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package orac_Monitor;

=head1 NAME - Orac Font Selector


This code is provides a way of continuously monitoring
selected databases.

It has been heavily inspired by the work of Sean Hull, on the
Karma web tool program.  You can find Sean at <>, and the
Karma tool at:





use strict;
use Tk::Tiler;
use Tk::LabFrame;
use Tk::MonitorBar;
use Tk::Scale;
use File::Basename;

@orac_Monitor::ISA = qw{orac_Base};

# set this to how many seconds you want between updates to the progress bar
my $countdown_amount = 1.0;

use vars qw();

=head2 new

Sets up the blessed object. Sets the window reference and screen title.
Picks up all the systems fonts.


sub new
   my $proto = shift;
   my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;

   my ($l_window, $l_text, $l_screen_title) = @_;

   my $self  = orac_Base->new("Monitor", $l_window, $l_text, $l_screen_title);

   bless($self, $class);

   return $self;

=head2 orac_monitor

Interrogates the user for the required database information.
Once it has the information, the user can start/stop a screen
which will monitor the series of databases for you.


sub orac_monitor {

   my $self = shift;

   # Set up window, menus etc

   $self->{window} = $self->{Main_window}->Toplevel();
   $self->{window}->title( $self->{Version} );

   my(@monitorsel_lay) = qw/-side top -expand no -fill both/;
   my $monitorsel_menu = $self->{window}->Frame->pack(@monitorsel_lay);

   # Establish we have a directory for
   # storing all our stuff in locally

   my $dir = File::Spec->catfile($main::orac_home, 'monitor');

   mkdir ($dir, 0755) unless -d $dir;
   my $monitor_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'monitor.txt');

   my $mon_img;
   $self->get_img( \$self->{window}, \$mon_img, 'monitor' );


   $self->top_right_ball_message( \$monitorsel_menu,

   # Now start the work

   my @values;
   my @dbs;

   my $balloon;
   $self->balloon_bar(\$balloon, \$self->{window}, 80, );

   my $f0 = $self->{window}->Frame(-relief=>'ridge',
                                  )->pack( -side=>'top',
                                           -expand => 'n',
                                           -fill => 'both'

   my $add_but = $f0->Button;
   my $upd_but = $f0->Button;
   my $del_but = $f0->Button;
   my $title_but = $f0->Button;
   my $label_but = $f0->Button;
   my $ball_but = $f0->Button;
   my $help_but = $f0->Button;

   $add_but->configure(-text => 'Add');
   $add_but->configure(-command => sub {

      $self->upd_monitor( 'Added',


   $upd_but->configure(-text => 'Update');
   $upd_but->configure(-command => sub {

      $self->upd_monitor( 'Updated',


   $del_but->configure(-text => 'Delete');
   $del_but->configure(-command => sub {

      $self->upd_monitor( 'Deleted',


   # Do we want a Database title?
   # Y is for labels, N is for no labels

   $self->{f_title}->{value} = 'Y';

   $self->get_img( \$self->{window}, \$self->{f_title}->{Y}, 'title' );
   $self->get_img( \$self->{window}, \$self->{f_title}->{N}, 'notitle' );

      -image => $self->{f_title}->{ $self->{f_title}->{value} },

   $title_but->configure(-command => sub {

      if ( $self->{f_title}->{value} eq 'Y')
         $self->{f_title}->{value} = 'N';
            -msg => 'No Database Titles on Flags - Press for Titles');
         $self->{f_title}->{value} = 'Y';
            -msg => 'Database Titles on Flags - Press for No Titles');
         -image => $self->{f_title}->{ $self->{f_title}->{value} },


      -msg => 'Database Titles on Flags - Press for No Titles');

   # Do we want Labels?
   # Y is for labels, N is for no labels

   $self->{labs_req}->{value} = 'Y';

   $self->get_img( \$self->{window}, \$self->{labs_req}->{Y}, 'label');
   $self->get_img( \$self->{window}, \$self->{labs_req}->{N}, 'auto');

      -image => $self->{labs_req}->{ $self->{labs_req}->{value} },

   $label_but->configure(-command => sub {

      if ( $self->{labs_req}->{value} eq 'Y')
         $self->{labs_req}->{value} = 'N';
            -msg => 'No Labels on Monitor Flags - Press for Labels');
         $self->{labs_req}->{value} = 'Y';
            -msg => 'Labels on Monitor Flags - Press for No Labels');
         -image => $self->{labs_req}->{ $self->{labs_req}->{value} },


