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package MR::AsyncHTTP;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Socket;
use Time::HiRes();

our $VERSION = '0.01';

=head1 NAME

MR::AsyncHTTP - A zero-overhead Perl module for requesting HTTP in async manner, without event pools


  use MR::AsyncHTTP;
  my $asynchttp = new MR::AsyncHTTP( connect_timeout=>0.6 );

  # Send a request, dont wait answer right now
  my $req_id = $asynchttp->send_get( "" ); with something else..
  my $res = $asynchttp->check_response($req_id);
  if( !$res ) {
    # Not ready yet, work on something other
  #..Finally, wait it.
  my $res = $asynchttp->wait($req_id);

  #..Send a couple of requests
  for(1..5) {
    $asynchttp->send_get( "".$_ );

  #Dedicate some time for sysread() to free buffers

  # Wait all responses


 Note this module have limited functionality compared to say, LWP. Its designed to make simple requests async, thats all.

=head2 new(%opts)

Captain: create a new object.

%opts can be:

=over 4

=item resolve_timeout

Timeout for gethostbyname(). Default is 0.5 second. 0 to point no timeout.

=item resolve_cache

Enable caching result of gethostbyname(). A B<false> means no resolve cache. 'local' means object-scope cache.
Other true values mean global cache between instances.

Default is 1 (global).

=item connect_timeout

Set timeout for socket connect(). Default is 0.2 second. 0 to point no timeout.

=item response_timeout

Set timeout for response, not including connect. Affect wait() and wait_all() so they wont block like forever. Default is 1 second.



sub new {
	my ($class, %opt) = @_;
	$opt{resolve_timeout} = defined($opt{resolve_timeout}) ? ($opt{resolve_timeout}+0) : 0.5;
	$opt{connect_timeout} = defined($opt{connect_timeout}) ? ($opt{connect_timeout}+0) : 0.2;
	$opt{resolve_cache} = defined($opt{resolve_cache}) ? $opt{resolve_cache} : 1;
	$opt{response_timeout} = defined($opt{response_timeout}) ? $opt{response_timeout} : 1;
	return bless {
		opt => \%opt,
		req_id => 1,
	} => $class;

=head2 send_get(url, headers)

Send HTTP GET on given url. headers is a hash field=>value

Returns ID of request. Or undef on fail (sets $@ variable); 0 on timeout


sub send_get {
	my ($self, $url, $headers) = @_;
	$headers = ref($headers) eq 'HASH' ? $headers : {};
	my $was_timeout=0;
	my $ret = eval {
		local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
			die "alarm\n";

		# Resolve addr.
		Time::HiRes::ualarm($self->{opt}->{resolve_timeout} * 1_000_000) if $self->{opt}->{resolve_timeout}; #Convert into ms
		my $r = $self->_parse_url($url);
		unless( $r && $r->{hostname} && $r->{proto} eq 'http' ) {
			Time::HiRes::ualarm(0) if $self->{opt}->{resolve_timeout};
			$@ = "Cant parse url '$url'";
			return undef;
		$r->{ipaddr} = $self->_resolve_addr($r->{hostname});
		unless( $r->{ipaddr} ) {
			Time::HiRes::ualarm(0) if $self->{opt}->{resolve_timeout};
			carp "Cant resolve hostname '$r->{hostname}'; url='$url'";
			$@ = "Cant resolve hostname '$r->{hostname}'";
			return undef;
		Time::HiRes::ualarm(0) if $self->{opt}->{resolve_timeout};

		# Create socket, connect
		Time::HiRes::ualarm($self->{opt}->{connect_timeout} * 1_000_000) if $self->{opt}->{connect_timeout}; #Convert into ms
		my $sock;
		unless( socket($sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')) ) {
			Time::HiRes::ualarm(0) if $self->{opt}->{connect_timeout};
			$@ = "Cant create socket: $!";
			return undef;
		my $port = getservbyname($r->{proto}, 'tcp');
		unless( $port ) {
			close $sock;
			Time::HiRes::ualarm(0) if $self->{opt}->{connect_timeout};
			$@ = "Cant getservbyname";
			return undef;
		unless( connect($sock, pack_sockaddr_in($port, $r->{ipaddr})) ) {
			close $sock;
			Time::HiRes::ualarm(0) if $self->{opt}->{connect_timeout};
			$@ = "Cant connect: $!";
			return undef;

		# Drop a request to socket
		$headers->{Host} = $r->{hostname};
		$headers->{Connection} = 'close';
		$headers->{'User-Agent'} ||= "perl/MR::AsyncHTTP $VERSION";
		my $wr = 1;
		$wr = $wr && syswrite $sock, "GET $r->{uri} HTTP/1.1\n";
		while( my ($key, $value) = each %{$headers} ) {
			$wr = $wr && syswrite $sock, "$key: $value\n";
		$wr = $wr && syswrite $sock, "\n";

		unless( $wr ) {
			close $sock;
			Time::HiRes::ualarm(0) if $self->{opt}->{connect_timeout};
			$@ = "Cant write socket: $!";
			return undef;

		unless( $self->_set_nonblocking($sock, 1) ) {
			close $sock;
			Time::HiRes::ualarm(0) if $self->{opt}->{connect_timeout};
			$@ = "_set_nonblocking fail: $!";
			return undef;

		my $req = {
			id => $self->{req_id}++,
			sock => $sock,
			req_sent => Time::HiRes::time(),
			r => $r,
			url => $url
		$self->{req}->{ $req->{id} } = $req;
		Time::HiRes::ualarm(0) if $self->{opt}->{connect_timeout};
		return $req->{id};
	if( $was_timeout ) {
		$@ = "Resolve/Connection timeout";
		return 0;
	return $ret;

=head2 check_response(req_id)

Nonblocking check for response. Returns respnse hash when response is complete.


sub check_response {
	my ($self, $req_id) = @_;
	my $req = $self->{req}->{$req_id};
	unless( $req ) {
		carp "No such request id '$req_id'. This is cleanly a bug.";
		$@ = "No such requst id";
		return undef;
	return $req->{result} if $req->{done};

	$req->{result}->{body}='' unless defined $req->{result}->{body};
	my $buf;
	my $rd;
	# Socket is in nonblocking mode unless we called from wait()
	while( $rd=sysread($req->{sock}, $buf, 4096) ) {
		$req->{result}->{body} .= $buf;
	if( defined($rd) and $rd==0 ) {
		# Got EOF, split headers
		my $rawheaders;
		$req->{result}->{body} =~ s/^(.*?\r?\n)\r?\n/ $rawheaders=$1; '' /se;
		$req->{result}->{code} = $1 if $rawheaders =~ /^HTTP\/1\.1 (\d+)/;
		foreach my $line ( split(/\r\n/, $rawheaders) ) {
			if( $line =~ /^([^:]+): ([^\r\n]+)/ ) {
				$req->{result}->{headers}->{$1} = $2;
		$req->{wait_time} = Time::HiRes::time() - $req->{req_sent};
		#Free socket.
		close($req->{sock}) if $req->{sock};
		return $req;
	return undef;

=head2 wait(req_id)

Wait for response upto response_timeout. Returns response hash or 0 if timeout.


sub wait {
	my ($self, $req_id) = @_;
	my $req = $self->{req}->{$req_id};
	unless( $req ) {
		carp "No such request id '$req_id'. This is cleanly a bug.";
		$@ = "No such requst id";
		return undef;
	return $req->{result} if $req->{done};

	my $was_timeout;
	my $ret = eval {
		local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
			die "alarm\n";

		Time::HiRes::ualarm($self->{opt}->{response_timeout} * 1_000_000) if $self->{opt}->{response_timeout}; #Convert into ms
		$self->_set_nonblocking($req->{sock}, 0); #Setup blocking mode
		my $res = $self->check_response($req_id);
		return $res;
	if( $was_timeout ) {
		$self->_set_nonblocking($req->{sock}, 1); #Setup nonblocking mode
		$@ = "Timeout for response";
		return 0;
	return $ret;

=head2 poke()

Dedicate some time for sysread() to free system buffers.

Returns number of requests ready for processing in scalar context or list of ready ids in list context.


sub poke {
	my $self = shift;
	my @rdy;
	while( my ($req_id, $req) = each(%{$self->{req}}) ) {
		if( $req->{done} ) {
			push @rdy, $req->{id};
		my $res = $self->check_response($req_id);
		push( @rdy, $res->{id} ) if( $res && $res->{id} && $res->{done} );
	return wantarray ? @rdy : scalar(@rdy);

=head2 wait_all()

Blocking wait for all responses. Returns undef.


sub wait_all {
	my $self = shift;
	foreach my $req_id (keys %{$self->{req}}) {
		$self->poke; #Before blocking on one request, make sure all other's buffers are able to continue receive
	return undef;

	my $self = shift;
	foreach my $req (values %{$self->{req}}) {
		close($req->{sock}) if $req->{sock};

#### Private methods ####
sub _parse_url {
	my ($self, $url) = @_;
	if( $url && $url =~ /^([hH][tT][tT][pP]):\/\/([^\/]+)(.*)$/ ) {
		return {
			proto => lc($1),
			hostname => $2,
			uri => ($3 eq '' ? '/' : $3)
	return undef;

my $global_resolve_cache = {};
sub _resolve_addr {
	my ($self, $hostname) = @_;
	return inet_aton($hostname) if $hostname =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/;
	return $self->{resolve_cache}->{$hostname} if exists($self->{resolve_cache}->{$hostname}); #A local cache
	return $global_resolve_cache->{$hostname}
		if( $self->{opt}->{resolve_cache} and $self->{opt}->{resolve_cache} ne 'local' and exists($global_resolve_cache->{$hostname}) );

	my $ip = gethostbyname($hostname);

	if( $self->{opt}->{resolve_cache} ) { #Cache result
		if( $self->{opt}->{resolve_cache} eq 'local' ) {
			$self->{resolve_cache}->{$hostname} = $ip;
			$global_resolve_cache->{$hostname} = $ip;
	return $ip;

sub _set_nonblocking {
	my ($self, $sock, $nonblocking_on) = @_;
	$nonblocking_on ||= 0;
	my $flags = fcntl($sock, F_GETFL, 0) or return undef;
	$flags &= (~O_NONBLOCK);
	fcntl($sock, F_SETFL, $flags | ($nonblocking_on && O_NONBLOCK) ) or return undef;
	return 1;



Limited functionality. Does not support nonstandard ports yet. Does not suport SSL yet.

Module massively rely on Time::HiRes::ualarm. So it uses ALRM signal. So do not wrap it with alarm() or ualarm().

=head1 AUTHOR

Alt, E<lt>alt@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2012 by Alt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
