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use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Copy;
use Test::More tests => 142;
use Test::Exception;
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use lib 't/lib';
use TestConfig;

# Tests whose expected behaviour has been modified from that of the
# original git-config test suite are marked with comments.
# Additional tests that were not pulled from the git-config test-suite
# are also marked.

# create an empty test directory in /tmp
my $config_dirname = tempdir( CLEANUP => !$ENV{CONFIG_GITLIKE_DEBUG} );
my $config_filename = File::Spec->catfile( $config_dirname, 'config' );

diag "config file is: $config_filename" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};

my $config
    = TestConfig->new( confname => 'config', tmpdir => $config_dirname );

diag('Test git config in different settings') if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};

    key      => 'core.penguin',
    value    => 'little blue',
    filename => $config_filename

my $expect = <<'EOF'
	penguin = little blue

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'initial' );

    key      => 'Core.Movie',
    value    => 'BadPhysics',
    filename => $config_filename

$expect = <<'EOF'
	penguin = little blue
	Movie = BadPhysics

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'mixed case' );

    key      => 'Cores.WhatEver',
    value    => 'Second',
    filename => $config_filename

$expect = <<'EOF'
	penguin = little blue
	Movie = BadPhysics
	WhatEver = Second

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'similar section' );

    key      => 'CORE.UPPERCASE',
    value    => 'true',
    filename => $config_filename

$expect = <<'EOF'
	penguin = little blue
	Movie = BadPhysics
	WhatEver = Second

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'similar section' );

# set returns nothing on success
lives_ok {
        key      => 'core.penguin',
        value    => 'kingpin',
        filter   => '!blue',
        filename => $config_filename
'replace with non-match';

lives_ok {
        key      => 'core.penguin',
        value    => 'very blue',
        filter   => '!kingpin',
        filename => $config_filename
'replace with non-match';

$expect = <<'EOF'
	penguin = very blue
	Movie = BadPhysics
	penguin = kingpin
	WhatEver = Second

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'non-match result' );

bar = foo
baz = multiple \

lives_ok { $config->set( key => 'beta.baz', filename => $config_filename ) }
'unset with cont. lines';

$expect = <<'EOF'
bar = foo

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'unset with cont. lines is correct' );

    '[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
noIndent= sillyValue ; \'nother silly comment

# empty line
		; comment
haha = hello
	haha = bello
[nextSection] noNewline = ouch

my $config2_filename = File::Spec->catfile( $config_dirname, '.config2' );

copy( $config_filename, $config2_filename )
    or die "File cannot be copied: $!";

    key      => 'beta.haha',
    filename => $config_filename,
    multiple => 1
$expect = <<'EOF'
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
noIndent= sillyValue ; 'nother silly comment

# empty line
		; comment
[nextSection] noNewline = ouch

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'multiple unset is correct' );

copy( $config2_filename, $config_filename )
    or die "File cannot be copied: $!";

unlink $config2_filename;

lives_ok {
        key         => 'beta.haha',
        value       => 'gamma',
        multiple    => 1,
        replace_all => 1,
        filename    => $config_filename
'replace all';

$expect = <<'EOF'
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
noIndent= sillyValue ; 'nother silly comment

# empty line
		; comment
	haha = gamma
[nextSection] noNewline = ouch

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'all replaced' );

    key      => 'beta.haha',
    value    => 'alpha',
    filename => $config_filename

$expect = <<'EOF'
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
noIndent= sillyValue ; 'nother silly comment

# empty line
		; comment
	haha = alpha
[nextSection] noNewline = ouch

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'really mean test' );

    key      => 'nextsection.nonewline',
    value    => 'wow',
    filename => $config_filename

# NOTE: git moves the definition of the variable without a newline
# to the next line;
# let's not do that since we do substring replacement rather than
# reformatting
$expect = <<'EOF'
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
noIndent= sillyValue ; 'nother silly comment

# empty line
		; comment
	haha = alpha
[nextSection] nonewline = wow

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'really really mean test' );

is( $config->get( key => 'beta.haha' ), 'alpha', 'get value' );

# unset beta.haha (unset accomplished by value = undef)
$config->set( key => 'beta.haha', filename => $config_filename );

$expect = <<'EOF'
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
noIndent= sillyValue ; 'nother silly comment

# empty line
		; comment
[nextSection] nonewline = wow

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'unset' );

    key      => 'nextsection.NoNewLine',
    value    => 'wow2 for me',
    filter   => qr/for me$/,
    filename => $config_filename

$expect = <<'EOF'
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
noIndent= sillyValue ; 'nother silly comment

# empty line
		; comment
[nextSection] nonewline = wow
	NoNewLine = wow2 for me

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'multivar' );

lives_ok {
        key    => 'nextsection.nonewline',
        filter => '!for'

lives_and {
    is( $config->get(
            key    => 'nextsection.nonewline',
            filter => '!for'
'non-match value';

# must use get_all to get multiple values
throws_ok { $config->get( key => 'nextsection.nonewline' ) }
qr/multiple values/i, 'ambiguous get';

    scalar $config->get_all( key => 'nextsection.nonewline' ),
    [ 'wow', 'wow2 for me' ],
    'get multivar'

    key      => 'nextsection.nonewline',
    value    => 'wow3',
    filter   => qr/wow/,
    filename => $config_filename

$expect = <<'EOF'
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
noIndent= sillyValue ; 'nother silly comment

# empty line
		; comment
[nextSection] nonewline = wow3
	NoNewLine = wow2 for me
is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'multivar replace only the first match' );

throws_ok {
        key      => 'nextsection.nonewline',
        filename => $config_filename,
        multiple => 0,  # Otherwise we Do The Right Thing, as we know it's multiple
qr/Multiple occurrences of non-multiple key/i, 'ambiguous unset';

throws_ok {
        key      => 'somesection.nonewline',
        filename => $config_filename
qr/No occurrence of somesection.nonewline found to unset/i, 'invalid unset';

lives_ok {
        key      => 'nextsection.nonewline',
        filter   => qr/wow3$/,
        filename => $config_filename
"multivar unset doesn't crash";

$expect = <<'EOF'
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
noIndent= sillyValue ; 'nother silly comment

# empty line
		; comment
	NoNewLine = wow2 for me

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'multivar unset' );

# ADDITIONAL TESTS (7): our rules for valid keys are
# much more permissive than git's
throws_ok {
        key      => "inval.key=foo",
        value    => 'blabla',
        filename => $config_filename
qr/invalid variable name/i, 'invalid name containing = char';

throws_ok {
        key      => 'inval.  key',
        value    => 'blabla',
        filename => $config_filename
qr/invalid variable name/i, 'invalid name starting with whitespace';

throws_ok {
        key      => 'inval.key  ',
        value    => 'blabla',
        filename => $config_filename
qr/invalid variable name/i, 'invalid name ending with whitespace';

throws_ok {
        key      => "inval.key\n2",
        value    => 'blabla',
        filename => $config_filename
qr/invalid key/i, 'invalid name containing newline';

lives_ok {
        key => 'valid.""',
        value => 'true',
        filename => $config_filename,
'can have . char in key if quoted';

lives_and {
    is( $config->get( key => 'valid.""' ), 'true' );
'URL key value is correct';

# kill this section just to not have to modify all the following tests
lives_ok {
    $config->remove_section( section => 'valid', filename => $config_filename );
'remove URL key section';

lives_ok {
        key      => '123456.a123',
        value    => '987',
        filename => $config_filename
'correct key';

lives_ok {
        key      => 'Version.1.2.3eX.Alpha',
        value    => 'beta',
        filename => $config_filename
'correct key';

$expect = <<'EOF'
[beta] ; silly comment # another comment
noIndent= sillyValue ; 'nother silly comment

# empty line
		; comment
	NoNewLine = wow2 for me
	a123 = 987
[Version "1.2.3eX"]
	Alpha = beta

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'hierarchical section value' );

$expect = <<'EOF'
nextsection.nonewline=wow2 for me

is( $config->dump, $expect, 'working dump' );