      -msg => 'Labels on Monitor Flags - Press for No Labels');

   # Do we want small Balls?
   # (no...missus)
   # Y is for big balls, N is for small balls

   $self->{ball_req}->{value} = 'Y';

   $self->get_img( \$self->{window}, \$self->{ball_req}->{Y}, 'white_ball');
   $self->get_img( \$self->{window}, \$self->{ball_req}->{N}, 's_white_ball');

      -image => $self->{ball_req}->{ $self->{ball_req}->{value} },

   $ball_but->configure(-command => sub {

      if ( $self->{ball_req}->{value} eq 'Y')
         $self->{ball_req}->{value} = 'N';
            -msg => 'Small Flags - Press for Large Flags');
         $self->{ball_req}->{value} = 'Y';
            -msg => 'Large Flags - Press for Small Flags');
         -image => $self->{ball_req}->{ $self->{ball_req}->{value} },


      -msg => 'Large Flags - Press for Small Flags');

   # Help Button

   my $help_img;
   $self->get_img( \$self->{window}, \$help_img, 'help');

   $help_but->configure( -image => $help_img,
                         -command => sub {



   $balloon->attach($help_but, -msg => $main::lg{help} );

   # Now arrange the Buttons

   $add_but->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both');
   $upd_but->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both');
   $del_but->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both');
   $title_but->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both');
   $label_but->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both');
   $ball_but->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both');
   $help_but->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both');

   # Right hand side of screen

   $self->orac_image_label(\$f0, \$self->{window}, );
   my $b_ref = $self->window_exit_button(\$f0, \$self->{window}, 1, \$balloon,);

   my $img;
   $self->get_img( \$self->{window}, \$img, 'right');

   my $run_but = $f0->Button(-image => $img,
                             -command => sub {$self->run_monitor($monitor_file)}

                            )->pack(-side => 'right',);

   $balloon->attach($run_but, -msg => 'Run the Database Monitor');

   # Now we can do the original frame work

   # Now build up the screen

   my $f1 = $self->{window}->Frame;
   $f1->pack(-side=>'top', -expand => 'y', -fill => 'both');

   my @labels;
   my @entrys;
   my @txt_labs;

   $txt_labs[0] = 'Database Connection String';
   $txt_labs[1] = 'User';
   $txt_labs[2] = 'Password';

   # Go Grid crazy!  Assign the widgets to starting
   # racetrack postitions. Haven't I seen this somewhere
   # before?  :)

   my @widths = ( 20, 20, 20, );


   my @options = (\@dbs,);

   foreach my $i (0..2)
      $labels[$i] = $f1->Label(-text=>$txt_labs[$i] . ':',

      if ($i == 0)
         $entrys[$i] = $f1->BrowseEntry(-variable=>\$values[$i],
         $entrys[$i] = $f1->Entry(-textvariable=>\$values[$i],
      if ($i == 2)
         $entrys[$i]->configure(-show => '*');

      Tk::grid(  $labels[$i],

      Tk::grid(  $entrys[$i],


   main::iconize( $self->{window} );

sub upd_monitor {

   my $self = shift;

   # Primitive database engine?
   # Look no further.  It don't get much more primitive
   # than this :-)

   my ($switch, $file, $val_ref) = @_;

   my @vals = @$val_ref;

   # Put some basic validation in place.
   # This can be expanded later

   for my $i (0..2)
      if (!defined($vals[$i]) or (length($vals[$i]) < 1))
         if ($i == 0)
                      'Database Connection String undefined.');
            $vals[$i] = '';

   if (($switch eq 'Updated') ||
       ($switch eq 'Added') ||
       ($switch eq 'Deleted'))
      my @hold;

      my @lines;
      my $line_counter = 0;

            @hold = split(/\^/, $_);

            unless ($hold[0] eq $vals[0])
               $lines[$line_counter] = $_;


      foreach my $line (@lines)
         print KARMA_FIL $line;

   if (($switch eq 'Updated') || ($switch eq 'Added'))

      print KARMA_FIL $vals[0] .
                      '^' .
                      $vals[1] .
                      '^' .
                      $vals[2] .
                      '^' .


   main::sort_this_file(${file}, "${file}.old");

   main::mes($self->{window}, $vals[1] . '/' . $vals[2] . '@' . $vals[0] .
                              " " . $switch


sub run_monitor {

   my $self = shift;

   my ($file,

      ) = @_;

   unless (open(KARMA_FILE, "$file"))
      main::mes($self->{window}, "No databases to monitor.");

   my @hold;
   my $i_counter = 0;

   my @db;
   my @user;
   my @password;

      @hold = split(/\^/, $_);

      $db[$i_counter] = $hold[0];
      $user[$i_counter] = $hold[1];
      $password[$i_counter] = $hold[2];

   if ($i_counter == 0)
      main::mes($self->{window}, "No databases defined");

   # Now, let's get going

   $self->{mon_win} = $self->{Main_window}->Toplevel();
   $self->{mon_win}->title( 'Database Monitor' );

   # Make sure any loose connections are tidied up

   $self->{mon_win}->bind( q{<Destroy>},
                           sub {

         foreach my $db ( keys(%{$self->{nm}} ))
            if (defined ( $self->{nm}->{$db}->{connect} ))
               $self->{nm}->{$db}->{connect} = undef;

   my $stopper;
   my $exit_but;

   my(@lay) = qw/-side top -expand no -fill both/;
   my $mon_menu = $self->{mon_win}->Frame->pack(@lay);

   # Balls - large or small?
   # (Frankie Howard roolz Ok)

   my $ball_prefix;
   if ($self->{ball_req}->{value} eq 'Y')
      $ball_prefix = '';
   elsif ($self->{ball_req}->{value} eq 'N')
      $ball_prefix = 's_';

   my %b_hld = ( 'white' => 'white_ball', 'green' => 'grn_ball',
                 'red' => 'red_ball', 'yellow' => 'yel_ball' );

   foreach my $b_key ( keys(%b_hld)){
      $self->get_img( \$self->{mon_win},

   # Get the filename of the Config file

   my $monitor_config =
      sprintf(  "$FindBin::RealBin/monitor/%s/config.txt",

   $self->{monitor_dir} = File::Basename::dirname($monitor_config);
   my $basename = File::Basename::basename($monitor_config);

   $monitor_config = File::Spec->catfile($self->{monitor_dir}, $basename);

   my $mon_text = $monitor_config;

   my $mon_img;
   $self->get_img( \$self->{mon_win}, \$mon_img, 'monitor');

   $self->top_right_ball_message( \$mon_menu,

   # Now start the work

   my $balloon;
   $self->balloon_bar(\$balloon, \$self->{mon_win}, 60, );

   my $f0 = $self->{mon_win}->Frame(-relief=>'ridge',
                                   )->pack( -side=>'top',
                                            -expand => 'n',
                                            -fill => 'both'

   my $f1 = $self->{mon_win}->Frame(
                                   )->pack( -side=>'top',
                                            -expand => 'y',
                                            -fill => 'both'

   my $f2 = $self->{mon_win}->Frame(
                                   )->pack( -side=>'top',
                                            -expand => 'n',
                                            -fill => 'both',
                                            -before => $f1,

   my $prog_bar;
   my $countdown = 0;

   my $start_but = $f0->Button;
   my $stop_but = $f0->Button;

   my $time_delay;
   my $b_time_delay;

   my $img;
   $self->get_img( \$self->{mon_win}, \$img, 'right');

   $start_but->configure(-image => $img, );
   $start_but->configure(-command => sub {

             $self->run_the_startup( \$countdown,


   $start_but->pack(-side => 'left', -padx=>2, -fill => 'both');

      -msg => 'Start Monitor',

   $self->get_img( \$self->{mon_win}, \$img, 'stop');

   $stop_but->configure(-image => $img, );
   $stop_but->configure(-command => sub {
                                                $stopper = 0;
                                                $mon_text = $monitor_config;
                                                $countdown = 0;


   $stop_but->pack(-side => 'left', -padx=>2, -fill => 'both');

      -msg => 'Stop Monitor',

   $stop_but->configure(-state => 'disabled');

   # Set a default time delay to 60 seconds
   $time_delay = 60;

   my @time_delays = (15, 30, 45, 60, 120, 300, 600, 3600, 86400);

   $b_time_delay = $f0->BrowseEntry(-variable=>\$time_delay,

   $b_time_delay->pack(-side => 'left');


      -msg => 'Time Delay Poll Loopback between Monitor Events (seconds)',


   $self->orac_image_label(\$f0, \$self->{mon_win}, );
   $self->get_img( \$self->{mon_win}, \$img, 'exit');

