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package Crypt::PBKDF2; 
# ABSTRACT: The PBKDF2 password hashing algorithm.
our $VERSION = '0.142390'; # VERSION
use Moose 1;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use namespace::autoclean;
use MIME::Base64 ();
use Carp qw(croak);
use Module::Runtime;
use Try::Tiny;

sub BUILD {
  my ($self) = @_;
  $self->hasher; # Force instantiation, so we get errors ASAP

has hash_class => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Str',
  default => 'HMACSHA1',
  predicate => 'has_hash_class',

has hash_args => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'HashRef',
  default => sub { +{} },
  predicate => 'has_hash_args',

has hasher => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => role_type('Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash'),
  lazy => 1,
  default => sub { shift->_lazy_hasher },

has _lazy_hasher => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => role_type('Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash'),
  lazy => 1,
  init_arg => undef,
  predicate => 'has_lazy_hasher',
  builder => '_build_hasher',

sub _build_hasher {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $class = $self->hash_class;
  if ($class !~ s/^\+//) {
    $class = "Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::$class";
  my $hash_args = $self->hash_args;

  return Module::Runtime::use_module($class)->new( %$hash_args );

has iterations => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Int',
  default => '1000',

has output_len => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Int',
  predicate => 'has_output_len',

has salt_len => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Int',
  default => 4,

sub _random_salt {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $ret = "";
  for my $n (1 .. $self->salt_len) {
    $ret .= chr(int rand 256);
  return $ret;

has encoding => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Str',
  default => 'ldap',

has length_limit => (
  is => 'ro',
  isa => 'Int',
  predicate => 'has_length_limit',

sub generate {
  my ($self, $password, $salt) = @_;
  $salt = $self->_random_salt unless defined $salt;

  if ($self->has_length_limit and length($password) > $self->length_limit) {
    croak "Password exceeds length limit";

  my $hash = $self->PBKDF2($salt, $password);
  return $self->encode_string($salt, $hash);

sub validate {
  my ($self, $hashed, $password) = @_;

  if ($self->has_length_limit and length($password) > $self->length_limit) {
    croak "Password exceeds length limit";

  my $info = $self->decode_string($hashed);

  my $hasher = try {
    $self->hasher_from_algorithm($info->{algorithm}, $info->{algorithm_options});
  } catch {
    my $opts = defined($info->{algorithm_options}) ? " (options ''$info->{algorithm_options}'')" : "";
    croak "Couldn't construct hasher for ''$info->{algorithm}''$opts: $_";

  my $checker = $self->clone(
    hasher => $hasher,
    iterations => $info->{iterations},
    output_len => length($info->{hash}),

  my $check_hash = $checker->PBKDF2($info->{salt}, $password);

  return ($check_hash eq $info->{hash});

sub PBKDF2 {
  my ($self, $salt, $password) = @_;
  my $iterations = $self->iterations;
  my $hasher = $self->hasher;
  my $output_len = $self->output_len || $hasher->hash_len;

  my $hLen = $hasher->hash_len;
  my $l = int($output_len / $hLen);
  my $r = $output_len % $hLen;

  if ($l > 0xffffffff or $l == 0xffffffff && $r > 0) {
    croak "output_len too large for PBKDF2";

  my $output;

  for my $i (1 .. $l) {
    $output .= $self->_PBKDF2_F($hasher, $salt, $password, $iterations, $i);

  if ($r) {
    $output .= substr( $self->_PBKDF2_F($hasher, $salt, $password, $iterations, $l + 1), 0, $r);

  return $output;

sub PBKDF2_base64 {
  my $self = shift;

  return MIME::Base64::encode( $self->PBKDF2(@_), "" );

sub PBKDF2_hex {
  my $self = shift;
  return unpack "H*", unpack "A*", $self->PBKDF2(@_);

sub _PBKDF2_F {
  my ($self, $hasher, $salt, $password, $iterations, $i) = @_;
  my $result = 
  my $hash = 
    $hasher->generate( $salt . pack("N", $i), $password );

  for my $iter (2 .. $iterations) {
    $hash = $hasher->generate( $hash, $password );
    $result ^= $hash;

  return $result;

sub encode_string {
  my ($self, $salt, $hash) = @_;
  if ($self->encoding eq 'crypt') {
    return $self->_encode_string_cryptlike($salt, $hash);
  } elsif ($self->encoding eq 'ldap') {
    return $self->_encode_string_ldaplike($salt, $hash);
  } else {
    die "Unknown setting '", $self->encoding, "' for encoding";

sub _encode_string_cryptlike {
  my ($self, $salt, $hash) = @_;
  my $hasher = $self->hasher;
  my $hasher_class = Class::MOP::class_of($hasher)->name;
  if (!defined $hasher_class || $hasher_class !~ s/^Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash:://) {
    croak "Can't ''encode_string'' with a hasher class outside of Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::*";