### ADDITIONAL TEST for dump

my %results = $config->dump;
    {   '123456.a123'           => '987',
        'beta.noindent'         => 'sillyValue',
        'nextsection.nonewline' => 'wow2 for me',
        'version.1.2.3eX.alpha' => 'beta'
    'dump works in array context'

$expect = { 'beta.noindent', 'sillyValue', 'nextsection.nonewline',
    'wow2 for me' };

# test get_regexp

lives_and { is_deeply( scalar $config->get_regexp( key => 'in' ), $expect ) }

    key      => 'nextsection.nonewline',
    value    => 'wow4 for you',
    filename => $config_filename,
    multiple => 1


$expect = [ 'wow2 for me', 'wow4 for you' ];

is_deeply( scalar $config->get_all( key => 'nextsection.nonewline' ),
    $expect, '--add' );

	variable =

lives_and {
    is( $config->get( key => 'novalue.variable', filter => qr/^$/ ), undef );
'get variable with no value';

lives_and {
    is( $config->get( key => 'emptyvalue.variable', filter => qr/^$/ ), '' );
'get variable with empty value';

# more get_regexp

lives_and {
    is_deeply( scalar $config->get_regexp( key => 'novalue' ),
        { 'novalue.variable' => undef } );
'get_regexp variable with no value';

lives_and {
    is_deeply( scalar $config->get_regexp( key => qr/emptyvalue/ ),
        { 'emptyvalue.variable' => '' } );
'get_regexp variable with empty value';

# should evaluate to a true value
ok( $config->get( key => 'novalue.variable', as => 'bool' ),
    'get bool variable with no value' );

# should evaluate to a false value
ok( !$config->get( key => 'emptyvalue.variable', as => 'bool' ),
    'get bool variable with empty value' );

# testing alternate subsection notation
	c = d

$config->set( key => 'a.x', value => 'y', filename => $config_filename );

$expect = <<'EOF'
	c = d
	x = y

is( $config->slurp, $expect,
    'new section is partial match of another' );

$config->set( key => 'b.x', value => 'y', filename => $config_filename );
$config->set( key => 'a.b', value => 'c', filename => $config_filename );

$expect = <<'EOF'
	c = d
	x = y
	b = c
	x = y

is( $config->slurp, $expect,
    'new variable inserts into proper section' );

# testing rename_section

# NOTE: added comment after [branch "1 234 blabl/a"] to check that our
# implementation doesn't blow away trailing text after a rename like
# git-config currently does
    '# Hallo
[branch "eins"]
	x = 1
	y = 1
	[branch "1 234 blabl/a"] ; comment

lives_ok {
        from     => 'branch.eins',
        to       => 'branch.zwei',
        filename => $config_filename
'rename_section lives';

$expect = <<'EOF'
# Hallo
[branch "zwei"]
	x = 1
[branch "zwei"]
	y = 1
	[branch "1 234 blabl/a"] ; comment

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'rename succeeded' );

throws_ok {
        from     => 'branch."world domination"',
        to       => 'branch.drei',
        filename => $config_filename
qr/no such section/i, 'rename non-existing section';

is( $config->slurp, $expect,
    'rename non-existing section changes nothing' );

lives_ok {
        from     => 'branch."1 234 blabl/a"',
        to       => 'branch.drei',
        filename => $config_filename
'rename another section';

# NOTE: differs from current git behaviour, because the way that git handles
# renames / variable replacement is buggy (git would write [branch "drei"]
# without the leading tab, and then clobber anything that followed)
$expect = <<'EOF'
# Hallo
[branch "zwei"]
	x = 1
[branch "zwei"]
	y = 1
	[branch "drei"] ; comment

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'rename succeeded' );

# [branch "vier"] doesn't get interpreted as a real section
# header because the variable definition before it means
# that all the way to the end of that line is a part of
# a's value
    $config->slurp . '[branch "zwei"] a = 1 [branch "vier"]

lives_ok {
        section  => 'branch.zwei',
        filename => $config_filename
'remove section';

# we kill leading whitespace on section removes because it makes
# the implementation easier (can just kill all the way up to
# the following section or the end of the file)
$expect = <<'EOF'
# Hallo
[branch "drei"] ; comment

