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use strict;

# $Id:,v 1.90 2010/12/19 19:06:12 asc Exp $
# -*-perl-*- 

package Net::Flickr::RDF;
use base qw (Net::Flickr::API);

$Net::Flickr::RDF::VERSION = '2.2';

=head1 NAME

Net::Flickr::RDF - a.k.a RDF::Describes::Flickr


 use Net::Flickr::RDF;
 use Config::Simple;
 use IO::AtomicFile;

 my $cfg = Config::Simple->new("/path/to/my.cfg");
 my $rdf = Net::Flickr::RDF->new($cfg);

 my $fh  = IO::AtomicFile->open("/foo/bar.rdf","w");

 $rdf->describe_photo({photo_id => 123,
                       secret   => 567,
                       fh       => \*$fh});



Describe Flickr photos as RDF.

This package inherits from I<Net::Flickr::API>.

=head1 OPTIONS

Options are passed to Net::Flickr::Backup using a Config::Simple object or
a valid Config::Simple config file. Options are grouped by "block".

=head2 flickr

=over 4

=item * B<api_key>

String. I<required>

A valid Flickr API key.

=item * B<api_secret>

String. I<required>

A valid Flickr Auth API secret key.

=item * B<auth_token>

String. I<required>

A valid Flickr Auth API token.


=head2 rdf

=over 4

=item * B<query_geonames>


If true and a photo has geodata (latitude, longitude) associated with it, then
the database will be queried for a corresponding match. Data will be 
added as properties of the photo's geo:Point description. For example : 

 <geo:Point rdf:about="">
    <geoname:Feature rdf:resource=""/>

 <geoname:Feature rdf:about="">
    <geoname:city>Santa Clara</geoname:city>

Default is false.



use utf8;
use English;

use Date::Format;
use Date::Parse;
use Digest::MD5 qw (md5_hex);
use RDF::Simple::Serialiser;
use Readonly;
use URI::Escape;

Readonly::Hash my %DEFAULT_NS => (
				  "a"       => "",
                                  "atom"    => "",
				  "acl"     => "",
				  "cc"      => "",
				  "dc"      => "",
				  "dcterms" => "",
				  "exif"    => "",
				  "exifi"   => "",
				  "flickr"  => "x-urn:flickr:",
				  "foaf"    => "",
				  "geo"     => "",
                                  "geoname" => "",
				  "i"       => "",
                                  "mt"      => "x-urn:flickr:machinetag:",
                                  "places"  => "",
				  "rdf"     => "",
				  "rdfs"    => "",
				  "skos"    => "",
                                  "ymaps"   => "urn:yahoo:maps",

