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package Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp 'carp';
use Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key qw/b64url_encode b64url_decode/;
use Mojo::DOM;
use Mojo::JSON;
use Mojo::Util qw/trim/;

use v5.10.1;

our $VERSION = '0.06';

our @CARP_NOT;

# MagicEnvelope namespace
our $ME_NS = '';

sub _trim_all;

# Constructor
sub new {
  my $class = shift;

  my $self;

  # Bless object with parameters
  if (@_ > 1 && !(@_ % 2)) {

    my %self = @_;

    # Given algorithm is wrong
    if ($self{alg} &&
	  uc $self{alg} ne 'RSA-SHA256') {
      carp 'Algorithm is not supported' and return;

    # Given encoding is wrong
    if ($self{encoding} &&
	  lc $self{encoding} ne 'base64url') {
      carp 'Encoding is not supported' and return;

    # No payload is given
    unless (defined $self{data}) {
      carp 'No data payload defined' and return;

    # Create object
    $self = bless {}, $class;

    # Set data
    $self->data( delete $self{data} );

    # Set data type if defined
    $self->data_type( delete $self{data_type} )
      if $self{data_type};

    # Append all defined signatures
    foreach ( @{$self{sigs}} ) {

      # No value is given
      next unless $_->{value};

      # Create new array reference if not already existing
      $self->{sigs} //= [];

      # Start new signature value
      my %sig = ( value => $_->{value} );
      $sig{key_id} = $_->{key_id} if exists $_->{key_id};

      # Add signature to signature array
      push(@{$self->{sigs}}, \%sig);

  # Envelope is defined as a string
  else {
    my $string = trim shift;

    # Construct object
    $self = bless { sigs => [] }, $class;

    # Message is me-xml
    if (index($string, '<') == 0) {

      # Parse xml string
      my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new(xml => 1)->parse($string);

      # Extract envelope from env or provenance
      my $env = $dom->at('env');
      $env = $dom->at('provenance') unless $env;

      # Envelope doesn't exist or is in wrong namespace
      return if !$env || $env->namespace ne $ME_NS;

      # Retrieve and edit data
      my $data = $env->at('data');

      # The envelope is empty
      return unless $data;

      my $temp;

      # Add data type if given
      $self->data_type( $temp ) if $temp = $data->attr->{type};

      # Add decoded data
      $self->data( b64url_decode( $data->text ) );

      # Envelope is empty
      return unless $self->data;

      # Check algorithm
      if (($temp = $env->at('alg')) &&
	    (uc $temp->text ne 'RSA-SHA256')) {
	carp 'Algorithm is not supported' and return;

      # Check encoding
      if (($temp = $env->at('encoding')) &&
	    (lc $temp->text ne 'base64url')) {
	carp 'Encoding is not supported' and return;

      # Find signatures
	sub {
	  my $sig_text = $_->text or return;

	  my %sig = ( value => _trim_all $sig_text );

	  if ($temp = $_->attr->{key_id}) {
	    $sig{key_id} = $temp;

	  # Add sig to array
	  push( @{ $self->{sigs} }, \%sig );

    # Message is me-json
    elsif (index($string, '{') == 0) {
      my $env;

      # Parse json object
      my $json = Mojo::JSON->new;
      $env = $json->decode($string);

      unless (defined $env) {
	carp $json->error and return;

      # Clone datastructure
      foreach (qw/data data_type encoding alg sigs/) {
	$self->{$_} = delete $env->{$_} if exists $env->{$_};

      $self->data( b64url_decode( $self->data ));

      # Envelope is empty
      return unless $self->data;

      # Unknown parameters
      carp 'Unknown parameters: ' . join(',', %$env)
	if keys %$env;

    # Message is me as a compact string
    elsif (index((my $me_c = _trim_all $string), '.YmFzZTY0dXJs.') > 0) {

      # Parse me compact string
      my $value = [];
      foreach (@$value = split(/\./, $me_c) ) {
	$_ = b64url_decode( $_ ) if $_;

      # Given encoding is wrong
      unless (lc $value->[4] eq 'base64url') {
	carp 'Encoding is not supported' and return;

      # Given algorithm is wrong
      unless (uc $value->[5] eq 'RSA-SHA256') {
	carp 'Algorithm is not supported' and return;

      # Store sig to data structure
      for ($self->{sigs}->[0]) {
	next unless $value->[1];
	$_->{key_id} = $value->[0] if defined $value->[0];
	$_->{value}  = $value->[1];

      # ME is empty
      return unless $value->[2];
      $self->data( $value->[2] );
      $self->data_type( $value->[3] ) if $value->[3];

  # The envelope is signed
  $self->{signed} = 1 if $self->{sigs}->[0];

  return $self;

