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package Test::Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon;

use Test::Most;
use File::Spec;
use Test::Moose 'has_attribute_ok';
use Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon;
use Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon::Command;
use Log::Log4perl;
use Test::TempDir::Tiny;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Test::Differences 0.63;
use Cwd;
use Siebel::Srvrmgr;
use Carp qw(cluck);

use parent 'Test::Siebel::Srvrmgr';

$SIG{INT} = \&clean_up;

sub _set_log {

    my $test = shift;

    $test->{tmp_dir} = tempdir();
    my $log_file = File::Spec->catfile( $test->{tmp_dir}, 'daemon.log' );
    $test->{log_cfg} = File::Spec->catfile( $test->{tmp_dir}, 'log4perl.cfg' );

    open( my $out, '>', $test->{log_cfg} )
      or die 'Cannot create ' . $test->{log_cfg} . ": $!\n";

    print $out <<BLOCK;
log4perl.logger.Siebel.Srvrmgr.Daemon = WARN, LOG1
log4perl.appender.LOG1 = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
log4perl.appender.LOG1.filename  = $log_file
log4perl.appender.LOG1.mode = clobber
log4perl.appender.LOG1.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
log4perl.appender.LOG1.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %p> %F{1}:%L %M - %m%n

    close($out) or die 'Could not close ' . $test->{log_cfg} . ": $!\n";

    $ENV{SIEBEL_SRVRMGR_DEBUG} = $test->{log_cfg};
    $test->{log_file} = $log_file;


sub _constructor : Test(12) {

    my $test = shift;

  SKIP: {

        skip 'superclass does not have a implementation of _setup_commands', 2
          if ( $test->class() eq 'Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon' );

# this data structure will make more sense when saw in use by the following foreach loop
        $test->{test_data} = [
            [qw(get_server set_server foo)],
            [qw(get_gateway set_gateway bar)],
            [qw(get_enterprise set_enterprise foobar)],
            [qw(get_user set_user sadmin)],
            [qw(get_password set_password my_pass)],
                'get_bin', 'set_bin',
                File::Spec->catfile( getcwd(), 'bin', '' )

        my $error_regex =

        foreach (qw(gateway enterprise user password bin)) {

                sub { $test->class()->new( $test->bad_instance($_) ) },
                "attribute '$_' cannot be an empty string"

            like( $@, $error_regex,
                'got the correct error message from trying' );


            $test->{daemon} = $test->class()->new(
                    server     => $test->{test_data}->[0]->[2],
                    gateway    => $test->{test_data}->[1]->[2],
                    enterprise => $test->{test_data}->[2]->[2],
                    user       => $test->{test_data}->[3]->[2],
                    password   => $test->{test_data}->[4]->[2],
                    bin        => $test->{test_data}->[5]->[2],
                    lock_dir   => $test->{tmp_dir},
                    has_lock   => 1,
                    use_perl   => 1,
                    time_zone  => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
                    , # important to avoid calling another interpreter besides perl when invoked by IPC::Open3
                    commands => [
                            command => 'load preferences',
                            action  => 'LoadPreferences'
                            command => 'list comp type',
                            action  => 'ListCompTypes',
                            params  => ['dump1']
                            command => 'list comp',
                            action  => 'ListComps',
                            params  => ['dump2']
                            command => 'list comp def',
                            action  => 'ListCompDef',
                            params  => ['dump3']
            '... and the constructor should succeed'

        isa_ok( $test->{daemon}, $test->class() );

    }    # end of SKIP

    $test->{daemon} = $test->class()
      unless ( ( defined( $test->{daemon} ) )
        and ( $test->{daemon}->isa( $test->class() ) ) );


sub bad_instance {

    my $test        = shift;
    my $attrib_name = shift;

    my %attribs = (
        server     => $test->{test_data}->[0]->[2],
        gateway    => $test->{test_data}->[1]->[2],
        enterprise => $test->{test_data}->[2]->[2],
        user       => $test->{test_data}->[3]->[2],
        password   => $test->{test_data}->[4]->[2],
        bin        => $test->{test_data}->[5]->[2],
        use_perl   => 1,
        time_zone  => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
        , # important to avoid calling another interpreter besides perl when invoked by IPC::Open3
        commands => [
                command => 'load preferences',
                action  => 'LoadPreferences'

    $attribs{$attrib_name} = '';

    return \%attribs;


sub class_methods : Test(24) {

    my $test = shift;

            'get_server',       'set_server',
            'get_gateway',      'set_gateway',
            'get_enterprise',   'set_enterprise',
            'get_user',         'set_user',
            'get_password',     'set_password',
            'get_commands',     'set_commands',
            'get_bin',          'set_bin',
            '_setup_commands',  'run',
            'DEMOLISH',         'shift_command',
            'use_perl',         'get_lang_id',
            'set_lang_id',      'get_child_runs',
            '_set_child_runs',  '_check_error',
            'check_cmd',        'get_retries',
            '_set_retries',     'clear_raw',
            'set_clear_raw',    'get_max_retries',
            '_set_max_retries', 'get_lang_id',
            'set_lang_id',      'use_perl',
            'set_alarm',        'get_alarm',
            'get_field_del',    'get_time_zone',

    dies_ok { $test->{daemon}->check_cmd('shutdown comp foobar') }
    'check_cmd raises an exception with shutdown command';
    dies_ok { $test->{daemon}->check_cmd('change parameter foobar') }
    'check_cmd raises an exception with change command';

  SKIP: {

        skip 'Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon cannot run these methods', 21
          if ( $test->class() eq 'Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon' );

        ok( $test->{daemon}->_setup_commands(), '_setup_commands works' );

        foreach my $attrib ( @{ $test->{test_data} } ) {

            my $get = $attrib->[0];
            my $set = $attrib->[1];

            is( $test->{daemon}->$get(),
                $attrib->[2], "$get returns the correct string" );
            ok( $test->{daemon}->$set( $attrib->[2] ), "$set works" );
            is( $test->{daemon}->$get(),
                $attrib->[2], "$get returns the correct string after change" );


        isa_ok( Siebel::Srvrmgr->gimme_logger( $test->class() ),
            'Log::Log4perl::Logger' );



sub class_attributes : Tests {

    my $test        = shift;
    my $attribs_ref = shift;

    my @attribs = (
        'server',          'gateway',
        'enterprise',      'user',
        'password',        'commands',
        'bin',             'use_perl',
        'lang_id',         'child_runs',
        'alarm_timeout',   'maximum_retries',
        'retries',         'clear_raw',
        'field_delimiter', 'time_zone'

    if (    ( defined($attribs_ref) )
        and ( ref($attribs_ref) eq 'ARRAY' )
        and ( scalar( @{$attribs_ref} ) > 0 ) )

        $test->num_method_tests( 'class_attributes',
            ( scalar(@attribs) + scalar( @{$attribs_ref} ) ) );

        foreach my $attribute ( @attribs, @{$attribs_ref} ) {

            has_attribute_ok( $test->{daemon}, $attribute );


    else {

        $test->num_method_tests( 'class_attributes', scalar(@attribs) );

        foreach my $attribute (@attribs) {

            has_attribute_ok( $test->{daemon}, $attribute );




sub the_last_run : Test(1) {

    my $test = shift;

  SKIP: {

# :WORKAROUND:06-06-2015 16:05:20:: modified to execute only in development since there are smokers running tests
# in parallel and the locking will cause exception because of that
        skip 'Not a developer machine', 1
          unless ( $ENV{SIEBEL_SRVRMGR_DEVEL} );

        skip 'only subclasses are capable of calling run method', 1
          unless ( $test->class() ne 'Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon' );

        my $daemon2 = $test->class()->new(
                server     => $test->{test_data}->[0]->[2],
                gateway    => $test->{test_data}->[1]->[2],
                enterprise => $test->{test_data}->[2]->[2],
                user       => $test->{test_data}->[3]->[2],
                password   => $test->{test_data}->[4]->[2],
                bin        => $test->{test_data}->[5]->[2],
                has_lock   => 1,
                lock_dir   => $test->{tmp_dir},
                use_perl   => 1,
                time_zone  => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
                , # important to avoid calling another interpreter besides perl when invoked by IPC::Open3
                commands => [
                        command => 'load preferences',
                        action  => 'LoadPreferences'
                        command => 'list comp type',
                        action  => 'ListCompTypes',
                        params  => ['dump1']
                        command => 'list comp',
                        action  => 'ListComps',
                        params  => ['dump2']
                        command => 'list comp def',
                        action  => 'ListCompDef',
                        params  => ['dump3']

        note('Testing lock control');
        my $fake_pid = $$ * 2;

        open( my $out, '>', $test->{lock_file} )
          or die( 'Cannot change ' . $test->{lock_file} . $! );

        print $out $fake_pid;


        dies_ok { $daemon2->run() }
        'a second instance cannot run while there is a lock available';



sub runs : Test(18) {

    my $test  = shift;
    my $class = blessed( $test->{daemon} );

  SKIP: {

          'only subclasses of Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon can execute those tests',
          unless ( defined($class)
            and ( $class ne 'Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon' ) );

        ok( $test->{daemon}->run(), 'run method executes successfuly' );

        my $lock_file = $test->{daemon}->get_lock_file;
        $test->{lock_file} = $lock_file;

        is( $test->{daemon}->get_child_runs(),
            1, 'get_child_runs returns the expected number' );

        ok( my @originals = @{ $test->{daemon}->get_commands() },
            'get_commands works' );

        ok( my $shifted_cmd = $test->{daemon}->shift_command(),
            'shift_command works' );
        isa_ok( $shifted_cmd, 'Siebel::Srvrmgr::Daemon::Command' );
        ok( $test->{daemon}->shift_command(), 'shift_command works' );
        ok( $test->{daemon}->shift_command(), 'shift_command works' );
        is( $test->{daemon}->shift_command(),
            undef, 'last shift_command returns undef' );
        is( scalar( @{ $test->{daemon}->get_commands } ),
            0, 'get_commands now returns zero commands' );

                    command => 'load preferences',
                    action  => 'LoadPreferences',
            'push_command works'
                    command => 'list comp type',
                    action  => 'ListCompTypes',
                    params  => ['dump1']
            'push_command works'
                    command => 'list comp',
                    action  => 'ListComps',
                    params  => ['dump2']
            'push_command works'
                    command => 'list comp def',
                    action  => 'ListCompDef',
                    params  => ['dump3']
            'push_command works'

        eq_or_diff_data( $test->{daemon}->get_commands,
            \@originals, 'get_commands returns the original set of commands' );

        ok( $test->{daemon}->run(), 'run method executes successfuly (2)' );
        is( $test->{daemon}->get_child_runs(),
            2, 'get_child_runs returns the expected number' );
        ok( $test->{daemon}->run(), 'run method executes successfuly (3)' );
        is( $test->{daemon}->get_child_runs(),
            3, 'get_child_runs returns the expected number' );



sub clean_up : Test(shutdown) {

    my $test = shift;

    # attempt to force log4perl to close the log file on Win32
    if ( exists( $test->{daemon} ) ) {

        delete( $test->{daemon} );


    sleep 5;

    # removes the dump files
    my $dir = getcwd();
    my @files;

    opendir( DIR, $dir ) or die "Cannot read $dir: $!\n";

    while ( readdir(DIR) ) {

        if ( defined($_) ) {

            push( @files, $_ ) if (/^dump\w/);




    foreach my $file (@files) {

        if ( -e $file ) {

            my $exit = unlink $file;

            if ($exit) {

                note("$file removed successfully");

            else {

                note("Cannot remove $file: $!");





