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package Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key;
use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use Carp qw/carp croak/;
use Digest::SHA qw/sha256 sha256_hex/;
use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64 encode_base64);

# Implement with GMP or PARI if existent
use Math::BigInt try => 'GMP,Pari';

# Export functions on request
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(b64url_encode b64url_decode);

our $VERSION = '0.02';
our $DEBUG = 0;

# Maximum number of tests for random prime generation
our $MAX_ROUNDS = 100;

# Primitives for Math::Prime::Util
sub random_nbit_prime;
sub prime_set_config;

# Load Math::Prime::Util and Math::Random::Secure
  if (eval
	q{use Math::Prime::Util qw/prime_set_config random_nbit_prime/;
	  use Math::Random::Secure;
	  1;}) {
    our $GENERATOR = 1;

    # Configure random prime number search
    prime_set_config(irand => \&Math::Random::Secure::irand);

# Construct a new object
sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self;

  # Is already a MagicKey object
  return $_[0] if ref $_[0] && ref $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;

  # MagicKey in string notation
  if (@_ == 1 && index($_[0], 'RSA') >= 0) {

    my $string = shift;
    return unless $string;

    # New object from parent class
    $self = bless {}, $class;

    # Delete whitespace
    $string =~ tr{\t-\x0d }{}d;

    # Ignore mime-type prolog if given
    $string =~ s{^data\:application\/magic\-public\-key[,;:]}{}i;

    # Split MagicKey
    my ($type, $mod, $exp, $private_exp) = split(/\./, $string);

    # The key is incorrect
    if ($type ne 'RSA') {
      carp "MagicKey type '$type' is not supported";

    # RSA.modulus(n).exponent(e).private_exponent(d)?
    for ($mod, $exp, $private_exp) {
      next unless $_;
      $_ = _b64url_to_hex($_);

    # Set modulus
    $self->n( $mod );

    # Set exponent
    $self->e( $exp );

    # Set private key
    $self->d( $private_exp ) if $private_exp;

  # MagicKey defined by parameters
  else {
    my %param = @_;

    # RSA complete description
    if (defined $param{n}) {

      $self = bless {}, $class;

      # Set attributes
      foreach (qw/n e d/) {
	$self->$_($param{$_}) if exists $param{$_};

      unless ($self->n) {
	carp 'Key is not well defined';

    # Generate new key
    else {

      # Generator not installed
      unless ($GENERATOR) {
	carp 'No Math::Prime::Util or Math::Random::Secure installed';

      # Define key size
      my $size = $param{size} || 512;

      # Key size is too short or impractical
      return undef if $size < 512 || $size > 1024 || $size % 2;

      # Public exponent
      my $e = $param{e};

      # Partial size
      my $psize = int( $size / 2 );

      my $n;
      my $m = $MAX_ROUNDS;

      my ($p, $q);

      # Start calculation of combining primes

      # Run as long as allowed
      while ($m > 0) {

	# Fetch random primes p and q
	$p = random_nbit_prime($psize);
	$q = random_nbit_prime($psize);

	# Fetch a new prime if both are equal
	while ($p == $q) {
	  $q = random_nbit_prime($psize);
	  unless (--$m > 0) {
	    $p = $q = Math::BigInt->bzero;

	# Calculate n
	$n = $p * $q;

	# Bitsize is correct based on given size
	last if _bitsize($n) == $size;


      unless ($m > 0) {
	carp 'Maximum rounds for key generation is reached';

      # Bless object
      $self = bless {}, $class;

      # Set e
      $self->e($e) if $e;

      # Calculate phi
      my $phi = ($p - 1) * ($q - 1);

      # Calculate multiplicative inverse of e modulo phi
      my $d = $self->e->copy->bmodinv($phi);

      # $d is too short
      goto CALC_KEY if _bitsize($d) < $size / 4;

      # Store d

      # Store n

  # Todo: Check that n is not tooo large!

  # Set size (bitsize length of modulus)
  $self->{size} = _bitsize( $self->n );

  # Set emLen (octet length of modulus)
  $self->{emLen} = _octet_len( $self->n );

  return $self;

# Get or set modulus
sub n {
  my $self = shift;

  # Get value
  unless ($_[0]) {
    return ($self->{n} //= Math::BigInt->bzero);

  # Set value
  else {
    my $n = Math::BigInt->new( shift );

    # n is not a number
    carp 'n is not a number' and return undef if $n->is_nan;

    # Delete precalculated emLen and size
    delete $self->{emLen};
    delete $self->{size};

    return $self->{n} = $n;

  return undef;

# Get or set public exponent
sub e {
  my $self = shift;

  # Get value
  unless ($_[0]) {
    return ($self->{e} //= Math::BigInt->new('65537'));

  # Set value
  else {
    my $e = Math::BigInt->new( shift );

    # e is not a number
    carp 'e is not a number' and return undef if $e->is_nan;

    return $self->{e} = $e;

  return undef;

# Get or set private exponent
sub d {
  my $self = shift;

  # Get value
  unless ($_[0]) {
    return $self->{d} // undef;

  # Set value
  else {
    my $d = Math::BigInt->new( shift );

    # d is not a number
    carp 'd is not a number' and return undef if $d->is_nan;

    return $self->{d} = $d;

  return undef;

# Get key size
sub size {
  my $self = shift;
  return undef unless $self->n;
  return $self->{size} // ($self->{size} = _bitsize($self->n));

# Sign a message
sub sign {
  my ($self, $message) = @_;

  unless ($self->d) {
    carp 'You can only sign with a private key';
    return undef;

  my $encoded_message = _sign_emsa_pkcs1_v1_5($self, $message);

  return b64url_encode($encoded_message);

  # # Append padding - although that's not defined
  # while ((length($encoded_message) % 4) != 0) {
  #   $encoded_message .= '=';
  # };

# Verify a signature for a message (sig base)
sub verify {
  my ($self,
      $encoded_message) =  @_;

  # Delete whitespace and padding
  $encoded_message =~ tr{=\t-\x0d }{}d;

  unless ($encoded_message && $message) {
    carp 'No signature or message given';

  return unless $self->n;

  return _verify_emsa_pkcs1_v1_5(
    # _b64url_to_hex( $encoded_message )

# Return MagicKey-String (public only)
sub to_string {
  my $self = shift;

  my $n = $self->n;
  return '' unless $n;

  my $e = $self->e;

  # Convert modulus and exponent
  $_ = _hex_to_b64url($_) for ($n, $e);

  my @array = ('RSA', $n, $e);

  push(@array, _hex_to_b64url($self->d)) if $_[0] && $self->d;

  my $mkey = join('.', @array);

  # $mkey =~ s/=+//g;


# Get octet length of n
sub _emLen {
  my $self = shift;
  return 0 unless $self->n;
  return $self->{emLen} // ($self->{size} = _octet_len( $self->n ));

# Sign with emsa padding
sub _sign_emsa_pkcs1_v1_5 {
  # [Ch. 8.1.1]

  # key, message
  my ($K, $M) = @_;

  my $k = $K->_emLen;

  my $EM = _emsa_encode($M, $k, 'sha-256');

  return unless $EM;

  my $m = _os2ip($EM);
  my $s = _rsasp1($K, $m);
  my $S = _i2osp($s, $k);

  return $S

# Verify with emsa padding
sub _verify_emsa_pkcs1_v1_5 {
  # [Ch. 8.2.2]

  # key-object, message, signature
  my ($K, $M, $S) = @_;

  my $k = $K->_emLen;

  # The length of the signature is not
  # equivalent to the length of the RSA modulus
  # Maybe _octet_len instead of length?
  if (length($S) != $k) {
    my $w = 'Invalid signature';
    if ($DEBUG) {
      $w .= ' s-length: ' . length($S) . ' != emLen ' . $k;
    carp $w;

  my $s = _os2ip($S);
  my $m = _rsavp1($K, $s);
  return unless $m;

  my $EM_1 = _i2osp($m, $k);
  my $EM_2 = _emsa_encode($M, $k, 'sha-256');

  # Signature is valid
  return 1 if $EM_1 eq $EM_2;

  # No success

# RSA signing
sub _rsasp1 {
  # [Ch. 5.2.1]

  # Key, message
  my ($K, $m) = @_;

  if ($m >= $K->n) {
    carp 'Message representative out of range';

  if ($K->n) {
    return Math::BigInt->new($m)->bmodpow($K->d, $K->n);


# RSA verification
sub _rsavp1 {
  # [Ch. 5.2.2]

  # Key, signature
  my ($K, $s) = @_;

  # Is signature in range?
  if ($s < 0 || $s > $K->n) {
    my $w = 'Signature representative out of range';
    if ($DEBUG) {
      if ($s < 0) {
	$w .= ": $s < 0 (signature)";

      else {
	$w .= ": $s (signature) > " . $K->n . ' (n)';

    # Warning
    carp $w;

  if ($K->n) {
    return Math::BigInt->new($s)->bmodpow($K->e, $K->n);


# Create code with emsa padding (only sha-256 support)
sub _emsa_encode {
  # [Ch. 9.2]

  my ($M, $emLen, $hash_digest) = @_;

  # No message given
  return unless $M;

  $hash_digest ||= 'sha-256';

  # Create Hash with der padding
  my ($H, $T, $tLen);
  if ($hash_digest eq 'sha-256') {
    $H = sha256($M);
    $T = "\x30\x31\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48" .
      "\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x01\x05\x00\x04\x20" . $H;
    $tLen = length( $T );

  # Hash-value is unknown
  else {
    carp 'Hash value currently not supported';

  # TODO:
  # if ($emlen < length($T) + 10) {
  #   warn "Intended encoded message length too short."
  #   return;
  # };

  my $PS = "\xFF" x ($emLen - $tLen - 3);
  my $EM = "\x00\x01" . $PS . "\x00" . $T;

  return $EM;

# Convert from octet string to bigint
sub _os2ip {
  # Based on Crypt::RSA::DataFormat

  my $os = shift;
  my $l = length($os);
  return undef if $l > 30_000;

  my $base = Math::BigInt->new(256);
  my $result = 0;
  for (0 .. $l-1) {
    my ($c) = unpack "x$_ a", $os;
    my $a = int(ord($c));
    my $val = int($l - $_ - 1);

    # Maybe optimizable
    $result += $a * ($base**$val);

# Convert from bigint to octet string
sub _i2osp {
  # Based on Crypt::RSA::DataFormat

  my $num = Math::BigInt->new(shift);

  return if $num->is_nan;
  return if $num->length > 30_000;

  my $l = shift || 0;

  my $result = '';

  if ($l && $num > ( 256 ** $l )) {
    carp 'i2osp error - Integer is to short';

  do {
    my $r = $num % 256;
    $num = ($num - $r) / 256;
    $result = chr($r) . $result;
  } until ($num < 256);

  $result = chr($num) . $result if $num != 0;

  if (length($result) < $l) {
    $result = chr(0) x ($l - length($result)) . $result;


# Returns the octet length of a given integer
sub _octet_len {
  return Math::BigInt->new( _bitsize( shift ))

# Returns the bitlength of the integer
sub _bitsize {
  my $int = Math::BigInt->new( shift );
  return 0 unless $int;
  length( $int->as_bin ) - 2;

# base64url to hex number
sub _b64url_to_hex {
  # Based on
  #         MagicSignatures/
  my $num = "0x" . unpack( "H*", b64url_decode( shift ) );
  return Math::BigInt->from_hex( $num );

# hex number to base64url
sub _hex_to_b64url {
  #         MagicSignatures/

  my $num = Math::BigInt->new( shift )->as_hex;
  $num =~ s/^0x//;
  $num = ( ( ( length $num ) % 2 ) > 0 ) ? "0$num" : $num;
  return b64url_encode( pack( "H*", $num ) );

# Returns the b64 urlsafe encoding of a string
sub b64url_encode ($;$) {
  return '' unless $_[0];

  my $v = $_[0];

  utf8::encode $v if utf8::is_utf8 $v;
  $v = encode_base64($v, '');
  $v =~ tr{+/\t-\x0d }{-_}d;

  # Trim padding or not
  $v =~ s/\=+$// unless (defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 1);

  return $v;

# Returns the b64 urlsafe decoded string
sub b64url_decode ($) {
  my $v = shift;
  return '' unless $v;

  $v =~ tr{-_}{+/};

  my $padding;

  # Add padding
  if ($padding = (length($v) % 4)) {
    $v .= chr(61) x (4 - $padding);

  return decode_base64($v);




=head1 NAME

Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key - MagicKeys for the Salmon Protocol


  use Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key;

  my $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new('RSA.mVgY...');

  my $sig = $mkey->sign('This is a message');

  if ($mkey->verify('This is a message', $sig) {
    print "The signature is valid for ' . $mkey->to_string;


L<Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key> implements MagicKeys as described in the
L<MagicSignatures Specification|> to sign messages of the L<Salmon Protocol|>.
MagicSignatures is a I<"robust mechanism for digitally signing nearly arbitrary messages">.
See L<Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope> for using MagicKeys to sign MagicEnvelopes.

B<This module is an early release! There may be significant changes in the future.>


=head2 n

  print $mkey->n;

The MagicKey modulus.

=head2 e

  print $mkey->e;

The MagicKey public exponent.
Defaults to C<65537>.

=head2 d

  print $mkey->d;

The MagicKey private exponent.

=head2 size

  print $mkey->size;

The MagicKey keysize in bits.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

  my $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new(<<'MKEY');

  $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new(
    n => '13145688881420345...',
    d => '87637925876135637...',
    e => 3

  $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new(size => 1024);

The Constructor accepts MagicKeys in compact notation as
described in the
L<MagicSignatures Specification|>
or by attributes.

If no C<n> attribute is given and L<Math::Prime::Util>
and L<Math::Random::Secure> are installed, a new key will be generated.
In case no C<size> attribute is given, the default key size
for generation is 512 bits.

=head2 sign

  my $sig = $mkey->sign('This is a message');

Signs a message and returns the signature.
The key needs to be a private key.
The signature algorithm is based on

=head2 verify

  my $sig = $priv_key->sign('This is a message');

  # Successfully verify signature
  if ($pub_key->verify('This is a message', $sig) {
    print "The signature is okay.";

  # Fail to verify signature
  else {
    print "The signature is wrong!";

Verifies a signature of a message based on the public
component of the key.
Returns a C<true> value on success and C<false> otherwise.

=head2 to_string

  my $pub_key = $mkey->to_string;
  my $priv_key = $mkey->to_string(1);

Returns the public key as a string in compact notation as
described in the
L<MagicSignatures Specification|>.

If a C<true> value is passed to the method,
the full key (including the private exponent if existing)
is returned.


=head2 b64url_encode

  use Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key qw/b64url_encode/;

  print b64url_encode('This is a message');
  print b64url_encode('This is a message', 0);

Encodes a string as base-64 with URL safe characters.
A second parameter indicates, if trailing equal signs
are wanted. The default is C<true>.
This differs from
L<encode_base64 in MIME::Base64|MIME::Base64/"encode_base64">.
The function can be exported.

=head2 b64url_decode

  use Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key qw/b64url_decode/;

  print b64url_decode('VGhpcyBpcyBhIG1lc3NhZ2U=');

Decodes a base-64 string with URL safe characters.
The function can be exported.


Core modules:

L<Math::Prime::Util> and
L<Math::Random::Secure> are necessary for key generation only.

Either L<Math::BigInt::GMP> (preferred) or L<Math::BigInt::Pari>
are strongly recommended for speed,
as well as L<Math::Random::ISAAC::XS>.


The signing and verifification is not guaranteed to be
compatible with other implementations!

=head1 SEE ALSO




Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Nils Diewald.

This program is free software, you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl.
