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use warnings;
use strict;

package Jifty::Web::Form;

use base qw/Jifty::Object Class::Accessor::Fast/;

__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(actions printed_actions name call is_open disable_autocomplete target submit_to onsubmit class));

# Alias id to name
*id = *name;

use Scalar::Util qw/weaken/;

=head1 NAME

Jifty::Web::Form - Tools for rendering and dealing with HTML forms

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new ARGS

Creates a new L<Jifty::Web::Form>.  Arguments:


=item id

The HTML id attribute given to the form.  This is aliased to L<name>.  That is,
name and id are always equal and changing one changes the other.

=item class

The HTML class attribute given to the form.

=item name

The name given to the form.  This is mostly for naming specific forms
for testing.

=item call

All buttons in this form will act as continuation calls for the given
continuation id.

=item disable_autocomplete

Disable B<browser> autocomplete for this form.  Jifty autocomplete will still



sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = bless {}, ref $class ? ref $class : $class;

    my %args = (
        name => undef,
        call => undef,
        submit_to => undef,
        target => undef,
        disable_autocomplete => undef,

    return $self;

=head2 PRIVATE _init

Reinitialize this form.


=item name

The form name

=item call

The continuation id to call



sub _init {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = (name => undef,
                call => undef,
                target => undef,
                submit_to => undef,
                disable_autocomplete => undef,

    $self->actions( {} ) ;
    $self->printed_actions( {} ) ;

=head2 actions

Returns a reference to a hash of L<Jifty::Action> objects in this form keyed by moniker.

If you want to add actions to this form, use L</add_action>


=head2 name [VALUE]

Gets or sets the HTML name given to the form element.


=head2 call [CONTID]

Gets or sets the continuation ID that will be called for this form.


=head2 is_open [BOOL]

This accessor returns true if Jifty is currently in the middle of rendering a form
(if it's printed a <form> but not yet printed a </form> tag.) Use this in your
components to decide whether to open a form or not if you might be called from a
template that opened the form for you.


=head2 add_action PARAMHASH

Calls L<Jifty::Web/new_action> with the paramhash given, and adds it to
the form.


sub add_action {
    my $self = shift;

=head2 register_action ACTION

Adds C<ACTION> as an action for this form. Called so that actions'
form fields can register the action against the form they're being
used in.


sub register_action {
    my $self = shift;
    my $action = shift;
    $self->actions->{ $action->moniker } =  $action;
    weaken $self->actions->{ $action->moniker};
    return $action;

=head2 has_action MONIKER

If this form has an action whose moniker is C<MONIKER>, returns
it. Otherwise returns undef.


sub has_action {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $moniker = shift;
    if ( exists $self->actions->{$moniker} ) {
        return $self->actions->{$moniker};
    else { return undef }


=head2 start

Renders the opening form tag.


sub start {
    my $self = shift;
    local $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth = $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth + 1;

    my %args = (@_);

    if ($self->is_open) {
        $self->log->warn("Trying to open a form when we already have one open");

    for (keys %args) {
        if ( $self->can($_) ) {
        } else {
            my (undef, $template, $line) = caller;
            $self->log->warn("Unknown parameter to Jifty->web->form->start: $_ in $template line $line");

    my $root = $self->submit_to
      || URI->new(Jifty->web->request->top_request->request_uri)->path;

    my $form_start = qq!<form method="post" action="!  . Jifty->web->escape( $root ) . qq!"!;
    $form_start .= qq! name="@{[ $self->name ]}"! if defined $self->name;
    $form_start .= qq! id="@{[ $self->name ]}"! if defined $self->name; # always the same as name
    $form_start .= qq! class="@{[ $self->class ]}"! if defined $self->class;
    $form_start .= qq! target="@{[ $self->target ]}"! if defined $self->target;
    $form_start .= qq! autocomplete="off"!  if defined $self->disable_autocomplete;
    $form_start .= qq! onsubmit="! .Jifty->web->escape( $self->onsubmit ). qq!"!  if defined $self->onsubmit;
    $form_start .= qq! enctype="multipart/form-data" >\n!;

    # Write out state variables early, so that if a form gets
    # submitted before the page finishes loading, the state vars don't
    # get lost


=head2 submit MESSAGE, [PARAMETERS]

Renders a submit button with the text MESSAGE on it (which will be
HTML escaped).  Returns the empty string (for ease of use in
interpolation).  Any extra PARAMETERS are passed to
L<Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Clickable>'s constructor.


sub submit {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = (
        submit    => undef,
        _form     => $self,
        as_button => 1,

    my @submit = ref($args{'submit'}) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$args{'submit'}} : $args{'submit'};
    if ($self->actions->{'next_page'} && $submit[0] && ! grep {$_->moniker eq 'next_page' } @submit)  {
        push @submit, $self->actions->{'next_page'};
        $args{'submit'} = \@submit;

    my $button = Jifty::Web::Form::Clickable->new(%args)->generate;
    Jifty->web->out(qq{<div class="submit_button">});

    return '';

=head2 return MESSAGE, [PARAMETERS]

Renders a return button with the text MESSAGE on it (which will be
HTML escaped).  Returns the empty string (for ease of use in
interpolation).  Any extra PARAMETERS are passed to
L<Jifty::Web::Form::Field::Button>'s constructor.


sub return {
    my $self = shift;

    my $button = Jifty->web->return(as_button => 1, @_);
    Jifty->web->out(qq{<div class="submit_button">});

    return '';

=head2 end

Renders the closing form tag (including rendering errors for and
registering all of the actions)  After doing this, it resets its
internal state such that L</start> may be called again.


sub end {
    my $self = shift;

    unless ($self->is_open) {
        $self->log->warn("Trying to close a form when we don't have one open");
    Jifty->web->out( qq!<div class="hidden">\n! );


    Jifty->web->out( qq!</div>\n! );

    Jifty->web->out( qq!</form>\n! );
    # Clear out all the registered actions and the name


=head2 print_action_registration MONIKER

Print out the action registration goo for this action _right now_, unless we've already done so.


sub print_action_registration {
    my $self = shift;
    my $moniker = shift;

    my $action = $self->has_action($moniker);
    return unless ($action);
    return if exists $self->printed_actions->{$moniker};
    $self->printed_actions->{$moniker} = 1;



# At the point this is called, it should only include actions we're
# registering that have no form fields and haven't been explicitly
# registered.
sub _print_registered_actions {
    my $self = shift;
    for my $a ( keys %{ $self->actions } ) {

sub _preserve_state_variables {
    my $self = shift;

    my %vars = Jifty->web->state_variables;
    for (keys %vars) {
        Jifty->web->out( qq{<input type="hidden" name="}
                . 'J:V-' . $_
                . qq{" value="}
                . $vars{$_}
                . qq{" />\n} );

sub _preserve_continuations {
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->call) {
        Jifty->web->out( qq{<input type="hidden" name="J:CALL" value="}
                                . (ref $self->call ? $self->call->id : $self->call)
                                . qq{" />});
    } elsif (Jifty->web->request->continuation) {
        Jifty->web->out( qq{<input type="hidden" name="J:C" value="}
                                . Jifty->web->request->continuation->id
                                . qq{" />});


=head2 next_page PARAMHASH

Set the page this form should go to on success.  This simply creates a
L<Jifty::Action::Redirect> action; any parameters in the C<PARAMHASH>
are passed as arguments to the L<Jifty::Action::Redirect> action.

Returns an empty string so it can be included in forms


sub next_page {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_ % 2) {
        Carp::carp("next_page accepts a parameter hash. You probably want to specify url => ...");

    $self->add_action(class => "Jifty::Action::Redirect", moniker => "next_page", arguments => {@_});
    return '';

=head2 DESTROY

Checks to ensure that forms that were opened were actually closed,
which is when actions are registered.


    my $self = shift;
    warn "Action $_ was never registered (form was never closed)"
      for grep {not $self->printed_actions->{$_}} keys %{$self->actions};