   $exit_but = $f0->Button(

                                   $stopper = 0;
                                   $mon_text = '';
                                   $countdown = 0;



      -msg => 'Exit from Monitor Run Screen',

   # Now we can do the original frame work

   my $tiler = $f1->Scrolled(  'Tiler',
   my $label;

   my $count_db = @db;

   for my $i (0..($count_db - 1))
      my @top_bits = [];
      my @bot_bits = [];
      my $bits_counter = 0;

      # Create the Label Frame.  Start the $self variable
      # with a new key, 'nm' (Database Names), in order
      # to isolate it from all other $self keys (like 'mon_win').

      if ($self->{f_title}->{value} eq 'Y')
         $tiler->Manage  ( $self->{nm}->{$db[$i]}->{labf} =

         $tiler->Manage  ( $self->{nm}->{$db[$i]}->{labf} =


      # Set the passwords and the users

      $self->{nm}->{$db[$i]}->{user} = $user[$i];
      $self->{nm}->{$db[$i]}->{password} = $password[$i];

      # Now set the labels and stuff

      if ($self->{labs_req}->{value} eq 'Y')
         $top_bits[$bits_counter] =
            $self->{nm}->{$db[$i]}->{labf}->Label( -text=> "up",

      # Drop another key down, 'flag', to isolate the Labframe key,
      # 'labf', from the bits of the Labframe we need to monitor
      # and update.

      $bot_bits[$bits_counter] =
      $self->{nm}->{$db[$i]}->{labf}->{flag}->{up} =
                                         -image=> $self->{ball}->{white},
         -msg => $db[$i] . ' ' . 'up' . ' ' . 'flag',


      my $loc_db = $db[$i];

      # Configure the Button, to return various information

      $self->{nm}->{$loc_db}->{labf}->{flag}->{up}->{errstr} =
         $loc_db . ' ' . 'up' . ' ' . 'flag' . "\n\n" .
         'Last Possible Error? : ' .
         '<No Error Yet Found>';


               -command => sub {


               $loc_db . ': up',


      my @k_hld;

      if (open(KARMA_FILE, "$monitor_config"))
            @k_hld = split(/\^/, $_);

            if ($self->{labs_req}->{value} eq 'Y')
               $top_bits[$bits_counter] =
                                                   -text=> $k_hld[1],
            $bot_bits[$bits_counter] =
            $self->{nm}->{$db[$i]}->{labf}->{flag}->{$k_hld[0]} =
                                         -image=> $self->{ball}->{white},

               -msg => $db[$i] . ' ' . $k_hld[0] . ' ' . 'flag',


            my $db = $db[$i];
            my $key = $k_hld[0];

            # Configure the Button, to return various information


               -state => 'disabled',
               -command => sub {

         my $text =
           $db . ' ' . $key . ' ' . 'flag' . "\n\n" .
           "Red flag given by less than   : " .
           $self->{nm}->{$db}->{labf}->{flag}->{$key}->{redf} .
           "\n" .
           "Yellow flag given by less than: " .
           $self->{nm}->{$db}->{labf}->{flag}->{$key}->{yelf} .
           "\n" .
           "Last value found              : " .
           $self->{nm}->{$db}->{labf}->{flag}->{$key}->{lastval} .
           "\n\n" .


           $db . ': ' . $key,



            # Now set red and yellow flags.
            # By God, have you ever seen a longer set of
            # $self keys? :-)

            # 'lastval' initialised to undef, this is the last value
            # that a particular SQL statement finds, against which
            # the warning values are compared

            # 'redf' => Red Flag Severe Warning Value Condition
            # 'yelf' => Yellow Flag Mild Warning Value Condition

            $self->{nm}->{$db[$i]}->{labf}->{flag}->{$k_hld[0]}->{lastval} =

            $self->{nm}->{$db[$i]}->{labf}->{flag}->{$k_hld[0]}->{redf} =

            $self->{nm}->{$db[$i]}->{labf}->{flag}->{$k_hld[0]}->{yelf} =


      my $b_cnt = 0;
      my $row_liner;

      foreach my $all_bit (@bot_bits)
         $row_liner = 0;

         if ($self->{labs_req}->{value} eq 'Y')
            Tk::grid(  $top_bits[$b_cnt],

         Tk::grid(  $bot_bits[$b_cnt],



   # We need a blank label to make sure the Tiler doesn't
   # get its knickers in a twist

   $tiler->Manage  ( $tiler->Label( -relief=>'flat',

   $tiler->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);

   # Now the MonitorBar Bar

   $countdown = 0;

   $prog_bar = $f2->MonitorBar (

            -borderwidth => 2,
            -relief => 'sunken',
            -width => 100,
            -padx => 2,
            -pady => 2,
            -variable => \$countdown,
            -colors => [ 0 => 'darkblue',
            -resolution => 0,
            -blocks => 15,
            -anchor => 'e',
            -from => 0,
            -to => 15,
                                )->pack( -padx => 10,
                                         -pady => 10,
                                         -side => 'top',
                                         -fill => 'both',
                                         -expand => 1

   # When the window is destroyed, flush the associated
   # queues.

   $prog_bar->OnDestroy( sub { $prog_bar->{'layout_pending'} = 1; } );

   # Now iconize the slapper, and get moving

   main::iconize( $self->{mon_win} );

sub fill_options {

   my $self = shift;

   my ($file,$dbs_ref,) = @_;

   unless (open(KARMA_FILE, "$file"))

   splice(@$dbs_ref, 0);

   my @hold;
   my $i_counter = 0;

      @hold = split(/\^/, $_);

      $dbs_ref->[$i_counter] = $hold[0];


sub run_the_startup {

   my $self = shift;

   my ($countdown_ref,

      ) = @_;

   # Get the original top right text.

   my $top_right_txt = $$mon_text_ref;

   # Check the delay is acceptable

   if ($$delay_ref < 15)
                "Time Delay must be at least 15 seconds",

   # Size up the Progress Bar and shutdown the Browse Button,
   # and the Exit button.  Also flick round the
   # start and stop buttons.

   $$browse_but_ref->configure(-state => 'disabled');
   $$exit_but_ref->configure(-state => 'disabled');
   $$start_but_ref->configure(-state => 'disabled');
   $$stop_but_ref->configure(-state => 'normal');

      -to => $$delay_ref,

   # Now, into the main while loop

   $$countdown_ref = $$delay_ref;

   $$mon_text_ref = 'Preparing for Launch...';

   $$stop_ref = 1;

   # Run some checking Baby!




      select(undef, undef, undef, $countdown_amount);
      $$countdown_ref = $$countdown_ref - $countdown_amount;

      my $countdown_bit = sprintf("%5.2f", $$countdown_ref);
      $$mon_text_ref = 'T-minus ' . $countdown_bit . ' (secs)';

      if ( Tk::Exists($$prog_bar_ref) )

      if (($$stop_ref) && ($$countdown_ref <= 0.05)) # $countdown_amount/2 ?
         $$mon_text_ref = 'Initialising...';

         # Lock out the screen, then Launch, Launch, Launch!!!


         if ( Tk::Exists($$prog_bar_ref) )

         # Reset the countdown

         $$countdown_ref = $$delay_ref;


   $$mon_text_ref = $top_right_txt;
   $$countdown_ref = 0;

   # Heck, these keys are taking over the asylum! :-)

   foreach my $key_db ( keys(%{$self->{nm}} ))
      foreach my $key ( keys(%{$self->{nm}->{$key_db}->{labf}->{flag}} ))
         if ( Tk::Exists( $self->{nm}->{$key_db}->{labf}->{flag}->{$key} ) )

                                          -image=> $self->{ball}->{white},


   # Enable the Browse Button

   if ( Tk::Exists($$browse_but_ref) )
      $$browse_but_ref->configure(-state => 'normal');

   # Enable the Exit Button

   if ( Tk::Exists($$exit_but_ref) )
      $$exit_but_ref->configure(-state => 'normal');

   # Flick round the start and stop buttons.

   if ( Tk::Exists($$stop_but_ref) )
      $$stop_but_ref->configure(-state => 'disabled');

   if ( Tk::Exists($$start_but_ref) )
      $$start_but_ref->configure(-state => 'normal');


sub check_the_monitor {

   my $self = shift;

   foreach my $db ( keys(%{$self->{nm}} ))
      # we actually need to reconnect every time;
      # if we don't how else does this flag get updated?
      # we can force this by disconnecting below.  kevinb

      if (not (defined ( $self->{nm}->{$db}->{connect} )))
         # Unlike main program, to avoid ENV variables
         # interfering with connection, we'll use fully qualified
         # database name.

