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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Author: liangc 
# $Id:,v 1.8 2009/08/13 20:42:58 astoltzfus Exp $

# create ancestral intron states based on an alignment and tree
# in a nexus file. The BUGS program will run many times with small
# number of generations to find those can converge (to global optimum)
# and then run one with a large number of generations (convergence)
# the ancestral states will be computed from the average value of 
# those generations and write back to file in history block

use strict;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use Bio::NEXUS;

my $version = "\$Revision\$";

Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); # for short options bundling
my %opts = ();
GetOptions(\%opts, 'help|h', 'man', 'v', 'l=s','n=s', 'b=s', 'm=s', 'debug') or pod2usage(2);
if ( $opts{'man'} ) { pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2) } 
if ( $opts{'help'} ) { pod2usage(1) }
if ($opts{v}) {
    print " $version\n"; exit;

my $infile = shift;
unless ($infile) {die " [options] <filename>\n";}
my $burnin = defined $opts{b} ? $opts{b} : 1000; # burnin generation #
my $monitor = $opts{m} || 1000; # monitor #
my $good_num = $opts{n} || 3; # the number of files to be selected
my $runlevel = defined $opts{l} ? $opts{l} : 0;
my $debug = $opts{debug};

my $stem = $infile;
$stem =~ s/^(.+).nex$/$1/;
$stem =~ s/^(.+\/)?([^\/]+)$/$2/;
#print "$1 $stem\n"; exit;
$stem =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9.]/\./g; # remove non alphanumeric characters in name
my $dir = "$stem.dir";
system "mkdir $dir";
system "cp $infile $dir/$stem.nex";
$infile = "$stem.nex";
chdir "$dir";

my @data; # all monitored data in file
my ($llike, $alpha, $beta, $r, $k, @node);
my $maxlike = -1.E+20;
my $minfile = 0;
my $maxfile = 2;
my @like;
my $names; # name of each node in the index file

#print "$runlevel--$burnin--$monitor\n";exit;
if ($runlevel == 0) {
    re_exec_bugs($minfile, $maxfile, 50, 50);
    rename "$stem.$maxfile.bug", "$stem.0.bug";
if ($runlevel < 2) {
    re_exec_bugs(0, 0, $burnin, $monitor);
}else {


# select runs not trapped locally
sub exec_bugs {
    $maxfile = 0;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
	system (" $stem.$i $infile > $stem.$i.bug") == 0 or die "BUGS execution error!\n";
	system "bugs <$stem.$i.cmd >$stem.$i.bugs.log";
	print "$i: ", $llike->[0], "\n" if $debug;
	if ( $alpha->[1] != 0 && abs($alpha->[0]/$alpha->[1]) < 1000 &&
	    $beta->[1] != 0 && abs($beta->[0]/$beta->[1]) < 1000 &&
	    $r->[1] != 0 && abs($r->[0]/$r->[1]) < 1000 &&
	    $k->[1] != 0 && abs($k->[0]/$k->[1]) < 1000 ) {
	    print "   move to $stem.$maxfile ", $llike->[0], "\n" if $debug;
	    rename "$stem.$i.bug", "$stem.$maxfile.bug";
	    $like[$maxfile] = $llike->[0];
	if ($maxfile == $good_num) {last;}
    if (--$maxfile == -1) {print "Error for file: $infile; no good starting was found\n"; exit; }
    print join(' ', @like), "\n" if $debug;

# select a run with maximum mean probability
sub re_exec_bugs {
    my ($bugs1, $bugs2, $burnin, $monitor) = @_;
#    if ($bugs1 == $bugs2) { die "-----Error: $stem\n"; }
#    my ($nchar, $nnodes) = read_node_num("$stem.$bugs1.bug");
#    $burnin = 1000; #int(sqrt(sqrt(sqrt($nchar*$nnodes+1))))*1000;
#    print "burnin: $burnin\n";
    foreach my $i ($bugs1..$bugs2) {
	print "$i running...\n" if $debug;
	system (" $stem.$i $burnin $monitor") == 0 or die "BUGS error: $infile\n";
	system "bugs <$stem.$i.cmd >$stem.$i.bugs.log";
	rename "bugs.ind", "$stem.$i.bugs.ind";
	rename "bugs.out", "$stem.$i.bugs.out";
	rename "bugs1.ind", "$stem.$i.bugs1.ind";
	rename "bugs1.out", "$stem.$i.bugs1.out";    
	$like[$i] = $llike->[0];
    print join(' ', @like), "\n" if $debug;

# select the run to be used
sub select_file {
    my $i = shift;
    if ($llike->[0] > $maxlike) { $maxlike = $llike->[0]; $maxfile = $i; }

# read .out file
sub read_bugs_out {
    my $bugstem = shift;
    open (INFILE, "$bugstem.out") or die "Error open file\n";
    for (my $i = 1; my $line = <INFILE>; $i++) {
#	    print "$line\n"; exit;
	$line =~ s/^\s+//;
	${$data[$i]} = [split /\s+/, $line];
    close (INFILE);

#read index file
sub read_ind {
    my $bugstem = shift;
    open(IND, "$bugstem.ind");
    while (my $line = <IND>) {
	$line =~ s/^s+//;
	my ($v1, $v2) = split /\s+/, $line;
	if (!$v1) { print "$line, -- $v1, $v2\n"; exit;}
	if ($v1 eq 'llike') {
	    $data[$v2] = \$llike;
	}elsif ($v1 eq 'r') {
	    $data[$v2] = \$r;
	}elsif ($v1 eq 'k') {
	    $data[$v2] = \$k;
	}elsif ($v1 eq 'alpha') {
	    $data[$v2] = \$alpha;
	}elsif ($v1 eq 'beta') {
	    $data[$v2] = \$beta;
	}elsif ($v1 =~ /^root/) {
	    my $name = $v1;
	    $name =~ /\[(\d+)\]/;
#	    print "$1\n";
	    $data[$v2] = \$node[0][$1]; # [intron#][first node--root], 
	}elsif ($v1 =~ /^node/) {
	    my $name = $v1;
	    $name =~ /\[(\d+),(\d+)\]/;
#	    print "$2, $1\n";
	    $data[$v2] = \$node[$1][$2]; # [intron#][other internal node]

# write bugs out to a file
sub write_data {
    my ($file) = @_;
#    print &Dumper($llike); exit;
#    print scalar @{$node[1]}, "\n"; exit;
#    print &Dumper($node[0]);exit;

    open(OUTFILE, ">$stem.node.bugs.out");

    my ($nnodes, $nchar) = read_node_num("$stem.$file.bug");
    print OUTFILE "inodes\t", $nnodes, "\n";
    print OUTFILE "characters\t", $nchar, "\n";

    my @llike = map {$_->[0]} @{[$llike]};
    my @r = map {$_->[0]} @{[$r]};
    my @k = map {$_->[0]} @{[$k]};
    my @alpha = map {$_->[0]} @{[$alpha]};
    my @beta = map {$_->[0]} @{[$beta]};
    print OUTFILE "loglikelihood\t", join(' ', @llike), "\n";
    print OUTFILE "alpha\t", join(' ', @alpha), "\n";
    print OUTFILE "beta\t", join(' ', @beta), "\n";
    print OUTFILE "r\t", join(' ', @r), "\n";
    print OUTFILE "k\t", join(' ', @k), "\n";

    $names = read_node_name("$stem.$file.log");
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @node; $i++) {
	print OUTFILE $names->{$i}, "\t";
	for (my $j = 1; $j < @{$node[0]}; $j++) {
	    printf OUTFILE "%4.3f\t", $node[$i][$j][0]-1;
	print OUTFILE "\n";

# convert internal node names used in bugs run
sub read_node_name {
    my $file = shift;
    open(LOG, "$file");
    my %names;
    $names{0} = 'root';
    while (<LOG>) {
	if (/^\s+$/) {last;}
    while (<LOG>) {
	$names{$1} = $2;
#    print &Dumper(%names);exit;
    return \%names;

# find out the number of parameters based on tree size and character num
sub read_node_num {
    my $file = shift;
    open(BUG, "$file");
    my ($nchar, $nnodes);
    while (<BUG>) {
	if (/nChar = (\d+)/) {$nchar = $1;}
	elsif (/nNode = (\d+)/) {$nnodes = $1+1;}
	elsif ($nchar && $nnodes) {last;}
    return ($nnodes, $nchar);

# modifying input nexus file (with new name)
sub modify_nexus {
    my $nexus = new Bio::NEXUS($infile);
    create_history_block($nexus, \@node);

# create history block based on BUGS output
sub create_history_block {
    my ($nexus, $nodes) = @_;
    my $otuset = $nexus->get_block('characters', 'intron')->get_otuset()->clone();

    my @otus;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$nodes; $i++) {
	my @seq;
	for (my $j = 1; $j < @{$nodes->[0]}; $j++) {
	    push @seq, [sprintf("%4.3f", 2-$nodes->[$i][$j][0]), (sprintf"%4.3f", $nodes->[$i][$j][0]-1)];
	push @otus, new Bio::NEXUS::TaxUnit($names->{$i}, \@seq);
#    @otus = sort { $a->get_name cmp $b->get_name } @otus;
    my $history = new Bio::NEXUS::HistoryBlock('History');
    foreach my $otu (@otus) {
    $history->add_link('taxa', $nexus->get_name);
    $history->set_format($nexus->get_block('characters', 'intron')->get_format());
    $nexus->remove_block('history', 'intron');

# modify span block by adding BUGS parameters
sub modify_span_block {
    my $nexus = shift;
    my %descendant;
    my $like = $llike->[0];
    my $a = $alpha->[0];
    my $b = $beta->[0];
    $descendant{parameters}="loglikelihood=$like, alpha=$a, beta=$b, burnin=$burnin, monitor=$monitor";
    my $spanblock = $nexus->get_block("span");
    if (! $spanblock) {
	$spanblock = new Bio::NEXUS::SpanBlock('span'); 
	$spanblock->{method}{ancestral_inference} = \%descendant;
    }else {
	$spanblock->{method}{descendant} = \%descendant;

################# POD Documentation ##################


=head1 NAME

=head1 SYNOPSIS [options] <input_file>

    --help -h       brief help message
    --man           full documentation
    --debug         output running info
    -n <run-num>           the number of converging initial runs
    -l <running-level>           running level
       0          new run
       1          old run with new number of generations
       2          just retrieve data from existing files
    -b <burin-in> the number of burnin generations
    -m <monitor>  the number of monitoring generations
    -v            print version information and quit

=head1 Description

 create ancestral intron states based on an alignment and tree
 in a nexus file. The BUGS program will run many times with small
 number of generations to find those can converge (to global optimum)
 and then run one with a large number of generations (convergence)
 the ancestral states will be computed from the average value of 
 those generations and write back to file in history block


BUGS must be installed for running this program.

=head1 VERSION

$Revision: 1.8 $

=head1 AUTHOR

Chengzhi Liang <>


##################### End ##########################