  my $algo_string = $hasher->to_algo_string;
  $algo_string = defined($algo_string) ? "{$algo_string}" : "";

  return '$PBKDF2$' . "$hasher_class$algo_string:" . $self->iterations . ':'
  . MIME::Base64::encode($salt, "") . '$'
  . MIME::Base64::encode($hash, "");

sub _encode_string_ldaplike {
  my ($self, $salt, $hash) = @_;
  my $hasher = $self->hasher;
  my $hasher_class = Class::MOP::class_of($hasher)->name;
  if (!defined $hasher_class || $hasher_class !~ s/^Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash:://) {
    croak "Can't ''encode_string'' with a hasher class outside of Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::*";

  my $algo_string = $hasher->to_algo_string;
  $algo_string = defined($algo_string) ? "+$algo_string" : "";

  return '{X-PBKDF2}' . "$hasher_class$algo_string:" 
  . $self->_b64_encode_int32($self->iterations) . ':'
  . MIME::Base64::encode($salt, "") . ':'
  . MIME::Base64::encode($hash, "");

sub decode_string {
  my ($self, $hashed) = @_;
  if ($hashed =~ /^\$PBKDF2\$/) {
    return $self->_decode_string_cryptlike($hashed);
  } elsif ($hashed =~ /^\{X-PBKDF2}/i) {
    return $self->_decode_string_ldaplike($hashed);
  } else {
    croak "Unrecognized hash";

sub _decode_string_cryptlike {
  my ($self, $hashed) = @_;
  if ($hashed !~ /^\$PBKDF2\$/) {
    croak "Unrecognized hash";

  if (my ($algorithm, $opts, $iterations, $salt, $hash) = $hashed =~
      /^\$PBKDF2\$([^:}]+)(?:\{([^}]+)\})?:(\d+):([^\$]+)\$(.*)/) {
    return {
      algorithm => $algorithm,
      algorithm_options => $opts,
      iterations => $iterations,
      salt => MIME::Base64::decode($salt),
      hash => MIME::Base64::decode($hash),
  } else {
    croak "Invalid format";

sub _decode_string_ldaplike {
  my ($self, $hashed) = @_;
  if ($hashed !~ /^\{X-PBKDF2}/i) {
    croak "Unrecognized hash";

  if (my ($algo_str, $iterations, $salt, $hash) = $hashed =~
      /^\{X-PBKDF2}([^:]+):([^:]{6}):([^\$]+):(.*)/i) {
    my ($algorithm, $opts) = split /\+/, $algo_str;
    return {
      algorithm => $algorithm,
      algorithm_options => $opts,
      iterations => $self->_b64_decode_int32($iterations),
      salt => MIME::Base64::decode($salt),
      hash => MIME::Base64::decode($hash),
  } else {
    croak "Invalid format";

sub hasher_from_algorithm {
  my ($self, $algorithm, $args) = @_;
  my $class = Module::Runtime::use_module("Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::$algorithm");

  if (defined $args) {
    return $class->from_algo_string($args);
  } else {
    return $class->new;

sub clone {
  my ($self, %params) = @_;
  my $class = ref $self;

  # If the hasher was built from hash_class and hash_args, then omit it from
  # the clone. But if it was set by the user, then we need to copy it. We're
  # assuming that the hasher has no state, so it doesn't need a deep clone.
  # This is true of all of the ones that I'm shipping, but if it's not true for
  # you, let me know.

  my %new_args = (
    $self->has_hash_class  ? (hash_class  => $self->hash_class) : (),
    $self->has_hash_args   ? (hash_args   => $self->hash_args)  : (),
    $self->has_output_len  ? (output_len  => $self->output_len) : (),
    $self->has_lazy_hasher ? () : (hasher => $self->hasher),
    iterations => $self->iterations,
    salt_len => $self->salt_len,
  return $class->new(%new_args);

sub _b64_encode_int32 {
  my ($self, $value) = @_;
  my $b64 = MIME::Base64::encode(pack("N", $value), "");
  $b64 =~ s/==$//;
  return $b64;

sub _b64_decode_int32 {
  my ($self, $b64) = @_;
  $b64 .= "==";
  return unpack "N", MIME::Base64::decode($b64);




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Crypt::PBKDF2 - The PBKDF2 password hashing algorithm.

=head1 VERSION

version 0.142390


    use Crypt::PBKDF2;

    my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new(
        hash_class => 'HMACSHA1', # this is the default
        iterations => 1000,       # so is this
        output_len => 20,         # and this
        salt_len => 4,            # and this.

    my $hash = $pbkdf2->generate("s3kr1t_password");
    if ($pbkdf2->validate($hash, "s3kr1t_password")) {


PBKDF2 is a secure password hashing algorithm that uses the techniques of
"key strengthening" to make the complexity of a brute-force attack
arbitrarily high. PBKDF2 uses any other cryptographic hash or cipher (by
convention, usually HMAC-SHA1, but C<Crypt::PBKDF2> is fully pluggable), and
allows for an arbitrary number of iterations of the hashing function, and a
nearly unlimited output hash size (up to 2**32 - 1 times the size of the
output of the backend hash). The hash is salted, as any password hash should
be, and the salt may also be of arbitrary size.


