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=head1 NAME

XAO::DO::Web::Mailer - executes given template and sends results via e-mail


   subject="Your order '<%ORDER_ID/f%>' has been shipped"


Displays nothing, just sends message.

Arguments are:

 to          => e-mail address of the recepient; default is taken from
                userdata->email if defined.
 cc          => optional e-mail addresses of secondary recepients
 bcc         => optional e-mail addresses of blind CC recepients
 from        => optional 'from' e-mail address, default is taken from
                'from' site configuration parameter.
 subject     => message subject;
 [text.]path => text-only template path (required);
 html.path   => html template path;
 date        => optional date header, passed as is;
 pass        => pass parameters of the calling template to the mail template;
 ARG         => VALUE - passed to Page when executing templates;

If 'to', 'from' or 'subject' are not specified then get_to(), get_from()
or get_subject() methods are called first. Derived class may override
them. 'To', 'cc' and 'bcc' may be comma-separated addresses lists.

To send additional attachments along with the email pass the following
arguments (where N can be any alphanumeric tag):

 attachment.N.type        => MIME type for attachment (image/gif, text/plain, etc)
 attachment.N.filename    => download filename for the attachment (optional)
 attachment.N.disposition => attachment disposition (optional, 'attachment' by default)
 attachment.N.path        => path to a template for building the attachment
 attachment.N.template    => inline template for building the attachment
 attachment.N.unparsed    => use the template literally, without xao-parsing
 attachment.N.pass        => pass all arguments of the calling template
 attachment.N.ARG         => VALUE - passed literally as ARG=>VALUE to the template

The configuration for Web::Mailer is kept in a hash stored in the site
configuration under 'mailer' name. Normally it is not required, the
default is to use sendmail for delivery. The parameters are:

 method     => either 'local' or 'smtp'
 agent      => server name for `smtp' or binary path for `local'
 from       => either a hash reference or a scalar with the default
                `from' address.
            => if set overrides the from address
            => if set overrides all to addresses and always sends to
               the given address. Useful for debugging.
            => addresses listed here are OK to go through. Matching
               is done on substrings ingoring case. This options makes
               sense only in pair with override_to.
            => optional fixed prefix for all subjects
            => optional fixed suffix for all subjects

If `from' is a hash reference then the content of `from' argument to the
object is looked in keys and the value is used as actual `from'
address. This can be used to set up rudimentary aliases:


 mailer => {
    from => {
        customer_support => '',
        technical_support => '',

In that case actual from address will be `'. By default
if `from' in the configuration is a hash and there is no `from'
parameter for the object, `default' is used as the key.


package XAO::DO::Web::Mailer;
use strict;
use MIME::Lite 2.117;
use XAO::Utils;
use XAO::Objects;
use base XAO::Objects->load(objname => 'Web::Page');

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION=(0+sprintf('%u.%03u',(q$Id:,v 2.11 2009/01/13 02:19:27 am Exp $ =~ /\s(\d+)\.(\d+)\s/))) || die "Bad VERSION";

sub display ($;%) {
    my $self=shift;
    my $args=get_args(\@_);

    my $config=$self->siteconfig->get('/mailer') || {};

    my $to=$args->{'to'} ||
           $self->get_to($args) ||
           throw $self "display - no 'to' given";

    my $cc=$args->{'cc'} || '';
    my $bcc=$args->{'bcc'} || '';

    my @ovhdr;
    if(my $override_to=$config->{'override_to'}) {
        my $to_new;

        if(my $override_except=$config->{'override_except'}) {
            $override_except=[ split(/\s*[,;]\s*/,$override_except) ] unless ref($override_except) eq 'ARRAY';
            $override_except=[ map { lc } @$override_except ];

            my %pass;
            my %override;
            foreach my $email (split(/\s*[,;]+\s*/,"$to,$cc,$bcc")) {
                if(grep { index(lc($email),$_)>=0 } @$override_except) {
                else {

            $to_new=join(', ',(keys %pass),(%override ? ($override_to) : ()));
        else {

        dprint ref($self)."::display - overriding to='$to', cc='$cc', bcc='$bcc' with to='$to_new', cc='', bcc=''";

        push(@ovhdr,('X-XAO-Web-Mailer-To' => $to)) if $to;
        push(@ovhdr,('X-XAO-Web-Mailer-Cc' => $cc)) if $cc;
        push(@ovhdr,('X-XAO-Web-Mailer-Bcc' => $bcc)) if $bcc;


    my $from=$args->{'from'};
    if(!$from) {
        $from=$from->{'default'} if ref($from);
    else {
        $from=$config->{'from'}->{$from} if ref($config->{'from'}) &&
    $from || throw $self "display - no 'from' given";

    if(my $override_from=$config->{'override_from'}) {
        if($override_from ne $from) {
            dprint ref($self)."::display - overriding from='$from' with '$override_from'";

            push(@ovhdr,('X-XAO-Web-Mailer-From' => $from));


    my $from_hdr=$from;
    if($from =~ /^\s*.*\s+<(.*\@.*)>\s*$/) {
    elsif($from =~ /^\s*(.*\@.*)\s+\(.*\)\s*$/) {
    else {

    my $subject=$args->{'subject'} || $self->get_subject() || 'No subject';

    if(my $subject_prefix=$config->{'subject_prefix'}) {
        $subject=$subject_prefix.($subject_prefix=~/\s$/ ? '':' ').$subject;

    if(my $subject_suffix=$config->{'subject_suffix'}) {
        $subject=$subject.($subject_suffix=~/\s$/ ? '':' ').$subject_suffix;