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'section was removed properly' );

unlink $config_filename;

$expect = <<'EOF'
	enabled = true
	dbname = %Ggitcvs2.%a.%m.sqlite
[gitcvs "ext"]
	dbname = %Ggitcvs1.%a.%m.sqlite

    key      => 'gitcvs.enabled',
    value    => 'true',
    filename => $config_filename
    key      => 'gitcvs.ext.dbname',
    value    => '%Ggitcvs1.%a.%m.sqlite',
    filename => $config_filename
    key      => 'gitcvs.dbname',
    value    => '%Ggitcvs2.%a.%m.sqlite',
    filename => $config_filename
is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'section ending' );

# testing int casting

    key      => 'kilo.gram',
    value    => '1k',
    filename => $config_filename
    key      => 'mega.ton',
    value    => '1m',
    filename => $config_filename
is( $config->get( key => 'kilo.gram', as => 'int' ),
    1024, 'numbers: int k interp' );
is( $config->get( key => 'mega.ton', as => 'int' ),
    1048576, 'numbers: int m interp' );

# units that aren't k/m/g should throw an error

    key      => 'aninvalid.unit',
    value    => '1auto',
    filename => $config_filename
throws_ok { $config->get( key => 'aninvalid.unit', as => 'int' ) }
qr/invalid unit/i, 'invalid unit';

my %pairs
    = qw( true1 01 true2 -1 true3 YeS true4 true false1 000 false3 nO false4 FALSE);
$pairs{false2} = '';

for my $key ( keys %pairs ) {
        key      => "bool.$key",
        value    => $pairs{$key},
        filename => $config_filename

my @results = ();

for my $i ( 1 .. 4 ) {
    push( @results,
        $config->get( key => "bool.true$i",  as => 'bool' ),
        $config->get( key => "bool.false$i", as => 'bool' ) );

my $b = 1;

while (@results) {
    if ($b) {
        ok( shift @results, 'correct true bool from get' );
    } else {
        ok( !shift @results, 'correct false bool from get' );
    $b = !$b;

    key      => 'bool.nobool',
    value    => 'foobar',
    filename => $config_filename
throws_ok { $config->get( key => 'bool.nobool', as => 'bool' ) }
qr/invalid bool/i, 'invalid bool (get)';

# test casting with set
throws_ok {
        key      => 'bool.nobool',
        value    => 'foobar',
        as       => 'bool',
        filename => $config_filename
qr/invalid bool/i, 'invalid bool (set)';

unlink $config_filename;

for my $key ( keys %pairs ) {
        key      => "bool.$key",
        value    => $pairs{$key},
        filename => $config_filename,
        as       => 'bool'

@results = ();

for my $i ( 1 .. 4 ) {
    push( @results,
        $config->get( key => "bool.true$i" ),
        $config->get( key => "bool.false$i" ) );

$b = 1;

while (@results) {
    if ($b) {
        is( shift @results, 'true', 'correct true bool from set' );
    } else {
        is( shift @results, 'false', 'correct false bool from set' );
    $b = !$b;

unlink $config_filename;

$expect = <<'EOF'
	val1 = 1
	val2 = -1
	val3 = 5242880

    key      => 'int.val1',
    value    => '01',
    filename => $config_filename,
    as       => 'int'
    key      => 'int.val2',
    value    => '-1',
    filename => $config_filename,
    as       => 'int'
    key      => 'int.val3',
    value    => '5m',
    filename => $config_filename,
    as       => 'int'

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'set --int' );

unlink $config_filename;

    true1 = on
    true2 = yes
    false1 = off
    false2 = no
    int1 = 00
    int2 = 01
    int3 = -01

is( $config->get( key => 'bool.true1', as => 'bool-or-int', human => 1 ),
    'true', 'get bool-or-int' );
is( $config->get( key => 'bool.true2', as => 'bool-or-int', human => 1 ),
    'true', 'get bool-or-int' );
is( $config->get( key => 'bool.false1', as => 'bool-or-int', human => 1 ),
    'false', 'get bool-or-int' );
is( $config->get( key => 'bool.false2', as => 'bool-or-int', human => 1 ),
    'false', 'get bool-or-int' );
is( $config->get( key => 'int.int1', as => 'bool-or-int' ),
    0, 'get bool-or-int' );
is( $config->get( key => 'int.int2', as => 'bool-or-int' ),
    1, 'get bool-or-int' );
is( $config->get( key => 'int.int3', as => 'bool-or-int' ),
    -1, 'get bool-or-int' );

unlink $config_filename;