=head2 hash_class

B<Type:> String, B<Default:> HMACSHA1

The name of the default class that will provide PBKDF2's Pseudo-Random
Function (the backend hash). If the value starts with a C<+>, the C<+> will
be removed and the remainder will be taken as a fully-qualified package
name. Otherwise, the value will be appended to C<Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::>.

=head2 hash_args

B<Type:> HashRef, B<Default:> {}

Arguments to be passed to the C<hash_class> constructor.

=head2 hasher

B<Type:> Object (must fulfill role L<Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash>), B<Default:> None.

It is also possible to provide a hash object directly; in this case the
C<hash_class> and C<hash_args> are ignored.

=head2 iterations

B<Type:> Integer, B<Default:> 1000.

The default number of iterations of the hashing function to use for the
C<generate> and C<PBKDF2> methods.

=head2 output_len

B<Type:> Integer.

The default size (in bytes, not bits) of the output hash. If a value isn't
provided, the output size depends on the C<hash_class>S< / >C<hasher>
selected, and will equal the output size of the backend hash (e.g. 20 bytes
for HMACSHA1).

=head2 salt_len

B<Type:> Integer, B<Default:> 4

The default salt length (in bytes) for the C<generate> method.

=head2 encoding

B<Type:> String (either "crypt" or "ldap"), B<Default:> "ldap"

The hash format to generate. The "ldap" format is intended to be compatible
with RFC2307, and looks like:


While the "crypt" format is similar to the format used by the C<crypt()>
function, except with more structured information in the second (salt) field.
It looks like:


Versions of this module up to 0.110461 generated the "crypt" format, so set
that if you want it. Current versions of this module will read either format,
but the "ldap" format is preferred.

=head2 length_limit

B<Type:> Integer

The maximum password length to allow, for generate and verify functions.
Allowing passwords of unlimited length can allow a denial-of-service attack
in which an attacker asks the server to validate very large passwords.

For compatibility this attribute is unset by default, but it is recommended
to set it to a reasonably small value like 100 -- large enough that users
aren't discouraged from having secure passwords, but small enough to limit
the computation needed to validate any one password.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 generate ($password, [$salt])

Generates a hash for the given C<$password>. If C<$salt> is not provided,
a random salt with length C<salt_len> will be generated.

There are two output formats available, depending on the setting of the
C<encoding> attribute: "ldap" and "crypt"; see the documentation for
L</encoding> for more information.

=head2 validate ($hashed, $password)

Validates whether the password C<$password> matches the hash string
C<$hashed>. May throw an exception if the format of C<$hashed> is invalid;
otherwise, returns true or false. Accepts both formats that the "generate"
method can produce.

=head2 PBKDF2 ($salt, $password)

The raw PBKDF2 algorithm. Given the C<$salt> and C<$password>, returns the
raw binary hash.

=head2 PBKDF2_base64 ($salt, $password)

As the C<PBKDF2> method, only the output is encoded with L<MIME::Base64>.

=head2 PBKDF2_hex ($salt, $password)

As the C<PBKDF2> method, only the output is encoded in hexadecimal.

=head2 encode_string ($salt, $hash)

Given a generated salt and hash, hash, generates output in the form generated by
C<generate> and accepted by C<validate>. Unlikely to be of much use to anyone

=head2 decode_string ($hashed)

Given a textual hash in the form generated by C<generate>, decodes it and
returns a HashRef containing:

=over 4

=item *

C<algorithm>: A string representing the hash algorithm used. See
L</hasher_from_algorithm ($algo_str)>.

=item *

C<iterations>: The number of iterations used.

=item *

C<salt>: The salt, in raw binary form.

=item *

C<hash>: The hash, in raw binary form.


This method is mostly for internal use, but it has been left public as it
may come in handy. If the input data is invalid, this method may throw an

=head2 hasher_from_algorithm ($algo_str)

Attempts to load and instantiate a C<Crypt::PBKDF2::Hash::*> class based on
an algorithm string as produced by C<encode_string> / C<generate>.

=head2 clone (%params)

Create a new object like this one, but with C<%params> changed.

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item *

B<Wikipedia: PBKDF2>: L<>

=item *

B<RFC2898, PKCS#5 version 2.0>: L<>

=item *

B<RFC2307, Using LDAP as a Network Information Service>: 


=head1 AUTHOR

Andrew Rodland <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Andrew Rodland.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
