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package Test::Spec::Context;
use strict;
use warnings;


use Carp ();
use List::Util ();
use Scalar::Util ();
use Test::More ();
use Test::Spec qw(*TODO $Debug :constants);
use Test::Spec::Example;
use Test::Spec::TodoExample;

our $_StackDepth = 0;

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self = bless {}, $class;

  if (@_) {
    my $args = shift;
    if (@_ || ref($args) ne 'HASH') {
      Carp::croak "usage: $class->new(\\%args)";
    while (my ($name,$val) = each (%$args)) {

  my $this = $self;
  $self->on_enter(sub {
    $this && $this->_debug(sub {
      printf STDERR "%s[%s]\n", '  ' x $_StackDepth, $this->_debug_name;

  $self->on_leave(sub {
    $this && $this->_debug(sub {
      printf STDERR "%s[/%s]\n", '  ' x $_StackDepth, $this->_debug_name;

  return $self;

sub clone {
  my $orig = shift;
  my $clone = bless { %$orig }, ref($orig);

  my $orig_contexts = $clone->context_lookup;
  my $new_contexts  = Test::Spec::_ixhash();

  while (my ($name,$ctx) = each %$orig_contexts) {
    my $new_ctx = $ctx->clone;
    $new_contexts->{$name} = $new_ctx;
  $clone->{_context_lookup} = $new_contexts;

  return $clone;

# The reference we keep to our parent causes the garbage collector to
# destroy the innermost context first, which is what we want. If that
# becomes untrue at some point, it will be easy enough to descend the
# hierarchy and run the after("all") tests that way.
  my $self = shift;
  # no need to tear down what was never set up
  if ($self->_has_run_before_all) {

sub name {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{_name} = shift if @_;
  return exists($self->{_name})
    ? $self->{_name}
    : ($self->{_name} = '');

sub parent {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) {
    $self->{_parent} = shift;
    Scalar::Util::weaken($self->{_parent}) if ref($self->{_parent});
  return $self->{_parent};

sub class {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{_class} = shift if @_;
  if ($self->{_class}) {
    return $self->{_class};
  elsif ($self->parent) {
    return $self->parent->class;
  else {
    return undef;

sub context_lookup {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{_context_lookup} ||= Test::Spec::_ixhash();

sub before_blocks {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{_before_blocks} ||= [];

sub after_blocks {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{_after_blocks} ||= [];

sub tests {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{_tests} ||= [];

sub on_enter_blocks {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{_on_enter_blocks} ||= [];

sub on_leave_blocks {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{_on_leave_blocks} ||= [];

# private attributes
sub _has_run_before_all {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{__has_run_before_all} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{__has_run_before_all};

sub _has_run_after_all {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{__has_run_after_all} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{__has_run_after_all};

sub _debug {
  my ($self,$code) = @_;
  return unless $self->_debugging;

sub _debug_name {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->name || '(anonymous)';

sub _debugging {
  my $self = shift;
  # env var can be set greater than 1 for definition phase debug.
  # otherwise, any true value means debug execution
  if ($Debug > 1) {
    return 1;
  elsif ($Debug && $self->class->phase == EXECUTION_PHASE) {
    return 1;

sub on_enter {
  my ($self,$callback) = @_;
  push @{ $self->on_enter_blocks }, $callback;

  # Handle case where an on_enter was added during a context declaration.
  # This allows stubs being set up to be valid both in that current Perl
  # context and later in spec context.
  if (Test::Spec->in_context($self)) {
    if (not $self->{_has_run_on_enter}{$callback}++) {

sub on_leave {
  my ($self,$callback) = @_;
  push @{ $self->on_leave_blocks }, $callback;

sub ancestors {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->parent ? ($self->parent, $self->parent->ancestors) : ();

sub ancestor_of {
  my ($self,$other) = @_;
  return !!List::Util::first { $other == $_ } $self->ancestors;

sub contexts {
  my $self = shift;
  my @ctx = values %{ $self->context_lookup };
  return wantarray ? @ctx : \@ctx;

# recurse into child contexts to count total tests for a package
sub _count_tests {
  my $self = shift;
  my @descendant = map { $_->_count_tests } $self->contexts;
  return @{$self->tests} + List::Util::sum(0, @descendant);

sub _run_callback {
  my ($self,$type,$pool,@args) = @_;
  my @subs = map { $_->{code} } grep { $_->{type} eq $type } @$pool;
  for my $code (@subs) {

sub _run_before {
  my $self = shift;
  my $type = shift;
  return $self->_run_callback($type,$self->before_blocks,@_);

sub _run_before_all_once {
  my $self = shift;
  return if $self->_has_run_before_all;
  return $self->_run_before('all',@_);

sub _run_after {
  my $self = shift;
  my $type = shift;
  return $self->_run_callback($type,$self->after_blocks,@_);

sub _run_after_all_once {
  my $self = shift;
  return if $self->_has_run_after_all;
  return $self->_run_after('all',@_);

# join by spaces and strip leading/extra spaces
sub _concat {
  my ($self,@pieces) = @_;
  my $str = join(' ', @pieces);
  $str =~ s{\A\s+|\s+\z}{}s;
  $str =~ s{\s+}{ }sg;
  return $str;

sub _materialize_tests {
  my ($self, $digits, @context_stack) = @_;

  # include the name of the context in test reports
  push @context_stack, $self;

  # need to know how many tests there are, so we can make a lexically
  # sortable test name using numeric prefix.
  if (not defined $digits) {
    my $top_level_sum = List::Util::sum(
      map { $_->_count_tests } $self->class->contexts
    if ($top_level_sum == 0) {
      warn "no examples defined in spec package " . $self->class;
    $digits = 1 + int( log($top_level_sum) / log(10) );

  # Create a test sub like 't001_enough_mucus'
  my $format = "t%0${digits}d_%s";

  for my $t (@{ $self->tests }) {
    my $description = $self->_concat((map { $_->name } @context_stack), $t->{name});
    my $test_number = 1 + scalar($self->class->tests);
    my $sub_name    = sprintf $format, $test_number, $self->_make_safe($description);

    # create a test subroutine in the correct package
    my $example;
    if (!$t->{code} || $t->{todo}) {
      $example = Test::Spec::TodoExample->new({
        name        => $sub_name,
        reason      => $t->{tdoo},
        description => $description,
        builder     => $self->_builder,
    else {
      $example = Test::Spec::Example->new({
        name        => $sub_name,
        description => $description,
        code        => $t->{code},
        context     => $self,
        builder     => $self->_builder,


  # recurse to child contexts
  for my $ctx ($self->contexts) {
    $ctx->_materialize_tests($digits, @context_stack);

sub _builder {

sub _make_safe {
  my ($self,$str) = @_;
  return '' unless (defined($str) && length($str));
  $str = lc($str);
  $str =~ s{'}{}g;
  $str =~ s{\W+}{_}g;
  $str =~ s{_+}{_}g;
  return $str;

# Recurse to run the entire on_enter chain, starting from the top.
# Propagate exceptions in the same way that _run_on_leave does, for the same
# reasons.
sub _run_on_enter {
  my $self = shift;
  my @errs;
  if ($self->parent) {
    eval { $self->parent->_run_on_enter };
    push @errs, $@ if $@;
  for my $on_enter (@{ $self->on_enter_blocks }) {
    next if $self->{_has_run_on_enter}{$on_enter}++;
    eval { $on_enter->() };
    push @errs, $@ if $@;
  die join("\n", @errs) if @errs;

# Recurse to run the entire on_leave chain, starting from the bottom (and in
# reverse "unwinding" order).
# Propagate all exceptions only after running all on_leave blocks. This allows
# mocks (and whatever else) to test their expectations after the test has
# completed.
sub _run_on_leave {
  my $self = shift;
  my @errs;
  for my $on_leave (reverse @{ $self->on_leave_blocks }) {
    next if $self->{_has_run_on_leave}{$on_leave}++;
    eval { $on_leave->() };
    push @errs, $@ if $@;
  if ($self->parent) {
    eval { $self->parent->_run_on_leave };
    push @errs, $@ if $@;
  die join("\n", @errs) if @errs;

# for giving individual tests mortal, anonymous contexts that are used for
# mocking/stubbing hooks.
sub _in_anonymous_context {
  my ($self,$code) = @_;
  my $context = Test::Spec::Context->new;

# Runs $code within a context (specifically, having been wrapped with
# on_enter/on_leave setup and teardown).
sub contextualize {
  my ($self,$code) = @_;
  local $Test::Spec::_Current_Context = $self;
  local $self->{_has_run_on_enter} = {};
  local $self->{_has_run_on_leave} = {};
  local $TODO = $TODO;
  my @errs;

  eval { $self->_run_on_enter };
  push @errs, $@ if $@;

  if (not @errs) {
    eval { $code->() };
    push @errs, $@ if $@;

  # always run despite errors, since on_enter might have set up stuff that
  # needs to be torn down, before another on_enter died
  eval { $self->_run_on_leave };
  push @errs, $@ if $@;

  if (@errs) {
    if ($TODO) {
      # make it easy for tests to declare todo status, just "$TODO++"
      $TODO = "(unimplemented)" if $TODO =~ /^\d+$/;
      # expected to fail
    else {
      # rethrow
      die join("\n", @errs);


# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 by Informatics Corporation of America.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
