$error->fatal )
            my %history;
            for my $prop_name ( keys %changed_prop )
                $history{$prop_name} =
                error   => $error,
                obj     => $self,
                changed => \%history,

    if( $error->fatal )
        # Roll back update action if error occured
        $self->{_ORM_data} = \%old_prop;

    $error->upto( $arg{error} );
    return undef;

## use: $self->delete( error=>ORM::Error, history=>boolean )
sub delete
    my $self    = shift;
    my $class   = ref $self;
    my %arg     = @_;
    my $error   = ORM::Error->new;
    my $ta      = $class->new_transaction( error=>$error );
    my $history = defined $arg{history} ? $arg{history} : $class->history_is_enabled;

    unless( $self->is_temporary )
        unless( $error->fatal )
            # Make record in history
            if( $history )
                $class->_history_class->new( obj=>$self, deleted=>1, error=>$error );
        unless( $error->fatal )
                object => $self,
                error  => $error,
                emulate_foreign_keys => $class->_emulate_foreign_keys,
        unless( $error->fatal )
            $self->_rebless_to_broken( deleted=>1 );

    $error->upto( $arg{error} );
    return undef;

## use: $object->refresh( error=>ORM::Error );
sub refresh
    my $self  = shift;
    my $class = ref $self;
    my %arg   = @_;

    $self->{_ORM_data} = { id=>$self->id };
    delete $self->{_ORM_cache};
    for my $table ( $class->_db_tables )
        if( scalar $class->_db_table_fields( $table ) )
            $self->{_ORM_missing_tables}{$table} = 1;

    $self->finish_loading( error=>$arg{error} );

## use: $object->finish_loading
## or
## use: $object->finish_loading( error=>ORM::Error );
## First form will rebless object to 'ORM::Broken' in case of error.
sub finish_loading
    my $self       = shift;
    my $class      = ref $self;
    my %arg        = @_;
    my $new_class;
    my $prop       = $arg{prop};
    my $prop_table = $prop && $class->_prop2table( $prop );

        exists $self->{_ORM_missing_tables}
            ! defined $prop
                defined $prop_table
                && $self->{_ORM_missing_tables}{$prop_table}
                    !( ref $self->{_ORM_missing_tables}{$prop_table} eq 'HASH' )
                    || $self->{_ORM_missing_tables}{$prop_table}{$prop}
        my $error = ORM::Error->new;
        my $data  = $class->_db->select_tables
            id     => $self->qc( $self->id ),
            tables => $self->{_ORM_missing_tables},
            error  => $error,

        $data = $data && $data->next_row;

        if( $error->fatal )
            if( $arg{error} )
                $arg{error}->add( error=>$error );
                $self->_rebless_to_broken( error=>$error );
        elsif( !$data )
            $self->_rebless_to_broken( deleted=>1 );
            delete $self->{_ORM_missing_tables};

            # Fetch loaded properties
            if( exists $data->{class} )
                $new_class = $data->{class};
                delete $data->{class};
            for my $prop ( keys %$data )
                $self->{_ORM_data}{$prop} = $data->{$prop};

    # If actual class of object is different than blessed class,
    # then rebless object and upload residual tables if needed
    if( $new_class && $new_class ne $class )
        $class->_load_ORM_class( $new_class );

        if( UNIVERSAL::isa( $new_class, $class ) )
            bless $self, $new_class;

            my $base_class_tables = $class->_db_tables_count;
            my $class_tables      = $new_class->_db_tables_count;

            for( my $i=$base_class_tables; $i<$class_tables; $i++ )
                $self->{_ORM_missing_tables}{$new_class->_db_table($i)} = 1;

