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use strict; use warnings;
package Lingua::EN::Sentence::Offsets;
  $Lingua::EN::Sentence::Offsets::VERSION = '0.01_05';
require Exporter;

#ABSTRACT: Finds sentence boundaries, and returns their offsets.

use Carp qw/cluck/;
use feature qw/say/;
use utf8::all;
use Data::Dump qw/dump/;

use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw/

$EOS="\001";$P = q/[\.!?]/;$AP = q/(?:'|"|»|\)|\]|\})?/;$PAP = $P.$AP;

my @PEOPLE = ( 'jr', 'mr', 'mrs', 'ms', 'dr', 'prof', 'sr', "sens?", "reps?", 'gov',
		"attys?", 'supt',  'det', 'rev' );

my @ARMY = ( 'col','gen', 'lt', 'cmdr', 'adm', 'capt', 'sgt', 'cpl', 'maj' );
my @INSTITUTES = ( 'dept', 'univ', 'assn', 'bros' );
my @COMPANIES = ( 'inc', 'ltd', 'co', 'corp' );
my @PLACES = ( 'arc', 'al', 'ave', "blv?d", 'cl', 'ct', 'cres', 'dr', "expy?",
		'dist', 'mt', 'ft',
		"fw?y", "hwa?y", 'la', "pde?", 'pl', 'plz', 'rd', 'st', 'tce',
		'Ala' , 'Ariz', 'Ark', 'Cal', 'Calif', 'Col', 'Colo', 'Conn',
		'Del', 'Fed' , 'Fla', 'Ga', 'Ida', 'Id', 'Ill', 'Ind', 'Ia',
		'Kan', 'Kans', 'Ken', 'Ky' , 'La', 'Me', 'Md', 'Is', 'Mass', 
		'Mich', 'Minn', 'Miss', 'Mo', 'Mont', 'Neb', 'Nebr' , 'Nev',
		'Mex', 'Okla', 'Ok', 'Ore', 'Penna', 'Penn', 'Pa'  , 'Dak',
		'Tenn', 'Tex', 'Ut', 'Vt', 'Va', 'Wash', 'Wis', 'Wisc', 'Wy',
		'Wyo', 'USAFA', 'Alta' , 'Man', 'Ont', 'Qué', 'Sask', 'Yuk');
my @MONTHS = ('jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec','sept');
my @MISC = ( 'vs', 'etc', 'no', 'esp' );


sub get_offsets {
	my ($text) = @_;
	return [] unless defined $text;
	my $offsets = initial_offsets($text);
	   $offsets = remove_false_eos($text,$offsets);
	   $offsets = split_unsplit_stuff($text,$offsets);
	   $offsets = adjust_offsets($text,$offsets);
	return $offsets;

sub get_sentences {
	my ($text) = @_;
	my $offsets = get_offsets($text);
	my $sentences = offsets2sentences($text,$offsets);
	return $sentences;

sub add_acronyms {

sub get_acronyms {

sub set_acronyms {

sub remove_false_eos {
	my ($text,$offsets) = @_;
	my $size = @$offsets;
	my $new_offsets = [ sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @$offsets ];
	for(my $i=0; $i<$size-1; $i++){
		my $start  = $new_offsets->[$i][0];
		my $end    = $new_offsets->[$i][1];
		my $length = $end-$start;
		my $s = substr($text,$start,$length);
		my $j=$i+1;

		my $unsplit = 0;
		$unsplit = 1 if $s =~ /(?:[^-\w]|^)\w$PAP\s$/s;
		$unsplit = 1 if $s =~ /[^-\w]\w$P$/s;

		# don't split after a white-space followed by a single letter followed
		# by a dot followed by another whitespace.
		$unsplit = 1 if $s =~ /\s\w\.\s+$/;

		# fix: bla bla... yada yada
		my $t = substr($text,$offsets->[$j][0], $offsets->[$j][1]-$offsets->[$j][0]);
		$unsplit = 1 if $s =~ /\.\.\.\s*$/s and $t =~ /^\s*[[:lower:]]/s;

		# fix "." "?" "!"
		$unsplit = 1 if $s =~ m{['"]$P['"]\s+$}s;

		## fix where abbreviations exist
		foreach (@ABBREVIATIONS){ $unsplit = $1 if $s =~ /\b$_$PAP\s$/is; }

		# don't break after quote unless its a capital letter.
		$unsplit = 1 if $s =~ /["']\s*$/s and $t =~ /^\s*[[:lower:]]/s;

		# don't break: text . . some more text.
		$unsplit = 1 if $s =~ /\s\.\s$/s and $t =~ /^\s*/s;

		$unsplit = 1 if $s =~ /\s$PAP\s$/s;

		_merge_forward($new_offsets,$i) if $unsplit;
	$new_offsets = [ grep { defined } @$new_offsets ];
	return $new_offsets;

	#for(my $i=$size-1; $i>=0; $i--){ splice @$offsets, $i,1 unless defined($offsets->[$i]); }

sub _merge_forward {
	my ($offsets,$i) = @_;
	my $j = $i+1;
	return $offsets unless defined($offsets->[$j]);

	$offsets->[$j][0] = $offsets->[$i][0];
	delete $offsets->[$i];

	#splice @$offsets, $i, 1;

sub split_unsplit_stuff {
	my ($text,$offsets) = @_;
	my $size = @$offsets;
	for(my $i=0; $i<$size; $i++){
		my $start  = $offsets->[$i][0];
		my $length = $offsets->[$i][1]-$start;
		my $s = substr($text,$start,$length);

		my $split_points = [];
		while($s =~ /((?:\D|^)\d+$P)(\s+)/g){
			my $end   = $+[1];
			my $begin = $-[2];
			push @$split_points,[$start+$end,$start+$begin];
		while($s =~ /($PAP\s)(\s*\()/g){
			my $end   = $+[1];
			my $begin = $-[2];
			push @$split_points,[$start+$end,$start+$begin];
		while($s =~ /('\w$P)(\s)/g){
			my $end   = $+[1];
			my $begin = $-[2];
			push @$split_points,[$start+$end,$start+$begin];
		while($s =~ /(\sno\.)(\s+)(?!\d)/g){
			my $end   = $+[1];
			my $begin = $-[2];
			push @$split_points,[$start+$end,$start+$begin];
		while($s =~ /([ap]\.m\.\s+)([[:upper:]])/g){
			my $end   = $+[1];
			my $begin = $-[2];
			push @$split_points,[$start+$end,$start+$begin];

		_split_sentence($offsets,$i, [ sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @$split_points ]) if @$split_points;
	return $offsets;

#sub _split_sentence {
#	my ($offsets,$i,$end1,$start2) = @_;
#	my $end2 = $offsets->[$i][1];
#	$offsets->[$i][1] = $end1;
#	$start2 //= $end1;
#	push $offsets, [$start2, $end2];

sub _split_sentence {
	my ($offsets,$i,$split_points) = @_;
	my ($end,$start) = @{shift @$split_points};
	my $last = $offsets->[$i][1];
	$offsets->[$i][1] = $end;
	while(my $p = shift @$split_points){
		push @$offsets, [$start,$p->[0]];
		$start = $p->[1];
	push @$offsets, [$start, $last];

sub adjust_offsets {
	my ($text,$offsets) = @_;
	my $size = @$offsets;
	for(my $i=0; $i<$size; $i++){
		my $start  = $offsets->[$i][0];
		my $end    = $offsets->[$i][1];
		my $length = $end - $start;
		my $s = substr($text,$start,$length);
		if ($s !~ /\w+/){
			delete $offsets->[$i];
		$s =~ /^(\s*).*?(\s*)$/s;
		if(defined($1)){ $start += length($1); }
		if(defined($2)){ $end   -= length($2); }
		$offsets->[$i] = [$start, $end];
	my $new_offsets = [ grep { defined } @$offsets ];
	return $new_offsets;
	#for(my $i=$size-1; $i>=0; $i--){ splice @$offsets, $i,1 unless defined($offsets->[$i]); }

sub initial_offsets {
	my ($text) = @_;
	my $end;
	my $text_end = length($text);
	my $offsets = [[0,$text_end]];

	my @patterns = (

	my $split = 1;
		$split = 0;
		foreach my $pat (@patterns){
			my $size = @$offsets;
			for(my $i=0; $i<$size; $i++){
				my $start  = $offsets->[$i][0];
				my $length = $offsets->[$i][1]-$start;
				my $s = substr($text,$start,$length);

				my $split_points = [];
				while($s =~ /(?<!^)$pat(?!$)/g){
					my $end   = $-[1];
					my $begin = $+[1];
					push @$split_points,[$start+$end,$start+$begin];
				$split = 1;

				_split_sentence($offsets,$i,[ sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @$split_points ]) if @$split_points;
	return $offsets;

sub offsets2sentences {
	my ($text, $offsets) = @_;
	my $sentences = [];
	foreach my $o ( sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @$offsets) {
		my $start = $o->[0];
		my $length = $o->[1]-$o->[0];
		push @$sentences, substr($text,$start,$length);
	return $sentences;



=head1 NAME

Lingua::EN::Sentence::Offsets - Finds sentence boundaries, and returns their offsets.

=head1 VERSION

version 0.01_05


	use Lingua::EN::Sentence::Offsets qw/get_offsets get_sentences/;
	my $offsets = get_offsets($text);     ## Get the offsets.
	foreach my $o (@$offsets) {
		my $start  = $o->[0];
		my $length = $o->[1]-$o->[0];

		my $sentence = substr($text,$start,$length)  ## Get a sentence.
		# ...

	### or

	my $sentences = get_sentences($text);     
	foreach my $sentence (@$sentences) {
		## do something with $sentence

=head1 METHODS

=head2 get_offsets

Takes text input and returns reference to array containin pairs of character
offsets, corresponding to the sentences start and end positions.

=head2 get_sentences 

Takes text input and splits it into sentences.

=head2 add_acronyms 

user can add a list of acronyms/abbreviations.

=head2 get_acronyms

get defined list of acronyms.

=head2 set_acronyms

run over the predefined acronyms list with your own list.

=head2 remove_false_eos

=head2 split_unsplit_stuff

Finds additional split points in the middle of previously defined sentences.

=head2 adjust_offsets 

Minor adjusts to offsets (leading/trailing whitespace, etc)

=head2 initial_offsets

First naive delimitation of sentences

=head2 offsets2sentences

Given a list of sentence boundaries offsets and a text, returns an array with the text split into sentences.


Based on the original module L<Lingua::EN::Sentence>, from Shlomo Yona (SHLOMOY)

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Lingua::EN::Sentence>, L<Text::Sentence>

=head1 AUTHOR

Andre Santos <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Andre Santos.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