Readonly::Hash my %RDFMAP => (
			      'EXIF' => {
				  '41483' => 'flashEnergy',
				  '33437' => 'fNumber',
				  '37378' => 'apertureValue',
				  '37520' => 'subsecTime',
				  '34855' => 'isoSpeedRatings',
				  '41484' => 'spatialFrequencyResponse',
				  '37380' => 'exposureBiasValue',
				  '532'   => 'referenceBlackWhite',
				  '40964' => 'relatedSoundFile',
				  '36868' => 'dateTimeDigitized',
				  '34850' => 'exposureProgram',
				  '272'   => 'model',
				  '259'   => 'compression',
				  '37381' => 'maxApertureValue',
				  '37396' => 'subjectArea',
				  '277'   => 'samplesPerPixel',
				  '37121' => 'componentsConfiguration',
				  '37377' => 'shutterSpeedValue',
				  '37384' => 'lightSource',
				  '41989' => 'focalLengthIn35mmFilm',
				  '41495' => 'sensingMethod',
				  '37386' => 'focalLength',
				  '529'   => 'yCbCrCoefficients',
				  '41488' => 'focalPlaneResolutionUnit',
				  '37379' => 'brightnessValue',
				  '41730' => 'cfaPattern',
				  '41486' => 'focalPlaneXResolution',
				  '37510' => 'userComment',
				  '41992' => 'contrast',
				  '41729' => 'sceneType',
				  '41990' => 'sceneCaptureType',
				  '41487' => 'focalPlaneYResolution',
				  '37122' => 'compressedBitsPerPixel',
				  '37385' => 'flash',
				  '258'   => 'bitsPerSample',
				  '530'   => 'yCbCrSubSampling',
				  '41993' => 'saturation',
				  '284'   => 'planarConfiguration',
				  '41996' => 'subjectDistanceRange',
				  '41987' => 'whiteBalance',
				  '274'   => 'orientation',
				  '40962' => 'pixelXDimension',
				  '306'   => 'dateTime',
				  '41493' => 'exposureIndex',
				  '40963' => 'pixelYDimension',
				  '41994' => 'sharpness',
				  '315'   => 'artist',
				  '1'     => 'interoperabilityIndex',
				  '37383' => 'meteringMode',
				  '37522' => 'subsecTimeDigitized',
				  '42016' => 'imageUniqueId',
				  '41728' => 'fileSource',
				  '41991' => 'gainControl',
				  '283'   => 'yResolution',
				  '37500' => 'makerNote',
				  '273'   => 'stripOffsets',
				  '305'   => 'software',
				  '531'   => 'yCbCrPositioning',
				  '319'   => 'primaryChromaticities',
				  '278'   => 'rowsPerStrip',
				  '36864' => 'version',
				  '34856' => 'oecf',
				  '271'   => 'make',
				  '282'   => 'xResolution',
				  '37521' => 'subsecTimeOriginal',
				  '262'   => 'photometricInterpretation',
				  '40961' => 'colorSpace',
				  '33434' => 'exposureTime',
				  '33432' => 'copyright',
				  '41995' => 'deviceSettingDescription',
				  '318'   => 'whitePoint',
				  '257'   => 'imageLength',
				  '41988' => 'digitalZoomRatio',
				  '301'   => 'transferFunction',
				  '41985' => 'customRendered',
				  '37382' => 'subjectDistance',
				  '34852' => 'spectralSensitivity',
				  '41492' => 'subjectLocation',
				  '279'   => 'stripByteCounts',
				  '296'   => 'resolutionUnit',
				  '41986' => 'exposureMode',
				  '40960' => 'flashpixVersion',
				  '256'   => 'imageWidth',
				  '36867' => 'dateTimeOriginal',
				  '270'   => 'imageDescription',
			      GPS => {
				  '11' => 'dop',
				  '21' => 'destLongitudeRef',
				  '7'  => 'timeStamp',
				  '26' => 'destDistance',
				  '17' => 'imgDirection',
				  '2'  => 'latitude',
				  '22' => 'destLongitude',
				  '1'  => 'latitudeRef',
				  '18' => 'mapDatum',
				  '0'  => 'versionId',
				  '30' => 'differential',
				  '23' => 'destBearingRef',
				  '16' => 'imgDirectionRef',
				  '13' => 'speed',
				  '29' => 'dateStamp',
				  '27' => 'processingMethod',
				  '25' => 'destDistanceRef',
				  '6'  => 'altitude',
				  '28' => 'arealInformation',
				  '3'  => 'longitudeRef',
				  '9'  => 'status',
				  '12' => 'speedRef',
				  '20' => 'destLatitude',
				  '14' => 'trackRef',
				  '15' => 'track',
				  '8'  => 'satellites',
				  '4'  => 'longitude',
				  '24' => 'destBearing',
				  '19' => 'destLatitudeRef',
				  '10' => 'measureMode',
				  '5'  => 'altitudeRef',
			      # TIFF => {},

Readonly::Hash my %CC_PERMITS => ("by-nc" => {"permits"   => ["Reproduction",
					      "requires"  => ["Notice",
					      "prohibits" => ["CommercialUse"]},
				  "by-nc-nd" => {"permits"   => ["Reproduction",
						 "requires"  => ["Notice",
						 "prohibits" => ["CommercialUse"]},
				  "by-nc-sa" => {"permits"   => ["Reproduction",
						 "requires"  => ["Notice",
						 "prohibits" => ["CommercialUse"]},
				  "by-nc" =>  {"permits"   => ["Reproduction",
					       "requires"  => ["Notice",
					       "prohibits" => ["CommercialUse"]},
				  "by-nd" =>   {"permits"   => ["Reproduction",
						"requires"  => ["Notice",
				  "by-sa" =>   {"permits"   => ["Reproduction",
						"requires"  => ["Notice",
				  "by" =>   {"permits"   => ["Reproduction",
					     "requires"  => ["Notice",

Readonly::Scalar my $MACHINETAGS_URL   => "";

Readonly::Scalar my $GEONAMES_URL      => "";
Readonly::Scalar my $GEONAMES_URL_WS   => "";
Readonly::Scalar my $GEONAMES_URL_RDF  => $GEONAMES_URL_WS . "rdf";
Readonly::Scalar my $GEONAMES_URL_CO   => $GEONAMES_URL . "countries/";

Readonly::Scalar my $GEONAMES_API_FINDNEARBY => $GEONAMES_URL_WS . "findNearbyPlaceName";
Readonly::Scalar my $GEONAMES_API_GTOPO30    => $GEONAMES_URL_WS . "gtopo30";
Readonly::Scalar my $FLICKR_URL        => "";
Readonly::Scalar my $FLICKR_URL_PHOTOS => $FLICKR_URL . "photos/";
Readonly::Scalar my $FLICKR_URL_PLACES => $FLICKR_URL . "places/";
Readonly::Scalar my $FLICKR_URL_GEO    => $FLICKR_URL . "geo/";
Readonly::Scalar my $FLICKR_URL_PEOPLE => $FLICKR_URL . "people/";
Readonly::Scalar my $FLICKR_URL_TAGS   => $FLICKR_URL . "photos/tags/";
Readonly::Scalar my $FLICKR_URL_GROUPS => $FLICKR_URL . "groups/";

Readonly::Scalar my $LICENSE_ALLRIGHTS => "All rights reserved.";

Readonly::Array my @FLICKR_GEOPLACES => ("locality", "county", "region", "country");



=head2 __PACKAGE__->new($cfg)

Where B<$cfg> is either a valid I<Config::Simple> object or the path
to a file that can be parsed by I<Config::Simple>.

Returns a I<Net::Flickr::RDF> object.


sub new {
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $args = shift;

        my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new($args);

        if (! $self){
                return undef;

        my %ns = %DEFAULT_NS;

        $self->{'__ns'} = \%ns;

        $self->{'__places_urls'} = {};
        return bless $self, $pkg;
# Defined in Net::Flickr::API



=head2 __PACKAGE__->build_photo_uri(\%data)

Returns a URL as a string.


sub build_photo_uri {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data = shift;

        return sprintf("%s%s/%s", $FLICKR_URL_PHOTOS, $data->{user_id}, $data->{photo_id});

=head2 __PACKAGE__->build_geo_uri(\%data)


sub build_geo_uri {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data = shift;

        my $photo_url = $self->build_photo_uri($data);
        return $photo_url . "#location";

=head2 __PACKAGE__->build_user_tag_uri(\@data)

Returns a URL as a string.


sub build_user_tag_uri {
        my $pkg  = shift;
        my $data = shift;
        my $clean  = $data->[0];
        my $raw    = $data->[1];
        my $author = $data->[2];
        return $FLICKR_URL_PHOTOS."$author/tags/$clean";

=head2 __PACKAGE__->build_global_tag_uri(\@data)

Returns a URL as a string.


sub build_global_tag_uri {
        my $pkg  = shift;
        my $data = shift;
        my $clean = $data->[0];
        return $FLICKR_URL_TAGS.$clean;

=head2 __PACKAGE__->build_machinetag_uri(\@data)

Returns a URL as a string.


sub build_machinetag_uri {
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $tag = shift;
        my @parts = $pkg->explode_machinetag($tag, "escape");        
        return $MACHINETAGS_URL . $parts[0] . "#" . $parts[1];

sub explode_machinetag {
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $mt = shift;
        my $escape = shift;

        my ($ns, $rest) = split(":", $mt);
        my ($pred, $value) = split("=", $rest);

        if ($escape) {
                $value = uri_escape($value);

        return ($ns, $pred, $value);

=head2 __PACKAGE__->build_user_uri($user_id)

Returns a URL as a string.


sub build_user_uri {
        my $pkg     = shift;
        my $user_id = shift;
        return $FLICKR_URL_PEOPLE.$user_id;

=head2 __PACKAGE__->build_group_uri($group_id)

Returns a URL as a string.


sub build_group_uri {
        my $self     = shift;
        my $group_id = shift;
        return $FLICKR_URL_GROUPS.$group_id;

=head2 __PACKAGE__->build_grouppool_uri($group_id)

Returns a URL as a string.


sub build_grouppool_uri {
        my $self     = shift;
        my $group_id = shift;
        return $self->build_group_uri($group_id)."/pool";

=head2 __PACKAGE__->build_photoset_uri(\%set_data)

Returns a URL as a string.


sub build_photoset_uri {
        my $pkg      = shift;
        my $set_data = shift;
        return sprintf("%s%s/sets/%s", $FLICKR_URL_PHOTOS, $set_data->{user_id}, $set_data->{id});

=head2 __PACKAGE__->prune_triples(\@triples)

Removes duplicate triples from I<@triples>. Returns an array


sub prune_triples {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $triples = shift;
        my %seen   = ();
        my @pruned = ();
        foreach my $spo (@$triples) {
                my $key = md5_hex(join("", @$spo));
                if (exists($seen{$key})) {
                $seen{$key} = 1;
                push @pruned, $spo;
        return \@pruned;



=head2 $obj->describe_photo(\%args)

Valid arguments are :

=over 4

=item * B<photo_id>

Int. I<required>

=item * B<secret>


=item * B<fh>


Default is STDOUT.


Returns true or false.


sub describe_photo {
        my $self = shift;
        my $args = shift;
        my $fh = ($args->{fh}) ? $args->{fh} : \*STDOUT;
        my $data = $self->collect_photo_data($args->{photo_id}, $args->{secret});
        if (! $data) {
                return 0;
        my $triples = $self->make_photo_triples($data);
        if (! $triples) {
                return 0;
        $self->serialise_triples($triples, $fh);
        return 1;



=head2 $obj->collect_photo_data($photo_id,$secret)

Returns a hash ref of the meta data associated with a photo.

If any errors are unencounter an error is recorded via the B<log>
method and the method returns undef.


sub collect_photo_data {
        my $self   = shift;
        my $id     = shift;
        my $secret = shift;
        my %data = ();
        my $info = $self->api_call({method=>"",
                                    args=>{photo_id => $id,
                                           secret   => $secret}});
        if (! $info) {
                $self->log()->error("unable to collect info for photo");
                return undef;
        my $img = ($info->findnodes("/rsp/photo"))[0];
        if (! $img) {
                $self->log()->error("unable to locate photo for info");
                return undef;
        my $owner = ($img->findnodes("owner"))[0];
        my $dates = ($img->findnodes("dates"))[0];
        %data = (photo_id => $id,
                 user_id  => $owner->getAttribute("nsid"),
                 title    => $img->find("title")->string_value(),
                 taken    => $dates->getAttribute("taken"),
                 posted   => $dates->getAttribute("posted"),
                 lastmod  => $dates->getAttribute("lastupdate"));
        my $owner_id = $data{user_id};
        $data{users}->{$owner_id} = $self->collect_user_data($owner_id);
        my $sizes = $self->api_call({method => "",
                                     args   => {photo_id => $id}});
        if (! $sizes) {
                return undef;
        foreach my $sz ($sizes->findnodes("/rsp/sizes/size")) {
                my $label = $sz->getAttribute("label");
                $data{files}->{$label} = {height => $sz->getAttribute("height"),
                                          width  => $sz->getAttribute("width"),
                                          label  => $label,
                                          uri    => $sz->getAttribute("source")};
        my $cc = $self->collect_cc_data();
        $data{license} = $cc->{$img->getAttribute("license")};
	$self->log()->info("fetch exif for photo ID $id (with secret $secret)");

        my $exif = $self->api_call({method=>"",
                                    args=>{photo_id => $id,
                                           secret   => $secret}});       

        if ($exif) {
                foreach my $tag ($exif->findnodes("/rsp/photo/exif[\@tagspace='EXIF']"), $exif->findnodes("/rsp/photo/exif[\@tagspace='ExifIFD']")) {
                        my $facet   = 'EXIF'; # $tag->getAttribute("tagspace");
                        my $tag_dec = $tag->getAttribute("tag");
                        my $value   = $tag->findvalue("clean") || $tag->findvalue("raw");
                        $data{exif}->{$facet}->{$tag_dec} = $value;
        $data{desc}   = $img->find("description")->string_value();
        # Privacy

        my $vis = ($img->findnodes("visibility"))[0];
        if ($vis->getAttribute("ispublic")) {
                $data{visibility} = "public";
        elsif (($vis->getAttribute("isfamily")) && ($vis->getAttribute("isfriend"))) {
                $data{visibility} = "family;friend";
        elsif ($vis->getAttribute("isfamily")) {
                $data{visibility} = "family";
        elsif ($vis->getAttribute("is_friend")) {
                $data{visibility} = "friend";
        else {
                $data{visibility} = "private";
        # Tags

        foreach my $tag ($img->findnodes("tags/tag")) {
                my $id     = $tag->getAttribute("id");
                my $raw    = $tag->getAttribute("raw");
                my $clean  = $tag->string_value();
                my $author = $tag->getAttribute("author");
                my $is_mt  = $tag->getAttribute("machine_tag");

                $data{tags}->{$id} = [$clean, $raw, $author, $is_mt];
                $data{tag_map}->{$clean}->{$raw} ++;
                $data{users}->{$author} = $self->collect_user_data($author);
        # Notes

        foreach my $note ($img->findnodes("notes/note")) {
                $data{notes} ||= [];
                my %note = map {
                        $_ => $note->getAttribute($_);
                } qw (x y h w id author authorname);
                $note{body} = $note->string_value();
                push @{$data{notes}}, \%note;
                $data{users}->{$note{author}} = $self->collect_user_data($note{author});

        # People in photo

        my $folks = $self->api_call({
            method => "",
            args   => { photo_id => $id }

        if ($folks) {
            foreach my $person ($folks->findnodes("/rsp/people/person")) {
                $data{people} ||= [];

                my %person = map {
                    $_ => $person->getAttribute($_)
                } qw (x y h w username realname);
                $person{id} = $person->getAttribute('nsid');
                $person{author} = $person->getAttribute('added_by');

                push @{$data{people}}, \%person;

                $data{users}->{$person{id}} = $self->collect_user_data($person{id});
                $data{users}->{$person{author}} = $self->collect_user_data($person{author});

        # Geo

        my $loc = ($img->findnodes("location"))[0];

        if ($loc){
                my $perms = ($img->findnodes("geoperms"))[0];
                my $vis   = "private";

                if ($perms->getAttribute("ispublic") == 1) {
                        $vis = "public";

                elsif ($perms->getAttribute("iscontact") == 1) {
                        $vis = "contact";

                elsif (($perms->getAttribute("isfamily") == 1) && ($perms->getAttribute("isfriend") == 1)) {
                        $vis = "family;friend";

                elsif ($perms->getAttribute("isfriend") == 1) {
                        $vis = "friend";

                elsif ($perms->getAttribute("isfamily") == 1) {
                        $vis = "family";
                else {}

                my %geo = (
                           'lat'  => $loc->getAttribute("latitude"),
                           'long' => $loc->getAttribute("longitude"),
                           'acc'  => $loc->getAttribute("accuracy"),
                           'place_id' => $loc->getAttribute("place_id"),
                           'visibility' => $vis,

                # Flickr geo/labels

                foreach my $label (@FLICKR_GEOPLACES) {

                        if (my $place = $loc->findvalue($label)){
                                $geo{$label} = $place;


                $data{geo} = \%geo;

        # Context (groups, sets, etc.)

        my $ctx = $self->api_call({method => "",
                                   args   => {photo_id=>$id}});
        if (! $ctx) {
                $self->log()->warning("unable to retrieve context for photo $id");
        else {
                $data{groups} = [];
                $data{sets}   = [];
                foreach my $set ($ctx->findnodes("/rsp/set")) {
                        my $set_id = $set->getAttribute("id");
                        push @{$data{sets}},$self->collect_photoset_data($set_id);
                foreach my $group ($ctx->findnodes("/rsp/pool")) {
                        my $group_id = $group->getAttribute("id");
                        push @{$data{groups}},$self->collect_group_data($group_id);
        # Comments
        $data{comments} = $self->collect_comment_data(\%data);
        # Happy Happy
        return \%data;

=head2 $obj->collect_group_data($group_id)

Returns a hash ref of the meta data associated with a group.