         # switch off warnings.

         $main::conn_comm_flag = 1;

#print STDERR "check_the_monitor about to get a connection...\n";
         my $data_source_1 = 'dbi:' .
                             $main::orac_curr_db_typ .
                             ':' .

         $self->base_connector(  $db,

         # Now we go back to normal error reporting

         $main::conn_comm_flag = 0;

      # Now we've attempted, or have a connection,
      # Now we can start assigning ball colours.

      if (not (defined ( $self->{nm}->{$db}->{connect} )))
         # No connection defined, therefore set red for the 'up' flag,
         # and set blank (white) for everything else, as we do
         # not know whether they are good, bad or ugly.

#print STDERR "check_the_monitor going red on $db...\n";

      } else {

         # Connection defined, therefore set green.

                                             -image=> $self->{ball}->{green}
#print STDERR "check_the_monitor going green on $db...\n";

         # Now run through the rest of the checks required,
         # and set flags accordingly.

         my $ret_value = 0;

         foreach my $key ( keys(%{$self->{nm}->{$db}->{labf}->{flag}} ))
            unless ($key eq 'up')
               $ret_value = $self->refresh_the_monitor( $db, $key, );

            if ($ret_value)
      if ($self->{Database_type} eq "Informix")
	 # disconnect, this will force us to reconnect next time in, KevinB
	 # required for everyone but Oracle?
	 if (defined ( $self->{nm}->{$db}->{connect} ))
#print STDERR "check_the_monitor about to disconnect...\n";
	    $self->{nm}->{$db}->{connect} = undef;

sub base_connector {

   my $self = shift;

   my ( $db, $dbi_string, $user, $password) = @_;

   $self->{nm}->{$db}->{connect} =
              DBI->connect($dbi_string, $user, $password);

   if (defined($DBI::errstr)){

      # Wipe out any possible duff value, if we fail to connect

      $self->{nm}->{$db}->{connect} = undef;

sub shutdown_db {

   my $self = shift;
   my ($database) = @_;

   my $colour;

   foreach my $key ( keys(%{$self->{nm}->{$database}->{labf}->{flag}} ))
      if ($key eq 'up') { $colour = 'red' } else { $colour = 'white' }

                                    #-state=> 'disabled',
                                    -image=> $self->{ball}->{$colour},
      if ($self->{Database_type} eq "Informix")
	 # try to change the text, but doesn't seem to work for me, KevinB
	 if ($self->{labs_req}->{value} eq 'Y')
	    $self->{nm}->{$database}->{labf}->Label( -text=> ($colour eq "red" ? "down" : "neutral"),
   if (defined($self->{nm}->{$database}->{connect}))
      $self->{nm}->{$database}->{connect} = undef;
sub refresh_the_monitor {

   my $self = shift;

   my ( $db, $key, ) = @_;

   my $colour = 'white';
   my $ret_value = 0;

   my $sql_file =
      $self->{nm}->{$db}->{labf}->{flag}->{$key}->{sql_file} =

      File::Spec->catfile(  $self->{monitor_dir}, $key . '.' . 'sql');

   my $sql_command =
      $self->{nm}->{$db}->{labf}->{flag}->{$key}->{sql_command} =

   # Right, we have the particular db, and the particular
   # check we are carrying out.  We also have the connection
   # flag, which may or may not be valid.

   # If any part of this fails, the whole thing is set to 'shutdown'
   # on the screen.

   # Switch off Error reporting.  Check for Sean H, on 
   # the connection handle.  If not there, bail out.

   $main::conn_comm_flag = 1;

   if (not (defined ( $self->{nm}->{$db}->{connect} )))
      $ret_value = 1;
      my $ary_ref =

      if (defined($DBI::errstr)){
         # A problem has occurred.  Therefore, switch the whole thing off.
         $ret_value = 1;
         # Finally, finally, we have a key value.
         # Compare this to our warning flag values
         my $curr_ref = $ary_ref->[0];
         my $key_value =
            $self->{nm}->{$db}->{labf}->{flag}->{$key}->{lastval} =
         if ($key_value <= $self->{nm}->{$db}->{labf}->{flag}->{$key}->{redf})
            $colour = 'red';
         elsif ($key_value <= 
            $colour = 'yellow';
            $colour = 'green';
                                              -image=> $self->{ball}->{$colour},
         $ret_value = 0;

   # Switch normal erroring back on

   $main::conn_comm_flag = 0;

   return $ret_value;