# Signature algorithm
sub alg { 'RSA-SHA256' };

# Encoding of the MagicEnvelope
sub encoding { 'base64url' };

# Data of the MagicEnvelope
sub data {

  # Return data
  return shift->{data} // '' unless defined $_[1];

  my $self = shift;

  # Delete calculated signature base string
  delete $self->{sig_base};

  # Delete DOM tree
  delete $self->{dom};

  return ($self->{data} = join ' ', map { $_ } @_);

# Datatype of the MagicEnvelope's content
sub data_type {

  # Return data type
  return shift->{data_type} // 'text/plain' unless defined $_[1];

  my $self = shift;

  # Delete calculated signature base string
  delete $self->{sig_base};

  # Delete DOM tree
  delete $self->{dom};

  return ($self->{data_type} = shift);

# Sign MagicEnvelope instance following the spec
sub sign {
  my $self = shift;

  return unless @_;

  # Get key and signature information
  my ($key_id, $mkey, $flag) = _key_array(@_);

  # Choose data to sign
  my $data = $flag eq '-data' ?
    b64url_encode($self->data) :

  # Regarding key id:
  # "If the signer does not maintain individual key_ids,
  #  it SHOULD output the base64url encoded representation
  #  of the SHA-256 hash of public key's application/magic-key
  #  representation."

  # A valid key is given
  if ($mkey) {

    # No valid private key
    return unless $mkey->d;

    # Compute signature for base string
    my $msig = $mkey->sign( $data );

    # No valid signature
    return unless $msig;

    # Sign envelope
    my %msig = ( value => $msig );
    $msig{key_id} = $key_id if defined $key_id;

    # Push signature
    push( @{ $self->{sigs} }, \%msig );

    # Declare envelope as signed
    $self->{signed} = 1;

    # Return envelope for piping
    return $self;


# Verify Signature
sub verify {
  my $self = shift;

  # Regarding key id:
  # "If the signer does not maintain individual key_ids,
  #  it SHOULD output the base64url encoded representation
  #  of the SHA-256 hash of public key's application/magic-key
  #  representation."

  # Not signed - not verifiable
  return unless $self->signed;

  my $verified = 0;
  foreach (@_) {

    my ($key_id, $mkey, $flag) = _key_array(
      ref $_ && ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_

    # No key given
    next unless $mkey;

    # Get signature
    my $sig = $self->signature($key_id);

    # Found key/sig pair
    if ($sig) {

      if ($flag ne '-data') {
	$verified = $mkey->verify($self->signature_base => $sig->{value});
	last if $verified;

      # Verify against data
      if ($flag eq '-data' || $flag eq '-compatible') {

	# Verify with b64url data
	$verified = $mkey->verify(b64url_encode($self->data) => $sig->{value});
	last if $verified;

  return $verified;

# Retrieve MagicEnvelope signatures
sub signature {
  my $self = shift;
  my $key_id = shift;

  # MagicEnvelope has no signature
  return unless $self->signed;

  my @sigs = @{ $self->{sigs} };

  # No key_id given
  unless ($key_id) {

    # Search sigs for necessary default key
    foreach (@sigs) {
      return $_ unless exists $_->{key_id};

    # Return first sig
    return $sigs[0];

  # Key is given
  else {
    my $default;

    # Search sigs for necessary specific key
    foreach (@sigs) {

      # sig specifies key
      if (defined $_->{key_id}) {

	# Found wanted key
	return $_ if $_->{key_id} eq $key_id;

      # sig needs default key
      else {
	$default = $_;

    # Return sig for default key
    return $default;

  # No matching sig found

# Is the MagicEnvelope signed?
sub signed {

  # There is no specific key_id requested
  return $_[0]->{signed} unless defined $_[1];

  # Check for specific key_id
  foreach my $sig (@{ $_[0]->{sigs} }) {
    return 1 if $sig->{key_id} eq $_[1];

  # Envelope is not signed
  return 0;

# Generate and return signature base
sub signature_base {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{sig_base} ||=
	 b64url_encode( $self->data, 0 ),
	 b64url_encode( $self->data_type ),
	 b64url_encode( $self->encoding ),
	 b64url_encode( $self->alg )

  return $self->{sig_base};

# Return the data as a Mojo::DOM if it is xml
sub dom {
  my $self = shift;

  # Already computed
  return $self->{dom} if $self->{dom};

  # Create new DOM instantiation
  if (index($self->data_type, 'xml') >= 0) {
    my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new(xml => 1);
    $dom->parse( $self->{data} );

    # Return DOM instantiation (Maybe empty)
    return ($self->{dom} = $dom);


# Return em-xml string
sub to_xml {
  my $self = shift;
  my $embed = shift;

  my $xml = '';

  my $start_tag = 'env';

  # Is a provenance me
  if ($embed) {
    $start_tag = 'provenance';

  # Is a full document
  else {
    $xml = qq{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\n};

  # Start document
  $xml .= qq{<me:$start_tag xmlns:me="">\n};

  # Data payload
  $xml .= '  <me:data';
  $xml .= ' type="' . $self->data_type . '"' if exists $self->{data_type};
  $xml .= ">" . b64url_encode($self->data, 0) . "</me:data>\n";

  # Encoding
  $xml .= '  <me:encoding>' . $self->encoding . "</me:encoding>\n";

  # Algorithm
  $xml .= '  <me:alg>' . $self->alg . "</me:alg>\n";

  # Signatures
  foreach my $sig (@{$self->{sigs}}) {
    $xml .= '  <me:sig';
    $xml .= ' key_id="' . $sig->{key_id} . '"' if $sig->{key_id};
    $xml .= '>' . b64url_encode($sig->{value}) . "</me:sig>\n"

  # End document
  $xml .= "</me:$start_tag>";

  return $xml;

# Return em-compact string
sub to_compact {
  my $self = shift;

  # The me has to be signed
  return unless $self->signed;

  # Use default signature for serialization
  my $sig = $self->signature;

      b64url_encode( $sig->{key_id} ) || '',
      b64url_encode( $sig->{value} ),

# Return em-json string
sub to_json {
  my $self = shift;

  # Empty envelope
  return '{}' unless $self->data;

  # Create new datastructure
  my %new_em = (
    alg       => $self->alg,
    encoding  => $self->encoding,
    data_type => $self->data_type,
    data      => b64url_encode( $self->data ),
    sigs      => []

  # loop through signatures
  foreach my $sig ( @{ $self->{sigs} } ) {
    my %msig = ( value => b64url_encode( $sig->{value} ) );
    $msig{key_id} = $sig->{key_id} if defined $sig->{key_id};
    push( @{ $new_em{sigs} }, \%msig );

  # Return json-string
  return Mojo::JSON->new->encode( \%new_em );

# Delete all whitespaces
sub _trim_all {
  my $string = shift;
  $string =~ tr{\t-\x0d }{}d;

sub _key_array {
  return () unless @_;

  my $flag = '-base';

  if ($_[-1] eq '-data' || $_[-1] eq '-compatible' || $_[-1] eq '-base') {
    $flag = pop;

  my $key  = pop;
  my $key_id = shift;

  return () unless $key;

  my @param;

  # Hash reference
  if (ref $key && $key eq 'HASH') {
    return () unless $key->{n};
    @param = %$key;

  # String or object
  else {
    @param = ($key);

  # Create MagicKey from parameter
  my $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new(@param);

  return ($key_id, $mkey, $flag);




=head1 NAME

Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope - MagicEnvelopes for the Salmon Protocol


  use Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key;
  use Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope;

  # Create a new MagicKey for signing messages
  my $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new(size => 1024);

  # Fold a new envelope
  my $me = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope->new(
    data => 'Some arbitrary string.'

  # Sign magic envelope

  # Extract the public key
  my $mkey_public = $mkey->to_string;

  # Verify the signature of the envelope
  if ($me->verify($mkey_public)) {
    print 'Signature is verified!';


L<Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope> implements MagicEnvelopes
with MagicSignatures as described in the
L<MagicSignatures Specification|>
to sign messages of the
L<Salmon Protocol|>.
MagicSignatures is a
"robust mechanism for digitally signing nearly arbitrary messages".

B<This module is an early release! There may be significant changes in the future.>


=head2 alg

  my $alg = $me->alg;

The algorithm used for signing the MagicEnvelope.
Defaults to C<RSA-SHA256>, which is the only supported algorithm.

=head2 data

  my $data = $me->data;
  $me->data('Hello world!');

The decoded data folded in the MagicEnvelope.

=head2 data_type

  my $data_type = $me->data_type;

The Mime type of the data folded in the MagicEnvelope.
Defaults to C<text/plain>.

=head2 dom

  # Fold an xml message
  my $me = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope->new( data => <<'XML' );
  <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  <entry xmlns=''>

  # Define an xml mime type

  print $me->dom->at('author > uri')->text;

The L<Mojo::DOM> object of the decoded data,
in the case the MagicEnvelope contains XML.

B<This attribute is experimental and may change without warnings!>

=head2 encoding

  my $encoding = $me->encoding;

The encoding of the MagicEnvelope.
Defaults to C<base64url>, which is the only encoding supported.

=head2 signature

  my $sig = $me->signature;
  my $sig = $me->signature('key-01');

A signature of the MagicEnvelope.
For retrieving a specific signature, pass a key id,
otherwise a default signature will be returned.

If a matching signature is found, the signature
is returned as a hash reference,
containing base64url encoded data for C<value>
and possibly a C<key_id>.
If no matching signature is found, a C<false> value is returned.

=head2 signature_base

  my $base = $me->signature_base;

The L<signature base string|>
of the MagicEnvelope.

=head2 signed

  # With key id
  if ($me->signed('key-01')) {
    print 'MagicEnvelope is signed with key-01.';

  # Without key id
  elsif ($me->signed) {
    print 'MagicEnvelope is signed.';

  else {
    print 'MagicEnvelope is not signed.';

Returns a C<true> value in case the MagicEnvelope is signed at least once.
Accepts optionally a C<key_id> and returns a C<true> value, if the
MagicEnvelope was signed with this specific key.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

  $me = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope->new(<<'MEXML');
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <me:env xmlns:me="">
    <me:data type="text/plain">
    <me:sig key_id="my-01">

The constructor accepts MagicEnvelope data in various formats.
It accepts MagicEnvelopes in the
L<XML format|>
or an XML document including a
L<MagicEnvelope provenance|>

Additionally it accepts MagicEnvelopes in the
L<JSON notation|>
or defined by the same attributes as the JSON notation
(but with the data not encoded).
The latter is the common way to fold new envelopes.

  $me = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope->new(<<'MEJSON');
    "data_type": "text\/plain",
    "sigs": [
      { "key_id": "my-01",

  $me = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope->new(
    data      => 'Some arbitrary string.',
    data_type => 'text/plain',
    alg       => 'RSA-SHA256',
    encoding  => 'base64url',
    sigs => [
        key_id => 'my-01',
        value  => 'S1VqYVlIWFpuRGVTX3l4S09CcWdjRV...'

Finally the constructor accepts MagicEnvelopes in the
L<compact notation|>.

  $me = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope->new(<<'MECOMPACT');

=head2 sign

  $me->sign('key-01' => 'RSA.hgfrhvb ...')
     ->sign('RSA.hgfrhvb ...')
     ->sign('RSA.hgfrhvb ...', -data)
     ->sign('key-02' => 'RSA.hgfrhvb ...', -data);

  my $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new('RSA.hgfrhvb ...');

Adds a signature to the MagicEnvelope.

For adding a signature, the private key with an optional prepended
key id has to be given.
The private key can be a
L<Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key> object,
a MagicKey in
L<compact notation|>
or a hash reference
containing the non-generation parameters accepted by the
L<Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key> constructor.
Optionally a flag C<-data> can be passed,
that will sign the data payload instead of the
L<signature base string|>
(this is implemented for compatibility with non-standard implementations).

On success, the method returns the MagicEnvelope,
otherwise it returns a C<false> value.

A MagicEnvelope can be signed multiple times.

B<This method is experimental and may change without warnings!>

=head2 verify

  my $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new( 'RSA.hgfrhvb ...' );

    ['key-01' => 'RSA.hgfrhvb...', -data]

Verifies a signed envelope against a bunch of given public MagicKeys.
Returns a C<true> value on success, otherwise C<false>.
If one key succeeds, the envelope is verified.

An element can be a L<Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key> object,
a MagicKey in
L<compact notation|>
or a hash reference
containing the non-generation parameters accepted by the
L<Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key> constructor.

For referring to a certain key, an array reference
can be passed, containing the key (defined as described above)
with an optional prepended key id and an optional flag appended,
referring to the data to be verified.
Conforming with the specification the default value is C<-base>,
referring to the
L<signature base string|>
of the MagicEnvelope.
C<-data> will verify against the data only, C<-compatible> will first try to
verify against the base signature string and then will
verify against the data on failure
(this is implemented for compatibility with non-standard implementations).

B<This method is experimental and may change without warnings!>

=head2 to_compact

  my $compact_string = $me->to_compact;

Returns the MagicEnvelope in
L<compact notation|>.

=head2 to_json

  my $json_string = $me->to_json;

Returns the MagicEnvelope as a stringified
L<JSON representation|>.

=head2 to_xml

  my $xml_string = $me->to_xml;
  my $xml_provenance_string = $me->to_xml(1);

Returns the MagicEnvelope as a stringified
L<xml representation|>.
If a C<true> value is passed, a provenance fragment will be returned instead
of a valid xml document.


For speed improvements, see the recommendations in


The signing and verification is not guaranteed to be
compatible with other implementations!
Implementations like L<StatusNet|> (L<|>),
L<MiniMe|>, and examples from the
L<reference implementation|>
are tested.

See the test suite for further information.



Copyright (C) 2011-2013, L<Nils Diewald|>.

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl.