            $self->finish_loading( error=>$arg{error} ) unless( defined $prop );
            $self->_rebless_to_broken( deleted=>1 );


sub id           { $_[0]->{_ORM_data}{id}; }
sub class        { ref $_[0] || $_[0]; }
sub is_temporary { $_[0]->{_ORM_tpm}; }

sub __ORM_db_value { $_[0]->{_ORM_data}{id}; }
sub __ORM_new_db_value
    my $class = shift;
    my %arg   = @_;
    my $self;

    if( defined $arg{value} )
        $self = $class->find_id( id=>$arg{value}, error=>$arg{error}, lazy_load=>$arg{lazy_load} );

    return $self;

sub _class_info
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];

sub base_class    { $_[0]->_class_info->{BASE_CLASS}; }
sub primary_class { $_[0]->_class_info->{PRIMARY_CLASS}; }
sub initial_class { $_[0]->_is_initial ? $_[0] : $_[0]->_class_info->{INITIAL_CLASS}; }

sub M
    my $self  = shift;
    my $class = ref $self || $self;
    my $prop  = shift;

    if( $prop )
        ORM::Metaprop->_new( prop_class=>$class, prop=>$prop );
        ORM::Metaprop->_new_flat( class=>$class );

## use: $value = -$object->P( error=>$error )->prop1->prop2->prop3;
sub P
    my $self  = shift;
    my %arg   = @_;

        prop_class => (ref $self),
        need_value => $self,
        error      => $arg{error},

sub metaprop_class { $_[0]->_class_info->{METAPROP_CLASS}; }

sub ql { $_[0]->_db->ql( $_[1] ); }
sub qc { $_[0]->_db->qc( $_[1] ); }
sub qi { $_[0]->_db->qi( $_[1] ); }
sub qt { $_[0]->_db->qt( $_[1] ); }
sub qf { $_[0]->_db->qf( $_[1] ); }

## use: $state = $class->history_is_enabled;
## use: $state = $class->history_is_enabled( $new_state );
## If $new_state is specified then value of flag
## 'history_is_enabled' will be replaced to $new_state.
## $new_state can be undef, in that case global default value
## will be used instead.
sub history_is_enabled
    my $class = shift;

    if( @_ )
        if( defined $_[0] )
            if( $class->_class_info )
                $class->_class_info->{HISTORY_IS_ENABLED} = $_[0];
                croak "Can't change global history settings";
            delete $class->_class_info->{HISTORY_IS_ENABLED} if( $class->_class_info );

    exists $class->_class_info->{HISTORY_IS_ENABLED}
        ? $class->_class_info->{HISTORY_IS_ENABLED}
        : $class->_history_class;

## use: $state = $class->prefer_lazy_load;
## use: $state = $class->prefer_lazy_load( $new_state );
## If $new_state is specified then value of flag
## 'prefer_lazy_load' will be replaced to $new_state.
## $new_state can be undef, in that case global default value
## will be used instead.
sub prefer_lazy_load
    my $class = shift;

    if( @_ )
        if( defined $_[0] )
            $class->_class_info->{PREFER_LAZY_LOAD} = $_[0];
            delete $class->_class_info->{PREFER_LAZY_LOAD};

    exists $class->_class_info->{PREFER_LAZY_LOAD}
        ? $class->_class_info->{PREFER_LAZY_LOAD}
        : $class->_default_prefer_lazy_load;

sub _plain_prop
    my $class = shift;
    my $prop  = shift;

    exists( $class->_class_info->{PROP}{$prop} )
        && ( ! $class->_class_info->{PROP}{$prop} );
sub _prop_is_ref
    my $class  = shift;
    my $prop   = shift;
    my $pclass = $class->_prop_class( $prop );

    $pclass && $class->_class_hier->{$pclass} && $pclass;

