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package Class::Workflow::YAML;
use Moose;

use Class::Workflow;
use YAML ();

has workflow_key => (
	isa => "Str",
	is  => "rw",
	default => "workflow",

sub load_string {
	my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
	my $res = $self->localize_yaml_env( _load_string => $data );
	my $workflow = $self->empty_workflow;
	$self->inflate_hash( $workflow, $res );

sub load_file {
        my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
        my $res = $self->localize_yaml_env( _load_file => $data );
        my $workflow = $self->empty_workflow;
        $self->inflate_hash( $workflow, $res );

sub _load_string {
	my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
	YAML::Load( $data );

sub _load_file {
        my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
        YAML::LoadFile( $data );

sub localize_yaml_env {
	my ( $self, $method, @args ) = @_;
	local $YAML::UseCode = 1;
	$self->$method( @args );

sub empty_workflow {
	my $self = shift;

sub inflate_hash {
	my ( $self, $workflow, $wrapper ) = @_;
	my $hash = $wrapper->{ $self->workflow_key };

	foreach my $key ( keys %$hash ) {
		if ( my ( $type ) = ( $key =~ /^(state|transition)s$/ ) ) {
			foreach my $item ( @{ $hash->{$key} } ) {
				$workflow->$type( ref($item) ? ( ( ref($item) eq "ARRAY" ) ? @$item : %$item ) : $item );
		} else {
			$workflow->$key( $hash->{$key} );

	return $workflow;




=head1 NAME

Class::Workflow::YAML - Load workflow definitions from YAML files.


	my $y = Class::Workflow::YAML->new;

	my $w = $y->load_file("workflow.yml");

	# an exmaple workflow.yml for the bug flow
	# mentioned in Class::Workflow
	# data not under the key "workflow" is ignored.
	# In this example I use 'misc' to predeclare
	# an alias to some code I'll be using later.
	  set_owner_to_current_user: &setowner !perl/code: |
	      my ( $self, $instance, $c ) = @_;
	      # set the owner to the user applying the
	      # transition (see Class::Workflow::Context)
	      return { owner => $c->user };
	  initial_state: new
	    - name: new
	        # you can store transition
	        # information inline:
	        - name    : reject
	          to_state: rejected
	        # or symbolically, defining
	        # in the transitions section
	        - accept
	    - name: open
	        - name    : reassign
	          to_state: unassigned
	          # clear the "owner" field in the instance
	            owner: ~
	        - name    : claim_fixed
	          to_state: awaiting_approval
	    - name: awaiting_approval
	        - name    : resolved
	          to_state: closed
	        - name    : unresolved
	          to_state: open
	    - name: unassigned
	        - name    : take
	          to_state: open
	          # to dynamically set instance
	          # you do something like this:
	          body_sets_fields: 1
	          body            : *setowner
	    # these two are end states
	    - closed
	    - rejected
	  # we now need to define
	  # the "accept" transition
	    - name            : accept
	      to_state        : open
	      body_sets_fields: 1
	      body            : *setowner


This module lets you easily load workflow definitions from YAML files.

YAML is nice for this because its much more concise than XML, and allows clean
embedding of perl code.

=head1 FIELDS

=over 4

=item workflow_key


=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item load_file $filename

=item load_string $string

Load the YAML data, and call C<inflate_hash> on an empty workflow.

=item inflate_hash $workflow, $hash

Define the workflow using the data inside C<< $hash->{$self->workflow_key} >>.

=item empty_workflow

Calls C<< Class::Workflow->new >>

=item localize_yaml_env

A wrapper method to locally set C<$YAML::Syck::UseCode> to 1.


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Class::Workflow>, L<YAML>
