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#!perl -- -*- mode: cperl -*-

use strict;
    my $exit_message = "";
    unless ($exit_message) {
        if (!$ENV{AUTHOR_TEST}) {
            $exit_message = "envariable AUTHOR_TEST not set";
    unless ($exit_message) {
        my $e = "t/var/nntp-testers/40637320.gz";
        $exit_message = "File '$e' not found but required by test"
            unless -e $e;
    if ($exit_message) {
        print "1..0 # SKIP $exit_message\n";
        eval "require POSIX; 1" and POSIX::_exit(0);

use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use Test::More;
use File::Spec;
use CPAN::Testers::ParseReport;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);

my $plan;

use warnings;
    BEGIN { $plan += 1 }
    open my $fh, "-|", qq{zcat t/var/nntp-testers/40637320.gz} or die "could not open: $!";
    local $/;
    my $article = <$fh>;
    close $fh;
    my $dump = {};
    my $time = time;
        article => $article,
        solve => 1,
        'q' => [
            # 'qr:(.*could.?n.t (?:open|connect).*)', # SLOW
            # 'qr:(.*(?:could.?n.t (?:open|connect|find)).*)', # SLOW
            'qr:(.*(?i:could.?n.t (?:open|connect|find)).*)', # FAST
            'qr:(.*version .+? required--this is only.*)',
            'qr:(.*instance running.*)',
            'qr:(.*is deprecated (?:and will be removed)?)',
            'qr:("[A-Za-z0-9_]+" is not exported by the [A-Za-z0-9_:]+ module.*)', 
            'qr:(.*Base class package.*)',
            'qr:(Can.t call method .*)', 
            'qr:(Can.t use an undefined value.*)',
            'qr:(Can.t use string .*)',
            'qr:(Can.t modify division)',
            'qr:(Connection refused)',
            'qr:(Can.t use keyword .*? as a label)',
            'qr:(Could not open .*)',
            'qr:(Address already in use)',
            'qr:(skip(?:ping |ped: | test).*)',
            'qr:(Please rerun the make command)',
            'qr:(v-string .* non-portable at \S+)',
            'qr:(The module .* isn.t available on CPAN)',
            'qr:(Invalid version format)',
            'qr:did you mean \$\] \?',
            'qr:Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated',
            'qr:Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding',
            'qr:((Smartmatch|given|when) is experimental)',
            'qr:# (.+ alternative text .+ contains non-escaped .+)',
            'qr:=over without closing =back',
            'qr:starts or ends with whitespace',
            'qr:Acme::Override::INET replaced IO::Socket::INET',
            'qr:Invalid byte sequence',
            'qr:Insecure dependency in require',
            'qr:Passing a list of values to enum',
            'qr:(undefined symbol: [A-Za-z0-9_]+ )',
    my $took = sprintf "%.2f", time - $time;
    my $keys = keys %{$dump->{"==DATA=="}[0]};
    cmp_ok($keys, '>=', 75, "found at least 75, actually [$keys] keys in $took seconds");
#    my $system = qq{"$^X" "-Ilib" "-d:NYTProf" "bin/ctgetreports" "--prefer-local-reports" "--cachedir" "t/var-live" --pce --q meta:from --q 'qr:(.*version .+? required--this is only.*)' --q 'qr:("[A-Za-z0-9_]+" is not exported by the [A-Za-z0-9_:]+ module.*)' --q 'qr:(.*instance running.*)' --q 'qr:(.*could.?n.t (?:open|connect).*)' --q 'qr:((?i:.*could.?n.t find.*))' --q 'qr:(.*Base class package.*)' --q 'qr:(Can.t call method .*)' --q 'qr:(Can.t use an undefined value.*)' --q 'qr:(Can.t use string .*)' --q 'qr:(Can.t modify division)' --q 'qr:(Connection refused)' --q 'qr:(Can.t use keyword .*? as a label)' --q 'qr:(Could not open .*)' --q 'qr:(Address already in use)' --q 'qr:(.*is deprecated (?:and will be removed)?)' --q 'qr:(skip(?:ping |ped: | test).*)' --q 'qr:(Please rerun the make command)' --q 'qr:(v-string .* non-portable at \S+)' --q 'qr:(The module .* isn.t available on CPAN)' --q 'qr:(Invalid version format)' --q 'qr:did you mean \$\] \?' --q 'qr:Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated' --q 'qr:Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding' --q 'qr:((Smartmatch|given|when) is experimental)' --q 'qr:# (.+ alternative text .+ contains non-escaped .+)' --q 'qr:=over without closing =back' --q 'qr:starts or ends with whitespace' --q 'qr:Acme::Override::INET replaced IO::Socket::INET' --q 'qr:Invalid byte sequence' --q 'qr:Insecure dependency in require' --q 'qr:Passing a list of values to enum' --q 'qr:(undefined symbol: [A-Za-z0-9_]+ )' --solve --solvetop=123 --dumpfile=/home/andreas/data/cnntp-solver-2009/workdir/solved/Internals-DumpArenas-0.12.slvdv --minpass=3 --transport=http_cpantesters_gzip --prefer-local-reports --vdistro=Internals-DumpArenas-0.12 Internals-DumpArenas "--verbose" > ctgetreports-nytprof.out 2>&1};

    plan tests => $plan;


# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# cperl-indent-level: 4
# cperl-close-paren-offset: -4
# cperl-continued-statement-offset: 4
# cperl-indent-parens-as-block: t
# cperl-tab-always-indent: t
# End: