The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Sisimai::Data;
use feature ':5.10';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Class::Accessor::Lite;
use Module::Load '';
use Sisimai::Address;
use Sisimai::RFC5322;
use Sisimai::SMTP::Error;
use Sisimai::SMTP::Reply;
use Sisimai::SMTP::Status;
use Sisimai::String;
use Sisimai::Reason;
use Sisimai::Rhost;
use Sisimai::Time;
use Sisimai::DateTime;

my $rwaccessors = [
    'catch',            # [?] Results generated by hook method
    'token',            # [String] Message token/MD5 Hex digest value
    'lhost',            # [String] local host name/Local MTA
    'rhost',            # [String] Remote host name/Remote MTA
    'alias',            # [String] Alias of the recipient address
    'listid',           # [String] List-Id header of each ML
    'reason',           # [String] Bounce reason
    'action',           # [String] The value of Action: header
    'subject',          # [String] UTF-8 Subject text
    'timestamp',        # [Sisimai::Time] Date: header in the original message
    'addresser',        # [Sisimai::Address] From address
    'recipient',        # [Sisimai::Address] Recipient address which bounced
    'messageid',        # [String] Message-Id: header
    'replycode',        # [String] SMTP Reply Code
    'smtpagent',        # [String] Module(Engine) name
    'softbounce',       # [Integer] 1 = Soft bounce, 0 = Hard bounce, -1 = ?
    'smtpcommand',      # [String] The last SMTP command
    'destination',      # [String] The domain part of the "recipinet"
    'senderdomain',     # [String] The domain part of the "addresser"
    'feedbacktype',     # [String] Feedback Type
    'diagnosticcode',   # [String] Diagnostic-Code: Header
    'diagnostictype',   # [String] The 1st part of Diagnostic-Code: Header
    'deliverystatus',   # [String] Delivery Status(DSN)
    'timezoneoffset',   # [Integer] Time zone offset(seconds)

my $EndOfEmail = Sisimai::String->EOM;
my $RetryIndex = Sisimai::Reason->retry;
my $RFC822Head = Sisimai::RFC5322->HEADERFIELDS('all');
my $AddrHeader = {
    'addresser' => $RFC822Head->{'addresser'},
    'recipient' => $RFC822Head->{'recipient'},
my $ActionHead = { 'failure' => 'failed', 'expired' => 'delayed' };

sub new {
    # Constructor of Sisimai::Data
    # @param    [Hash] argvs    Data
    # @return   [Sisimai::Data] Structured email data
    my $class = shift;
    my $argvs = { @_ };
    my $thing = {};

    # Create email address object
    my $as = Sisimai::Address->make($argvs->{'addresser'});
    my $ar = Sisimai::Address->make({ 'address' => $argvs->{'recipient'} });

    return undef unless ref $as eq 'Sisimai::Address';
    return undef unless ref $ar eq 'Sisimai::Address';

    $thing = {
        'addresser' => $as,
        'recipient' => $ar,
        'senderdomain' => $as->host,
        'destination'  => $ar->host,
        'alias' => $argvs->{'alias'} || $ar->alias,
        'token' => Sisimai::String->token($as, $ar, $argvs->{'timestamp'}),

    # Create Sisimai::Time object
    $thing->{'timestamp'} = localtime Sisimai::Time->new($argvs->{'timestamp'});
    $thing->{'timezoneoffset'} = $argvs->{'timezoneoffset'} // '+0000';

    # Callback method
    $thing->{'catch'} = $argvs->{'catch'} // undef;

    my @v1 = (qw|
        listid subject messageid smtpagent diagnosticcode diagnostictype deliverystatus
        reason lhost rhost smtpcommand feedbacktype action softbounce replycode
    $thing->{ $_ } = $argvs->{ $_ } // '' for @v1;
    $thing->{'replycode'} ||= Sisimai::SMTP::Reply->find($argvs->{'diagnosticcode'});

    return bless($thing, __PACKAGE__);