sub _is_sealed                { $_[0]->_class_info->{SEALED}; }
sub _prop_class               { $_[0]->_class_info->{PROP}{$_[1]}; }
sub _prop_default_value       { $_[0]->_class_info->{PROP_DEFAULT_VALUE}{$_[1]}; }
sub _has_prop                 { exists $_[0]->_class_info->{PROP}{$_[1]}; }
sub _prop2table               { $_[0]->_class_info->{PROP2TABLE_MAP}{$_[1]}; }
sub _prop2field               { $_[0]->_class_info->{PROP2FIELD_MAP}{$_[1]}; }
sub _is_intermediate          { $_[0]->_class_info->{INTERMEDIATE}; }
sub _is_initial               { !$_[0]->_class_info; }
sub _db_table                 { $_[0]->_class_info->{TABLE}[$_[1]]; }
sub _db_tables_str            { $_[0]->_class_info->{TABLES_STR}; }
sub _db_tables_count          { scalar( @{$_[0]->_class_info->{TABLE}} ); }
sub _db_tables                { @{$_[0]->_class_info->{TABLE}}; }
sub _db_tables_ref            { $_[0]->_class_info->{TABLE}; }
sub _db_table_fields          { keys %{$_[0]->_class_info->{TABLE_STRUCT}{$_[1]}}; }
sub _db_tables_inner_join     { $_[0]->_class_info->{TABLES_INNER_JOIN}; }
sub _not_mandatory_props      { keys %{$_[0]->_class_info->{PROP2FIELD_MAP}}; }
sub _all_props                { ( 'id', 'class', keys %{$_[0]->_class_info->{PROP2FIELD_MAP}} ); }
sub _cache                    { $_[0]->primary_class->_class_info->{CACHE}; }

sub _rev_refs
    my $class = shift;
    my @refs  = values %{$class->_class_info->{REV_REFS}};

    if( $class->_class_info->{BASE_CLASS} )
        push @refs, $class->_class_info->{BASE_CLASS}->_rev_refs;

    return @refs;

sub _has_rev_ref
    my $class     = shift;
    my $rev_class = shift;
    my $rev_prop  = shift;

    $class->_class_info->{REV_REFS}{ $rev_class.' '.$rev_prop }
    || (
        && $class->_has_rev_ref( $rev_class->base_class, $rev_prop )
    || (
        && $class->base_class->_has_rev_ref( $rev_class, $rev_prop )

## use: $class->stat
## (
##     data        => { alias=>ORM::Expr, ... },
##     preload     => { alias=>boolean, ... },
##     filter      => ORM::Expr,
##     group_by    => [ ORM::Ident|ORM::Metaprop, ... ],
##     post_filter => ORM::Expr,
##     order       => ORM::Order,
##     lazy_load   => boolean,
##     page        => integer,
##     pagesize    => integer,
##     count       => boolean,
##     error       => ORM::Error,
##     return_res  => boolean,
## )
sub stat
    my $class    = shift;
    my %arg      = @_;
    my $error    = ORM::Error->new;
    my $page     = defined $arg{page}     && int( $arg{page} );
    my $pagesize = defined $arg{pagesize} && int( $arg{pagesize} );
    my $order    = ( ref $arg{order} eq 'ARRAY' ) ? ORM::Order->new( @{$arg{order}} ) : $arg{order};
    my %preload  = $arg{preload} ? %{$arg{preload}} : ();
    my %data;
    my %conv;
    my $res;

    if( ! %{$arg{data}} )
        $error->add_fatal( "'data' argument is missing" );

    unless( $error->fatal )
        # Prepare type converstions
        if( $arg{count} )
            %data = %{$arg{data}};
        elsif( %preload )
            for my $name ( keys %{$arg{data}} )
                if( ! UNIVERSAL::isa( $arg{data}{$name}, 'ORM::Metaprop' ) )
                    $conv{$name} = undef;
                    $data{$name} = $arg{data}{$name};
                    delete $preload{$name};
                elsif( $arg{data}{$name}->_prop_ref_class && $preload{$name} )
                    $conv{$name} = $arg{data}{$name}->_prop_class;
                    for my $prop ( $arg{data}{$name}->_prop_ref_class->_all_props )
                        if( $prop eq 'id' )
                            $data{$name} = $arg{data}{$name}->_prop( $prop );
                            $data{"_${name} ${prop}"} = $arg{data}{$name}->_prop( $prop );
                    $conv{$name} = $arg{data}{$name}->_prop_class;
                    $data{$name} = $arg{data}{$name};
                    delete $preload{$name};
            %data = %{$arg{data}};
            for my $name ( keys %data )
                    UNIVERSAL::isa( $data{$name}, 'ORM::Metaprop' )
                    && $data{$name}->_prop_class
                    $conv{$name} = $data{$name}->_prop_class;
                    $conv{$name} = undef;

