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package XML::Code;

use vars qw ($VERSION);

$VERSION = '0.4';

sub new{
	my $who = shift;
	my $class = ref ($who) || $who;
	my $this = {
	   '<name>' => shift,
	   '<children>' => [],
	   '<escape>' => 1};
	return bless $this, $class;

sub version{
	my $this = shift;
	$this->{'<version>'} = shift;

sub doctype{
	my $this = shift;
	$this->{'<doctype>'} = shift;

sub encoding{
	my $this = shift;
	$this->{'<encoding>'} = shift;	
   $this->{'<version>'} = '1.0' unless $this->{'<version>'}; 

sub stylesheet{
	my $this = shift;
	$this->{'<stylesheet>'} = shift;	

sub comment{
	my $this = shift;
	my $comment = {
	   '<name>' => '!',
	   '<text>' => shift};
	bless $comment;
	$this->add_child ($comment);

sub pi{
	my $this = shift;
	my $pi = {
	   '<name>' => '?',
	   '<text>' => shift};
	bless $pi;
	$this->add_child ($pi);

sub name{
	my $this = shift;
	return $this->{'<name>'};

sub escape{
	my $this = shift;
	my $escape = shift;
	$this->{'<escape>'} = $escape; 

sub add_child{
	my $this = shift;
	my $children = shift;
	push @{$this->{'<children>'}}, $children; 

sub add_textnode{
	my $this = shift;
	my $text = shift;
	my $textnode = new XML::Code ('=');
	$textnode->escape ($this->{'<escape>'});
	$textnode->set_text ($text);
	push @{$this->{'<children>'}}, $textnode; 

sub add_empty{
	my $this = shift;
	my $name = shift;
	my $emptynode = new XML::Code ($name);
	push @{$this->{'<children>'}}, $emptynode; 

sub set_text{
	my $this = shift;
	my $text = shift;
	$this->{'<text>'} = $text;

sub text{
   my $this = shift;
   return $this->{'text'};

sub code{
	my $this = shift;
	my $tab_level = shift || 0;
	my $suppress_tab = shift || 0;
	$suppress_tab = 1 if $tab_level == -1;

	my $tab = "\t" x ($tab_level) unless $suppress_tab;
	my $name = $this->{'<name>'};
	my $text = $this->{'<text>'} || '';
	my $escape = $this->{'<escape>'};

	my $code = '';
	my $prolog;
	$prolog = " version=\"$this->{'<version>'}\"" if $this->{'<version>'};
	$prolog .= " encoding=\"$this->{'<encoding>'}\"" if $this->{'<encoding>'};
	$code = "<?xml$prolog?>\n" if $prolog;
	$code .= "<!DOCTYPE $this->{'<doctype>'}>\n" if $this->{'<doctype>'};
	$code .= "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"$this->{'<stylesheet>'}\"?>\n"
		if $this->{'<stylesheet>'};

	$text = escape_text ($text) if $escape;
	if ($name eq '!'){
	   $code .= "$tab<!-- $text -->\n";
	elsif ($name eq '?'){
	   $code .= "$tab<?$text?>\n";
	elsif ($name eq '='){
	   $code .= $text;
    	my $children = $this->{'<children>'};
    	$code .= "$tab<$name";
    	foreach my $attribute (sort keys %$this){
		    my $value = $this->{$attribute};
			$value = escape_text ($value) if $escape;
    		$code .= " $attribute=\"$value\"" unless $attribute =~ m{^<};
    	if (scalar @$children){
    	   $code .= $text ? ">$text" : ">\n"; 
    	   for (my $count = 0; $count != scalar @$children; $count++){
    	   	   $code .= $$children[$count]->code ($tab_level != -1 ? $tab_level + 1 : -1, 
			   	   $count == 0 && length ($text) ? 1 : 0);
    	   $code .= "$tab</$name>\n";
    	   $code .= $text ? ">$text</$name>\n" : "/>\n"; 
	return $code;

sub escape_text{
	my $text = shift;
	$text =~ s{\&}{\&amp;}gm;
	$text =~ s{<}{\&lt;}gm;
	$text =~ s{>}{\&gt;}gm;
	return $text;

return 1;


=head1 NAME

XML::Code - Perl module for converting XML hash structures into plain text.


   use XML::Code;

   my $content = new XML::Code ('tag-name');
   $content->{'attribute-name'} = 'attribute value';

   $sub_content = new XML::Code ('sub-content');
   $content->add_child ($sub_content);
   $sub_content->set_text ('text node');
	$content->add_empty ('hr');

   print $content->code();


   use XML::Code;

   # Creating top XML node.
   my $content = new XML::Code ('content');

   # Requesting <?xml?> and <?xml-stylesheet?> directives.   
   $content->version ('1.0');
   $content->encoding ('Windows-1251');
   $content->stylesheet ('test.xslt');
	# Adding !DOCTYPE declaration.
	$content->doctype ('wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" ""');	

   # Adding attribute.
   $content->{'level'} = 'top';

   # Adding child node.    
   $sub_content = new XML::Code ('sub-content');
   $content->add_child ($sub_content);

   # Setting text content of a node.    
   $sub_content->set_text ('inner text');

   # Adding anonimous child node.   
   $content->add_child (XML::Code->new ('sub3'));

   # Inserting comments and processing instuctions.    
   $content->comment ('This is a comment & more');
   $content->pi ("instruction intro=\"hi\"");

	# Add an empty node <br/>.
	$content->add_empty ('br'); 
   # Producing plain text XML code.
   print $content->code();


XML::Code module is designed to enable simple object-oriented procedure of creating XML data.
As soon as a programmer realizes that XML and OOP are kindred and have sibling connections 
he or she wants to use objects instead of plain text in the phase of producing XML files.
XML::Code allows thinking of XML tags as of nested named objects and expects XML::Code::code()
method be called to produce plain text XML.

XML::Code only produce code: that means the module does not provide methods of random access
(like XPath does) to the XML structure though tree elements are fully accessible as nested hashes.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 Creating nodes

How to create XML::Code nodes.

=head3 new() (Constructor) 

Creates an XML node and return corresponding blessed reference. Call of new() expects that you
give tag name as an argument of new(). 

=head3 comment() (Constructor)

Creates comment node. This method should be normally called as a method of existing XML::Code object.

=head3 pi() (Constructor)

Creates a node of prosession instruction. Preferably should be called with existing XML::Code object.

=head2 Creating attributes and content

=head3 Attributes

If you have a node, you may access its attributes as if you have a hash reference:

   $tag = new XML::Code ('tag-name');
   $tag->{'tag-attribute'} = 'attribute value';
   print $tag->{'tag-attribute'};

=head3 set_text()

Sets some text value of the node. Note that you still may add children to the node. 
When you adds both plain text and child node, text value always appears before any child 
when calling code() method. 

=head3 add_textnode()

If you need to construct mixed content of a node like this:

   <p><b>Selected</b> text <i>follows</i>.</p>
you may call add_textnode() to insert plain text at a certain position:

   $p->add_child ($b);
	$p->add_textnode (' text ');
	$p->add_child ($i);

=head3 escape()

Normally any content of the node will be escaped during rendering (i. e. special symbols like '&' 
will be replaced by corresponding entities). Call escape() with zero argument to prevent it:

   my $p = new XML::Code ('p');
	$p->set_text ("&#8212;");
	$p->escape (0);
	print $p->code(); # prints <p>&#8212;</p>
	$p->escape (1);
	print $p->code(); # prints <p>&amp;#8212;</p>
Escape action set by calling escape() affects tag attributes as well.

=head3 add_child()

Adds a child to the current XML node. This method takes a reference to existing XML::Code object.
It is also possible to construct unreferenced child object while you call add_child().
Thus two following lines of Perl code are equivalent (the difference is that you can still manipulate 
child object in the first case):

   1. my $child = new XML::Code ('child'); $parent->add_child ($child);
   2. $parent->add_child (new XML::Code ('child'));

=head3 add_empty()

It is too boring to call constructor XML::Code() and add_child() to add an empty tag into resulting tree.
Method add_empty() created an empty tag and inserts it into the current position:

   $p->add_empty ('br'); # adds <br/> within <p>...</p>.  
=head2 Getting information

=head3 name()

Returns a tag name of a node.

=head3 text()

If the node is a text-node, returns its text value. Note that this method does not evaluate
text value of child nodes if they are present.

=head2 XML extras 

Code formatting operations.

=head3 version() and encoding()

When some value is passed to one (or both) of these methods you will get XML header directives 
in the resulting code (i. e. code generated by code()).

The following Perl code 

   my $xml = new XML::Code ('top');
   $xml->version ("1.0");
   $xml->encoding ("Windows-1251");
   print $xml->code; 
will produce this XML code:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1251"?>

Note that setting version number may be omitted, in such a case it will be set to "1.0".
Nevertheless you have to set at least either version number or encoding name to have <?xml?> prolog
in the output. Normally these methods shold be applied to a top-level tag.

=head3 stylesheet() 

Inserts <?xml-stylesheet?> instruction into resulting code so that resulting XML file may be
transformed with some external XSLT-file.

=head3 doctype()

Adds !DOCTYPE instruction into output code.
	my $xml = new XML::Code ('wml');
	$xml->version ("1.0");
	$xml->doctype ('wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" ""');	  

=head2 Generating code

=head3 code()

Generates plain text XML code.

   $xml->code() produces tab-formatted output while
   $xml->code (-1) suppresses any tab spaces in the beging of lines.

You can also pass $xml->code() method any positive integer number: is this case output code
will be right-shifted to that number of "\t" characters.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andrew Shitov <>