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package Tapper::Installer::Precondition::Image;
  $Tapper::Installer::Precondition::Image::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:AMD';
  $Tapper::Installer::Precondition::Image::VERSION = '4.1.0';

use strict;
use warnings;

use Moose;
extends 'Tapper::Installer::Precondition';

has images => ( isa => 'ArrayRef',
                is  => 'rw',
                default => sub {[]},

sub get_partition_number
        my ($self, $device_file) = @_;
        my ($partition_number) = $device_file =~ m/(\d+)/;
        return $partition_number;

sub get_grub_device
        my ($self, $device_file) = @_;
        my $basedir = $self->cfg->{paths}{base_dir};
        my $error = $self->log_and_exec("/usr/sbin/grub-install","--recheck",
        my ($grub_device) = $device_file =~ m/[hs]d([a-z])/;
        $grub_device      =~ tr/[a-j]/[0-9]/;
        if ($grub_device eq "") {
                $self->log->warn( "Grub device not found, took '0'");
                $grub_device = 0;
        return (0, $grub_device);

sub configure_fstab
        my ($self) = @_;
        # Creates fstab-entry for the final partition

        $self->log->debug("Configuring fstab to contain installed images");
        open (my $FSTAB, ">", $self->cfg->{paths}{base_dir}."/etc/fstab") or return "Can't open fstab for appending: $!";

        # write defaults for fstab
        print $FSTAB "proc\t/proc\tproc\tdefaults\t0 0\n","sysfs\t/sys\tsysfs\tauto\t0 0\n";
        print $FSTAB "tapper:/data/tapper /data/tapper nfs vers=3 0 0\n";

        # put swap in fstab
        foreach my $line (grep {$_ =~ m/swap/i} qx(fdisk -l)) {
                my ($file_name) = split / +/, $line;
                print $FSTAB "$file_name\tnone\tswap\tsw\t0\t0\n";

        foreach my $image (@{$self->images}) {
                print $FSTAB $image->{partition},"\t",$image->{mount},"\text3\tdefaults\t1 1\n";

        close $FSTAB or return "Can't write fstab: $!"; # well, cases when close fails are rare but still exist
        return 0;

sub generate_user_grub_conf
        my ($self, $device_file) = @_;
        my $mount_point=$self->cfg->{paths}{base_dir};
        my $conf_string=$self->cfg->{grub};

        my $partition_number = $self->get_partition_number($device_file);
        my ($error, $grub_device) = $self->get_grub_device( $device_file);
        return $grub_device if $error;

        my $initrd_options = '';
        $initrd_options = "initrd /boot/initrd" if -e $self->cfg->{paths}{base_dir}."/boot/initrd";

        $conf_string =~ s/\$root/$device_file/g;
        $conf_string =~ s/\$grubroot/(hd$grub_device,$partition_number)/g;
        $conf_string =~ s/\$initrd_options/$initrd_options/g;

        return $self->write_menu_lst($conf_string, "truncate");

sub generate_grub_menu_lst
        my ($self) = @_;
        my $retval;

        my $partition = $self->images->[0]->{partition};

        return $retval if $retval = $self->generate_user_grub_conf($partition);
        return 0;

sub prepare_boot
        my ($self) = @_;
        my $retval = 0;
        return $retval if $retval = $self->configure_fstab();
        return $retval if $retval = $self->generate_grub_menu_lst( );
        return $retval if $retval = $self->generate_pxe_grub();
        # return $retval if $retval = $self->copy_menu_lst();
        return 0;

sub get_device
        my ($self, $devices, $basedir) = @_;
        $basedir ||= '/';           # basedir is only supposed for unit testing
        my @device_alternatives;
        if (ref($devices) eq 'ARRAY') {
                @device_alternatives = @$devices;
        } else {
                @device_alternatives = ($devices);

        my $dev_symlink;
        foreach my $device_id (@device_alternatives) {
                if (-e "$basedir/dev/disk/by-label/".$device_id) {
                        last ALTERNATIVE;
                } elsif (-e "$basedir/dev/disk/by-uuid/".$device_id) {
                        $dev_symlink = readlink("$basedir/dev/disk/by-uuid/$device_id");
                        last ALTERNATIVE;
                } elsif (-e "$basedir/dev/".$device_id or -e "$basedir/$device_id") {
                        $dev_symlink = $device_id;
                        last ALTERNATIVE;

        my $error_string = "No device named ";
        $error_string   .= join ", ", @device_alternatives;
        $error_string   .= " could be found";
        return(1, $error_string) if not $dev_symlink;

        my @linkpath=split("/", $dev_symlink); # split link to avoid /dev/disk/by-xyz/../../hda1, is way faster than regexp
        my $partition = $linkpath[-1];
        return (0,"/dev/$partition");

sub get_partition_label
        my ($self, $device_file) = @_;
        return $self->log_and_exec("e2label $device_file");

sub generate_pxe_grub
        my ($self) = @_;

        my $partition = $self->cfg->{preconditions}->[0]->{partition};
        my $hostname = $self->gethostname();
        my $partition_number = $self->get_partition_number( $partition );
        my ($error, $grub_device) = $self->get_grub_device( $partition );
        return $grub_device if $error;

        my $filename = $self->cfg->{paths}{grubpath}."/$hostname.lst";
        open my $fh, ">", $filename or return "Can not open PXE grub file $filename: $!";
        print $fh
          "serial --unit=0 --speed=115200\n",
            "terminal serial\n",
              "timeout 2\n\n",
                "title Boot from first hard disc\n",
                  "chainloader (hd$grub_device,$partition_number)+1";
        close $fh or return "Closing PXE grub file $filename of NFS failed: $!";
        return 0;

sub copy_menu_lst
        my ($self) = @_;

        my $hostname      = $self->gethostname();
        my $menu_lst_file = $self->cfg->{paths}{base_dir}."/boot/grub/menu.lst";
        my $tapper_conf   = $self->cfg->{paths}{grubpath};

        return $self->log_and_exec("cp $menu_lst_file $tapper_conf/$hostname.lst");

sub write_menu_lst
        my ($self, $content, $truncate) = @_;
        my $menu_lst_file = $self->cfg->{paths}{base_dir}."/boot/grub/menu.lst";
        my $mode = '>>';
        if ($truncate) {
                $mode = '>';

        open (my $FILE, $mode,$menu_lst_file) or return "Can't open $menu_lst_file for writing: $!";
        print $FILE $content;
        close $FILE or return "Can't write $menu_lst_file: $!"; # well, cases when close fails are rare but still exist;
        return 0;

sub install
        my ($self, $image) = @_;
        my $retval;

        # set partition name to the normalized value /dev/*
        my $partition=$image->{partition};
        my $error;
        ($error, $partition) = $self->get_device($partition);
        if ($error) {
                return $partition;

        $self->log->debug("partition = $partition");

        # mount points in image precondition are relative to test system root
        # installation needs it relative to current root
        my $mount_point = $self->cfg->{paths}{base_dir}.$image->{mount};
        $error = $self->makedir($mount_point);
        return $error if $error;

        if ($image->{image}) {
                $retval = $self->copy_image( $partition, $image->{image}, $mount_point);
                return $retval if $retval;
        } else {
                $self->log->debug("No image to install on $partition, mounting old image to $mount_point");
                $retval = $self->log_and_exec("mount","$partition","$mount_point");
                return $retval if $retval;

        $self->images([ @{$self->images}, $image ]);

        $self->log->debug("Image copied successfully");

        return 0;

sub install_image
        my ($self, $image_file, $device_file, $mount_point) = @_;
        my ($error, $partition_size)=$self->log_and_exec("/sbin/blockdev --getsize64 $device_file");
        if ($error) {
                $self->log->warn("Can't get size of partition $device_file: $partition_size. Won't check if images fits.");
                $partition_size = 0;

        my ($partition_label, $image_type);
        ($error, $image_type)=$self->get_file_type($image_file);

        ($error, $partition_label) = $self->get_partition_label($device_file);
        if ($error) {
                $self->log->info("Can't get partition label of $device_file: $partition_label");
        $partition_label ||= "testing";

        if ($image_type eq "iso") {
                # ISO images are preformatted and thus bring their own
                # partition label
                return $self->install_image_iso($image_file, $partition_size, $device_file, $mount_point);
        } elsif ($image_type eq "tar") {
                return $self->install_image_tar($image_file, $partition_size, $device_file, $mount_point, $partition_label);
        } elsif ($image_type eq "gzip"){
                return $self->install_image_gz($image_file, $partition_size, $device_file, $mount_point, $partition_label);
        } elsif ($image_type eq "bz2") {
                return $self->install_image_bz2($image_file, $partition_size, $device_file, $mount_point, $partition_label);
        } else {
                return("Imagetype could not be detected");
        return 0;

sub install_image_iso
        my ($self, $image_file, $partition_size, $device_file, $mount_point) = @_;
        # -s return the size in byte
        if ( $partition_size and (-s $image_file) > $partition_size) {
                return("Image $image_file is to big for device $device_file");
        $self->log->info( "Using image type iso" );
        my $retval;
        return $retval if $retval=$self->log_and_exec("dd if=$image_file of=$device_file");
        return $retval if $retval=$self->log_and_exec("mount $device_file $mount_point");


sub install_image_tar
        my ($self, $image_file, $partition_size, $device_file, $mount_point, $partition_label) = @_;
        # -s return the size in byte
        if ( $partition_size and (-s $image_file) > $partition_size) {
                return("Image $image_file is to big for device $device_file");
        $self->log->info( "Using image type tar" );
        my $retval;
        return $retval if $retval=$self->log_and_exec("mkfs.ext3 -q -L $partition_label $device_file");
        return $retval if $retval=$self->log_and_exec("mount $device_file $mount_point");

        return $retval if $retval=$self->log_and_exec("tar xf $image_file -C $mount_point");
        return 0;

sub install_image_gz
        my ($self, $image_file, $partition_size, $device_file, $mount_point, $partition_label) = @_;
        my $gz_factor=3.82;
        if ( $partition_size and (-s $image_file)*$gz_factor > $partition_size) {
                return("Image $image_file is to big for device $device_file");
        $self->log->info( "Using image type gzip" );
        my $retval;
        return $retval if $retval=$self->log_and_exec("mkfs.ext3 -q -L $partition_label $device_file");
        return $retval if $retval=$self->log_and_exec("mount $device_file $mount_point");

        return $retval if $retval=$self->log_and_exec("tar xfz $image_file -C $mount_point");
        return 0;

sub install_image_bz2
        my ($self, $image_file, $partition_size, $device_file, $mount_point, $partition_label) = @_;
        my $bz2_factor=4.30;
        if ( $partition_size and (-s $image_file)*$bz2_factor > $partition_size) {
                return("Image $image_file is to big for device $device_file");
        $self->log->info( "Using image type bzip2" );
        my $retval;
        return $retval if $retval=$self->log_and_exec("mkfs.ext3 -q -L $partition_label $device_file");
        return $retval if $retval=$self->log_and_exec("mount $device_file $mount_point");

        return $retval if $retval=$self->log_and_exec("tar xfj $image_file -C $mount_point");
        return 0;

sub copy_image
        my ($self, $device_file, $image_file, $mount_point) = @_;
        $image_file = $self->cfg->{paths}{image_dir}.$image_file unless $image_file =~m(^/);

        # Image exists?
        if (not -e $image_file) {
                return("Image $image_file could not be found");
        return $self->install_image($image_file, $device_file, $mount_point);

sub unmount
        my ($self) = @_;
        my $basedir = $self->cfg->{paths}{base_dir};
        foreach my $image (reverse @{$self->images}) {
                my $mount = $basedir.$image->{mount};
                next unless -d $mount;
                $self->log_and_exec('umount', $mount);
        return 0;



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME



 use Tapper::Installer::Precondition::Image;

=head1 NAME

Tapper::Installer::Precondition::Package - Install a package to a given location


=head2 get_partition_number

Get the partition part of grub notation of a given device file eg. /dev/hda1.

@param string - partition number

@return int - grub device notation

=head2 get_grub_device

Get the disc part of grub notation of a given device file eg. /dev/hda1.

@param string - device file name

@return success - (0, grub device notation)
@return eror    - (1, error string)

=head2 configure_fstab

Write fstab on installed system based upon the installed images and

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 generate_user_grub_conf

Generate grub config file menu.lst based upon user provided precondition.

@param string - name of the root partition

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 generate_grub_menu_lst

Create a grub config file (menu.lst) based on the options in the configuration

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 prepare_boot

Make installed system ready for boot from hard disk.

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 get_device

Return device name (i.e. /dev/$device) for a given device-id, partition label
or $device name (with or without preceding /dev/).
Doesn't work with dev-mapper.

@param string - device or reference to array with device ids
@param string - base dir prepended to all paths (testing purpose)

@returnlist success - ( 0, device name string)
@returnlist error   - ( 1, error string)

=head2 get_partition_label

Get the label of a partition to be able to set it again at mkfs.

@param string - device file

@returnlist success - (    0, partition label string)
@returnlist error   - ( != 0, error string)

=head2 generate_pxe_grub

Generate a simple PXE grub config that forwards to local grub.

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 copy_menu_lst

Copy menu.lst to NFS. We need the grub config file menu.lst on NFS because
thats where PXE grub expects it. Still we create the file on the local hard
drive because it's faster and allows users to boot with this config without
using PXE grub.

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 write_menu_lst

Write content to grub file. This encapsulates writing to improve readability
and testability.

@param string - what to write
@param bool   - true = truncate ('>'), false = append ('>>') (append is default)

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 install

Install a given image. This function is a wrapper for image
installer functions so the caller doesn't need to care for preparations.

@param hash reference - containing image name (image), mount point (mount) and
                        partition name (partition)

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 install_image

Install an image on a given device and mount it to a given mount point. Make
sure to set partition label reasonably.

@param string - image file name
@param string - device file name
@param string - mount point relative to future test system

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 install_image_iso

Install an image of type iso.

@param string - image file name
@param int    - size of the target partition
@param string - device name of the target partition
@param string - directory to mount the installed image to

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 install_image_tar

Install an image of type tar.

@param string - image file name
@param int    - size of the target partition
@param string - device name of the target partition
@param string - directory to mount the installed image to
@param string - partition label

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 install_image_gz

Install an image of type tar.gz.

@param string - image file name
@param int    - size of the target partition
@param string - device name of the target partition
@param string - directory to mount the installed image to
@param string - partition labeƶ

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 install_image_bz2

Install an image of type tar.bz2.

@param string - image file name
@param int    - size of the target partition
@param string - device name of the target partition
@param string - directory to mount the installed image to
@param string - partition labeƶ

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 copy_image

Install an image to a given partition and mount it to a given mount point.

@param string - device name
@param string - image file
@param string - mount point

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head2 unmount

Umounts all images that were mounted during installation in reverse

@return success - 0
@return error   - error string

=head1 AUTHOR

AMD OSRC Tapper Team <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Advanced Micro Devices, Inc..

This is free software, licensed under:

  The (two-clause) FreeBSD License