        # Fetch result set
        $res = $class->_db->select_stat
            class       => $class,
            data        => \%data,
            filter      => $arg{filter},
            post_filter => $arg{post_filter},
            group_by    => $arg{group_by},
            order       => $order,
            page        => $page,
            pagesize    => $pagesize,
            error       => $error,

    # Final step, prepare resulting data
    if( $res && !$error->fatal )
        if( $arg{count} )
            $res = $res->rows;
            $res = ORM::StatResultSet->new
                class     => $class,
                result    => $res,
                preload   => \%preload,
                conv      => \%conv,
                lazy_load => $arg{lazy_load},
            if( !$arg{return_res} )
                my @stat;
                my $stat;

                while( $stat = $res->next( error=>$error ) )
                    if( $error->fatal )
                        @stat = ();
                    push @stat, $stat;

                $res = \@stat;

    $error->upto( $arg{error} );
    return $res;

## use: $prop = $obj->_property
## (
##     name      => string,
##     error     => ORM::Error,
## );
## 'name'   - is name of the property corresponding to field name in DB table
## $prop    - is either plain property,
##            either object referenced by id in DB,
##            or object referenced by value in DB
sub _prop { shift->_property( @_ ); }
sub _property
    my $self   = shift;
    my %arg    = ( @_ == 1 ) ? () : @_;
    my $prop   = ( @_ == 1 ) ? $_[0] : $arg{name};
    my $class  = ref $self;
    my $error  = ORM::Error->new;
    my $res;
    my $pclass;

    if( exists $arg{new_value} )
        $self->update( prop=>{ $prop=>$arg{new_value} }, error=>$error );
        if( exists $self->{_ORM_missing_tables} )
            $self->finish_loading( prop=>$prop, error=>$error );

        unless( $error->fatal )
            if( $prop eq 'class' && $class->_is_sealed )
                $res = $class;
            elsif( $class->_plain_prop( $prop ) )
                $res = $self->{_ORM_data}{$prop};
            elsif( $pclass = $class->_prop_class( $prop ) )
                if( defined $self->{_ORM_data}{$prop} )
                    unless( exists $self->{_ORM_cache}{$prop} )
                         $self->{_ORM_cache}{$prop} = $pclass->__ORM_new_db_value
                            value => $self->{_ORM_data}{$prop},
                            error => $error,
                    $res = $self->{_ORM_cache}{$prop};

    $error->upto( $arg{error} );
    return $res;

## use: $prop = $obj->_property_id
## (
##     name     => string,
##     error    => ORM::Error,
## );
## 'name'   - is name of the property corresponding to field name in DB table
## $prop    - is either plain property,
##            either object referenced by id in DB,
##            or object referenced by value in DB
sub _prop_id { shift->_property_id( @_ ); }
sub _property_id
    my $self   = shift;
    my %arg;
    my $prop;
    my $value;

    if( @_ == 1 )
        $prop = $_[0];
        %arg = @_;
        $prop = $arg{name};

    if( $prop eq 'class' )
        $value = $self->class;
        if( exists $self->{_ORM_missing_tables} )
            $self->finish_loading( prop=>$prop, error=>$arg{error} );
        $value = $self->{_ORM_data}{$prop};

    return $value;

sub _rev { shift->_rev_prop( @_ ); }
sub _rev_prop
    my $self      = shift;
    my $rev_class = shift;
    my $rev_prop  = shift;
    my %arg       = @_;

    if( (ref $self)->_has_rev_ref( $rev_class, $rev_prop ) )
        $arg{filter} = $arg{filter} & ( $rev_class->M->_prop( $rev_prop ) == $self );
        $rev_class->find( %arg );

sub _rev_count { shift->_rev_prop_count( @_ ); }
sub _rev_prop_count
    my $self      = shift;
    my $rev_class = shift;
    my $rev_prop  = shift;
    my %arg       = @_;

    if( (ref $self)->_has_rev_ref( $rev_class, $rev_prop ) )
        $arg{filter} = $arg{filter} & ( $rev_class->M->_prop( $rev_prop ) == $self );
        $rev_class->count( %arg );

## use: $prop = $obj->prop( error=>ORM::Error, new_value=>SCALAR );
## 'prop' - is name of the property corresponding to field name in DB table
## If 'new_value' is specified, then $obj will be updated with this value
## and new value will be returned.
    if( $ORM::AUTOLOAD =~ /^(.+)::(.+)$/ )
        my $prop = $2;
        my $self = shift;
        my %arg  = @_;

        croak "Called undefined static method '$ORM::AUTOLOAD' of class '$self'" unless( ref $self );

        $self->_property( name=>$prop, %arg );


sub optimize_storage
    my $class = shift;
    $class->_db->optimize_tables( class=>$class );


sub _find_constructor
    my $class = shift;
    my $prop  = shift;
    my $result_tables = shift;
    my $self;

    if( $prop->{id} )
        if( $prop->{class} )
            $class->_load_ORM_class( $prop->{class} );
            $self = bless { _ORM_data => $prop }, $prop->{class};

            if( $result_tables )
                my $class_tables_count  = $prop->{class}->_db_tables_count;
                my $loaded_tables_count = scalar( @$result_tables );
                for( my $i=$loaded_tables_count; $i<$class_tables_count; $i++ )
                    $self->{_ORM_missing_tables}{$prop->{class}->_db_table($i)} = 1;

            delete $self->{_ORM_data}{class};
            $self = bless { _ORM_data => $prop }, $class;

    return $self;

sub _rebless_to_broken
    my $self = shift;
    my %arg  = @_;
    $self->_cache->delete( $self );

    $self->{class}   = ref $self;
    $self->{id}      = $self->id;

    if( $arg{deleted} )
        $self->{deleted} = 1;
    elsif( $arg{error} && $arg{error}->fatal )
        $self->{error} = $arg{error};

    delete $self->{_ORM_tmp};
    delete $self->{_ORM_data};
    delete $self->{_ORM_cache};
    delete $self->{_ORM_missing_tables};

    bless $self, 'ORM::Broken';

## use: $self->_normalize_prop_to_db_value( name=>STRING, value=>SCALAR, error=>ORM::Error )
## Normalize specified value to be able to store it in database table.
## All arguments are necessary.
sub _normalize_prop_to_db_value
    my $self       = shift;
    my $class      = ref $self;
    my %arg        = @_;
    my $error      = ORM::Error->new;
    my $prop_name  = $arg{name};
    my $prop_value = $arg{value};
    my $prop_ref   = ref $prop_value;

    if( ! $class->_has_prop( $prop_name ) )
        $error->add_fatal( "Superfluous property '$prop_name'" );
    elsif( $class->_plain_prop( $prop_name ) )
        if( $prop_ref )
                "Property '$prop_name' should be scalar, not reference"
    elsif( $class->_prop_is_ref( $prop_name ) )
        if( ! defined $prop_value )
            # leave NULL value
        elsif( ! $prop_ref )
            my $obj = $class->_prop_class( $prop_name )->exists
                id     => $prop_value,
                error  => $error,
            unless( $obj )
                    "Property '$prop_name' of type '"
                    . $class->_prop_class( $prop_name )
                    . "' with id='$prop_value' was not found"
        elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa( $prop_ref, $class->_prop_class( $prop_name ) ) )
            $prop_value = $prop_value->id;
                "Property '$prop_name' should be of type "
                . "'" . $class->_prop_class( $prop_name ) . "' not '"
                . (ref $prop_value) . "'"
    else # if( $class->_prop_class( $prop_name ) && ! $class->_prop_is_ref( $prop_name ) )
        if( ! defined $prop_value )
            # leave undef value
        elsif( ! $prop_ref )
            my $obj = $class->_prop_class( $prop_name )->__ORM_new_db_value
                value => $prop_value,
                error => $error,
            $prop_value = defined $obj ? $obj->__ORM_db_value : undef;
        elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa( $prop_ref, $class->_prop_class( $prop_name ) ) )
            $prop_value = $prop_value->__ORM_db_value;
                "Property '$prop_name' should be of type "
                . "'" . $class->_prop_class( $prop_name ) . "' not '"
                . (ref $prop_value) . "'"

    $arg{error}->add( error=>$error );
    return $arg{error}->fatal ? undef : $prop_value;

## use: $self->_validate_prop( prop=>HASH, method=>string, error=>ORM::Error )
sub _validate_prop {}

## use: $self->_fix_prop( prop=>HASH, error=>ORM::Error )
## May be called from _validate_prop to change values of
## properties before commiting them to database.
sub _fix_prop
    my $self  = shift;
    my %arg   = @_;
    my $error = ORM::Error->new;

    for my $prop ( keys %{$arg{prop}} )
        if( (ref $self)->_has_prop( $prop ) )
            delete $self->{_ORM_cache}{$prop};
            $self->{_ORM_data}{$prop} = $self->_normalize_prop_to_db_value
                name  => $prop,
                value => $arg{prop}{$prop},
                error => $error,

    $error->upto( $arg{error} );
    return undef;

## use: ORM->_init
## (
##     db                   => ORM::Db,
##     history_class        => string||undef,
##     prefer_lazy_load     => boolean,
##     emulate_foreign_keys => boolean,
##     default_cache_size   => integer,
## )
sub _init
    my $class = shift;
    my %arg   = @_;

    die "'db' argument not specified"                   unless( exists $arg{db} );
    die "'db' argument is specified but undefined"      unless( $arg{db} );
    die "'db' argument specified is not descendant of 'ORM::Db'" unless( UNIVERSAL::isa( $arg{db}, 'ORM::Db' ) );
    die "'prefer_lazy_load' argument not specified"     unless( exists $arg{prefer_lazy_load} );
    die "'emulate_foreign_keys' argument not specified" unless( exists $arg{emulate_foreign_keys} );
    die "'default_cache_size' argument not specified"   unless( exists $arg{default_cache_size} );

    $class->_class_hier( {} );
    $class->_db( $arg{db} );
    $class->_history_class( $arg{history_class} );
    $class->_default_prefer_lazy_load( $arg{prefer_lazy_load} );
    $class->_emulate_foreign_keys( $arg{emulate_foreign_keys} );
    $class->_default_cache_size( $arg{default_cache_size} );
    $class->_current_transaction( undef );

## use: $base_class->_derive
## (
##     derived_class      => string,
##     intermediate       => boolean,
##     table              => string,
##     history_is_enabled => boolean,
##     prefer_lazy_load   => boolean,
## )
sub _derive
    my $class   = shift;
    my %arg     = @_;
    my $error   = ORM::Error->new;
    my $base    = $class->_class_info;
    my $derived;
    my $struct;
    my $defaults;
    my $table;

    $derived = {};
    $class->_class_hier->{$arg{derived_class}} = $derived;

    # Copy SQL configuration from base class
    if( $base )
        if( $class->_is_sealed )
                "You cannot create class derived from '$class'"
                . " because '$class' is sealed. If you want to derive"
                . " from '$class' you should add column 'class' to"
                . " table '".$class->_db_table(0)."' and fill it with"
                . " '$class' values."
            $derived->{BASE_CLASS}            = $class;
            $derived->{INITIAL_CLASS}         = $base->{INITIAL_CLASS};
            $derived->{PRIMARY_CLASS}         = $base->{PRIMARY_CLASS};
            $derived->{TABLES_STR}            = $base->{TABLES_STR};
            $derived->{TABLES_INNER_JOIN}     = $base->{TABLES_INNER_JOIN};
            %{$derived->{PROP2FIELD_MAP}}     = %{$base->{PROP2FIELD_MAP}};
            %{$derived->{PROP2TABLE_MAP}}     = %{$base->{PROP2TABLE_MAP}};
            %{$derived->{TABLE_STRUCT}}       = %{$base->{TABLE_STRUCT}};
            %{$derived->{PROP}}               = %{$base->{PROP}};
            %{$derived->{PROP_DEFAULT_VALUE}} = %{$base->{PROP_DEFAULT_VALUE}};
            @{$derived->{TABLE}}              = @{$base->{TABLE}};
        $derived->{INITIAL_CLASS} = $class;
        $derived->{PRIMARY_CLASS} = $arg{derived_class};
        $derived->{CACHE}         = ORM::Cache->new( size=>($arg{cache_size}||$class->_default_cache_size) );

    unless( $error->fatal )
        $derived->{REV_REFS}     = {};
        $derived->{INTERMEDIATE} = $arg{intermediate};

        # History configuration
        if( exists $arg{history_is_enabled} )
            $derived->{HISTORY_IS_ENABLED} = $arg{history_is_enabled};
        elsif( exists $base->{HISTORY_IS_ENABLED} )
            $derived->{HISTORY_IS_ENABLED} = $base->{HISTORY_IS_ENABLED};

        # Lazy load configuration
        if( exists $arg{prefer_lazy_load} )
            $derived->{PREFER_LAZY_LOAD} = $arg{prefer_lazy_load};

        # Detect db table name
        $table = $arg{table} || $class->_guess_table_name( $arg{derived_class} );

    if( $table )
        ( $struct, $defaults ) = $class->_db->table_struct
            class => $arg{derived_class},
            table => $table,
            error => $error,
        if( $class->_history_class && $arg{derived_class} eq $class->_history_class )
            $struct->{slaved_by} = $class->_history_class;
        # Check whether table exists
        if( ! scalar( %$struct ) )
                "Table '$table' for class '$arg{derived_class}' not found."
            $table = undef;
    if( $table )
        # Check whether table format is correct
        unless( $error->fatal )
            if( ! exists $struct->{id} )
                $error->add_fatal( "Table '$table' should contain 'id' column" );
        unless( $error->fatal )
                $class->_class_is_primary( $arg{derived_class} )
                && ! exists $struct->{class}
                $derived->{SEALED} = 1;
        # Initialize $derived->{TABLES_INNER_JOIN}
        unless( $error->fatal )
            if( !$class->_class_is_primary( $arg{derived_class} ) )
                $derived->{TABLES_INNER_JOIN} .= ' AND ' if( $derived->{TABLES_INNER_JOIN} );
                $derived->{TABLES_INNER_JOIN} .=
                    $class->_db->qt( $table ).'.id = '.$class->_db->qt( $derived->{TABLE}[0] ).'.id';
        # Initialize
        #   $derived->{PROP},
        #   $derived->{PROP_DEFAULT_VALUE},
        #   $derived->{PROP2FIELD_MAP},
        #   $derived->{PROP2TABLE_MAP}
        unless( $error->fatal )
            my $prop;
            for $prop ( keys %$struct )
                $derived->{PROP}{$prop}               = $struct->{$prop};
                $derived->{PROP_DEFAULT_VALUE}{$prop} = $defaults->{$prop};

            $derived->{PROP2TABLE_MAP}{id} = $table unless( $derived->{PROP2TABLE_MAP}{id} );
            delete $struct->{id};

            for my $field ( keys %$struct )
                unless( $derived->{PROP2FIELD_MAP}{$field} )
                    $derived->{PROP2TABLE_MAP}{$field} = $table;
                    if( $field ne 'class' )
                        $derived->{PROP2FIELD_MAP}{$field} =
                            $class->_db->qt( $table ) . '.' . $class->_db->qf( $field );
                        "Duplicate columns "
                        . "'$derived->{PROP2FIELD_MAP}{$field}',"
                        . " '".$class->_db->qt($table).'.'.$class->_db->qf($field)."'"
        # Initialize
        #   $derived->{TABLE},
        #   $derived->{TABLE_STR},
        #   $derived->{TABLE_STRUCT},
        delete $struct->{class};
        unless( $error->fatal )
            if( !$class->_class_is_primary( $arg{derived_class} ) )
                $derived->{TABLES_STR} .= ',';
            $derived->{TABLES_STR} .= $class->_db->qt( $table );
            $derived->{TABLE_STRUCT}{$table} = $struct;
            push @{$derived->{TABLE}}, $table;

