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#!/usr/bin/perl -s

use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;

our ($full, $html, $stats, $h, $kl);

if ($kl) {
    require Math::KullbackLeibler::Discrete;

use CGI qw/:standard/;
use locale;

if ($h) {
    print STDERR "nat-compareDicts: used to compare two PTDs in Perl dumper format.\n\n";
    print STDERR "\tnat-compareDicts [-html] [-full] <dic1.dmp> <dic2.dmp>\n\n";
    print STDERR "For more help, please run 'perldoc nat-compareDicts'\n";
    exit 1;

my $f1 = shift;
my $f2 = shift;

print STDERR "Loading [$f1]...";
my $D1 = do($f1);
print STDERR "...done\n";

print STDERR "Loading [$f2]...";
my $D2 = do($f2);
print STDERR "...done\n";

if ($full) {
    my @keys = U(keys %$D1, keys %$D2);

    for my $key (sort @keys) {
        printf "%15s | %5d | %5d\n",
            ($D1->{$key}{count} || 0),
              ($D2->{$key}{count} || 0);

elsif ($html) {
  my $res;

  my ($count, $average) = (0,0);
  for my $e (keys %$D1) {
    next if $e eq "(null)" || $e eq "(none)";
    next unless exists $D2->{$e};
    next unless $D1->{$e}{count};

    my @trans = (keys %{$D1->{$e}{trans}}, keys %{$D2->{$e}{trans}});
    my %x; @x{@trans}=@trans;@trans=keys %x;

    my $diff = 0;

    if ($kl) {
        $diff = Math::KullbackLeibler::Discrete::kl($D1->{$e}{trans}, $D2->{$e}{trans});
    } else {
        for (@trans) {
            my $x = 100 * exists($D1->{$e}{trans}{$_})?$D1->{$e}{trans}{$_}:0;
            my $y = 100 * exists($D2->{$e}{trans}{$_})?$D2->{$e}{trans}{$_}:0;

            $diff += abs($x-$y);
        $diff *= log( 1
                      + 0.5 * $D1->{$e}{count}
                      + 0.5 * $D2->{$e}{count});

    my $best1 = (sort {$D1->{$e}{trans}{$a} <=>
                       $D1->{$e}{trans}{$b}} keys %{$D1->{$e}{trans}})[-1];

    my $sbest1 = (sort {$D1->{$e}{trans}{$a} <=>
                          $D1->{$e}{trans}{$b}} keys %{$D1->{$e}{trans}})[-2];

    my $prob1 = $D1->{$e}{trans}{$best1} || 0;
    my $sprob1 = $D1->{$e}{trans}{$sbest1} || 0;

    my $best2 = (sort {$D2->{$e}{trans}{$a} <=>
                       $D2->{$e}{trans}{$b}} keys %{$D2->{$e}{trans}})[-1];
    my $sbest2 = (sort {$D2->{$e}{trans}{$a} <=>
                       $D2->{$e}{trans}{$b}} keys %{$D2->{$e}{trans}})[-2];

    my $prob2 = $D2->{$e}{trans}{$best2} || 0;
    my $sprob2 = $D2->{$e}{trans}{$sbest2} || 0;

    my $count= $D1->{$e}{count};

    next if $count < 10;

    next if $diff < 0.1;

    $res->{$e} = [$diff, $count,
                  $best1, $prob1, $best2, $prob2,
                  $sbest1, $sprob1, $sbest2, $sprob2];

  binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
  print "<html><style>
           th { border-bottom: solid 1px #000 }
           td { padding: 2px; }
           .ll { border-left: solid 1px #000; padding-right: 6px; background-color: #d9d9d9; }
           .r { border-right: solid 1px #000; text-align: right }
           .l { text-align: right; padding-right: 6px; background-color: #d9d9d9; }
         </style><table cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
  if ($kl) {
      print h1("average KL ", ($average/$count));
  print Tr(th([qw/Word Measure Occurrences/,"Best Trans 1","Best % 1","Best Trans 2","Best % 2"]));
  for (sort { $res->{$b}[0] <=> $res->{$a}[0]} keys %$res) {
    print Tr(
	     td(sprintf("%.5f", $res->{$_}[0])),
	     td({class=>"l"}, $res->{$_}[2]),
	     td({class=>"l"}, $res->{$_}[4]),
    print Tr(
	     td({class=>"l"}, $res->{$_}[6]),
	     td({class=>"l"}, $res->{$_}[8]),
  print "</table></html>\n";

} else {
  my $dir = "->";

  $| = 1;

  while(1) {
    print "$dir # ";
    chomp(my $word = <>);

    exit if $word eq "";

    if ($word =~ m!^/(.*)/$!) {

      my $regexp = $1;
      my $key;

      while ($key = each %$D1) {
	myDumpSome($key,$D1,$D2) if $key =~ m!$regexp!;

    } else {

sub load {
  my $file = shift;

  return (load_("$file/source-target.dmp"),

sub load_ {
    my $file = shift;

    if (-e "$file.filtered") {
        return do "$file.filtered"
    } else {
        return do $file;

sub myDump {
  my ($word,$structure,$indent) = @_;
  $indent = $indent ? " " x 28 : "";
  print "** Word: $word\n";
  print "** OccurrenceCount: $structure->{count}\n";
  for (sort {$structure->{trans}{$b} <=> $structure->{trans}{$a}} keys %{$structure->{trans}}) {
    printf "$indent  %15s: %7.4f %%\n", $_, $structure->{trans}{$_}*100;
  print "\n";

sub myDump2 {
  my ($word,$A,$B) = @_;
  print "** Word: $word\n";
  print "** OccurrenceCount: $A->{count}, $B->{count}\n\n";
  my @A = sort {$A->{trans}{$b} <=> $A->{trans}{$a}} keys %{$A->{trans}};
  my @B = sort {$B->{trans}{$b} <=> $B->{trans}{$a}} keys %{$B->{trans}};
  while(@A || @B) {
    my $a = shift @A || undef;
    my $b = shift @B || undef;
    if ($a && $b) {
      printf "  %15s: %7.4f %%  %15s: %7.4f %%\n",
	$a, $A->{trans}{$a}*100,
	  $b, $B->{trans}{$b}*100;
    } elsif ($a) {
      printf "  %15s: %7.4f %%\n",
	$a, $A->{trans}{$a}*100;
    } else {
      printf "  %15s:             %15s: %7.4f %%\n","",$b, $B->{trans}{$b}*100;

  print "\n";

sub myDumpSome {
  my ($word,$A, $B) = @_;

  if (exists($A->{$word}) && exists($B->{$word})) {

    print "\n";

  } elsif (exists($A->{$word})) {

    print "\n";

  } elsif (exists($B->{$word})) {

    print "\n";

  } else {

    print "** Word '$word' not found in any dictionry\n";


sub U {
    my %U;
    keys %U;

=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

nat-compareDicts - used to compare two PTDs in Perl dumper format.


  print "\tnat-compareDicts [-stats] [-html] [-full] <dic1.dmp> <dic2.dmp>\n\n";


This program compares two Probabilistic Translation Dictionaries in
Perl Dumper format. It can be used in four different ways:

=over 4

=item *

With no switches, a shell will be loaded. In this shell the user can
entry words, and those words entries in the dictionary willl be shown.

=item *

With the C<-html> switch, an HTML table will be printed to
STDOUT. This table tries to show entries will less or more differences
between the two dictionaries.

=item *

The C<-full> switch prints to STDOUT all entries from the dictionaries
together with some comparison values.


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões, E<lt>ambs@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2006-2012 by Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões
