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# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'

######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.

# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)

BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..19\n"; }
END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
eval "use Parse::Stallion::RD";
my $skip = $@;
$loaded = 1;
print "ok 1\n";

$skip = 1;
if ($skip) {
print "ok 2\n";
print "ok 3\n";
print "ok 4\n";
print "ok 5\n";
print "ok 6\n";
print "ok 7\n";
print "ok 8\n";
print "ok 9\n";
print "ok 10\n";
print "ok 11\n";
print "ok 12\n";
print "ok 13\n";
print "ok 14\n";
print "ok 15\n";
print "ok 16\n";
print "ok 17\n";
print "ok 18\n";
print "ok 19\n";

else {
sub debug { $D || $D || 0 }

my $count = 2;
sub ok($;$)
	my $ok = ((@_==2) ? ($_[0] eq $_[1]) : $_[0]);
	print "\texp=[$_[1]]\n\tres=[$_[0]]\n" if debug && @_==2;
	print "not " unless $ok;
	print "ok $count\n";
print $_[0]." and ".$_[1]."\n" unless $ok;
	return $ok;

######################### End of black magic.

do { $RD_TRACE  = $RD_HINT = 1;
 $RD_TRACE  = $RD_HINT = 1;
 } if debug > 1;

$data1    = '(the 1st   teeeeeest are easy easy easyeasy';
$expect1  = '[1st|teeeeeest|are|easy:easy:easy:easy]';

$data2    = '(the 2nd   test is';
$expect2  = '[2nd|test|is|]';

$data3    = 'the cat';
$expect3a = 'fluffy';
$expect3b = 'not fluffy';

$data4    = 'a dog';
$expect4  = 'rover';

$data5    = 'type a is int; type b is a; var x holds b; type c is d;';
$expect5  = 'typedef=>a, typedef=>b, defn=>x, baddef, baddef';


$parser_A = new Parse::Stallion::RD q
	test1:	"(" 'the' "$::first" /te+st/ is ('easy')(s?)
			{ "[$item[3]|$item[4]|$item[5]|" .
				join(':', @{$item[6]})   .
				']' }

	is:	'is' | 'are'


	test2:	<matchrule:$arg{article}>

	the:	'the'
	a:	'a'

	cat:	<reject: $arg[0] ne 'meows'> 'cat'
			{ "fluffy" }
	   |    { "not fluffy" }

	dog:	'dog'
			{ "rover" }


	test3:	 (defn | typedef | fail)(5..10)
			{ join ', ', @{$item[1]}; }

	typedef: 'type' id 'is' typename ';'
			{ $return = "$item[0]=>$item[2]";
			  $thisparser->Extend("typename: '$item[2]'"); }

	fail:	 { 'baddef' }

	defn:	 'var' id 'holds' typename ';'
			{ "$item[0]=>$item[2]" }

	id:	 /[a-z]		# LEADING ALPHABETIC

	typename: 'int'


	test4:	'a' b /c/
			{ "$itempos[1]{offset}{from}:$itempos[2]{offset}{from}:$itempos[3]{offset}{from}" }

	b:	"b"


	test5: ...!name notname | name

	notname: /[a-z]\w*/i { 'notname' }

	name: 'fred' { 'name' }


	test6: <rulevar: $test6 = 1>
	test6: 'a' <commit> 'b' <uncommit> 'c' <reject: $test6 && $text>
			{ 'prod 1' }
	     | 'a'
			{ 'prod 2' }
	     | <uncommit>
			{ 'prod 3' }


	test7: 'x' <resync> /y+/
			{ $return = $item[3] }

ok ($parser_A) or exit;

$first = "1st";
$res = $parser_A->test1($data1);

$first = "2nd";
$res = $parser_A->test1($data2);

$res = $parser_A->test2($data3,undef,
			article=>'the', animal=>'cat', sound=>'meows');

$res = $parser_A->test2($data3,undef,
			article=>'the', animal=>'cat', sound=>'purrs');
ok ($res,$expect3b);

$res = $parser_A->test2($data4,undef,
			article=>'a', animal=>'dog', sound=>'barks');

$res = $parser_A->test3($data5);

$res = $parser_A->test4("a  b   c");
ok($res, "0:1:7");

$res = $parser_A->test5("fred");
ok($res, "name");

$res = $parser_A->test5("fled");
ok($res, "notname");


$res = $parser_A->test6("a b d");
ok($res, "prod 2");

$res = $parser_A->test6("a c d");
ok($res, "prod 3");

$res = $parser_A->test6("a b c");
ok($res, "prod 1");

$res = $parser_A->test6("a b c d");
ok($res, "prod 2");

$res = $parser_A->test7("x yyy \n y");
ok($res, "y");


package Derived;

@ISA = qw { Parse::Stallion::RD };
sub method($$) { reverse $_[1] }

package main;

$parser_B = new Derived q
	test1:	/[a-z]+/i
		{ reverse $item[1] }
		{ $thisparser->method($item[2]) }

ok ($parser_B) or exit;
$res = $parser_B->test1("literal string");
ok($res, "literal");

$res = $parser_A->Extend("extended : 'some extension'");
ok(@{"$parser_A->{namespace}::ISA"} == 1);