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#!/usr/bin/perl -s

use warnings;
use strict;

use POSIX qw(locale_h);
use IPC::Open2;

setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "pt_PT");
use locale;
use Data::Dumper;
use Lingua::NATools;
use Lingua::NATools::Matrix;
use Lingua::NATools::Client;
use DBI;
use Memoize;
use Text::NSP::Measures::3D::MI::ll qw/!calculateStatistic !getStatisticName/;
use Text::NSP::Measures::2D::MI::ll qw/!calculateStatistic !getStatisticName/;


our($local, $crp, $rules, $h, $swap, $server, $port, $langs, $chunk,$out, $conf, $attraction);

sub usage {
  print "nat-examplesExtractor: extracts translation examples and terminology
                       from a NATools corpus.

    nat-examplesExtractor [options] <offset> <length> <file1> <file2>
    nat-examplesExtractor [options] -local=ID -chunk=n

        -out=file         (where to put output data)
        -conf=natrc       (where is the NATools config file)

        -langs=pt..en     (use system rule file)
        -rules=rules.txt  (rule file)
        -swap             (swap rules languages order)

        -local=corpdir    (local directory with the PTD)
        -chunk=n          (to process a local chunk for a local corpus)
        -attraction       (compute attraction metrics, requires n-grams)

        -crp=corpusID     (to use with a remote server)
        -server= (to use with a remote server)
        -port=4000        (to use with a remote server)
  print "For more help, please run 'perldoc nat-examplesExtractor'\n";

usage() if $h;
usage() if scalar(@ARGV) != 4 && scalar(@ARGV) != 0;
usage() if scalar(@ARGV) == 0 && (!$local || !$chunk);
usage() if scalar(@ARGV) == 4 && $chunk;

my ($offset, $length, $f1, $f2);

if ($chunk) {
    usage() unless $local;
    ($offset, $length, $f1, $f2) = (0, 100_000,
    if (!$out) {
        $out = sprintf("%s/examples.%03d",$local,$chunk);

} else {
    ($offset, $length, $f1, $f2) = @ARGV;

my ($S2dbh, $S3dbh);
my ($T2dbh, $T3dbh);
if ($attraction) {
    die "Can't compute attraction metrics with remote server (ATM)\n" unless $local;

    die "Can't open S.2.sqlite\n" unless -f "$local/S.2.sqlite";
    die "Can't open S.3.sqlite\n" unless -f "$local/S.3.sqlite";
    die "Can't open T.2.sqlite\n" unless -f "$local/T.2.sqlite";
    die "Can't open T.3.sqlite\n" unless -f "$local/T.3.sqlite";

    $S2dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$local/S.2.sqlite","","");
    $T2dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$local/T.2.sqlite","","");
    $S3dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$local/S.3.sqlite","","");
    $T3dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$local/T.3.sqlite","","");

my $user_conf = Lingua::NATools::user_conf($conf);

local $/ = "\n\$\n";
open F1, $f1 or die "Can't open [$f1]\n";
open F2, $f2 or die "Can't open [$f2]\n";

my ($s1,$s2);

my $serverObj;
if ($local) {
    print STDERR "Loading corpus from '$local'\n";
    $serverObj = Lingua::NATools::Client->new(local => $local);
} else {
    my %ops;
    $ops{PeerAddr} = $server if $server;
    $ops{PeerPort} = $port   if $port;
    $serverObj = Lingua::NATools::Client->new(%ops);

if ($langs) {
    ($user_conf->{sourcelang}, $user_conf->{targetlang}) = split /\.\./, $langs;
} else {
    ($user_conf->{sourcelang}, $user_conf->{targetlang}) = ($serverObj->attribute("source-language"),

$user_conf->{sourcelang} = lc($user_conf->{sourcelang});
$user_conf->{targetlang} = lc($user_conf->{targetlang});

($rules, $swap) = Lingua::NATools::find_rules($user_conf->{sourcelang}, $user_conf->{targetlang}) if (!$rules);
$rules = Lingua::NATools::PatternRules->parseFile($rules) if $rules;
$rules = invrules($rules) if $swap && $rules;

my $morph_needs = _analyse_rules($rules);
$user_conf->{MORPH} = [[undef, undef],[undef, undef]];

if ($morph_needs->[0]) {
    if (exists( $user_conf->{lc($user_conf->{sourcelang})."-morphological-analyser"} )) {
        my ($outFH, $inFH);
        open2($outFH,$inFH, $user_conf->{lc($user_conf->{sourcelang})."-morphological-analyser"});
        ($user_conf->{MORPH}[0][0], $user_conf->{MORPH}[0][1]) = ($outFH, $inFH);
if ($morph_needs->[1]) {
    if (exists( $user_conf->{lc($user_conf->{targetlang})."-morphological-analyser"} )) {
        my ($outFH, $inFH);
        open2($outFH, $inFH, $user_conf->{lc($user_conf->{targetlang})."-morphological-analyser"});
        ($user_conf->{MORPH}[1][0], $user_conf->{MORPH}[1][1]) = ($outFH, $inFH);

if ($out) {
    open OUT, ">$out" or die "Can't open $out\n";
    select OUT;

print STDERR "Skipping $offset...\n" if $offset;

while (defined($s1 = <F1>) && defined($s2 = <F2>) && $length) {

    if ($offset) { $offset--; next }

    print STDERR "$length\n" unless ($length % 100);

    chomp $s1;
    chomp $s2;

    my @x = split /\s+/, $s1;
    next if @x > 100;

    my @y = split /\s+/, $s2;
    next if @y > 100;

    my $matrix = Lingua::NATools::Matrix->new($serverObj, $rules, $s1, $s2, $user_conf);

    ## print STDERR Dumper($matrix);

    for my $b (@{$matrix->{patterns}}) {
        my $x = $matrix->dump_block($b);
        if ($attraction) {
            my $ss = mwLLR($S2dbh, $S3dbh, split /\s+/,$x->[0]);
            my $tt = mwLLR($T2dbh, $T3dbh, split /\s+/,$x->[1]);
            printf "%s\t%.3f\t%s\t%.3f\t%s\t%.3f\n",
              $b->{id}, $b->{prob}, $x->[0], $ss, $x->[1], $tt;
        else {
            print $x->[0], " =!",$b->{id},"!= ", $x->[1], "\n";

#  my $blocks = $matrix->grep_blocks;
#  my $bs = $matrix->combine_blocks($blocks, 1);

#  for my $b (@$bs) {
#    my $x = $matrix->dump_block($b);
#    print $x->[0], " === ", $x->[1], "\n";
#  }
#  print "\n";

close OUT if $out;

sub invrules { ## Passar esta funcao para o modulo PatternRules
  my $r = shift;
    ($_->[0], $_->[1]) = ($_->[1], $_->[0]);
  return $r

sub mwLLR {
    my $bi = shift;
    my $tri = shift;
    my $words = join(" ", @_);
    my $w1 = shift @_;
    my $w2 = shift @_;
    if (@_) {
        my $w3 = shift @_;
        my $min = LLR3($tri, $w1, $w2, $w3);
        while (@_) {
            ($w1, $w2) = ($w2, $w3);
            $w3 = shift @_;

            my $nt = LLR3($tri, $w1, $w2, $w3);
            $min = $nt if $nt < $min;
        # printf STDERR "[%s] = %.3f\n", $words, $min;
        return $min
    else {
        my $ans = LLR2($bi, $w1, $w2);
        # printf STDERR "[%s] = %.3f\n", $words, $ans;
        return $ans;

sub LLR2 {
    my ($dbh, $w1, $w2) = @_;
    my $n11 = countBi($dbh,  $w1,   $w2);
    my $n1p = countBi($dbh,  $w1);
    my $np1 = countBi($dbh,  undef, $w2);
    my $npp = countBi($dbh);
    my $yy = Text::NSP::Measures::2D::MI::ll::calculateStatistic( n11 => $n11,
                                                                  n1p => $n1p,
                                                                  np1 => $np1,
                                                                  npp => $npp );
    return $yy || 0;

sub LLR3 {
    my ($dbh, $w1, $w2, $w3) = @_;
    my $n111 = countTri($dbh, $w1, $w2, $w3);
    my $n1pp = countTri($dbh, $w1);
    my $np1p = countTri($dbh, undef, $w2);
    my $npp1 = countTri($dbh, undef, undef, $w3);
    my $n11p = countTri($dbh, $w1, $w2, undef);
    my $n1p1 = countTri($dbh, $w1, undef, $w3);
    my $np11 = countTri($dbh, undef, $w2, $w3);
    my $nppp = countTri($dbh);

    my $yy = Text::NSP::Measures::3D::MI::ll::calculateStatistic( n111=>$n111,
                                                                  nppp=>$nppp );
    return $yy || 0;

sub countBi {
    my ($dbh, $w1, $w2) = @_;

    my $sql = "SELECT SUM(occs) FROM bigrams WHERE ";

    $sql .= "w1 = ? AND " if $w1;
    $sql .= "w2 = ? AND " if $w2;

    $sql =~ s! (WHERE|AND) $!;!;

    my @ops = grep { defined($_) } ($w1, $w2);

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    $sth->execute( @ops );
    my ($t) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
    $t ||= 0;
    return $t;

sub countTri {
    my ($dbh, $w1, $w2, $w3) = @_;

    my $sql = "SELECT SUM(occs) FROM trigrams WHERE ";

    $sql .= "w1 = ? AND " if $w1;
    $sql .= "w2 = ? AND " if $w2;
    $sql .= "w3 = ? AND " if $w3;

    $sql =~ s! (WHERE|AND) $!;!;

    my @ops = grep { defined($_) } ($w1, $w2, $w3);

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    $sth->execute( @ops );
    my ($t) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
    $t ||= 0;
    return $t;

sub _analyse_rules {
    my $rules = shift;

    # l1 or l2 needs morphological analyser
    my ($l1, $l2) = (0,0);
    for my $rule (@$rules) {
        last if $l1 && $l2;
        for (@{$rule->[0]}) {
            last if $l1;
            $l1 = 1 if (exists($_->{var}) && (exists($_->{props}{pre}) ||
        for (@{$rule->[1]}) {
            last if $l2;
            $l2 = 1 if (exists($_->{var}) && (exists($_->{props}{pre}) ||
    return [$l1,$l2];

=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

nat-examplesExtractor: extracts translation examples and terminology from a NATools corpus.


   nat-examplesExtractor <offset> <length> <file1> <file2>
   nat-examplesExtractor -local=cp -rules=f.rul 0 100 cp/source.001 cp/target.001


This command is the example and terminology extractor. In fact it
still needs a lot of work and for now I really suggest you to contact
me for more details.

=head1 Options


=head1 SEE ALSO

NATools documentation, perl(1)

=head1 AUTHOR

Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões, E<lt>ambs@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2006-2009 by Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões
