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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Text::BibTeX;
use Getopt::Tabular;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command-line options and option table

my @select;                             # list of citation keys
my $markup = 'latex';
my $open_bib = 0;

# Default markups -- should be customizable
my %markup = 
   (pre_entry => { latex => '\bibitem{%KEY%}' . "\n",
                   latex2e => '\bibitem{%KEY%}' . "\n",
                   html => '"[%LABEL%]"' },
    inter_block => { latex => "\n\\newblock ",
                     latex2e => "\n\\newblock ",
                     html => $open_bib ? "<br>\n" : "  " },
    atitle => { latex => ['{\em ', '}'],
                latex2e => ['\emph{', '}'],
                html => ['<emph>', '</emph>'] },
    btitle => { latex => ['{\em ', '}'],
                latex2e => ['\emph{', '}'],
                html => ['<emph>', '</emph>'] },
    journal => { latex => ['{\em ', '}'],
                 latex2e => ['\emph{', '}'],
                 html => ['<emph>', '</emph>'] },

my @opt_table = 
   (['-select', 'call', undef, sub { &get_list_arg (@_, \@select) },
     'list of entries to format (selected by citation key)',
     'key1 ...'],
    ['-latex', 'const', 'latex', \$markup,
     'add LaTeX 2.09 markup to the bibliography entries'],
    ['-latex2e', 'const', 'latex2e', \$markup,
     'add LaTeX 2e markup to the bibliography entries'],
    ['-html', 'const', 'html', \$markup,
     'add HTML markup to the bibliography entries'],
    ['-openbib|-closedbib', 'boolean', 0, \$open_bib,
     'use "open" bibliography format'],

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main program

# First, parse the command line and make sure there's exactly one
# argument (the .bib file to format) left.

my $usage = "usage: btformat [options] bibfile\n";
Getopt::Tabular::SetHelp ($usage, undef);
GetOptions (\@opt_table, \@ARGV) || exit 1;

die "$usage\nIncorrect number of arguments\n" unless (@ARGV == 1);

# OK, we're happy with the command-line -- let's start working for real
my ($filename, $bibfile, $entry, %select);

$filename = shift;
$bibfile =  Text::BibTeX::File->new( $filename) or die "$filename: $!\n";
$bibfile->set_structure ('Bib', namestyle => 'nopunct', nameorder => 'first');

%select = map { ($_ => 1) } @select
   if @select;

my $entry_num = 0;
while ($entry =  Text::BibTeX::Entry->new( $bibfile))
   next unless $entry->parse_ok && $entry->metatype == BTE_REGULAR;
   next if (@select && ! $select{$entry->key});

#   printf "formatting entry >%s<\n", $entry->key;
   my (@blocks, $block, $sentence);
   @blocks = $entry->format;
   @blocks = grep ($_, @blocks);        # strip empty blocks

   for $block (@blocks)
      for $sentence (@$block)
         # If sentence has multiple clauses, process them: first, strip
         # out empties, and jump to the next sentence if it turns out 
         # this one is empty (ie. just a bunch of empty clauses).  Then
         # join the left-over clauses with commas.
         if (ref $sentence eq 'ARRAY')
            @$sentence = grep ($_, @$sentence);
            ($sentence = '', next SENTENCE) unless @$sentence;
            $sentence = join (', ', @$sentence);

         # finish sentence with a period if it's not already punctuated
         $sentence .= '.' unless $sentence eq '' || $sentence =~ /[.!?]$/;

      # Now join together all the sentences in the block, first stripping
      # any empties.
      @$block = grep ($_, @$block);
      next BLOCK unless @$block;
      $block = join (' ', @$block);     # put the sentences together

   if (@blocks)
      my ($key, $label, $header, $f_entry, $footer);

      $key = $entry->key;
      $label = $entry_num;              # for now!
      $header = $markup{pre_entry}{$markup};
      $header =~ s/%KEY%/$key/g;
      $header =~ s/%LABEL%/$label/g;

      $f_entry = join ($markup{inter_block}{$markup}, @blocks);

      print $header;
      print $f_entry;
      print "\n\n";