    # Getting common args from the parent template if needed.
    my $common=$self->pass_args($args->{'pass'});

    # Parsing text template
    my $page=$self->object;
    my $text;
    if($args->{'text.path'} || $args->{'path'} || $args->{'text.template'} || $args->{'template'}) {
            path        => $args->{'text.path'} || $args->{'path'},
            template    => $args->{'text.template'} || $args->{'template'},

    # Parsing HTML template
    my $html;
    if($args->{'html.path'} || $args->{'html.template'}) {
            path        => $args->{'html.path'},
            template    => $args->{'html.template'},

    # Preparing attachments if any
    my @attachments;
    foreach my $k (sort keys %$args) {
        next unless $k=~/^attachment\.(\w+)\.type$/;
        my $id=$1;

        my %data=(
            Type        => $args->{$k},
            Filename    => $args->{'attachment.'.$id.'.filename'} || '',
            Disposition => $args->{'attachment.'.$id.'.disposition'} || 'attachment',

        if($args->{'attachment.'.$id.'.template'} || $args->{'attachment.'.$id.'.path'}) {
            my $objargs={ };
            foreach my $kk (keys %$args) {
                next unless $kk =~ /^attachment\.$id\.(.*)$/;

            if($args->{'attachment.'.$id.'.unparsed'}) {
                if(defined $args->{'attachment.'.$id.'.template'}) {
                elsif(defined $args->{'attachment.'.$id.'.path'}) {
                        path        => $args->{'attachment.'.$id.'.path'},
                        unparsed    => 1,
            else {
                my $obj=$self->object(objname => ($objargs->{'objname'} || 'Page'));
                delete $objargs->{'objname'};

                if($args->{'attachment.'.$id.'.pass'}) {

        elsif($args->{'attachment.'.$id.'.file'}) {
            throw $self "display - attaching files not implemented";
        else {
            throw $self "display - no path/template/file given for attachment '$id'";


    # Charset for outgoing mail. Either /mailer/charset or /charset
    my $charset=$config->{'charset'} || $self->siteconfig->get('charset') || undef;

    # Preparing mailer and storing content in
    my $mailer;
    my @stdhdr=(
        From        => $from_hdr,
        FromSender  => $from,
        To          => $to,
        Subject     => $subject,


    if($html && !$text) {
            Data        => $html,
            Type        => 'text/html',
            Datestamp   => 0,
        $mailer->attr('content-type.charset' => $charset) if $charset;
    elsif($text && !$html) {
            Data        => $text,
            Type        => 'text/plain',
            Datestamp   => 0,
        $mailer->attr('content-type.charset' => $charset) if $charset;
    elsif($text && $html) {
            Type        => @attachments ? 'multipart/mixed' : 'multipart/alternative',
            Datestamp   => 0,

        my $text_part=MIME::Lite->new(
            Type        => 'text/plain',
            Data        => $text,


        $text_part->attr('content-type.charset' => $charset) if $charset;

        my $html_part=MIME::Lite->new(
            Type        => 'text/html',
            Data        => $html,


        $html_part->attr('content-type.charset' => $charset) if $charset;

        if(@attachments) {
            my $alt_part=MIME::Lite->new(
                Type        => 'multipart/alternative',
                Datestamp   => 0,


        else {
    else {
        throw $self "- no text for either html or text part";

    $mailer->add(Date => $args->{'date'}) if $args->{'date'};
    $mailer->add(Cc => $cc) if $cc;
    $mailer->add(Bcc => $bcc) if $bcc;
    $mailer->add('Reply-To' => $args->{'replyto'}) if $args->{'replyto'};

    # Adding attachments if any
    foreach my $adata (@attachments) {

    # Sending
    ### dprint $mailer->as_string;
    my $method=$config->{'method'} || 'local';
    my $agent=$config->{'agent'};
    if(lc($method) eq 'local') {
        if($agent) {
        else {
    else {
        $mailer->send('smtp',$agent || 'localhost');


sub get_to ($%) {
    return '';


sub get_from ($%) {
    return '';


sub get_subject ($%) {
    return '';


=head1 METHODS

No publicly available methods except overriden display().

=head1 EXPORTS


=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright (c) 2005 Andrew Maltsev

Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Andrew Maltsev, XAO Inc.

<> --

=head1 SEE ALSO

Recommended reading: