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use strict;
use warnings;

package WebService::TVDB;
  $WebService::TVDB::VERSION = '1.122800';

# ABSTRACT: Interface to

use WebService::TVDB::Languages qw($languages);
use WebService::TVDB::Series;
use WebService::TVDB::Mirror;
use WebService::TVDB::Util qw(get_api_key_from_file);

use Carp qw(carp);
use LWP::Simple ();
use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape);
use XML::Simple qw(:strict);

use constant SEARCH_URL =>

use constant API_KEY_FILE => '/.tvdb';

use Object::Tiny qw(

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

    unless ( $self->api_key ) {
        require File::HomeDir;
        $self->{api_key} =
          get_api_key_from_file( File::HomeDir->my_home . API_KEY_FILE );
        die 'Can\'t find API key' unless $self->api_key;

    unless ( $self->language ) {
        $self->{language} = 'English';

    unless ( $self->max_retries ) {
        $self->{max_retries} = 10;

    return $self;

sub search {
    my ( $self, $term ) = @_;

    unless ($term) {
        die 'search term is required';
    unless ( $self->{mirrors} ) {

    my $url     = sprintf( SEARCH_URL, uri_escape($term) );
    my $agent = $LWP::Simple::ua->agent;
    $LWP::Simple::ua->agent( "WebService::TVDB/$WebService::TVDB::VERSION" );
    my $xml     = LWP::Simple::get($url);
    my $retries = 0;
    until ( defined $xml || $retries == $self->max_retries ) {
        carp "failed to get URL $url - retrying";

        # TODO configurable wait time
        sleep 1;
        $xml = LWP::Simple::get($url);

    $LWP::Simple::ua->agent( $agent );
    unless ($xml) {
        die "failed to get URL $url after $retries retries. Aborting.";
    $self->{series} = _parse_series(
            ForceArray    => ['Series'],
            KeyAttr       => 'Series',
            SuppressEmpty => 1
        $languages->{ $self->language },

    return $self->{series};

# parse the series xml and return an array of WebService::TVDB::Series
sub _parse_series {
    my ( $xml, $api_key, $api_language, $api_mirrors, $max_retries ) = @_;

    # loop over results and create new series objects
    my @series;
    for ( @{ $xml->{Series} } ) {
        push @series,
            _api_key      => $api_key,
            _api_language => $api_language,
            _api_mirrors  => $api_mirrors,
            _max_retries  => $max_retries

    return \@series;

# loads mirros when needed
sub _load_mirrors {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $mirrors = WebService::TVDB::Mirror->new();
    $mirrors->fetch_mirror_list( $self->api_key );
    $self->{mirrors} = $mirrors;



=head1 NAME

WebService::TVDB - Interface to

=head1 VERSION

version 1.122800


  my $tvdb = WebService::TVDB->new(api_key => 'ABC123', language => 'English', max_retries => 10);

  my $series_list = $tvdb->search('men behaving badly');

  my $series = @{$series_list}[0];
  # $series is a WebService::TVDB::Series
  say $series->SeriesName;
  say $series->overview;

  # fetches full series data

  say $series->Rating;
  say $series->Status;

  for my $episode (@{ $series->episodes }){
    # $episode is a WebService::TVDB::Episode
    say $episode->Overview;
    say $episode->FirstAired;

  for my $actor (@{ $series->actors }){
    # $actor is a WebService::TVDB::Actor
    say $actor->Name;
    say $actor->Role;

  for my $banner (@{ $series->banners }){
    # $banner is a WebService::TVDB::Banner
    say $banner->Rating;
    say $banner->url;


WebService::TVDB is an interface to L<>.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

Creates a new WebService::TVDB object. Takes the following parameters:

=over 4

=item api_key

This is your API key. If not passed in here, we will look in ~/.tvdb. Otherwise we will die.

=item language

The language you want tour results in. L<See WebService::TVDB::Languages> for a list of languages. Defaults to English.

=item max_retries

The amount of times we will try to get the series if our call to the URL failes. Defaults to 10.


=head2 search( $term )

Searches the TVDB and returns a list of L<WebService::TVDB::Series> as the result.

=head1 API KEY

To use this module, you will need an API key from

You can pass this key into the constructor, or save it to ~/.tvdb.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andrew Jones <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Andrew Jones.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

