The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
<div id="render_info">
    <a id="render_info-draw_halos" href="#" onclick="draw_halos(); return false"><%_('Draw halos')%></a>
    <a id="render_info-page_info" href="#" onclick="render_info_tree(); return false"><%_('Page info')%></a>
<div style="display: none" id="render_info_tree">
% foreach my $item (@stack) {
%     if ( $item->{depth} > $depth ) {
%     } elsif ( $item->{depth} < $depth ) {
%         for ($item->{depth}+1 .. $depth) {
%         }
%     } elsif ( $item->{depth} == $depth ) {
%     }

<li><a href="#" class="halo_comp_info" onmouseover="halo_over('<% $item->{id} %>')"
                                       onmouseout="halo_out('<% $item->{id} %>')"
                                       onclick="halo_toggle('<% $item->{id} %>'); return false;">
<% $item->{'name'} %> - <% $item->{'render_time'} %></a> 
% unless ($item->{subcomponent}) {
<% Jifty->web->tangent( url =>"/__jifty/edit/mason_component/".$item->{'path'}, label => _('Edit')) %>
% }
% $depth = $item->{'depth'};
% }

% for (1 .. $depth) {
% }

% foreach my $item (@stack) {
<& .frame, frame => $item &>
% }
for my $id (0..$#stack) {
    my @kids;
    my $looking = $id;
    while (++$looking <= $#stack and $stack[$looking]->{depth} >= $stack[$id]->{depth} + 1) {
        push @kids, {id => $stack[$looking]{id}, path => $stack[$looking]{path}, render_time => $stack[$looking]{render_time}}
          if $stack[$looking]->{depth} == $stack[$id]->{depth} + 1;
    $stack[$id]{kids} = \@kids;

    if ($stack[$id]{depth} > 1) {
        $looking = $id;
        $looking-- while ($stack[$looking]{depth} >= $stack[$id]{depth});
        $stack[$id]{parent} = {id => $stack[$looking]{id}, path => $stack[$looking]{path}, render_time => $stack[$looking]{render_time}};

my $depth = 0;


<%def .frame>
<div class="halo_actions" id="halo-<% $id %>-menu" style="display: none; top: 5px; left: 500px; min-width: 200px; width: 300px; z-index: 5;">
<h1 id="halo-<% $id %>-title">
  <span style="float: right;"><a href="#" onclick="halo_toggle('<% $id %>'); return false">[ X ]</a></span>
  <% $frame->{name} %>
<div style="position: absolute; bottom: 3px; right: 3px"><span class="resize" title="Resize" id="halo-<% $id %>-resize"></span></div>

<div class="body">
<div class="path"><% $frame->{path} %></div>
<div class="time"><%_('Rendered in %1s', $frame->{'render_time'})%></div>
% if ($frame->{parent}) {
<div class="section"><%_('Parent')%></div>
<div class="body"><ul>
<li><a href="#" class="halo_comp_info" onmouseover="halo_over('<% $frame->{parent}{id} %>')"
                                       onmouseout="halo_out('<% $frame->{parent}{id} %>')"
                                       onclick="halo_toggle('<% $frame->{parent}{id} %>'); return false;">
<% $frame->{parent}{'path'} %> - <% $frame->{parent}{'render_time'} %></a></li>
% }
% if (@{$frame->{kids}}) {
<div class="section"><%_('Children')%></div>
<div class="body"><ul>
% for my $item (@{$frame->{kids}}) {
<li><a href="#" class="halo_comp_info" onmouseover="halo_over('<% $item->{id} %>')"
                                       onmouseout="halo_out('<% $item->{id} %>')"
                                       onclick="halo_toggle('<% $item->{id} %>'); return false;">
<% $item->{'path'} %> - <% $item->{'render_time'} %></a></li>
% }
% }
% if (@args) {
<div class="section"><%_('Variables')%></div>
<div class="body"><ul class="fixed">
% for my $e (@args) {
<li><b><% $e->[0] %></b>:
% if ($e->[1]) {
% my $yaml = eval { defined $e->[2] && fileno($e->[2]) } ? '*GLOB*' : Jifty::YAML::Dump($e->[2]);
% my $expanded = Jifty->web->serial;
<a href="#" onclick="jQuery(Jifty.$('<% $expanded %>')).toggle(); return false"><% $e->[1] %></a>
<div id="<% $expanded %>" style="display: none; position: absolute; left: 200px; border: 1px solid black; background: #ccc; padding: 1em; padding-top: 0; width: 300px; height: 500px; overflow: auto"><pre><% $yaml %></pre></div>
% } elsif (defined $e->[2]) {
<% $e->[2] %>
% } else {
% }
% }
% }
% if (@stmts) {
<div class="section"><%_('SQL Statements')%></div>
<div class="body" style="height: 300px; overflow: auto"><ul>
% for (@stmts) {
<span class="fixed"><% $_->[1] %></span><br />
% if (@{$_->[2]}) {
<b><%_('Bindings')%>:</b> <tt><% join(',', map {defined $_ ? ($_ =~ /[^[:space:][:graph:]]/ ? "*BLOB*" : $_ ) : "undef"} @{$_->[2]}) %></tt><br />
% }
<i><% _('%1 seconds', $_->[3]) %></i>
% }
% }
<div class="section">
% unless ($frame->{subcomponent}) {
<% Jifty->web->tangent( url =>"/__jifty/edit/mason_component/".$frame->{'path'}, label => _('Edit')) %>
% } else {
% }
my $id = $frame->{id};

my @args;
while (my ($key, $value) = splice(@{$frame->{args}},0,2)) {
    push @args, [$key, ref($value), $value];
@args = sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} @args;

my $prev = '';
my @stmts = @{$frame->{'sql_statements'} || []};
