The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
use MBTest tests => 64;


my $tmp = MBTest->tmpdir;

use DistGen;
my $dist = DistGen->new( dir => $tmp );



# Here we make sure actions are only called once per dispatch()
$::x = 0;
my $mb = Module::Build->subclass
   code => "sub ACTION_loop { die 'recursed' if \$::x++; shift->depends_on('loop'); }"
  )->new( module_name => $dist->name );
ok $mb;

ok $::x;


# Make sure the subclass can be subclassed
my $build2class = ref($mb)->subclass
   code => "sub ACTION_loop2 {}",
   class => 'MBB',
can_ok( $build2class, 'ACTION_loop' );
can_ok( $build2class, 'ACTION_loop2' );

{ # Make sure globbing works in filenames
  $dist->add_file( 'script', <<'---' );
#!perl -w
print "Hello, World!\n";

  my $files = $mb->test_files;
  ok  grep {$_ eq 'script'}    @$files;
  my $t_basic_t = File::Spec->catfile('t', 'basic.t');
  $t_basic_t = VMS::Filespec::vmsify($t_basic_t) if $^O eq 'VMS';
  ok  grep {$_ eq $t_basic_t} @$files;
  ok !grep {$_ eq 'Build.PL' } @$files;

  # Make sure order is preserved
  $mb->test_files('foo', 'bar');
  $files = $mb->test_files;
  is @$files, 2;
  is $files->[0], 'foo';
  is $files->[1], 'bar';

  $dist->remove_file( 'script' );
  $dist->regen( clean => 1 );

  # Make sure we can add new kinds of stuff to the build sequence

  $dist->add_file( '', "content\n" );

  my $mb = Module::Build->new( module_name => $dist->name,
			       foo_files => {'', 'lib/'} );
  ok $mb;

  is_deeply $mb->build_elements, [qw(PL support pm xs share_dir pod script foo)],
      'The foo element should be in build_elements only once';

  ok -e File::Spec->catfile($mb->blib, 'lib', '');


  # revert distribution to a pristine state
  $dist->remove_file( '' );
  $dist->regen( clean => 1 );

  package MBSub;
  use Test::More;
  use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
  @ISA = qw(Module::Build);
  $VERSION = 0.01;

  # Add a new property.
  # Add a new property with a default value.
  ok(__PACKAGE__->add_property('bar', 'hey'));
  # Add a hash property.
  ok(__PACKAGE__->add_property('hash', {}));

  # Catch an exception adding an existing property.
  eval { __PACKAGE__->add_property('module_name')};
  like "$@", qr/already exists/;

  package MBSub2;
  use Test::More;
  use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
  @ISA = qw(Module::Build);
  $VERSION = 0.01;

  # Add a new property with a different default value than MBSub has.
  ok(__PACKAGE__->add_property('bar', 'yow'));

  ok my $mb = MBSub->new( module_name => $dist->name );
  isa_ok $mb, 'Module::Build';
  isa_ok $mb, 'MBSub';
  ok $mb->valid_property('foo');
  can_ok $mb, 'module_name';

  # Check foo property.
  can_ok $mb, 'foo';
  ok ! $mb->foo;
  ok $mb->foo(1);
  ok $mb->foo;

  # Check bar property.
  can_ok $mb, 'bar';
  is $mb->bar, 'hey';
  ok $mb->bar('you');
  is $mb->bar, 'you';

  # Check hash property.
  ok $mb = MBSub->new(
		       module_name => $dist->name,
		       hash        => { foo => 'bar', bin => 'foo'}

  can_ok $mb, 'hash';
  isa_ok $mb->hash, 'HASH';
  is $mb->hash->{foo}, 'bar';
  is $mb->hash->{bin}, 'foo';

  # Check hash property passed via the command-line.
    local @ARGV = (
		   '--hash', 'foo=bar',
		   '--hash', 'bin=foo',
    ok $mb = MBSub->new( module_name => $dist->name );

  can_ok $mb, 'hash';
  isa_ok $mb->hash, 'HASH';
  is $mb->hash->{foo}, 'bar';
  is $mb->hash->{bin}, 'foo';

  # Make sure that a different subclass with the same named property has a
  # different default.
  ok $mb = MBSub2->new( module_name => $dist->name );
  isa_ok $mb, 'Module::Build';
  isa_ok $mb, 'MBSub2';
  ok $mb->valid_property('bar');
  can_ok $mb, 'bar';
  is $mb->bar, 'yow';

  # Test the meta_add and meta_merge stuff
  ok my $mb = Module::Build->new(
				  module_name => $dist->name,
				  license => 'perl',
				  meta_add => {foo => 'bar'},
				  conflicts => {'Foo::Barxx' => 0},
  my $data = $mb->get_metadata;
  is $data->{foo}, 'bar';

  $mb->meta_merge(foo => 'baz');
  $data = $mb->get_metadata;
  is $data->{foo}, 'baz';

  $mb->meta_merge(conflicts => {'Foo::Fooxx' => 0});
  $data = $mb->get_metadata;
  is_deeply $data->{conflicts}, {'Foo::Barxx' => 0, 'Foo::Fooxx' => 0};

  $mb->meta_add(conflicts => {'Foo::Bazxx' => 0});
  $data = $mb->get_metadata;
  is_deeply $data->{conflicts}, {'Foo::Bazxx' => 0, 'Foo::Fooxx' => 0};

  # Test interactive prompting

  my $ans;

  local $^W = 0;
  local *{Module::Build::_readline} = sub { 'y' };

  ok my $mb = Module::Build->new(
				  module_name => $dist->name,
				  license => 'perl',

  eval{ $mb->prompt() };
  like $@, qr/called without a prompt/, 'prompt() requires a prompt';

  eval{ $mb->y_n() };
  like $@, qr/called without a prompt/, 'y_n() requires a prompt';

  eval{ $mb->y_n('Prompt?', 'invalid default') };
  like $@, qr/Invalid default/, "y_n() requires a default of 'y' or 'n'";


  eval{ $mb->y_n('Is this a question?') };
  print "\n"; # fake <enter> because the prompt prints before the checks
  like $@, qr/ERROR:/,
       'Do not allow default-less y_n() for unattended builds';

  eval{ $ans = $mb->prompt('Is this a question?') };
  print "\n"; # fake <enter> because the prompt prints before the checks
  like $@, qr/ERROR:/,
       'Do not allow default-less prompt() for unattended builds';

  # When running Test::Smoke under a cron job, STDIN will be closed which
  # will fool our _is_interactive() method causing various failures.
    local *{Module::Build::_is_interactive} = sub { 1 };


    $ans = $mb->prompt('Is this a question?');
    print "\n"; # fake <enter> after input
    is $ans, 'y', "prompt() doesn't require default for interactive builds";

    $ans = $mb->y_n('Say yes');
    print "\n"; # fake <enter> after input
    ok $ans, "y_n() doesn't require default for interactive build";

    # Test Defaults
    *{Module::Build::_readline} = sub { '' };

    $ans = $mb->prompt("Is this a question");
    is $ans, '', "default for prompt() without a default is ''";

    $ans = $mb->prompt("Is this a question", 'y');
    is $ans, 'y', "  prompt() with a default";

    $ans = $mb->y_n("Is this a question", 'y');
    ok $ans, "  y_n() with a default";

    my @ans = $mb->prompt("Is this a question", undef);
    is_deeply([@ans], [undef], "  prompt() with undef() default");
