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package Haineko::SMTPD::Relay::SendGrid;
use parent 'Haineko::SMTPD::Relay';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Furl;
use Try::Tiny;
use Time::Piece;
use Haineko::JSON;
use Haineko::SMTPD::Response;
use Encode;

use constant 'SENDGRID_ENDPOINT' => '';
use constant 'SENDGRID_APIVERSION' => '';

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $argvs = { @_ };

    $argvs->{'time'}    ||= Time::Piece->new;
    $argvs->{'sleep'}   ||= 5;
    $argvs->{'timeout'} ||= 30;
    return bless $argvs, __PACKAGE__;

sub sendmail {
    my $self = shift;

    if( ! $self->{'username'} || ! $self->{'password'} ) {
        # API-USER(username) or API-KEY(password) is empty
        my $r = {
            'code'    => 400,
            'host'    => SENDGRID_ENDPOINT,
            'port'    => 443,
            'rcpt'    => $self->{'rcpt'},
            'error'   => 1,
            'mailer'  => 'SendGrid',
            'message' => [ 'Empty API-USER or API-KEY' ],
            'command' => 'POST',
        $self->response( Haineko::SMTPD::Response->new( %$r ) );
        return 0

    my $sendgridep = sprintf( "https://%s/api/mail.send.json", SENDGRID_ENDPOINT );
    my $parameters = {
        'to'        => $self->{'rcpt'},
        'from'      => $self->{'mail'},
        'date'      => $self->{'head'}->{'Date'},
        'subject'   => $self->{'head'}->{'Subject'},
        'headers'   => q(),
        'api_key'   => $self->{'password'} // q(),
        'api_user'  => $self->{'username'} // q(),
        'fromname'  => $self->{'head'}->{'From'},
        'x-smtpapi' => q(),

    my $usedheader = [ 'Date', 'Subject', 'From' ];
    my $jsonheader = {};
    my $identifier = [ split( '@', $self->{'head'}->{'Message-Id'} ) ]->[0];

    for my $e ( keys %{ $self->{'head'} } ) {
        # Prepare email headers except headers which begin with ``X-''
        next unless $e =~ m/\AX-/;
        $jsonheader->{ $e } = $self->{'head'}->{ $e };
    $jsonheader->{'X-Haineko-QueueId'} = $identifier;
    $jsonheader->{'X-Haineko-Message-Id'} = $self->{'head'}->{'Message-Id'};
    $parameters->{'headers'} = Haineko::JSON->dumpjson( $jsonheader );

    $jsonheader = { 'unique_args' => { 'queueid' => $identifier } };
    $parameters->{'x-smtpapi'} = Haineko::JSON->dumpjson( $jsonheader );
    $parameters->{'text'}  = Encode::encode( 'UTF-8', ${ $self->{'body'} } );
    $parameters->{'text'} .= qq(\n\n);

    my $methodargv = { 
        'agent'    => $self->{'ehlo'},
        'timeout'  => $self->{'timeout'},
        'ssl_opts' => { 'SSL_verify_mode' => 0 }
    my $httpclient = Furl->new( %$methodargv );
    my $htresponse = undef;
    my $retryuntil = $self->{'retry'} || 0;
    my $smtpstatus = 0;

    my $sendmailto = sub {
        $htresponse = $httpclient->post( $sendgridep, undef, $parameters );

        return 0 unless defined $htresponse;
        return 0 unless $htresponse->is_success;

        $smtpstatus = 1;
        return 1;

    while(1) {
        last if $sendmailto->();
        last if $retryuntil == 0;

        sleep $self->{'sleep'};

    if( defined $htresponse ) {
        # Check the response from SendGrid API
        my $htcontents = undef;
        my $nekoparams = { 
            'code'    => $htresponse->code,
            'host'    => SENDGRID_ENDPOINT,
            'port'    => 443,
            'rcpt'    => $self->{'rcpt'},
            'error'   => $htresponse->is_success ? 0 : 1,
            'mailer'  => 'SendGrid',
            'message' => [ $htresponse->message ],
            'command' => 'POST',

        try {
            # SendGrid respond contents as a JSON
            $htcontents = Haineko::JSON->loadjson( $htresponse->body );

            if( $htcontents->{'message'} eq 'error' ) {
                push @{ $nekoparams->{'message'} }, @{ $htcontents->{'errors'} };

        } catch {
            # It was not JSON
            require Haineko::E;
            $nekoparams->{'error'} = 1;
            $nekoparams->{'message'} = [ Haineko::E->new( $htresponse->body )->text ];
            push @{ $nekoparams->{'message'} }, Haineko::E->new( $_ )->text;

        $self->response( Haineko::SMTPD::Response->new( %$nekoparams ) );

    return $smtpstatus;

sub getbounce {
    # as of 15 Nov., this method is not called.
    my $self = shift;

    return 0 if( ! $self->{'username'} || ! $self->{'password'} );

    my $sendgridep = sprintf( "https://%s/api/bounces.get.json", SENDGRID_ENDPOINT );
    my $timepiece1 = gmtime;
    my $yesterday1 = Time::Piece->new( $timepiece1->epoch - 86400 );
    my $parameters = {
        'date'       => 1,
        'days'       => 1,
        'email'      => $self->{'rcpt'},
        'limit'      => 1,
        'api_key'    => $self->{'password'} // q(),
        'api_user'   => $self->{'username'} // q(),
        'start_date' => $yesterday1->ymd('-'),

    my $methodargv = { 
        'agent'     => $self->{'ehlo'},
        'timeout'   => $self->{'timeout'},
        'ssl_opts'  => { 'SSL_verify_mode' => 0 }
    my $httpclient = Furl->new( %$methodargv );
    my $htresponse = undef;
    my $retryuntil = $self->{'retry'} || 0;
    my $httpstatus = 0;

    my $getbounced = sub {
        $htresponse = $httpclient->post( $sendgridep, undef, $parameters );

        return 0 unless defined $htresponse;
        return 0 unless $htresponse->is_success;

        $httpstatus = 1;
        return 1;

    while(1) {
        last if $getbounced->();
        last if $retryuntil == 0;

        sleep $self->{'sleep'};

    if( defined $htresponse ) {
        # Check the response of getting bounce from SendGrid API
        my $htcontents = undef;
        my $nekoparams = undef;

        try { 
            # SendGrid respond contents as a JSON
            $htcontents = Haineko::JSON->loadjson( $htresponse->body );
            $nekoparams = { 
                'message' => [ $htcontents->[0]->{'reason'} ],
                'command' => 'POST',

        } catch {
            # It was not JSON
            require Haineko::E;
            $nekoparams->{'error'} = 1;
            $nekoparams->{'message'} = [ Haineko::E->new( $htresponse->body )->text ];
            push @{ $nekoparams->{'message'} }, Haineko::E->new( $_ )->text;
        $self->response( Haineko::SMTPD::Response->p( %$nekoparams ) );
    return $httpstatus;


=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Haineko::SMTPD::Relay::SendGrid - SendGrid Web API class for sending email


Send an email to a recipient via SendGrid using Web API.


    use Haineko::SMTPD::Relay::SendGrid;
    my $h = { 'Subject' => 'Test', 'To' => '' };
    my $v = { 
        'username' => 'api_user', 
        'password' => 'api_key',
        'ehlo' => 'UserAgent name for Furl',
        'mail' => '',
        'rcpt' => '',
        'head' => $h,
        'body' => 'Email message',
    my $e = Haineko::SMTPD::Relay::SendGrid->new( %$v );
    my $s = $e->sendmail;

    print $s;                   # 0 = Failed to send, 1 = Successfully sent
    print $e->response->error;  # 0 = No error, 1 = Error
    print $e->response->dsn;    # always returns undef
    print $e->response->code;   # HTTP response code from SendGrid API

    warn Data::Dumper::Dumper $e->response;
    $VAR1 = bless( {
             'dsn' => undef,
             'error' => 0,
             'code' => '200',
             'host' => '',
             'port' => 443,
             'rcpt' => '',
             'message' => [ 'OK' ],
             'command' => 'POST'
            }, 'Haineko::SMTPD::Response' );


=head2 C<B<new( I<%arguments> )>>

C<new()> is a constructor of Haineko::SMTPD::Relay::SendGrid

    my $e = Haineko::SMTPD::Relay::SendGrid->new( 
            'username' => 'username',       # API User for SendGrid
            'password' => 'password',       # API Key for SendGrid
            'timeout' => 60,                # Timeout for Furl
            'attr' => {
                'content_type' => 'text/plain'
            'head' => {                     # Email header
                'Subject' => 'Test',
                'To' => '',
            'body' => 'Email message',      # Email body
            'mail' => '',# Envelope sender
            'rcpt' => '',    # Envelope recipient


=head2 C<B<sendmail>>

C<sendmail()> will send email to the specified recipient via specified host.

    my $e = Haineko::SMTPD::Relay::SendGrid->new( %argvs );
    print $e->sendmail; # 0 = Failed to send, 1 = Successfully sent

    print Dumper $e->response; # Dumps Haineko::SMTPD::Response object

=head2 C<B<getbounce>>

C<getbounce()> retrieve bounced records using SendGrid API.

    my $e = Haineko::SMTPD::Relay::SendGrid->new( %$argvs );
    print $e->getbounce;    # 0 = No bounce or failed to retrieve
                            # 1 = One or more bounced records retrieved

    print Data::Dumper::Dumper $e->response;
    $VAR1 = bless( {
                 'dsn' => '5.1.1',
                 'error' => 1,
                 'code' => '550',
                 'message' => [
                                '550 5.1.1 <>... User unknown '
                 'command' => 'POST'
               }, 'Haineko::SMTPD::Response' );

=head2 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

azumakuniyuki E<lt> [at] azumakuniyuki.orgE<gt>

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 
the same terms as Perl itself.
