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=head1 NAME

Nagios::NRPE::Daemon - A Nagios NRPE Daemon


 use Nagios::NRPE::Daemon;
 use IPC::Cmd qw(can_run run run_forked);

 # create the commandlist we accept
 my $commandlist = 
 my $callback = sub {
   my ($self,$check,@options) = @_;
   my $commandlist = $self->commandlist();
   if ($commandlist->{$check}) {
     my $args = $commandlist->{$check}->{args};
     my $i = 0;
     foreach (@options) {
       $args =~ "s/\$ARG$i\$/$_/";
     my $buffer;
     if (scalar run(command => $commandlist->{$check}->{bin} . " " . $args,
 		    verbose => 0,
		    buffer => \$buffer,
		    timeout => 20)) {
       return $buffer;

 my $daemon = Nagios::NRPE::Daemon->new(
   listen => "",
   port => "5666",
   pid_dir => '/var/run',
   ssl => 0,
   commandlist => {
     "check_cpu" => { bin => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugin/check_cpu",
                      args => "-w 50 -c 80" }
   callback => $callback


A simple daemon implementation with the capabillity to add your own callbacks 
and hooks in case you want to build your own NRPE Server.


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Andreas Marschke <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


package Nagios::NRPE::Daemon;

our $VERSION = '0.003';

use 5.010_000;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;
use Carp;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Nagios::NRPE::Packet qw(NRPE_PACKET_VERSION_2


=item new()

Takes the following options as a hashref:

=item listen:

Listen on this IP Address

=item port:

Port to listen on

=item pid_dir

The pidfile for this daemon

=item ssl

Use ssl (1|0)

=item commandlist

A hashref of the allowed commands on the daemon

=item callback

A sub executed everytime a check should be run. Giving the daemon full control what should happen.

 my $callback = sub {
   my ($self,$check,@options) = @_;
   my $commandlist = $self->commandlist();
   if ($commandlist->{$check}) {
     my $args = $commandlist->{$check}->{args};
     my $i = 0;
     foreach (@options) {
       $args =~ "s/\$ARG$i\$/$_/";
     my $buffer;
     if (scalar run(command => $commandlist->{$check}->{bin} . " " . $args,
 		    verbose => 0,
		    buffer => \$buffer,
		    timeout => 20)) {
       return $buffer;



sub new {
  my ($class,%hash) = @_;
  my $self = {};

  $self->{listen} = delete $hash{listen} || "";
  $self->{port} = delete $hash{port} || "5666";
  $self->{pid_dir} = delete $hash{pid_dir} || "/var/run";
  $self->{ssl} = delete $hash{ssl} || 0;
  $self->{commandlist} = delete $hash{commandlist} || {};
  $self->{callback} = delete $hash{callback} || sub{};

  bless $self,$class;


=item start

Starts the server and enters the Loop listening for packets



sub start{
  my $self = shift;
  my $packet = Nagios::NRPE::Packet->new();
  my $callback = $self->{callback};
  my ($socket,$s);

  $socket = $self->create_socket();

  while (1) {
    while(($s = $socket->accept())) {
      my $request;
      my $unpacked_request = $packet->deassemble($request);
      my $buffer = $unpacked_request->{buffer};
      my ($command,@options) = split /!/,$buffer;

      my $return = $self->{callback}($self,$command,@options);
      print $s $packet->assemble(version =>NRPE_PACKET_VERSION_2,
				 check => $return



=item commandlist

A hashref of elements that are valid commands.
An example for it is:

 "check_cpu" => { bin => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugin/check_cpu",
                  args => "-w 50 -c 80" }

C<args> can contain $ARG1$ elements like normal nrpe.cfg command elements.



sub commandlist {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{commandlist};


=item create_socket

A shorthand function returning either an encrypted or unencrypted socket
depending on wether ssl is set to 1 or 0.



sub create_socket {
  my $self = shift;
  my $socket;

  if ($self->{ssl}) {
    eval {
      # required for new IO::Socket::SSL versions
      require IO::Socket::SSL;
      IO::Socket::SSL::set_ctx_defaults( SSL_verify_mode => 0 );
    $socket = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
      Listen => 5,
      LocalAddr => $self->{host},
      LocalPort => $self->{port},
      Proto    => 'tcp',
      Reuse    => 1,
      SSL_verify_mode => 0x01,
      Type     => SOCK_STREAM)
      or die(IO::Socket::SSL::errstr());
  } else {
    $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
      Listen => 5,
      LocalAddr => $self->{host},
      LocalPort => $self->{port},
      Reuse    => 1,
      Proto    => 'tcp',
      Type     => SOCK_STREAM) or die "ERROR: $@ \n";
  return $socket;