sub make {
    # Another constructor of Sisimai::Data
    # @param        [Hash] argvs       Data and orders
    # @option argvs [Sisimai::Message] Data Object
    # @return       [Array, Undef]     List of Sisimai::Data or Undef if the 
    #                                  argument is not Sisimai::Message object
    my $class = shift;
    my $argvs = { @_ };

    return undef unless exists $argvs->{'data'};
    return undef unless ref $argvs->{'data'} eq 'Sisimai::Message';
    return undef unless $argvs->{'data'}->ds;
    return undef unless $argvs->{'data'}->rfc822;

    require Sisimai::SMTP;
    my $delivered1 = $argvs->{'delivered'} // 0;
    my $messageobj = $argvs->{'data'};
    my $mailheader = $argvs->{'data'}->{'header'};
    my $rfc822data = $messageobj->rfc822;
    my $fieldorder = { 'recipient' => [], 'addresser' => [] };
    my $objectlist = [];
    my $givenorder = $argvs->{'order'} ? $argvs->{'order'} : {};

    # Decide the order of email headers: user specified or system default.
    if( ref $givenorder eq 'HASH' && scalar keys %$givenorder ) {
        # If the order of headers for searching is specified, use the order
        # for detecting an email address.
        for my $e ( keys %$fieldorder ) {
            # The order should be "Array Reference".
            next unless $givenorder->{ $e };
            next unless ref $givenorder->{ $e } eq 'ARRAY';
            next unless scalar @{ $givenorder->{ $e } };
            push @{ $fieldorder->{ $e } }, @{ $givenorder->{ $e } };

    for my $e ( keys %$fieldorder ) {
        # If the order is empty, use default order.
        next if scalar @{ $fieldorder->{ $e } };

        # Load default order of each accessor.
        $fieldorder->{ $e } = $AddrHeader->{ $e };

    LOOP_DELIVERY_STATUS: for my $e ( @{ $messageobj->ds } ) {
        # Create parameters for new() constructor.
        my $o = undef;  # Sisimai::Data Object
        my $r = undef;  # Reason text
        my $p = {
            'catch'          => $messageobj->catch   // undef,
            'lhost'          => $e->{'lhost'}        // '',
            'rhost'          => $e->{'rhost'}        // '',
            'alias'          => $e->{'alias'}        // '',
            'action'         => $e->{'action'}       // '',
            'reason'         => $e->{'reason'}       // '',
            'replycode'      => $e->{'replycode'}    // '',
            'smtpagent'      => $e->{'agent'}        // '',
            'recipient'      => $e->{'recipient'}    // '',
            'softbounce'     => $e->{'softbounce'}   // '',
            'smtpcommand'    => $e->{'command'}      // '',
            'feedbacktype'   => $e->{'feedbacktype'} // '',
            'diagnosticcode' => $e->{'diagnosis'}    // '',
            'diagnostictype' => $e->{'spec'}         // '',
            'deliverystatus' => $e->{'status'}       // '',
        unless( $delivered1 ) {
            # Skip if the value of "deliverystatus" begins with "2." such as 2.1.5
            next if index($p->{'deliverystatus'}, '2.') == 0;

        EMAIL_ADDRESS: {
            # Detect email address from message/rfc822 part
            my $h = undef;
            my $j = undef;
            for my $f ( @{ $fieldorder->{'addresser'} } ) {
                # Check each header in message/rfc822 part
                $h = lc $f;
                next unless exists $rfc822data->{ $h };
                next unless length $rfc822data->{ $h };

                $j = Sisimai::Address->find($rfc822data->{ $h }) || [];
                next unless scalar @$j;
                $p->{'addresser'} = $j->[0];

            unless( $p->{'addresser'} ) {
                # Fallback: Get the sender address from the header of the bounced
                # email if the address is not set at loop above.
                $j = Sisimai::Address->find($messageobj->{'header'}->{'to'}) || [];
                $p->{'addresser'} = $j->[0] if scalar @$j;
        next unless $p->{'addresser'};
        next unless $p->{'recipient'};

