The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

=head1 NAME

rrr-fsck - 


  rrr-fsck [options] principalfile

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8


my @opt = <<'=back' =~ /B<--(\S+)>/g;

=item B<--dry-run|n>

Does nothing, only prints what it would do.

=item B<--help|h>

Prints a brief message and exists.

=item B<--remoteroot=s>

If provided fsck will try to mirror missing files from this location.
For remote locations requiring authentication you may need to set the
environment variables USER and RSYNC_PASSWORD as well.

=item B<--verbose|v+>

More feedback.

=item B<--yes|y>

Consider all answers to asked questions to be I<yes>.



Compares disk contents with index contents and gathers files missing
on local disk and files missing in local index.

If remoteroot is given missing files are fetched from remote.

Files on the local disk that have no counterpart in the index are
considered obsolete and the user is asked for each file if the file
should be deleted. And if the user confirms it will be deleted.

=head1 BUGS

There is a race condition when the tree or the index is manipulated
while we are running. This implies that the result is only then 100%
correct when disk and index are not changed while we are running.

There should be an option to declare the files on disk authoritative
so that they are added to the index.


use strict;
use warnings;

use lib "/home/k/sources/rersyncrecent/lib";

use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use File::Find qw(find);
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw(prompt);
use File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent;
use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util qw(max);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use Time::HiRes qw(time sleep);

our %Opt;
          ) or pod2usage(1);

if ($Opt{help}) {

if (@ARGV == 1) {
} else {

my($principal) = @ARGV;
my $recc = File::Rsync::Mirror::Recent->new
     local => $principal,
     localroot => dirname $principal,
for my $passthrough (qw(remoteroot verbose)) {
    if (my $opt = $Opt{$passthrough}) {
my $root = $recc->localroot;
die "Alert: Root not defined, giving up" unless defined $root;
my $prf = $recc->principal_recentfile;
my $filenameroot = $prf->filenameroot;
my $serializer_suffix = $prf->serializer_suffix;
my $ignore_rx = qr((?x:
 ^ \Q$filenameroot\E (?:  - [0-9]*[smhdWMQYZ] \Q$serializer_suffix\E (?: \.lock (?: /.* )? )?  | \.recent ) \z

my %diskfiles;
my $i;
my $last_verbosity = 0;
if ($Opt{verbose}) {
    print "\n";
      wanted => sub {
          my @lstat = lstat $_;
          return unless -l _ or -f _;
          my($reportname) = $File::Find::name =~ m{^\Q$root\E/*(.*)};
          return if $reportname =~ $ignore_rx;
          if ($Opt{verbose} && time - $last_verbosity > 0.166666) {
              printf "\r%8d files and symlinks checked on disk ", $i;
              $last_verbosity = time;
          $diskfiles{$File::Find::name} = $lstat[9];
      no_chdir => 1,
if ($Opt{verbose}) {
    printf "\r%8d files and symlinks checked on disk\n", $i;
$i = 0;

if ($Opt{verbose}) {
    print "\rChecking index";
my @newsargs = ();
if ($Opt{verbose}) {
    @newsargs =
        (callback => sub {
             $i = scalar @{shift;};
             if (time - $last_verbosity > 0.166666) {
                 printf "\r%8d entries read from index ", $i;
                 $last_verbosity = time;
my $indexfiles = $recc->news(@newsargs);
if ($Opt{verbose}) {
    printf "\r%8d entries read from index\n", scalar @$indexfiles;
my %seen;
my %indexfiles = map {
} grep {
    defined $_->{path} &&
            && $_->{type} eq "new"
} @$indexfiles;

my @missing_rfrfiles;
for my $rf (@{$recc->recentfiles}) {
    my $rfrfile = $rf->rfile;
    unless (-e $rfrfile) {
        push @missing_rfrfiles, $rfrfile;
if (@missing_rfrfiles) {
    warn "Warning: missing index files @missing_rfrfiles\n";
if ($Opt{verbose}) {
    printf "\r%8d file objects found in index\n", scalar keys %indexfiles;
my $sprintfd = length(max scalar @$indexfiles, scalar keys %diskfiles);
warn sprintf(
             "diskfiles:        %*d\n".
             "indexfiles:       %*d\n",
             $sprintfd, scalar keys %diskfiles,
             $sprintfd, scalar keys %indexfiles,
my @diskmisses  = sort { $indexfiles{$b} <=> $indexfiles{$a} } grep { ! exists $diskfiles{$_}  } keys %indexfiles;
my @indexmisses = sort { $diskfiles{$a}  <=> $diskfiles{$b}  } grep { ! exists $indexfiles{$_} } keys %diskfiles;
warn sprintf(
             "missing on disk:  %*d\n".
             "missing in index: %*d\n",
             $sprintfd, scalar @diskmisses,
             $sprintfd, scalar @indexmisses,
my $rf = $recc->principal_recentfile;
my $last_aggregate_call = time;
my @batch;
for my $dm (@diskmisses) {
    if (0) {
    } elsif ($Opt{"dry-run"}) {
        if ($Opt{remoteroot}) {
            warn "Would fetch $dm\n";
        } else {
            warn "Would remove from indexfile $dm\n";
    } elsif ($Opt{remoteroot}) {
        my $relative = substr $dm, 1 + length $root;
    } else {
        warn "Removing from indexfile: $dm\n";
        push @batch, {path => $dm, type => "delete"};
for my $im (@indexmisses) {
    if ($Opt{"dry-run"}) {
        if ($Opt{remoteroot}) {
            warn "Would remove $im\n";
        } else {
            warn "Would add to indexfile $im\n";
    } elsif ($Opt{remoteroot}) {
        my $ans;
        if ($Opt{yes}) {
            warn "Going to unlink '$im'\n";
            $ans = "y";
        } else {
            $ans = prompt "Unlink '$im'?", "y";
        if ($ans =~ /^y/i) {
            unlink $im or die "Could not unlink '$im': $!";
    } else {
        warn "Adding to indexfile: $im\n";
        my @stat = lstat $im or next;
        push @batch, {epoch => $stat[9], path => $im, type => "new"};
unless ($Opt{"dry-run"}) {
    if (@batch) {


# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# coding: utf-8
# cperl-indent-level: 4
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