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package Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::Tabular::ListComp;


=head1 NAME

Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::Tabular::ListComp - subclass that parses list comp commands output of srvrmgr.


use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
use Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::ListComp::Server;
use Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::ListComp::Comp;


See L<Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::Tabular>.


extends 'Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::Tabular';



This class extends L<Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::Tabular> base class adding support for parsing C<list comp> commands.

The module is capable of identifying output of several servers configured in the enterprise and organizes the components
found for each server.

It is expected that the C<srvrmgr> program has a proper configuration for the C<list comp> command. The configuration
can see below:

    srvrmgr> configure list comp
        SV_NAME (31):  Server name
        CC_ALIAS (31):  Component alias
        CC_NAME (76):  Component name
        CT_ALIAS (31):  Component type alias
        CG_ALIAS (31):  Component Group Alias
        CC_RUNMODE (31):  Component run mode (enum)
        CP_DISP_RUN_STATE (61):  Component display run state
        CP_NUM_RUN_TASKS (11):  Current number of running tasks
        CP_MAX_TASKS (11):  Maximum tasks configured
        CP_ACTV_MTS_PROCS (11):  Active MTS control processes
        CP_MAX_MTS_PROCS (11):  Maximum MTS control processes
        CP_START_TIME (21):  Component start time
        CP_END_TIME (21):  Component end time
        CP_STATUS (251):  Component-reported status
        CC_INCARN_NO (23):  Incarnation Number
        CC_DESC_TEXT (251):  Component description

This output above should be the default but it will be necessary to have the configuration below
(check the difference of size for each column):

    srvrmgr> configure list comp
        SV_NAME (31):  Server name
        CC_ALIAS (31):  Component alias
        CC_NAME (76):  Component name
        CT_ALIAS (31):  Component type alias
        CG_ALIAS (31):  Component GRoup Alias
        CC_RUNMODE (31):  Component run mode (enum)
        CP_DISP_RUN_STATE (61):  Component display run state
        CP_NUM_RUN_TASKS (16):  Current number of running tasks
        CP_MAX_TASKS (12):  Maximum tasks configured
        CP_ACTV_MTS_PROCS (17):  Active MTS control processes
        CP_MAX_MTS_PROCS (16):  Maximum MTS control processes
        CP_START_TIME (21):  Component start time
        CP_END_TIME (21):  Component end time
        CP_STATUS (251):  Component-reported status
        CC_INCARN_NO (23):  Incarnation Number
        CC_DESC_TEXT (251):  Component description

because L<Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::Tabular::ListComp::Comp> will expect to have all columns names without being 
truncated. This class will check those columns names and order and it will raise an exception if it found something different
from the expected.

To enable that, execute the following commands in the C<srvrmgr> program:

    set ColumnWidth true
    configure list components show SV_NAME(31), CC_ALIAS(31), CC_NAME(76), CT_ALIAS(31), CG_ALIAS(31), CC_RUNMODE(31), CP_DISP_RUN_STATE(61),\

Saving this configuration as a preference and loading it everytime is a good idea too.


=head2 last_server

A string that represents the last associated server from the list of components read from output.

By default, the value of it is an empty string.

This attribute is used during parsing of C<list comp> command and is a read-only attribute.


has 'last_server' => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Str',
    reader   => 'get_last_server',
    writer   => '__set_last_server',
    default  => '',
    init_arg => undef


=head2 comp_attribs

An array reference with the components attributes. This is a read-only attribute.


has 'comp_attribs' => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'ArrayRef',
    reader  => 'get_comp_attribs',
    builder => '_build_comp_attribs',
    writer  => '_set_comp_attribs',


=head2 servers

This is an array reference with the servers found during processing of the C<list components> output.


has 'servers' => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => 'ArrayRef',
    reader  => 'get_servers',
    default => sub { return [] }


=head1 METHODS


sub _build_expected {

    my $self = shift;

            'CC_ALIAS',          'CC_NAME',
            'CT_ALIAS',          'CG_ALIAS',
            'CC_RUNMODE',        'CP_DISP_RUN_STATE',
            'CP_NUM_RUN_TASKS',  'CP_MAX_TASKS',
            'CP_START_TIME',     'CP_END_TIME',
            'CP_STATUS',         'CC_INCARN_NO',


sub _build_comp_attribs {

    my $self = shift;

            'CC_NAME',           'CT_ALIAS',
            'CG_ALIAS',          'CC_RUNMODE',
            'CP_MAX_TASKS',      'CP_ACTV_MTS_PROCS',
            'CP_MAX_MTS_PROCS',  'CP_START_TIME',
            'CP_END_TIME',       'CP_STATUS',
            'CC_INCARN_NO',      'CC_DESC_TEXT'



=head2 get_comp_attribs

Returns the value of C<comp_attribs> attribute.

=head2 get_last_server

Returns the C<last_server> attribute.

=head2 get_servers

Returns the value of C<servers> attribute.

=head2 get_server

Expects as parameter the name of a server which output was parsed. 

If the server exists in the C<servers> attribute, it returns a L<Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::Tabular::ListComp::Server> 
object. Otherwise it will return C<undef>.


sub get_server {

    my $self       = shift;
    my $servername = shift;

    if ( exists( $self->get_data_parsed()->{$servername} ) ) {

        return Siebel::Srvrmgr::ListParser::Output::ListComp::Server->new(
                name         => $servername,
                data         => $self->get_data_parsed()->{$servername},
                comp_attribs => $self->get_comp_attribs()

    else {

        return undef;



sub _set_last_server {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $server = shift;

    push( @{ $self->get_servers() }, $server );


sub _consume_data {

    my $self       = shift;
    my $fields_ref = shift;
    my $parsed_ref = shift;

    confess 'invalid fields parameter'
      unless ( ( defined($fields_ref) )
        and ( ( ref($fields_ref) ) eq 'ARRAY' )
        and ( ( scalar( @{$fields_ref} ) ) > 0 ) );

    my $server = shift( @{$fields_ref} );

    # do not need the servername again
    if (   ( $self->get_last_server() eq '' )
        or ( $self->get_last_server() ne $server ) )



    my $comp_alias = shift( @{$fields_ref} );

    my $list_len = scalar( @{$fields_ref} );

# :TODO      :08/05/2013 18:19:48:: replace comp_attribs with header_cols? seems to be the same thing
    my $columns_ref = $self->get_comp_attribs();

    confess "Cannot continue without defining fields names"
      unless ( defined($columns_ref) );

    if ( @{$fields_ref} ) {

        my $server = $self->get_last_server();

        for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $list_len ; $i++ ) {

# :TODO      :02-12-2013 07:56:56:: we already know the sequence names of fields of a component, we can
# make lazy instantiation of object using this information, so an array here would use less memory instead of using a
# hash reference to keep column_name => value
            $parsed_ref->{$server}->{$comp_alias}->{ $columns_ref->[$i] } =


        return 1;

    else {

        return 0;




=head1 SEE ALSO


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *



=head1 AUTHOR

Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior, E<lt>arfreitas@cpan.orgE<gt>.


This software is copyright (c) 2012 of Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior, E<lt>arfreitas@cpan.orgE<gt>.

This file is part of Siebel Monitoring Tools.

Siebel Monitoring Tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Siebel Monitoring Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Siebel Monitoring Tools.  If not, see L<>.