        TIMESTAMP: {
            # Convert from a time stamp or a date string to a machine time.
            my $datestring = undef;
            my $zoneoffset = 0;
            my @datevalues = ();
            push @datevalues, $e->{'date'} if $e->{'date'};

            # Date information did not exist in message/delivery-status part,...
            for my $f ( @{ $RFC822Head->{'date'} } ) {
                # Get the value of Date header or other date related header.
                next unless $rfc822data->{ lc $f };
                push @datevalues, $rfc822data->{ lc $f };

            # Set "date" getting from the value of "Date" in the bounce message
            push @datevalues, $messageobj->{'header'}->{'date'} if scalar(@datevalues) < 2;

            while( my $v = shift @datevalues ) {
                # Parse each date value in the array
                $datestring = Sisimai::DateTime->parse($v);
                last if $datestring;

            if( defined $datestring ) {
                # Get the value of timezone offset from $datestring
                if( $datestring =~ /\A(.+)[ ]+([-+]\d{4})\z/ ) {
                    # Wed, 26 Feb 2014 06:05:48 -0500
                    $datestring = $1;
                    $zoneoffset = Sisimai::DateTime->tz2second($2);
                    $p->{'timezoneoffset'} = $2;

            eval {
                # Convert from the date string to an object then calculate time
                # zone offset.
                my $t = Sisimai::Time->strptime($datestring, '%a, %d %b %Y %T');
                $p->{'timestamp'} = ($t->epoch - $zoneoffset) // undef; 
        next unless $p->{'timestamp'};

            # Scan "Received:" header of the original message
            my $recvheader = $mailheader->{'received'} || [];

            if( scalar @$recvheader ) {
                # Get localhost and remote host name from Received header.
                $e->{'lhost'} ||= shift @{ Sisimai::RFC5322->received($recvheader->[0]) };
                $e->{'rhost'} ||= pop   @{ Sisimai::RFC5322->received($recvheader->[-1]) };

            for my $v ('rhost', 'lhost') {
                $p->{ $v } =~ y/[]()//d;    # Remove square brackets and curly brackets from the host variable
                $p->{ $v } =~ s/\A.+=//;    # Remove string before "="
                $p->{ $v } =~ s/\r\z//g;    # Remove CR at the end of the value

                # Check space character in each value and get the first element
                $p->{ $v } = (split(' ', $p->{ $v }, 2))[0] if index($p->{ $v }, ' ') > -1;

            # Subject: header of the original message
            $p->{'subject'} =  $rfc822data->{'subject'} // '';
            $p->{'subject'} =~ s/\r\z//g;

            # The value of "List-Id" header
            $p->{'listid'} =  $rfc822data->{'list-id'} // '';
            if( length $p->{'listid'} ) {
                # Get the value of List-Id header: "List name <>"
                $p->{'listid'} =  $1 if $p->{'listid'} =~ /\A.*([<].+[>]).*\z/;
                $p->{'listid'} =~ y/<>//d;
                $p->{'listid'} =~ s/\r\z//g;
                $p->{'listid'} =  '' if index($p->{'listid'}, ' ') > -1;

            # The value of "Message-Id" header
            $p->{'messageid'} = $rfc822data->{'message-id'} // '';
            if( length $p->{'messageid'} ) {
                # Remove angle brackets
                $p->{'messageid'} =  $1 if $p->{'messageid'} =~ /\A([^ ]+)[ ].*/;
                $p->{'messageid'} =~ y/<>//d;
                $p->{'messageid'} =~ s/\r\z//g;