$expect = <<'EOF'
	true1 = true
	false1 = false
	true2 = true
	false2 = false
	int1 = 0
	int2 = 1
	int3 = -1

    key      => 'bool.true1',
    value    => 'true',
    as       => 'bool-or-int',
    filename => $config_filename
    key      => 'bool.false1',
    value    => 'false',
    as       => 'bool-or-int',
    filename => $config_filename
    key      => 'bool.true2',
    value    => 'yes',
    as       => 'bool-or-int',
    filename => $config_filename
    key      => 'bool.false2',
    value    => 'no',
    as       => 'bool-or-int',
    filename => $config_filename
    key      => 'int.int1',
    value    => '0',
    as       => 'bool-or-int',
    filename => $config_filename
    key      => 'int.int2',
    value    => '1',
    as       => 'bool-or-int',
    filename => $config_filename
    key      => 'int.int3',
    value    => '-1',
    as       => 'bool-or-int',
    filename => $config_filename

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'set bool-or-int' );

unlink $config_filename;

    key      => 'quote.leading',
    value    => ' test',
    filename => $config_filename
    key      => 'quote.ending',
    value    => 'test ',
    filename => $config_filename
    key      => 'quote.semicolon',
    value    => 'test;test',
    filename => $config_filename
    key      => 'quote.hash',
    value    => 'test#test',
    filename => $config_filename

$expect = <<'EOF'
	leading = " test"
	ending = "test "
	semicolon = "test;test"
	hash = "test#test"

is( $config->slurp, $expect, 'quoting' );

throws_ok {
        key      => "key.with\nnewline",
        value    => '123',
        filename => $config_filename
qr/invalid key/, 'key with newline';

lives_ok {
        key      => 'key.sub',
        value    => "value.with\nnewline",
        filename => $config_filename
'value with newline';

	; comment \
	continued = cont\
	noncont   = not continued ; \
	quotecont = "cont;\

$expect = <<'EOF'
section.noncont=not continued

is( $config->dump, $expect, 'value continued on next line' );

# testing symlinked configuration
    skip 'windows does *not* support symlink', 2 if $^O =~ /MSWin/;

    symlink File::Spec->catfile( $config_dirname, 'notyet' ),
      File::Spec->catfile( $config_dirname, 'myconfig' );

    my $myconfig = TestConfig->new(
        confname => 'myconfig',
        tmpdir   => $config_dirname
        key      => 'test.frotz',
        value    => 'nitfol',
        filename => File::Spec->catfile( $config_dirname, 'myconfig' )
    my $notyet = TestConfig->new(
        confname => 'notyet',
        tmpdir   => $config_dirname
        key      => 'test.xyzzy',
        value    => 'rezrov',
        filename => File::Spec->catfile( $config_dirname, 'notyet' )
    is( $notyet->get( key => 'test.frotz' ),
        'nitfol', 'can get 1st val from symlink' );
    is( $notyet->get( key => 'test.xyzzy' ),
        'rezrov', 'can get 2nd val from symlink' );

### ADDITIONAL TESTS (not from the git test suite, just things that I didn't
### see tests for and think should be tested)

# weird yet valid edge case
    '# foo
[section] [section2] a = 1
b = 2


$expect = <<'EOF'

is( $config->dump, $expect, 'section headers are valid w/out newline' );

    '# foo
	b = off
	b = on
	exact = 0
	inexact = 01
	delicieux = true


    scalar $config->get_regexp( key => 'x', as => 'bool' ),
    {   'section.exact'     => 0,
        'section.inexact'   => 1,
        'section.delicieux' => 1
    'get_regexp casting works'

    scalar $config->get_regexp( key => 'x', filter => '!0' ),
    { 'section.delicieux' => 'true' },
    'get_regexp filter works'

is_deeply( scalar $config->get_all( key => 'section.b', filter => 'f' ),
    ['off'], 'get_all filter works' );

    scalar $config->get_all( key => 'section.b', as => 'bool' ),
    [ 0, 1 ],
    'get_all casting works'

# we don't strip the quotes on this, right?
    key => '',
    value => '"ssh" for ""',
    filename => $config_filename,
is( $config->get( key => '' ), '"ssh" for ""',
    "don't strip quotes contained in value" );

    key => '',
    value => '1.542',
    filename => $config_filename,

# test difference between int/num casting, since git config doesn't
# do num
is( $config->get( key => '', as => 'int' ), 1,
    'int casting truncates');
is( $config->get( key => '', as => 'num' ), 1.542,
    'num casting doesn\'t truncate');

# Test config file inheritance/overriding.

# Config files are loaded in the order: global, user, dir. Variables contained
# in files loaded later replace variables of the same name that were
# loaded earlier.

unlink $config_filename;

my $global_config = File::Spec->catfile( $config_dirname, 'etc', 'config' );
my $user_config = File::Spec->catfile( $config_dirname, 'home', 'config' );
my $repo_config = $config_filename;

mkdir File::Spec->catdir( $config_dirname, 'etc' );
mkdir File::Spec->catdir( $config_dirname, 'home' );

	b = off

	b = on
	a = off


is( $config->get( key => 'section.b' ), 'off',
    'repo config overrides user config');

is( $config->get( key => 'section.a' ), 'off',
    'user config is loaded');
	b = true
	a = true
	c = true


%results = $config->dump;
    { 'section.a' => 'off', 'section.b' => 'off', 'section.c' => 'true' },
    'global config is loaded and user/repo configs override it'

unlink $config_filename;

# Tests for group_set, which git doesn't have.

# Anything beyond the basics should be covered by the fact that
# set is implemented in terms of group_set. We just want to
# make sure that passing in multiple things to set works here,
# since set only passes in one.

        key => 'foo.test1',
        value => '1',
        as => 'bool',
        key => 'foo.test2',
        value => 'bar',

is( $config->get( key => 'foo.test1' ), 'true', 'basic group_set' );
is( $config->get( key => 'foo.test2' ), 'bar', 'basic group_set' );

unlink $global_config;
unlink $user_config;
unlink $repo_config;

# Test to make sure subsection comparison is case-sensitive.
    '[section "FOO"]
	b = true
[section "foo"]
	b = yes


# If comparison were actually case-insensitive, this would blow
# up on a multival.
is( $config->get( key => 'section.FOO.b' ), 'true',
    'subsection comparison is case-sensitive' );

# Test section names with with weird characters in them (non git-compat)

	admin =
[ "users"]
	epe = Eddie P. Example

lives_and {
    is( $config->get( key => '' ),
        '' );
} 'parse weird characters in section in non-git compat mode';

lives_and {
        key => '',
        value => 'Joe Schmoe',
        filename => $config_filename,
    is( $config->get( key => '' ),
        'Joe Schmoe',
} 'set weird characters in section in non-git compat mode';

# Test git compat flag.


# variables names that start with numbers or contain characters other
# than a-zA-Z- are illegal

    '[section "FOO"] = true

throws_ok { $config->load; } qr/error parsing/im,
    'variable names cannot contain . in git-compat mode';

    '[section "FOO"]
	foo%@$#bar = true

throws_ok { $config->load; } qr/error parsing/im,
    'variable names cannot contain symbols in git-compat mode';

    '[section "FOO"]
	01inval = true

throws_ok { $config->load; } qr/error parsing/im,
    'variable names cannot start with a number git-compat mode';

    '[section "FOO"]
	-inval = true

throws_ok { $config->load; } qr/error parsing/im,
    'variable names cannot start with a dash git-compat mode';