    unless( $error->fatal )
        # Load self metaprop class
        $derived->{METAPROP_CLASS} = "ORM::Meta::$arg{derived_class}";
        if( ! eval "require $derived->{METAPROP_CLASS}" )
            if( $derived->{BASE_CLASS} )
                $derived->{METAPROP_CLASS} = $base->{METAPROP_CLASS};
                $derived->{METAPROP_CLASS} = 'ORM::Metaprop';

    my %require;

    unless( $error->fatal )
        # Load referenced and referencing classes
        # and initialize reverse props
        for my $prop ( keys %{$derived->{TABLE_STRUCT}{$table}} )
            my $pclass = $derived->{PROP}{$prop};
            if( $pclass && !$class->_class_hier->{$pclass} )
                $require{$pclass} = 1;
        for my $pclass ( $class->_db->referencing_classes( class=>$arg{derived_class}, error=>$error ) )
            $require{$pclass->{class}} = 1 unless( $class->_class_hier->{$pclass->{class}} );
            $derived->{REV_REFS}{ $pclass->{class}.' '.$pclass->{prop} }
                = [ $pclass->{class}, $pclass->{prop} ];
        ## Following pease of code make sence only in mod_perl environment,
        ## it is necessary to avoid the following problem:
        ## If you have created and loaded new ORM-class My::Class2 that contain
        ## referencing property to class My::Class1, then My::Class1 does not
        ## know about new referer and therefore My::Class1->_rev_refs returns
        ## outdated data.
        for my $prop ( keys %{$derived->{TABLE_STRUCT}{$table}} )
            my $pclass = $derived->{PROP}{$prop};
            my $key    = "$arg{derived_class} $prop";
            if( $pclass && $class->_class_hier->{$pclass} && !$pclass->_class_info->{REV_REFS}{$key} )
                $pclass->_class_info->{REV_REFS}{$key} = [ $arg{derived_class}, $prop ];

        # Load metaclasses of not ORM classes
        for my $prop ( keys %{$derived->{TABLE_STRUCT}{$table}} )
            my $pclass = $derived->{PROP}{$prop};
            if( $pclass && !$class->_class_hier->{$pclass} )
                ORM::Metaprop->_class2metaclass( $pclass );

    # Print error message and exit if necessary
    die $error->text if( $error->any );

    return keys %require;


sub _values_are_not_equal
    my $self = shift;
    my $val1 = shift;
    my $val2 = shift;

    ( ( defined $val1 ) xor ( defined $val2 ) )
    || ( defined $val1 && defined $val2 && ( $val1 ne $val2 ) );

## ( ORM->_derive )

sub _class_is_primary         { ! exists $_[1]->_class_info->{TABLE}; }

## use: $table_name = $class->_guess_table_name( $obj_class );
sub _guess_table_name
    my $class = shift;
    my $table = shift;

    $table =~ s/::/_/g;

    return $table;

## use: $prop_class = $class->_db_type_to_class( $db_field_name, $db_type_name );
sub _db_type_to_class
    my $class = shift;
    my $field = shift;
    my $type  = shift;
    my $prop_class;

    ## These classes will be used by default for columns
    ## of type 'date' and 'datetime' in database.
    ## '__ORM_new_db_value' method of classes should
    ## be able to return object constructed by value
    ## of 'time' function.
    ## This means:
    ## $class->__ORM_new_db_value( value=>1125850389 )->__ORM_db_value
    ## should return '2005-09-04 22:13:09'
    if( ( lc $type ) eq 'date' )
        $prop_class = 'ORM::Date';
    elsif( ( lc $type ) eq 'datetime' )
        $prop_class = 'ORM::Datetime';
    elsif( ( lc $type ) eq 'timestamp' )
        $prop_class = 'ORM::Datetime';

    return $prop_class;

## use: $class->_load_ORM_class( $class );
sub _load_ORM_class
    my $class      = shift;
    my $load_class = shift;

    unless( $class->_class_hier->{$load_class} )
        $load_class .= '.pm';
        $load_class  =~ s(::)(/)g;
        require $load_class;

    exists $_[0]->_class_hier->{PRIMARY_CLASS} && $_[0]->_cache && $_[0]->_cache->delete( $_[0] );