                # Cleanup the value of "Diagnostic-Code:" header
                $p->{'diagnosticcode'} =~ s/[ \t.]+$EndOfEmail//;
                $p->{'diagnosticcode'} =~ s/\r\z//g;

                if( length $p->{'diagnosticcode'} ) {
                    # Count the number of D.S.N. and SMTP Reply Code
                    my $vs = Sisimai::SMTP::Status->find($p->{'diagnosticcode'});
                    my $vr = Sisimai::SMTP::Reply->find($p->{'diagnosticcode'});
                    my $vm = 0;

                    if( length $vs ) {
                        # How many times does the D.S.N. appeared
                        $vm += 1 while $p->{'diagnosticcode'} =~ /\b\Q$vs\E\b/g;
                        $p->{'deliverystatus'} = $vs if $vs =~ /\A[45][.][1-9][.][1-9]\z/;

                    if( length $vr ) {
                        # How many times does the SMTP reply code appeared
                        $vm += 1 while $p->{'diagnosticcode'} =~ /\b$vr\b/g;
                        $p->{'replycode'} ||= $vr;

                    if( $vm > 2 ) {
                        # Build regular expression for removing string like '550-5.1.1'
                        # from the value of "diagnosticcode"
                        my $re = qr/[ ]$vr[- ](?:\Q$vs\E)?/;

                        # 550-5.7.1 [] Our system has detected that this message is
                        # 550-5.7.1 likely unsolicited mail. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail,
                        # 550-5.7.1 this message has been blocked. Please visit
                        # 550 5.7.1 for more information.
                        $p->{'diagnosticcode'} =~ s/$re/ /g;
                        $p->{'diagnosticcode'} =  Sisimai::String->sweep($p->{'diagnosticcode'});
                $p->{'diagnostictype'} ||= 'X-UNIX' if $p->{'reason'} eq 'mailererror';
                $p->{'diagnostictype'} ||= 'SMTP' unless $p->{'reason'} =~ /\A(?:feedback|vacation)\z/;

            # Check the value of SMTP command
            $p->{'smtpcommand'} = '' unless $p->{'smtpcommand'} =~ /\A(?:EHLO|HELO|MAIL|RCPT|DATA|QUIT)\z/;

            if( $p->{'action'} ) {
                # Action: expanded (to multi-recipient alias)
                $p->{'action'} = $1 if $p->{'action'} =~ /\A(.+?) .+/;

                unless( $p->{'action'} =~ /\A(?:failed|delayed|delivered|relayed|expanded)\z/ ) {
                    # The value of "action" is not in the following values:
                    # "failed" / "delayed" / "delivered" / "relayed" / "expanded"
                    for my $q ( keys %$ActionHead ) {
                        next unless $p->{'action'} eq $q;
                        $p->{'action'} = $ActionHead->{ $q };
            } else {
                if( $p->{'reason'} eq 'expired' ) {
                    # Action: delayed
                    $p->{'action'} = 'delayed';

                } elsif( index($p->{'deliverystatus'}, '5') == 0 || index($p->{'deliverystatus'}, '4') == 0 ) {
                    # Action: failed
                    $p->{'action'} = 'failed';
        $o = __PACKAGE__->new(%$p);
        next unless defined $o;

        if( $o->reason eq '' || grep { $o->reason eq $_ } @$RetryIndex ) {
            # Decide the reason of email bounce
            $r   = Sisimai::Rhost->get($o) if Sisimai::Rhost->match($o->rhost);   # Remote host dependent error
            $r ||= Sisimai::Reason->get($o);
            $r ||= 'undefined';

        if( $o->reason eq 'delivered' || $o->reason eq 'feedback' || $o->reason eq 'vacation' ) {
            # The value of reason is "delivered", "vacation" or "feedback".
            $o->replycode('') unless $o->reason eq 'delivered';

        } else {
            # Bounce message which reason is "feedback" or "vacation" does
            # not have the value of "deliverystatus".
            my $softorhard = undef;
            my $textasargv = undef;

            unless( length $o->softbounce ) {
                # Set the value of softbounce
                $textasargv =  $p->{'deliverystatus'}.' '.$p->{'diagnosticcode'};
                $textasargv =~ s/\A[ ]//g;
                $softorhard =  Sisimai::SMTP::Error->soft_or_hard($o->reason, $textasargv);

                if( length $softorhard ) {
                    # Returned value is "soft" or "hard"
                    $o->softbounce($softorhard eq 'soft' ? 1 : 0);

                } else {
                    # Returned value is an empty string or undef

            unless( $o->deliverystatus ) {
                # Set pseudo status code
                my $pseudocode = undef; # Pseudo delivery status code
                my $getchecked = undef; # Permanent error or not
                my $tmpfailure = undef; # Temporary error

                $textasargv =  $o->replycode.' '.$p->{'diagnosticcode'};
                $textasargv =~ s/\A[ ]//g;

                $getchecked = Sisimai::SMTP::Error->is_permanent($textasargv);
                $tmpfailure = defined $getchecked ? ( $getchecked == 1 ? 0 : 1 ) : 0;
                $pseudocode = Sisimai::SMTP::Status->code($o->reason, $tmpfailure);

                if( length $pseudocode ) {
                    # Set the value of "deliverystatus" and "softbounce".
                    if( $o->softbounce == -1 ) {
                        # Set the value of "softbounce" again when the value is -1
                        $softorhard = Sisimai::SMTP::Error->soft_or_hard($o->reason, $pseudocode);
                        if( length $softorhard ) {
                            # Returned value is "soft" or "hard"
                            $o->softbounce($softorhard eq 'soft' ? 1 : 0);

                        } else {
                            # Returned value is an empty string or undef

            if( $o->replycode ) {
                # Check both of the first digit of "deliverystatus" and "replycode"
                my $d1 = substr($o->deliverystatus, 0, 1);
                my $r1 = substr($o->replycode, 0, 1);
                $o->replycode('') unless $d1 eq $r1;
        push @$objectlist, $o;

    } # End of for(LOOP_DELIVERY_STATUS)

    return $objectlist;

sub damn {
    # Convert from object to hash reference
    # @return   [Hash] Data in Hash reference
    my $self = shift;
    my $data = undef;

    eval {
        my $v = {};
        my @stringdata = (qw|
            token lhost rhost listid alias reason subject messageid smtpagent 
            smtpcommand destination diagnosticcode senderdomain deliverystatus
            timezoneoffset feedbacktype diagnostictype action replycode catch

        for my $e ( @stringdata ) {
            # Copy string data
            $v->{ $e } = $self->$e // '';
        $v->{'addresser'} = $self->addresser->address;
        $v->{'recipient'} = $self->recipient->address;
        $v->{'timestamp'} = $self->timestamp->epoch;
        $data = $v;
    return $data;

sub dump {
    # Data dumper
    # @param    [String] type   Data format: json, yaml
    # @return   [String, Undef] Dumped data or Undef if the value of first
    #                           argument is neither "json" nor "yaml"
    my $self = shift;
    my $type = shift || 'json';
    return undef unless $type =~ /\A(?:json|yaml)\z/;

    my $dumpeddata = '';
    my $referclass = 'Sisimai::Data::'.uc($type);

    eval { Module::Load::load $referclass };
    $dumpeddata = $referclass->dump($self);

    return $dumpeddata;


=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Sisimai::Data - Parsed data object


    use Sisimai::Data;
    my $data = Sisimai::Data->make('data' => <Sisimai::Message> object);
    for my $e ( @$data ) {
        print $e->reason;               # userunknown, mailboxfull, and so on.
        print $e->recipient->address;   # (Sisimai::Address) envelope recipient address
        print $e->bonced->ymd           # (Sisimai::Time) Date of bounce


Sisimai::Data generate parsed data from Sisimai::Message object.


=head2 C<B<make(I<Hash>)>>

C<make> generate parsed data and returns an array reference which are 
including Sisimai::Data objects.

    my $mail = Sisimai::Mail->new('/var/mail/root');
    while( my $r = $mail->read ) {
        my $mesg = Sisimai::Message->new('data' => $r);
        my $data = Sisimai::Data->make('data' => $mesg);
        for my $e ( @$data ) {
            print $e->reason;               # userunknown, mailboxfull, and so on.
            print $e->recipient->address;   # (Sisimai::Address) envelope recipient address
            print $e->timestamp->ymd        # (Sisimai::Time) Date of the email bounce

If you want to get bounce records which reason is "delivered", set "delivered"
option to make() method like the following:

    my $data = Sisimai::Data->make('data' => $mesg, 'delivered' => 1);

Beggining from v4.19.0, `hook` argument is available to callback user defined
method like the following codes:

    my $call = sub {
        my $argv = shift;
        my $fish = { 'x-mailer' => '' };

        if( $argv->{'message'} =~ /^X-Mailer:\s*(.+)$/m ) {
            $fish->{'x-mailer'} = $1;

        return $fish;
    my $mesg = Sisimai::Message->new('data' => $mailtxt, 'hook' => $call);
    my $data = Sisimai::Data->make('data' => $mesg);
    for my $e ( @$data ) {
        print $e->catch->{'x-mailer'};      # Apple Mail (2.1283)


=head2 C<B<damn()>>

C<damn> convert the object to a hash reference.

    my $hash = $self->damn;
    print $hash->{'recipient'}; #
    print $hash->{'timestamp'}; # 1393940000


Sisimai::Data have the following properties:

=head2 C<action> (I<String>)

C<action> is the value of Action: field in a bounce email message such as 
C<failed> or C<delayed>.

    Action: failed

=head2 C<addresser> (I<Sisimai::Address)>

C<addressser> is L<Sisimai::Address> object generated from the sender address.
When Sisimai::Data object is dumped as JSON, this value converted to an email
address. Sisimai::Address object have the following accessors:


=item - user() - the local part of the address

=item - host() - the domain part of the address

=item - address() - email address

=item - verp() - variable envelope return path

=item - alias() - alias of the address


    From: "Kijitora Cat" <>

=head2 C<alias> (I<String>)

C<alias> is an alias address of the recipient. When the Original-Recipient:
field or C<expanded from "address"> string did not exist in a bounce message,
this value is empty.

    Original-Recipient: rfc822;

    "|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #kijitora"
        (expanded from: <>)

=head2 C<deliverystatus> (I<String>)

C<deliverystatus> is the value of Status: field in a bounce message. When the
message has no Status: field, Sisimai set pseudo value like 5.0.9XX to this 
value. The range of values only C<4.x.x> or C<5.x.x>.

    Status: 5.0.0 (permanent failure)

=head2 C<destination> (I<String>)

C<destination> is the domain part of the recipient address. This value is the
same as the return value from host() method of C<recipient> accessor.

=head2 C<diagnosticcode> (I<String>)

C<diagnosticcode> is an error message picked from Diagnostic-Code: field or 
message body in a bounce message. This value and the value of C<diagnostictype>,
C<action>, C<deliverystatus>, C<replycode>, and C<smtpcommand> will be referred
by L<Sisimai::Reason> to decide the bounce reason. 

    Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 554 5.4.6 Too many hops

=head2 C<diagnostictype> (C<String>)

C<diagnostictype> is a type like C<SMTP> or C<X-Unix> picked from Diagnostic-Code:
field in a bounce message. When there is no Diagnostic-Code: field in the bounce
message, this value will be empty.

    Diagnostic-Code: X-Unix; 255

=head2 C<feedbacktype> (I<String>)

C<feedbacktype> is the value of Feedback-Type: field like C<abuse>, C<fraud>,
C<opt-out> in a bounce message. When the message is not ARF format or the value
of C<reason> is not C<feedback>, this value will be empty.

    Content-Type: message/feedback-report

    Feedback-Type: abuse
    User-Agent: SMP-FBL

=head2 C<lhost> (I<String>)

C<lhost> is a local MTA name to be used as a gateway for sending email message
or the value of Reporting-MTA field in a bounce message. When there is no
Reporting-MTA field in the bounce message, Sisimai try to get the value from 
Received header.

    Reporting-MTA: dns;

=head2 C<listid> (I<String>)

C<listid> is the value of List-Id header of the original message. When there
is no List-Id field in the original message or the bounce message did not 
include the original message, this value will be empty.

    List-Id: Mailman mailing list management users 

=head2 C<messageid> (I<String>)

C<messageid> is the value of Message-Id header of the original message. When 
the original message did not include Message-Id: header or the bounce message
did not include the original message, this value will be empty.