# set has a different check than the parsing code, so test it too
throws_ok {
        key => 'section.01inval',
        value => 'none',
        filename => $config_filename,
    ) } qr/invalid variable name/im, 'variable names cannot start with a number in git-compat mode';

throws_ok {
        key => '$@bar',
        value => 'none',
        filename => $config_filename,
    ) } qr/invalid variable name/im, 'variable names cannot contain symbols in git-compat mode';

throws_ok {
        key => 'section.""',
        value => 'none',
        filename => $config_filename,
    ) } qr/invalid variable name/im, 'variable names cannot contain . in git-compat mode';

throws_ok {
        key => 'section.-inval',
        value => 'none',
        filename => $config_filename,
    ) } qr/invalid variable name/im, 'variable names cannot start with - in git-compat mode';

# section names cannot contain characters other than a-zA-Z-. in compat mode

    '[se$^%#& "FOO"]
	a = b

throws_ok { $config->load; } qr/error parsing/im,
    'section names cannot contain symbols in git-compat mode';

    '[sec tion "FOO"]
	a = b

throws_ok { $config->load; } qr/error parsing/im,
    'section names cannot contain whitespace in git-compat mode';

    '[ "FOO"]
	a = b

lives_ok { $config->load; }
    'section names can contain - and . in git-compat mode';

# set has a different check than the parsing code, so test it too
throws_ok {
        key => 'sec',
        value => 'none',
        filename => $config_filename,
    ) } qr/invalid section name/im,
'section names cannot contain whitespace in git-compat mode';

throws_ok {
        key => 's^*&^#$.foo.baz',
        value => 'none',
        filename => $config_filename,
    ) } qr/invalid section name/im, 'section names cannot contain symbols in git-compat mode';

lives_and {
        key => '',
        value => 'none',
        filename => $config_filename,
    is( $config->get( key => '' ), 'none' );
} 'section names can contain - and . while setting in git-compat mode';

throws_ok {
        key => "\nbar.baz",
        value => 'none',
        filename => $config_filename,
    ) } qr/invalid key/im,
'subsection names cannot contain unescaped newlines in compat mode';

# these should be the case in no-compat mode too

throws_ok {
        key => "\nbar.baz",
        value => 'none',
        filename => $config_filename,
    ) } qr/invalid key/im,
'subsection names cannot contain unescaped newlines in nocompat mode';

# Make sure some bad configs throw errors.
    '[testing "FOO"
	a = b

throws_ok { $config->load } qr/error parsing/i, 'invalid section (nocompat)';
throws_ok { $config->load } qr/error parsing/i, 'invalid section (compat)';

# This should be OK since the variable name doesn't start with [
	a[] = b

throws_ok { $config->load } qr/error parsing/i,
    'key cannot contain [] in compat mode';


lives_and {
    is( $config->get( key => 'test.a[]' ), 'b' );
} 'key can contain but not start with [ in nocompat mode';

lives_and {
        key      => "\\\\bar.baz",
        value    => 'none',
        filename => $config_filename,
    is( $config->get( key => "\\\\bar.baz" ), 'none' );
"subsection with escaped backslashes";

# special values in subsection

my %special_in_value =
  ( backslash => "\\", doublequote => q{"} );

while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %special_in_value ) {
    for my $times ( 1 .. 3 ) {
        my $value = 'chan' . $v x $times . "mon" . $v x $times;
        lives_and {
                key      => "",
                value    => $value,
                filename => $config_filename,
            is( $config->get( key => "" ), $value );
        "value with $k occurs $times time"
          . (
            $times == 1
            ? ''
            : 's'

# special chars in subsection, particularly auto-escaping \ and " on set
my %special_in_subsection =
  ( backslash => "\\", doublequote => q{"} );

while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %special_in_subsection ) {
    for my $times ( 1 .. 3 ) {
        my $key = '' . $v x $times . 'bar' . $v x $times . 'baz';

        lives_and {
                key      => $key,
                value    => 'none',
                filename => $config_filename,
            is( $config->get( key => $key ), 'none' );
        "subsection with $k occurs with $times time"
          . (
            $times == 1
            ? ''
            : 's'