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package Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
use Carp 'carp';

use v5.10.1;

our @CARP_NOT;
our $VERSION = '0.19';

our $DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE = 512;
our $MAX_GEN_ROUNDS = 100;

# Maximum number of tests for random prime generation = 100
# Range of valid key sizes = 512 - 4096
# Maximum number length for i2osp and os2ip = 30000

# This implementation uses a blessed array for speed.
# The array order is [n, e, d, size, emLen].

# TODO: Check extreme values for d, e, n, sign, verify
# TODO: Improve tests for _bitsize, b64url_encode, b64url_decode,
#       hex2b64url, b64url2hex

use overload '""' => sub { $_[0]->to_string }, fallback => 1;
use Digest::SHA qw/sha256 sha256_hex/;
use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64 encode_base64);

# Implement with GMP or PARI if existent
use Math::BigInt try => 'GMP,Pari';

# Export functions on request
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(b64url_encode b64url_decode);

# Primitive for Math::Prime::Util
sub random_nbit_prime;


# Load Math::Prime::Util and Math::Random::Secure
  if (eval q{use Math::Prime::Util 0.21 'random_nbit_prime'; 1;}) {
    our $GENERATOR = 1;

# Construct a new object
sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self;

  # Message to pass to carp on parameter failure
  state $INVALID_MSG = 'Invalid parameters for MagicKey construction';

  # Check if the passed argument is an object
  if (my $bl = blessed($_[0])) {

    # It's already a MagicKey object - fine!
    return $_[0] if $bl->isa(__PACKAGE__);

  # Do not support references
  if (ref $_[0]) {

    # Passed object or reference is invalid
    carp $INVALID_MSG;

  # MagicKey in string notation
  if (@_ == 1 && index($_[0], 'RSA.') >= 0) {

    my $string = shift;

    # New object from parent class
    $self = bless [], $class;

    # Delete whitespace
    $string =~ tr{\t-\x0d }{}d;

    # Ignore mime-type prolog if given
    $string =~ s{^data\:application\/magic(?:\-public|\-private)?\-key[,;:]}{}i;

    # Split MagicKey
    my ($type, $mod, $exp, $private_exp) = split(/\./, $string);

    # RSA.modulus(n).exponent(e).private_exponent(d)?

    # MagicKey modulus is missing or invalid
    unless ($mod = _b64url_to_hex( $mod )) {
      carp $INVALID_MSG;

    $exp = _b64url_to_hex( $exp ) if $exp;
    $private_exp = _b64url_to_hex( $private_exp ) if $private_exp;

    # Set modulus
    $self->n( $mod );

    # Set exponent
    $self->e( $exp ) if $exp;

    # Set private key
    $self->d( $private_exp ) if $private_exp;

  # MagicKey defined by parameters
  elsif (@_ % 2 == 0) {
    my %param = @_;

    # RSA complete description
    if (defined $param{n}) {

      $self = bless [], $class;

      # Set attributes
      foreach (qw/n e d/) {
        $self->$_( $param{$_} ) if exists $param{$_};

      # Modulus was not defined
      unless ($self->n) {
        carp $INVALID_MSG;

    # Generate new key
    else {

      carp 'Key generation in new() is DEPRECATED '
        . 'in favor of generate()';
      return $class->generate(@_);

  # Invalid request
  else {
    carp $INVALID_MSG;

  # Get size (bitsize length of modulus)
  my $size = $self->size;

  # Size is to small
  if ($size < 512 || $size > 4096)  {
    carp 'Keysize is out of range';

  # Set emLen (octet length of modulus)
  $self->_emLen( _octet_len( $self->n ) );

  return $self;

# Generate a new MagicKey
sub generate {

  # Generator not installed
  unless ($GENERATOR) {
    carp 'No Math::Prime::Util installed';

  # Check for passing of 
  my ($class, %param) = @_;

  # Define key size
  my $size = $param{size};

  # Size is given
  if ($size) {

    # Key size is too short or impractical
    if ($size < 512 || $size > 4096 || $size % 2) {
      carp "Key size $size is invalid";

  # Default size
  else {
    $size = $DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE;

  # Public exponent
  my $e = $param{e};

  # Partial size
  my $psize = int( $size / 2 );

  my $n;

  # Maximum number of rounds
  my $m = $MAX_GEN_ROUNDS;

  my ($p, $q);

  # Start calculation of combining primes

  # Run as long as allowed
  while ($m > 0) {

    # Fetch random primes p and q
    # Uses Bytes::Random::Secure by default
    $p = random_nbit_prime($psize);
    $q = random_nbit_prime($psize);

    # Fetch a new prime if both are equal
    while ($p == $q) {
      $q = random_nbit_prime($psize);
      unless (--$m > 0) {
        $p = $q = Math::BigInt->bzero;

    # Calculate modulus
    $n = $p * $q;

    # Bitsize is correct based on given size
    last if _bitsize($n) == $size;


  unless ($m > 0) {
    carp 'Maximum rounds for key generation is reached';

  # Bless object
  my $self = bless [], $class;

  # Set e
  $self->e($e) if $e;

  # Calculate phi
  my $phi = ($p - 1) * ($q - 1);

  # Calculate multiplicative inverse of e modulo phi
  my $d = $self->e->copy->bmodinv($phi);

  # $d is too short
  goto CALC_KEY if _bitsize($d) < $size / 4;

  # Store d

  # Store n

  # Set emLen (octet length of modulus)
  $self->_emLen( _octet_len( $self->n ) );

  return $self;

# Get or set modulus
sub n {
  my $self = shift;

  # Get value
  return $self->[0] unless $_[0];

  # Set value
  my $n = Math::BigInt->new( shift );

  # n is not a number
  if ($n->is_nan) {
    carp 'n is not a number';

  # Delete precalculated emLen and size
  $#{$self} = 2;

  $self->[0] = $n;

# Get or set public exponent
sub e {
  my $self = shift;

  # Get value
  return ($self->[1] //= Math::BigInt->new('65537')) unless $_[0];

  # Set value
  my $e = Math::BigInt->new( shift );

  # e is not a number
  if ($e->is_nan) {
    carp 'e is not a number';

  $self->[1] = $e;

# Get or set private exponent
sub d {
  my $self = shift;

  # Get value
  return ($self->[2] // undef) unless $_[0];

  # Set value
  my $d = Math::BigInt->new( shift );

  # d is not a number
  if ($d->is_nan) {
    carp 'd is not a number';

  $self->[2] = $d;

# Get key size
sub size {
  # return unless $_[0]->n;
  $_[0]->[3] // ($_[0]->[3] = _bitsize($_[0]->n));

# Sign a message
sub sign {
  my ($self, $message) = @_;

  unless ($self->d) {
    carp 'Unable to sign without a private key';

    _sign_emsa_pkcs1_v1_5($self, $message)

# Verify a signature for a message (sig base)
sub verify {
  my ($self,
      $encoded_message) =  @_;

  # Missing parameters
  unless ($encoded_message && $message) {
    carp 'No signature or message given';

  # Delete whitespace and padding
  $encoded_message =~ tr{=\t-\x0d }{}d;

  # Invalid message
  unless ($encoded_message) {
    carp 'No signature given';

  # No modulus
  # return unless $self->n;

  # Verify message
    # _b64url_to_hex( $encoded_message )

# Return MagicKey-String (public only)
sub to_string {
  my $self = shift;

  # return '' unless $n; # Shouldn't be possible

  # Convert modulus and exponent and add to component array
  my @array = ('RSA', _hex_to_b64url($self->n), _hex_to_b64url($self->e));

  if ($_[0] && $self->d) {
    push(@array, _hex_to_b64url($self->d));

  # Specification is not clear about $mkey =~ s/=+//g;
  join('.', @array);

# Returns the b64 urlsafe encoding of a string
sub b64url_encode {
  return '' unless $_[0];

  my $v = $_[0];

  utf8::encode $v if utf8::is_utf8 $v;
  $v = encode_base64($v, '');
  $v =~ tr{+/\t-\x0d }{-_}d;

  # Trim padding or not
  $v =~ s/\=+$// unless (defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 1);

# Returns the b64 urlsafe decoded string
sub b64url_decode {
  my $v = shift;
  return '' unless $v;

  $v =~ tr{-_}{+/};

  my $padding;