    Message-Id: <>

=head2 C<recipient> (I<Sisimai::Address)>

C<recipient> is L<Sisimai::Address> object generated from the recipient address.
When Sisimai::Data object is dumped as JSON, this value converted to an email
address. Sisimai::Address object have the following accessors:


=item - user() - the local part of the address

=item - host() - the domain part of the address

=item - address() - email address

=item - verp() - variable envelope return path

=item - alias() - alias of the address


    Final-Recipient: RFC822;

=head2 C<reason> (I<String>)

C<reason> is the value of bounce reason Sisimai detected. When this value is 
C<undefined> or C<onhold>, it means that Sisimai could not decide the reason. 
All the reasons Sisismai can detect are available at L<Sisimai::Reason> or web
site L<>.

=head2 C<replycode> (I<Integer>)

C<replyacode> is the value of SMTP reply code picked from the error message or 
the value of Diagnostic-Code: field in a bounce message. The range of values is
only 4xx or 5xx.

       ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
        (reason: 550 5.1.1 <>... User Unknown)

=head2 C<rhost> (I<String>)

C<rhost> is a remote MTA name which has rejected the message you sent or the
value of Remote-MTA: field in a bounce message. When there is no Remote-MTA 
field in the bounce message, Sisimai try to get the value from Received header.

    Remote-MTA: DNS;

=head2 C<senderdomain> (I<String>)

C<senderdomain> is the domain part of the sender address. This value is the same
as the return value from host() method of addresser accessor.

=head2 C<smtpagent> (I<String>)

C<smtpagent> is a module name to be used for detecting bounce reason. For 
example, when the value is C<Sendmail>, Sisimai used L<Sisimai::Bite::Email::Sendmail>
to get the recipient address and other delivery status information from a 
bounce message.

=head2 C<smtpcommand> (I<String>)

C<smtpcommand> is a SMTP command name picked from the error message or the value
of Diagnostic-Code: field in a bounce message. When there is no SMTP command in
the bounce message, this value will be empty. The list of values is C<HELO>,

    <>: host[] said: 550 5.1.6 recipient
        no longer on server: (in reply to RCPT TO command)

=head2 C<softbounce> (I<Integer>)

The value of C<softbounce> indicates whether the reason of the bounce is soft
bounce or hard bounce. This accessor has added in Sisimai 4.1.28. The range of
the values are the followings:


=item 1 = Soft bounce

=item 0 = Hard bounce

=item -1 = Sisimai could not decide


=head2 C<subject> (I<String>)

C<subject> is the value of Subject header of the original message. When the 
original message which is included in a bounce email contains no Subject header 
(removed by remote MTA), this value will be empty. 
If the value of Subject header of the original message contain any multibyte 
character (non-ASCII character), such as MIME encoded Japanese or German and so
on, the value of subject in parsed data is encoded with UTF-8 again.

=head2 C<token> (I<String>)

C<token> is an identifier of each email-bounce. The token string is created from
the sender email address (addresser) and the recipient email address (recipient)
and the machine time of the date in a bounce message as an MD5 hash value.
The token value is generated at C<token()> method of L<Sisimai::String> class.

If you want to get the same token string at command line, try to run the
following command:

    % printf "\x02%s\x1e%s\x1e%d\x03" `date '+%s'` | md5

=head2 C<timestamp> (I<Sisimai::Time>)

C<timestamp> is the date which email has bounced as a L<Sisima::Time> (Child 
class of Time::Piece) object. When Sisimai::Data object is dumped as JSON, this
value will be converted to an UNIX machine time (32 bits integer).

    Arrival-Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2009 23:45:33 +0900

=head2 C<timezomeoffset> (I<String>)

C<timezoneoffset> is a time zone offset of a bounce email which its email has
bounced. The format of this value is String like C<+0900>, C<-0200>.
If Sisimai has failed to get a value of time zone offset, this value will be 
set as C<+0000>.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR



Copyright (C) 2014-2018 azumakuniyuki, All rights reserved.

=head1 LICENSE

This software is distributed under The BSD 2-Clause License.
