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=head1 NAME

Net::Blogger::API::Extended - provides helper methods not defined in the Blogger API.


 It's very dark in here because this is a black box.


This package is inherited by I<Net::Blogger::Engine::Base> and provides helper 
methods not defined in the Blogger API.


package Net::Blogger::API::Extended;
use strict;

$Net::Blogger::API::Extended::VERSION   = '1.0';
@Net::Blogger::API::Extended::ISA       = qw ( Exporter );
@Net::Blogger::API::Extended::EXPORT    = qw ();
@Net::Blogger::API::Extended::EXPORT_OK = qw ();

use Exporter;
use FileHandle;



# mmmm, undocumented crunchi-ness.

sub MaxPostLength {
    return undef;

=head2 $pkg->GetBlogId(\%args) 

Return the unique blogid for I<$args{'blogname'}>.

Valid arguments are 


=item *

B<blogname> => string.


Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments
rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible.

Returns a string. If no blogname is specified, the current blogid for 
the object is returned.


sub GetBlogId {
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = (ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") ? shift : { @_ };

    my $blogid = undef;

    if (! $args->{'blogname'}) {
	return $self->{'_blogid'};

    my $blogs = $self->getUsersBlogs()
	|| return undef;

    foreach my $b (@$blogs) {
	if ($b->{'blogName'} eq $args->{'blogname'}) {
	    $blogid = $b->{'blogid'};
    return $blogid;

=head2 $pkg->DeleteAllPosts(\%args)

Delete all the posts on a weblog. Valid arguments are :

=over 4

=item *




Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments
rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible.

Returns true or false.


sub DeleteAllPosts {
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = { @_ };

    my ($ok,@pids) = $self->getRecentPosts(numposts=>20);

    while (@pids) {
	foreach my $p (@pids) {

	($ok,@pids) = $self->getRecentPosts(numposts=>20);

    return $ok;

=head2 $pkg->PostFromFile(\%args)

Open a filehandle, and while true, post to Blogger. If the length of the amount 
read from the file exceeds the per-post limit assigned by the Blogger servers -- 
currently 65,536 characters -- the contents of the file will be posted in multiple 

Valid arguments are 


=item *


/path/to/file I<required>

=item *



=item *



=item *



If true, the method will not attempt to post data whose length exceeds the limit 
set by the Blogger server in the order that the data is read. Translation : last 
in becomes last post becomes the first thing you see on your weblog.


If a I<postid> argument is present, the method will call the Blogger API I<editPost> 
method with postid. Otherwise the method will call the Blogger API I<newPost> method.

Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments
rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible.

Returns true or false, followed by an array of zero, or more, postids. 


sub PostFromFile {
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = (ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") ? shift : { @_ };

    if (! -f $args->{'file'}) {
      $self->LastError("Not a file.");
	return 0;

    my $fh = FileHandle->new();
    my $ok = $fh->open("<$args->{'file'}");

    if (! $ok) {
      $self->LastError("Failed to open file : $!");
	return 0;

    my $method  = ($args->{'postid'}) ? "editPost" : "newPost";

    if (! $args->{'tail'}) {

	local $/;
	undef $/;

	my $postbody = <$fh>;

	return $self->$method(postbody=>\$postbody,%$args);

    my $post    = "";
    my @postids = ();

    while (<$fh>) {
	my $line = $_;
	chomp $line;

	$post  .= $line;
	my $len = length($post);

	if (($self->MaxPostLength()) && ($len > $self->MaxPostLegth())) {

	    my $postbody  = substr($post,0,$self->MaxPostLength());
	    my $remainder = $self->_TrimPostBody(\$postbody);

	    my ($pid) = $self->$method(
				       postbody => \$postbody,
				       postid   => $args->{'postid'},
				       publish  => $args->{'publish'},

	    if (! $pid) {
	      $self->LastError("Encountered an error posting. Exiting prematurely.");
		return (0,@postids);
	    $post = $remainder.substr($post,$self->MaxPostLength(),$len);


    if (! $post) {
      $self->LastError("Failed to read any data from file.");
	return 0;

    my ($pid) = $self->$method(
			       postbody => \$post,
			       postid   => $args->{'postid'},
			       publish  => $args->{'publish'},
    if (! $pid) {
      $self->LastError("Encountered an error posting last chunk : ".Error->prior());
	return (0, @postids);
    push (@postids,$pid);    
    return (1,@postids);

=head2 $pkg->PostFromOutline(\%args)

Like I<PostFromFile>, only this time the file is an outliner document. 

This method uses Simon Kittle's Text::Outline::asRenderedHTML method for 
posting. As of this writing, the Text::Outline package has not been uploaded 
to the CPAN. See below for a link to the homepage/source.

Valid outline formats are OPML, tabbed text outline, Emacs' outline-mode format, 
and the GNOME Think format.

Valid arguments are 


=item *


/path/to/file I<required>

=item *



=item *




If a I<postid> argument is present, the method will call the Blogger API I<editPost> 
method with postid. Otherwise the method will call the Blogger API I<newPost> method.

Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments
rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible.

Returns true or false, followed by an array of zero, or more, postids. 


sub PostFromOutline {
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = (ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") ? shift : { @_ };

    my $class = "Text::Outline";

    # We'll get rid of this when, and if, a proper
    # Makefile is ever written...
    eval "require $class"
	|| &{ $self->LastError($@); return 0; };
    my $outline = $class->new(load=>$args->{'file'})
	|| &{ $self->LastError($!); return 0; };
    my $postbody = $outline->asRenderedHTML();
    my $method   = ($args->{'postid'}) ? "editPost" : "newPost";

    return $self->$method(postbody=>\$postbody,%$args);

sub _PostInChunks {
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = (ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") ? shift : { @_ };

    my $caller  = (caller(1))[3];
    my @chunks  = ();
    my @postids = ();

    unless ($caller =~ /^(Net::Blogger::Base::API::)(editPost|newPost)$/) {
	$self->LastError("$caller is not a valid caller for this method.");
	return 0;

    my $text = $args->{"postbody"};
    while ( $$text ) {
	my $chunk     = substr($$text,0,$self->MaxPostLength());
	my $remainder = $self->_TrimPostBody(\$chunk);

	$$text = $remainder.substr($$text,length($chunk),length($$text));

	# Since Blogger posts are chronological, we add chunks 
	# to the top of the stack. That way, the 'end' pieces get
	# added first and, in the end, the text will be displayed
	# in the order it was written.
	# 20010813 (asc)

	unshift (@chunks, \$chunk);
    map { 
	$args->{"postbody"} = $_;
	push(@postids, $self->$caller(%$args)); 
    } @chunks;

    return @postids;

sub _TrimPostBody {
    my $self = shift;
    my $body = shift;

    if (ref($body) ne "SCALAR") {
	$self->LastError("Input must be a scalar ref.");
	return undef;

=head1 VERSION


=head1 DATE

$Date: 2005/03/26 19:29:08 $

=head1 AUTHOR

Aaron Straup Cope

=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Aaron Straup Cope.

This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.


return 1;