  # Add padding
  if ($padding = (length($v) % 4)) {
    $v .= chr(61) x (4 - $padding);


# Get octet length of n
sub _emLen {
  # return 0 unless $_[0]->n;
  ($_[0]->[4] // ($_[0]->[4] = _octet_len( $_[0]->n )));

# Sign with emsa padding
sub _sign_emsa_pkcs1_v1_5 {
  # [Ch. 8.1.1]

  # key, message
  my ($K, $M) = @_;

  # octet length of n
  my $k = $K->_emLen;

  # encode message (Hash digest is always 'sha-256')
  my $EM = _emsa_encode($M, $k) or return;

  _i2osp(_rsasp1($K, _os2ip($EM)), $k);

# Verify with emsa padding
sub _verify_emsa_pkcs1_v1_5 {
  # [Ch. 8.2.2]

  # key, message, signature
  my ($K, $M, $S) = @_;

  my $k = $K->_emLen;

  # The length of the signature is not
  # equivalent to the length of the RSA modulus
  # TODO: This probably needs to check octetlength
  if (length($S) != $k) {
    carp 'Invalid signature';

  my $s = _os2ip($S);
  my $m = _rsavp1($K, $s) or return;
  my $EM = _emsa_encode($M, $k) or return;

  return $EM eq _i2osp($m, $k);

# RSA signing
sub _rsasp1 {
  # [Ch. 5.2.1]

  # Key, message
  my ($K, $m) = @_;

  if ($m >= $K->n || $m < 0) {
    carp 'Message representative out of range';

  return $m->bmodpow($K->d, $K->n);

# RSA verification
sub _rsavp1 {
  # [Ch. 5.2.2]

  # Key, signature
  my ($K, $s) = @_;

  # Is signature in range?
  if ($s > $K->n || $s < 0) {
    carp 'Signature representative out of range';

  return $s->bmodpow($K->e, $K->n);

# Create code with emsa padding (only sha-256 support)
sub _emsa_encode {
  # [Ch. 9.2]

  my ($M, $emLen) = @_;

  # No message given
  return unless $M;

  # Hash digest is always 'sha-256'

  # Create Hash with DER padding
  my $H = sha256($M);
  my $T = "\x30\x31\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01" .
          "\x65\x03\x04\x02\x01\x05\x00\x04\x20" . $H;
  my $tLen = length( $T );

  if ($emLen < $tLen + 11) {
    carp 'Intended encoded message length too short';

  return "\x00\x01" . ("\xFF" x ($emLen - $tLen - 3)) . "\x00" . $T;

# Convert from octet string to bigint
sub _os2ip {
  # Based on Crypt::RSA::DataFormat
  # See also Convert::ASN1
  my $os = shift;

  my $l = length $os;
  return if $l > 30_000;

  state $base = Math::BigInt->new(256);
  my $result = Math::BigInt->bzero;
  for (0 .. $l - 1) {
    # Maybe optimizable
      int(ord(unpack "x$_ a", $os)) * ($base ** int($l - $_ - 1))

# Convert from bigint to octet string
sub _i2osp {
  # Based on Crypt::RSA::DataFormat
  # See also Convert::ASN1

  my $num = Math::BigInt->new(shift);

  return if $num->is_nan || $num->length > 30_000;

  my $l = shift || 0;
  state $base = Math::BigInt->new(256);

  my $result = '';

  if ($l && $num > ( $base ** $l )) {
    carp 'i2osp error - Integer is to short';

  do {
    my $r = $num % 256;
    $num = ($num - $r) / 256;
    $result = chr($r) . $result;
  } until ($num < 256);

  $result = chr($num) . $result if $num != 0;

  if (length($result) < $l) {
    $result = chr(0) x ($l - length($result)) . $result;


# Returns the octet length of a given integer
sub _octet_len {
  return Math::BigInt->new( _bitsize( shift ))

# Returns the bitlength of the integer
sub _bitsize {
  my $int = Math::BigInt->new( $_[0] );
  return 0 unless $int;
  # Trim leading '0b'
  length( $int->as_bin ) - 2;

# base64url to hex number
sub _b64url_to_hex {
  # Based on
  #         MagicSignatures/

  # Decode and convert b64url encoded hex number
  my $b64 = b64url_decode( shift ) or return;
  Math::BigInt->new('0x' . unpack( 'H*', $b64));

# hex number to base64url
sub _hex_to_b64url {
  #         MagicSignatures/

  # Trim leading '0x'
  my $num = substr(Math::BigInt->new( shift )->as_hex, 2);

  # Add leading zero padding
  $num = ( ( ( length $num ) % 2 ) > 0 ) ? '0' . $num : $num;

  # Encode number using b64url
  b64url_encode( pack( 'H*', $num ) );




=head1 NAME

Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key - MagicKeys for the Salmon Protocol


  use Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key;

  my $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new('RSA.mVgY...');

  my $sig = $mkey->sign('This is a message');

  if ($mkey->verify('This is a message', $sig)) {
    print 'The signature is valid for ' . $mkey->to_string;


L<Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key> implements MagicKeys as described in the
L<MagicSignatures Specification|>
to sign messages of the L<Salmon Protocol|>.
MagicSignatures is a "robust mechanism for digitally signing nearly arbitrary messages".
See L<Crypt::MagicSignatures::Envelope> for using MagicKeys to sign MagicEnvelopes.


=head2 n

  print $mkey->n;

The MagicKey modulus.

=head2 e

  print $mkey->e;

The MagicKey public exponent.
Defaults to 65537.

=head2 d

  print $mkey->d;

The MagicKey private exponent.

=head2 size

  print $mkey->size;

The MagicKey keysize in bits.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

  my $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new(<<'MKEY');

  $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new(
    n => '13145688881420345...',
    d => '87637925876135637...',
    e => 3

The Constructor accepts MagicKeys in
L<compact notation|>
or by attributes.

=head2 generate

  my $mkey = Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key->new(size => 1024);

Generate a new key. Requires L<Math::Prime::Util> to be installed.

Accepts the attributes C<size> and C<e>.
In case no C<size> attribute is given, the default key size
for generation is 512 bits, which is also the minimum size.
The maximum size is 4096 bits.
Random prime trials are limited to 100 rounds.

=head2 sign

  my $sig = $mkey->sign('This is a message');

Signs a message and returns the signature.
The key needs to be a private key.
The signature algorithm is based on

=head2 verify

  my $sig = $priv_key->sign('This is a message');

  # Successfully verify signature
  if ($pub_key->verify('This is a message', $sig)) {
    print 'The signature is okay.';

  # Fail to verify signature
  else {
    print 'The signature is wrong!';

Verifies a signature of a message based on the public
component of the key.
Returns a C<true> value on success and C<false> otherwise.

=head2 to_string

  my $pub_key = $mkey->to_string;
  my $priv_key = $mkey->to_string(1);

Returns the public key as a string in
L<compact notation|>.
If a C<true> value is passed to the method,
the full key (including the private exponent if existing)
is returned.


=head2 b64url_encode

  use Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key qw/b64url_encode/;

  print b64url_encode('This is a message');
  print b64url_encode('This is a message', 0);

Encodes a string as base-64 with URL safe characters.
A second parameter indicates, if trailing equal signs
are wanted. The default is C<true>.
This differs from
The function can be exported.

=head2 b64url_decode

  use Crypt::MagicSignatures::Key qw/b64url_decode/;

  print b64url_decode('VGhpcyBpcyBhIG1lc3NhZ2U=');

Decodes a base-64 string with URL safe characters.
Characters not part of the character set are silently ignored.
The function can be exported.


For signing and verification there are no dependencies
other than Perl v5.10.1 and core modules.
For key generation L<Math::Prime::Util> v0.21 is necessary.

Either L<Math::BigInt::GMP> (preferred) or L<Math::BigInt::Pari>
is strongly recommended for speed improvement
(signing and verification) as well as
L<Math::Prime::Util::GMP> and L<Math::Random::ISAAC::XS>
(key generation).


The signing and verification is not guaranteed to be
compatible with other implementations!

=head1 SEE ALSO




Copyright (C) 2012-2017, L<Nils Diewald|>.

This program is free software, you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.
