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package XML::Loy::XRD;
use Mojo::JSON qw/encode_json decode_json/;
use Mojo::Util 'quote';
use Carp qw/carp/;
use XML::Loy::Date::RFC3339;

use XML::Loy with => (
  mime      => 'application/xrd+xml',
  namespace => '',
  prefix    => 'xrd',
  on_init   => sub {
      xsi => ''

our @CARP_NOT;

# Constructor
sub new {
  my $class = shift;

  my $xrd;

  # Empty
  unless ($_[0]) {
    unshift(@_, 'XRD');
    $xrd = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

  # JRD
  elsif ($_[0] =~ /^\s*\{/) {
    $xrd = $class->SUPER::new('XRD');

  # Whatever
  else {
    $xrd = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

  return $xrd;

# Set subject
sub subject {
  my $self = shift->root;

  # Return subject
  unless ($_[0]) {

    # Subject found
    my $sub = $self->at('Subject') or return;
    return $sub->text;

  my $new_node = $self->set(Subject => @_);

  # Set subject (only once)
  if (my $np = $self->at('*:root > *')) {

    # Put in correct order - maybe not effective
    my $clone = $self->at('Subject');
    return $np->prepend($clone);

  # Set subject
  return $new_node;

# Add alias
sub alias {
  my $self = shift->root;

  # Return subject
  unless ($_[0]) {

    # Subject found
    my $sub = $self->find('Alias') or return;
    return @{ $sub->map('text') };

  # Add new alias
  $self->add(Alias => $_) foreach @_;

  return 1;

# Add Property
sub property {
  my $self = shift;

  return unless $_[0];

  my $type = shift;

  # Returns the first match
  return $self->at( qq{Property[type="$type"]} ) unless scalar @_ == 1;

  # Get possible attributes
  my %hash = ($_[0] && ref $_[0] && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') ? %{ shift(@_) } : ();

  # Set type
  $hash{type} = $type;

  # Set xsi:nil unless there is content
  $hash{'xsi:nil'} = 'true' unless $_[0];

  # Return element
  return $self->add(Property => \%hash => @_ );

# Add Link
sub link {
  my $self = shift;

  # No rel given
  return unless $_[0];

  my $rel = shift;

  # Get link
  unless ($_[0]) {
    return $self->at( qq{Link[rel="$rel"]} );

  my %hash;

  # Accept hash reference
  if (ref $_[0] && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
    %hash = %{ $_[0] };

  # Accept string
  else {
    $hash{href} = shift;

  # Set relation
  $hash{rel} = $rel;

  # Return link object
  return $self->add(Link => \%hash);

# Set or get expiration date
sub expires {
  my $self = shift;

  # Return subject
  unless ($_[0]) {

    # Subject found
    my $exp = $self->at('Expires');

    # Return
    return unless $exp;

    # Return RFC3339 object
    return XML::Loy::Date::RFC3339->new($exp->text);

  # New RFC3339 object
  my $new_time = XML::Loy::Date::RFC3339->new($_[0])->to_string(0);

  # RFC3339 obect undefined
  return unless $new_time;

  my $new_node = $self->set(Expires => $new_time);

  # Set subject (only once)
  if (my $np = $self->at('Link, Alias, Property')) {

    # Put in correct order - maybe not effective
    my $clone = $self->at('Expires');
    return $np->prepend($clone);

  # Return new node
  return $new_node;

# Check for expiration
sub expired {
  my $self = shift->root;

  # No expiration date given
  my $exp = $self->expires or return;

  # Document is expired
  return 1 if $exp->epoch < time;

  # Document is still current

# Filter link relations
sub filter_rel {
  my $self = shift;
  my $xrd = $self->new( $self->to_string );

  # No xrd
  return unless $xrd;

  my @rel;

  # Push valid relations
  if (@_ == 1) {

    # Based on array reference
    if (ref $_[0] && ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
      @rel = @{ shift() };

    # Based on string
    else {
      @rel = split /\s+/, shift;

  # As array
  else {
    @rel = @_;

  # Create unwanted link relation query
  my $rel = scalar @rel ? 'Link:' . join(':', map {
    'not([rel=' . quote($_) . '])'
  } @rel) : 'Link';

  # Remove unwanted link relations
  return $xrd;

# Convert to xml
sub _to_xml {
  my $xrd = shift;

  # Parse json document
  my $jrd;

  # There may be a parsing error
  eval {
    $jrd = decode_json $_[0];
  } or carp $@;

  # Itterate over all XRD elements
  foreach my $key (keys %$jrd) {
    $key = lc $key;

      # Properties
    if ($key eq 'properties') {
      _to_xml_properties($xrd, $jrd->{$key});

    # Links
    elsif ($key eq 'links') {
      _to_xml_links($xrd, $jrd->{$key});

    # Subject or Expires
    elsif ($key eq 'subject' || $key eq 'expires') {
      $xrd->set(ucfirst($key), $jrd->{$key});

    # Aliases
    elsif ($key eq 'aliases') {
      $xrd->alias($_) foreach (@{$jrd->{$key}});

    # Titles
    elsif ($key eq 'titles') {
      _to_xml_titles($xrd, $jrd->{$key});

# Convert From JSON to XML
sub _to_xml_titles {
  my ($node, $hash) = @_;
  foreach (keys %$hash) {

    # Default
    if ($_ eq 'default') {
      $node->add(Title => $hash->{$_});

    # Language
    else {
      $node->add(Title => { 'xml:lang' => $_ } => $hash->{$_});

# Convert from JSON to XML
sub _to_xml_links {
  my ($node, $array) = @_;

  # All link objects
  foreach (@$array) {

    # titles and properties
    my $titles     = delete $_->{titles};
    my $properties = delete $_->{properties};

    # Add new link object
    my $link = $node->link(delete $_->{rel}, $_);

    # Add titles and properties
    _to_xml_titles($link, $titles)         if $titles;
    _to_xml_properties($link, $properties) if $properties;

# Convert from JSON to XML
sub _to_xml_properties {
  my ($node, $hash) = @_;

  $node->property($_ => $hash->{$_}) foreach keys %$hash;

# Render JRD
sub to_json {
  my $self = shift;
  my $root  = $self->at(':root');

#  warn $root;

  my %object;

  # Serialize Subject and Expires
  foreach (qw/Subject Expires/) {
    my $obj = $root->at($_);
    $object{lc($_)} = $obj->text if $obj;

  # Serialize aliases
  my @aliases;
    sub {
      push(@aliases, shift->text );
  $object{'aliases'} = \@aliases if @aliases;

  # Serialize titles
  my $titles = _to_json_titles($root);
  $object{'titles'} = $titles if keys %$titles;

  # Serialize properties
  my $properties = _to_json_properties($root);
  $object{'properties'} = $properties if keys %$properties;

  # Serialize links
  my @links;
    sub {
      my $link = shift;
      my $link_att = $link->attr;

      my %link_prop;
      foreach (qw/rel template href type/) {
	if (exists $link_att->{$_}) {
	  $link_prop{$_} = $link_att->{$_};

      # Serialize link titles
      my $link_titles = _to_json_titles($link);
      $link_prop{'titles'} = $link_titles if keys %$link_titles;

      # Serialize link properties
      my $link_properties = _to_json_properties($link);
      $link_prop{'properties'} = $link_properties
	if keys %$link_properties;

      push(@links, \%link_prop);
  $object{'links'} = \@links if @links;
  return encode_json(\%object);

# Serialize node titles
sub _to_json_titles {
  my $node = shift;
  my %titles;
    sub {
      my $val  = $_->text;
      my $lang = $_->attr->{'xml:lang'} || 'default';
      $titles{$lang} = $val;
  return \%titles;

# Serialize node properties
sub _to_json_properties {
  my $node = shift;
  my %property = ();
    sub {
      my $p = shift;
      my $val = $p->text || undef;
      my $type = $p->attr->{'type'};

      $property{$type} = $val;
  return \%property;




=head1 NAME

XML::Loy::XRD - Extensible Resource Descriptor Extension


  use XML::Loy::XRD;

  # Create new document
  my $xrd = XML::Loy::XRD->new;

  # Set subject and add alias

  # Add properties
  $xrd->property(describedBy => '/me.foaf' );
  $xrd->property(private => undef);

  # Add links
  $xrd->link(lrdd => {
    template => '/.well-known/webfinger?resource={uri}'

  print $xrd->to_pretty_xml;

  # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  # <XRD xmlns=""
  #      xmlns:xsi="">
  #   <Subject></Subject>
  #   <Alias></Alias>
  #   <Link rel="lrdd"
  #         template="/.well-known/webfinger?resource={uri}" />
  #   <Property type="describedby">/me.foaf</Property>
  #   <Property type="private"
  #             xsi:nil="true" />
  # </XRD>

  print $xrd->to_json;

  # {"subject":"http:\/\/\/",
  # "aliases":["https:\/\/\/"],
  # "links":[{"rel":"lrdd",
  # "template":"\/.well-known\/webfinger?resource={uri}"}],
  # "properties":{"private":null,"describedby":"\/me.foaf"}}


L<XML::Loy::XRD> is a L<XML::Loy> base class for handling
L<Extensible Resource Descriptor|>
documents with L<JRD|> support.

This code may help you to create your own L<XML::Loy> extensions.

=head1 METHODS

L<XML::Loy::XRD> inherits all methods
from L<XML::Loy> and implements the following new ones.

=head2 new

  # Empty document
  my $xrd = XML::Loy::XRD->new;

  # New document by XRD
  $xrd = XML::Loy::XRD->new(<<'XRD');
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <XRD xmlns=""
    <Link rel="lrdd"
          template="/.well-known/webfinger?resource={uri}" />
    <Property type="describedby">/me.foaf</Property>
    <Property type="private"
              xsi:nil="true" />

  print $xrd->link('lrdd')->attr('template');

  # New document by JRD
  my $jrd = XML::Loy::XRD->new(<<'JRD');

  print join ', ', $jrd->alias;

Create a new XRD document object.
Beside the accepted input of L<XML::Loy::new|XML::Loy/new>,
it can also parse L<JRD|> input.

=head2 alias

  my @aliases = $xrd->alias;

Adds multiple aliases to the xrd document
or returns an array of aliases.

B<Note>: This is an experimental method and may be changed
in further versions.

=head2 expired

  if ($xrd->expired) {
    print "Don't use this document anymore!"

Returns a C<true> value, if the document has expired
based on the value of C<E<lt>Expires /E<gt>>,
otherwise returns C<false>.

=head2 expires

  # or

  print $xrd->expires->to_string;

Set an expiration date or get the expiration date
as a L<XML::Loy::Date::RFC3339> object.

B<This method is experimental and may return another
object with a different API!>

=head2 filter_rel

  my $new_xrd = $xrd->filter_rel(qw/lrdd author/);
  $new_xrd = $xrd->filter_rel('lrdd author');
  $new_xrd = $xrd->filter_rel(['lrdd', 'author']);

  # New XRD without any link relations
  $new_xrd = $xrd->filter_rel;

Returns a cloned XRD document, with filtered links
based on their relations. Accepts an array, an array reference,
or a space separated string describing the relation types.
See L<WebFinger|>
for further information.

B<This method is experimental and may change without warnings!>

=head2 link

  # Add links
  my $link = $xrd->link(profile => '/me.html');

  $xrd->link(hcard => {
    href => '/me.hcard'
  })->add(Title => 'My hcard');

  # Get links
  print $xrd->link('lrdd')->attr('href');

  # use Mojo::DOM remove method

Adds links to the xrd document or retrieves them.
Accepts the relation as a scalar and for adding
either an additional hash reference containing
the attributes, or a scalar value referring to the
C<href> attribute.

=head2 property

  # Add properties
  $xrd->property(created => 'today');
  my $prop = $xrd->property(private => undef);
  print prop->text;

  # Get properties
  my $prop = $xrd->property('created');
  print prop->text;

  # use Mojo::DOM remove method

Adds properties to the xrd document or retrieves them.
To add empty properties, C<undef> has to be passed
as the property's value.

=head2 subject

  my $subject = $xrd->subject;

Sets the subject of the xrd document
or returns it.

=head2 to_json

  print $xrd->to_json;

Returns a JSON string representing a
L<JRD|> document.


When loaded as a base class, L<XML::Loy::XRD>
makes the mime-type C<application/xrd+xml>





Copyright (C) 2011-2015, L<Nils Diewald|>.

This program is free software, you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl.
