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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# line 4

use strict;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
use Getopt::Long;

our $Id = substr q$Id: patchaperlup 310 2009-02-21 14:45:30Z k $, 4;

our $Zcat = { darwin => 'gzcat' }->{$^O} || 'zcat';

our %Opt = ();

sub find_patchls {
    use File::Spec;
    my $res;
    for my $p (File::Spec->path, "Porting") {
        my $t = File::Spec->catfile($p,"patchls");
        if (-x $t) {
            $res = $t;
    $res ? File::Spec->rel2abs($res) : 0;

sub unCR {
    my($f) = shift;
    return unless -f $f;
    local *UNCR;
    local $/;
    open UNCR, "<$f" or die "Could not open <$f: $!";
    my $content = <UNCR>;
    close UNCR or die "Could not close $f: $!";
    $content =~ s/\015//g or return;
    my($dev,$inode,$mode) = stat $f;
    unlink $f or die "Could not unlink $f: $!";
    open UNCR, ">$f" or die "Could not open >$f: $!";
    print UNCR $content;
    close UNCR or die "Could not close $f: $!";
    chmod $mode, $f;

sub contains_cr {
    my($file) = shift;
    open F, $file or die "Couldn't open $file: $!";
    local($/) = "\n";
    my $firstline = <F>;
    $firstline =~ /\cM/;

sub usage () {
    "Usage $0
    --perldir  perldirectory-to-alter
    --diffdir  patchdirectory
    [--branch  branch defaults to perl (the trunk)]
    [--start   number-of-first-patch]
    [--upto    number-of-last-patch]

sub verbose {
    return if $Opt{quiet};
    printf STDERR @_;



    print "Version: $Id\n";
    if ($Opt{version}) {

    print usage and exit if $Opt{h};
    my $perldir = $Opt{perldir} or die usage;
    my $diffdir = $Opt{diffdir} or die usage;
    $Opt{verbose} ||= 0;
    $Opt{branch} ||= "perl";

    die "perldir[$perldir] not found" unless -d $perldir;
    print "Perldir: $perldir\n";
    my $already_patched;
    if (defined $Opt{start}) {
        $already_patched = $Opt{start}-1;
    } else {
        if ( open F, "$perldir/Changes" ) {
            while (<F>) {
                next unless /^\[\s*(\d+)\]\sBy:\s/; # //;
                $already_patched = $1;
        } else {
            warn "PAPU: Couldn't open $perldir/Changes: $!";
        unless ($already_patched) {
            die "PAPU: Could not determine last integrated patch via $perldir/Changes
Need --start option to determine the first patch to apply";

    die "diffdir[$diffdir] not found" unless -d $diffdir;
    print "Diffdir: $diffdir\n";
    my $diffdir_abs = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($diffdir) ?
        $diffdir : File::Spec->catdir(Cwd::cwd,$diffdir);
    opendir DIR, $diffdir_abs or die "Couldn't opendir $diffdir_abs: $!";
    my @diffs = sort { $a <=> $b } grep s/^(\d+)\.gz/$1/, readdir DIR;
    closedir DIR;
    my $first_diff = $diffs[0];
    die "\$already_patched undefined!" unless defined $already_patched;
    die "\$diffs[0] undefined!" unless defined $diffs[0];
    if ($already_patched > $diffs[0]) {
        verbose "Your patchdirectory starts with patch %d, but your perldir
has the patches up to %d already applied. Skipping those not needed.
", $diffs[0], $already_patched;
        shift @diffs while $diffs[0] <= $already_patched;

    # Now it is possible that the first patch we have here is only
    # patching the Changes file and that this patch has already been
    # applied during the release. We need to be more tolerant on the first
    # patch.

    my $latest_diff = $diffs[-1];
    $latest_diff =~ s/\D.*//;
    for my $arg (qw(upto start)) {
        if ($Opt{$arg}) {
            if ($Opt{$arg} > $latest_diff) {
                warn "PAPU: Option for $arg\[$Opt{$arg}] bigger than
 latest[$latest_diff]. Won't apply any patch.\a\n";
                sleep 5;
            if ($Opt{$arg}<$diffs[0]) {
                die "Invalid option for $arg\[$Opt{$arg}], must be between $first_diff and $latest_diff\n";
            } else {
                if ($arg eq "upto") {
                    pop @diffs while @diffs && $diffs[-1] > $Opt{$arg};
                    $latest_diff = $Opt{$arg};
                } else {
                    shift @diffs while @diffs && $diffs[0] < $Opt{$arg};
    chdir $perldir or die "Couldn't chdir to $perldir: $!";
    my @fails;
    verbose "Prescanning all patch files for contents\n";
    my $tmpfile = "tmp.patchls.$$";
    my $patchls = find_patchls() or
        die "Couldn't find patchls utility in PATH nor in Porting/ directory.

    ### Please install the small perl program 'patchls' in your path. You find it in
    ### perl 5.8.3 in the Porting/ directory. Do not use an older version of it.

    open F, "| perl $patchls - > $tmpfile";
    for my $d ( @diffs ) {
        verbose "\r%10s of %10s to %10s", $d, $diffs[0], $diffs[-1] unless $d % 100;
        my $pathdiff = "$diffdir_abs/$d.gz";
        warn "Couldn't find pathdiff[$pathdiff]",next unless -f $pathdiff;
        open G, "$Zcat $pathdiff|";
        local $/;
        print F <G>;
        close G or die "Could not run '$Zcat $pathdiff': $!";
    close F;
    verbose "\n";

    open F, $tmpfile or die "Couldn't open $tmpfile: $!";
    my %pfiles;
    while (<F>) {
        chomp $_;
        my @pfiles = grep { -f $_ } split m{ }, $_;
        @pfiles{@pfiles} = ();
    close F;
    unlink $tmpfile;

    # at the time of patch 7632, some files in the repository were changed
    # to contain no CR
    if (1) {

        @ARGV = grep contains_cr($_), keys %pfiles;
        @ARGV = grep !m!lib/unicode/syllables.txt!, @ARGV;

        if (@ARGV) {
            verbose "Removing CR from %d files:\n", scalar @ARGV;
            $^I = ".withCR";
            my $i = 0;
            my $b = 0;
            while (<>) {
                # in 5.7.1 we had files that contained 0x0d0d0a on line endings
                if (eof(ARGV)) {
                    verbose "%s\n", $ARGV;
            my $lines = $.;
            verbose "\n";
    # 2006-02-25: upto bleadperl 27302 we always had -N as a switch here
    # but then 27302 was a straight reverse and -N was inappropriate. I
    # seem to recall that -N had a reasoning to prevent patch from being
    # clever, but now I remove it and wait what breaks... Aaah, removing
    # -N does not help here, so the bug is somewhere else... I see that
    # the perforce change #252 to sv.h is in both 27297 and in 27302, so
    # we should treat it as a APC bug. But we need to skip
    # //depot/perl/sv.h#252 in 27302 now.

    # 2006-07-03 akoenig: patch number 28434 was the first one needing a
    # fuzz factor of 3. I have not investigated who is to blame for that.

    our %SKIP = map { $_ => undef } (
                                     "//depot/perl/pod/perlmodlib.pod#76", # 21543
                                     "//depot/perl/pod/perltoc.pod#193",   # 21543
                                     "//depot/perl/pod/buildtoc#27",       # 21544
    $OVERRIDE_SKIP{"//depot/perl/sv.h#252"}{27297} = undef; # apply

    our %TOUCH = map { $_ => undef } (

    # 2006-11-30 akoenig: patch number 29196 was the first to need a -p2
    # and I have reported as bug in APC...
    our %PSWITCH = (
                    # 29196 => "-p2", ...and Philippe M. Chiasson fixed it the same day

    our %CREATE =
         # perl -e 'use Data::Dumper; open my $fh, shift or die; local $/; $Data::Dumper::Terse=1; $Data::Dumper::Useqq=1; print Dumper <$fh>;' APC/perl-current/t/op/regexp_unicode_prop_thr.t
         "//depot/perl/t/op/regexp_unicode_prop_thr.t#1" => "#!./perl\n\nchdir 't' if -d 't';\n\@INC = ('../lib', '.');\n\nrequire '';\nthread_it(qw(op regexp_unicode_prop.t));\n",

    for my $d ( @diffs ) {
        my $pathdiff = "$diffdir_abs/$d.gz";
        my $pswitch = $PSWITCH{$d} || "-p1";
        my $patchcommand = sprintf(
                                   "patch %s -g0 %s -N --fuzz=3",
                                   $Opt{verbose}>0 ? "" : "-s",

        verbose "\rapplying %s # for %d\n", $patchcommand, $d
            if $Opt{verbose}>0 and not $d % 100;
        print "Firstpatch: $d\n" if $d==$diffs[0];

        # First do the deletes, they are not line by line in the patches
        local *Z;
        open Z, "$Zcat $pathdiff |";
        my $indexseen;
        while (<Z>) {
            $indexseen++, last if /^Index/;
        open Z, "$Zcat $pathdiff |";
        while (<Z>) {
            last if /^Differences\s/;
            next unless m{^\s*\.\.\. //.+perl/(.+)#\d+ delete$};
            my $delfile = $1;
            unless (-f $delfile){
                warn "PAPU warning: Could not find $delfile for deletion, ignoring";
            unlink $delfile or die "Could not unlink $delfile: $!";
            # we must remove directories that become empty
            while ($delfile =~ s|/[^/]+$||) {
                last unless rmdir $delfile; # usually fails

        next unless $indexseen; # pre-filter garbage patches
        my $pouth;              # "patch-out-handle"
        my $poutf = "tmp.patch.$$.out"; # "patch-out-file"
        open $pouth, "| $patchcommand  > $poutf 2>&1";
        my $curbranch = '';
        my $skip = 0;
      DIFFLINE: while (<Z>) {
            if (m[^==== (//depot/((?:[^/]+/)?perl)/([^#]+)#\d+) \((.*?)\)]) {
                my $repopath = $1;
                $curbranch = $2;
                my $f = $3;
                # warn "file[$f]curbranch[$curbranch]Opt{branch}[$Opt{branch}]";
                my $type = $4;
                if (
                    exists $SKIP{$repopath}
                    and not exists $OVERRIDE_SKIP{$repopath}{$d}
                   ) {
                    warn "PAPU warning: deliberately skipping $repopath\n";
                    $skip = 1;
                } elsif (exists $TOUCH{$repopath}) {
                    open my $fh, ">", $f or die;
                    next DIFFLINE;
                } elsif (exists $CREATE{$repopath}) {
                    open my $fh, ">", $f or die;
                    print $fh $CREATE{$repopath};
                    next DIFFLINE;
                } else {
                    $skip = 0;
                if ($type !~ /text/ || $type =~ /binary|ktext/) {
                    warn "PAPU warning: patch contains"
                        ." file $f (type $type), skipped\n";
                } else {
            } elsif (m[^==== //depot/([^/]+)/]) {
                # Not one of the branches we support (e.g. perlio in 13945)
                $curbranch = $1;
                # warn "curbranch[$curbranch]";
            next if $skip;
            if ($Opt{branch}) {
                if ($curbranch) {
                    if ($curbranch eq "$Opt{branch}/perl" || $curbranch eq $Opt{branch}) {
                        print $pouth $_;
            } else {
                print $pouth $_;
        close Z or die "Could not run '$Zcat $pathdiff': $!";
        close $pouth;           # may fail
        my $poutfail = $?;
        local $/;
        open $pouth, $poutf or die "Could not open $poutf: $!";
        my $pout = <$pouth>;
        close $pouth;
        unlink $poutf or die "Could not unlink $poutf: $!";
        warn "\n----stdout+err patching $d (ret=$poutfail)---\n$pout----EOF----\n"
            if $pout || $poutfail;
        if ($poutfail == 0) {
            verbose "\rapplied patch # %s.%s", $d, $Opt{verbose}>0 ? "\n" : " ";
        } else {
            my $ls = `$Zcat $pathdiff | perl $patchls -`;
            chomp $ls;
            if ($ls eq "-: Changes") {
                warn "PAPU $d: Patch error on 'Changes' file ignored.\n";
            } elsif ($pout =~ /patch: \*\*\*\* Only garbage was found in the patch input./) {
                warn "PAPU $d: 'Only Garbage' patch error ignored.\n";
            } elsif ($pout =~ /Reversed .* patch detected!/ && ($d - $already_patched)<4) {
                warn "PAPU $d: Reversed patches immediately after a snapshot indicate the failure is likely to be an artifact. Error ignored.\n";
            } else {
                my @rej1;
                while ($pout =~ /saving rejects to (?:file )?(\S+)\.rej/gc) {
                    push @rej1, $1;

                if (@rej1) {
                    my %rej;
                    for my $f (qw(Changes patchlevel.h)) {
                        delete $rej{$f};
                    if ($d==4475 && exists $rej{"djgpp/configure.bat"}) {
                        warn "PAPU: Known problem patch 4475 seems harmless: ignoring";
                    } elsif ($d==32694) {
                        warn "PAPU: Known problem patch 32694 seems harmless: ignoring";
                    } elsif ($d==23556) {
                        warn "PAPU: Known problem patch 23556 seems harmless: ignoring";
                    } else {
                        my @rej2 = keys %rej;
                        if (@rej2) {
                            my $extra = "";
                            if (@rej2 > 40) {
                                $extra = sprintf " AND %d FILES MORE", @rej2-30;
                                splice @rej2, 30, $#rej2-30;
                            warn "PAPU: Problem with patch $d (files: @rej2$extra)\n";
                            push @fails, $d;
                        } else {
                            warn "PAPU $d: Rejects were only on [@rej1]: these can usually be ignored\n";
                } else {
                    # all other sorts of errors
                    warn "PAPU: Registering as a failing patch d[$d]";
                    push @fails, $d;
    verbose "\n";
    if (@fails) {
        verbose "The following patches had errors:\n";
        verbose join "", map {"\t$_\n"} @fails;
        verbose "\n";
        die "Errors while patching\n";
    } else {
        print "Lastpatch: $diffs[-1]\n";

    # Removing files not in MANIFEST
    use ExtUtils::Manifest;
    my @rm = ExtUtils::Manifest::filecheck;
    if ($Opt{nounlink}) {
        verbose "Keeping files not in MANIFEST: @rm\n";
    } elsif (@rm) {
        verbose "Removing files not in MANIFEST: @rm\n";
        unlink @rm or die "Could not unlink @rm: $!";
    if ($Opt{writedotpatch}) {
        open my $fh, ">", ".patch" or die "Could not open .patch: $!";
        print $fh $diffs[-1], "\n";

    verbose qq{Now you can make a new perl by running e.g.:
  cd $perldir && sh Configure -des && make test


=head1 NAME

patchaperlup - apply a couple of patches in a perl source directory


  patchaperlup --perldir perldir
               --diffdir diffdir
               [ --start patch-number ]
               [ --upto  patch-number ]
               [ --quiet ]
               [ --version ]


This utility runs a batch of jobs that upgrade an arbitrary source
snapshot of perl with selected numbered patches to produce another
snapshot of perl. It is designed to be called from other utilities
(such as apc-buildaperl) that implement a source repository in the
broader sense.

How to get at perl patches is described in the perlhack manpage.

When you have unpacked a perl source tarball or otherwise produced a
source snapshot, patchaperlup should be run as

  perl patchaperlup --perldir perl5.5.660 --diffdir diffs

C<patchaperlup> checks which highest numbered patch has already been
applied to the perl in the C<perldir>. The --upto argument defaults to
the highest numbered patch in the directory given by the --diffdir
argument. The --start argument defaults to the last patch referenced
in the Changes file in the untarred perl sources plus one.

So the above command is equivalent to something like

  perl patchaperlup --perldir perl5.5.660 --diffdir diffs \
       --start 5199 --upto 12345

depending on the contents of your diffdir. (perl5.5.660 had finished
with patch 5198.)

The batch job is pretty verbose and explains what it is doing. The
reason for the verbosity is that it can take a while until
C<patchaperlup> is finishing. Verbosity can be turned off with the
--quiet switch and increased with the --verbose switch.

C<patchaperlup> prints a few mail-header-like lines to STDOUT, namely

  Version: version of patchaperlup
  Perldir: perl directory
  Diffdir: directory containing the patches
  Firstpatch: number of the first applied patch
  Lastpatch: number of the last applied patch

everything else is printed to STDERR.

If the --writedotpatch switch is set (a boolean) we write a C<.patch>
file which then causes perl to include this number in

The --version switch prints the version and exits.

=head1 BUGS

Patchaperlup skips patching of many files it considers inconvenient.
See the source code for a list of these.

Patchaperlup fails miserably on case tolerant filesystems.


The whole suite is only tested on Linux (and, except for the two
deprecated scripts, on Mac OS X). It probably doesn't work correctly
on non-Unix operating systems. A good part of the scripts and modules
does use File::Spec in the relevant places, but it's not sure that
this is sufficient to make them portable. Please use with extra
caution on other platforms.

The programs C<zcat> (C<gzcat> on Darwin/Mac OS X) and C<patch> must
be in your path. Likewise C<perl> and the utility C<patchls> (which
can be found in recent perl distributions) must also be available in
the path. C<patchls> must not be too old (the one with 5.8.0 is OK).
Also, C<patch> must not be too old, I'm using 2.5.9 and I have heard
of older versions that are not 8bit clean which fails for the many
patches that contain 8bit data.

If you're frequently compiling the resulting perls, the use of ccache
(L<>) is highly recommended. It made my
average compile time 60 seconds shorter.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andreas Koenig <>


# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# cperl-indent-level: 4
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