If any errors are unencounter an error is recorded via the B<log>
method and the method returns undef.


sub collect_group_data {
        my $self     = shift;
        my $group_id = shift;
        if (exists($self->{'__groups'}->{$group_id})) {
                return $self->{'__groups'}->{$group_id};
        my %data = ();
        my $group = $self->api_call({method => "flickr.groups.getInfo",
                                     args   => {group_id=> $group_id}});
        if ($group) {
                foreach my $prop ("name", "description") {
                        $data{$prop} = $group->findvalue("/rsp/group/$prop");
                $data{id} = $group_id;
        $self->{'__groups'}->{$group_id} = \%data;
        return $self->{'__groups'}->{$group_id};

=head2 $obj->collect_user_data($user_id)

Returns a hash ref of the meta data associated with a user.

If any errors are unencounter an error is recorded via the B<log>
method and the method returns undef.


sub collect_user_data {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $user_id = shift;
        if (exists($self->{'__users'}->{$user_id})) {
                return $self->{'__users'}->{$user_id};
        my %data = ();
        my $user = $self->api_call({method => "flickr.people.getInfo",
                                    args   => {user_id=> $user_id}});
        if ($user) {
                $data{user_id} = $user_id;
                foreach my $prop ("username", "realname", "mbox_sha1sum") {
                        $data{$prop} = $user->findvalue("/rsp/person/$prop");
        $self->{'__users'}->{$user_id} = \%data;
        return $self->{'__users'}->{$user_id};

sub collect_user_data_by_screenname {
        my $self = shift;
        my $name = shift;
        if (exists($self->{'__screen'}->{$name})) {
                return $self->collect_user_data($self->{'__screen'}->{$name});
        my $user = $self->api_call({method => "flickr.people.findByUsername",
                                    args   => {username=> $name}});

        if (! $user) {
                return undef;

        my $user_id = $user->findvalue("/rsp/user/\@id");


        $self->{'__screen'}->{$name} = $user_id;
        return $self->collect_user_data($user_id);

=head2 $obj->collect_photoset_data($photoset_id)

Returns a hash ref of the meta data associated with a photoset.

If any errors are unencounter an error is recorded via the B<log>
method and the method returns undef.


sub collect_photoset_data {
        my $self   = shift;
        my $set_id = shift;
        if (exists($self->{'__sets'}->{$set_id})) {
                return $self->{'__sets'}->{$set_id};
        my %data = ();
        my $set = $self->api_call({method => "flickr.photosets.getInfo",
				 args   => {photoset_id=> $set_id}});

        if ($set) {
                foreach my $prop ("title", "description") {
                        $data{$prop} = $set->findvalue("/rsp/photoset/$prop");
                $data{user_id} = $set->findvalue("/rsp/photoset/\@owner");
                $data{id}      = $set_id;
        $self->{'__sets'}->{$set_id} = \%data;
        return $self->{'__sets'}->{$set_id};

=head2 $obj->collect_cc_data()

Returns a hash ref of the Creative Commons licenses used by Flickr.

If any errors are unencounter an error is recorded via the B<log>
method and the method returns undef.


sub collect_cc_data {
        my $self = shift;
        if (exists($self->{'__cc'})) {
                return $self->{'__cc'};
        my %cc = ();
        my $licenses = $self->api_call({"method" => ""});
        if (! $licenses) {
                return undef;
        foreach my $l ($licenses->findnodes("/rsp/licenses/license")) {
                $cc{ $l->getAttribute("id") } = $l->getAttribute("url");
        $self->{'__cc'} = \%cc;
        return $self->{'__cc'};

=head2 $obj->collect_comment_data()

Returns a hash ref of comments made about a photo.


sub collect_comment_data {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data = shift;

        my %comments = ();

        my $list = $self->api_call({method => "",
                                    args   => {photo_id => $data->{photo_id}}});

        if ($list) {

                foreach my $c ($list->findnodes("/rsp/comments/comment")) {

                        my $permalink = $c->getAttribute("permalink");
                        my $user      = $self->collect_user_data($c->getAttribute("author"));

                        if (! exists($data->{users}->{$user->{user_id}})) {
                                $data->{users}->{$user->{user_id}} = $user;

                        my %cdata = (user_id => $user->{user_id},
                                     content => $c->string_value(),
                                     date    => $c->getAttribute("datecreate"),
                                     id      => $c->getAttribute("id"));

                        $comments{$permalink} = \%cdata;

        return \%comments;

=head2 $obj->make_photo_triples(\%data)

Returns an array ref (or alist in a wantarray context) of array refs
of the meta data associated with a photo (I<%data>).


sub make_photo_triples {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data = shift;

        my $photo   = sprintf("%s%s/%s", $FLICKR_URL_PHOTOS, $data->{user_id}, $data->{photo_id});        
        my @triples = ();


        my $now = time();
        my $rdf_version = $Net::Flickr::RDF::VERSION;
        my $doc_version = $rdf_version . ":" . $now;

        my $rdf = "#";
        push @triples, [$rdf, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "creator"), "$rdf_version"];
        push @triples, [$rdf, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "created"), time2str("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", $now)];
        push @triples, [$rdf, $self->uri_shortform("dcterms", "hasVersion"), $doc_version];
        push @triples, [$rdf, $self->uri_shortform("a", "annotates"), $photo];

        my $flickr_photo      = $DEFAULT_NS{flickr}."photo";
        my $flickr_photoset   = $DEFAULT_NS{flickr}."photoset";
        my $flickr_user       = $DEFAULT_NS{flickr}."user";
        my $flickr_tag        = $DEFAULT_NS{flickr}."tag";
        my $flickr_machinetag = $DEFAULT_NS{flickr}."machinetag";
        my $flickr_note       = $DEFAULT_NS{flickr}."note";
        my $flickr_comment    = $DEFAULT_NS{flickr}."comment";
        my $flickr_persontag  = $DEFAULT_NS{flickr}."persontag";
        my $flickr_group      = $DEFAULT_NS{flickr}."group";
        my $flickr_grouppool  = $DEFAULT_NS{flickr}."grouppool";
        my $dc_still_image   = $DEFAULT_NS{dcterms}."StillImage";
        my $foaf_person      = $DEFAULT_NS{foaf}."Person";
        my $skos_concept     = $DEFAULT_NS{skos}."Concept";
        my $anno_annotation  = $DEFAULT_NS{a}."Annotation";
        if (scalar(keys %{$data->{users}})) {
                push @triples, [$flickr_user, $self->uri_shortform("rdfs","subClassOf"), $foaf_person];
        if (exists($data->{tags})) {
                push @triples, [$flickr_tag, $self->uri_shortform("rdfs","subClassOf"), $skos_concept];
                push @triples, [$flickr_machinetag, $self->uri_shortform("rdfs","subClassOf"), $skos_concept];
        if (exists($data->{notes})) {
                push @triples, [$flickr_note, $self->uri_shortform("rdfs","subClassOf"), $anno_annotation];

        if (exists($data->{comments})) {
                push @triples, [$flickr_comment, $self->uri_shortform("rdfs","subClassOf"), $anno_annotation];

        if (exists($data->{people})) {
                push @triples, [$flickr_persontag, $self->uri_shortform("rdfs","subClassOf"), $anno_annotation];

        # static files

        foreach my $label (keys %{$data->{files}}) {
                # TO DO - make me a method
                my $uri = $data->{files}->{$label}->{uri};
                push @triples, [$uri, $self->uri_shortform("exifi", "width"), $data->{files}->{$label}->{width}];
                push @triples, [$uri, $self->uri_shortform("exifi", "height"), $data->{files}->{$label}->{height}];
                push @triples, [$uri, $self->uri_shortform("dcterms", "relation"), $label];
                push @triples, [$uri, $self->uri_shortform("rdfs", "seeAlso"), $photo];
                push @triples, [$uri, $self->uri_shortform("rdfs", "seeAlso"), "$photo#exif"];
                push @triples, [$uri, $self->uri_shortform("rdf", "type"), $self->uri_shortform("dcterms","StillImage")];
                if ($label ne "Original") {
                        push @triples, [$uri,$self->uri_shortform("dcterms","isVersionOf"),$data->{files}->{'Original'}->{uri}];
        # flickr data

        push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("rdf", "type"), $self->uri_shortform("flickr","photo")];
        push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "creator"), sprintf("%s%s",$FLICKR_URL_PEOPLE,$data->{user_id})];
        push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "title"), $data->{title}];
        push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "description"), $data->{desc}];
        push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "created"), time2str("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z",str2time($data->{taken}))];
        push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "dateSubmitted"), time2str("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z",$data->{posted})];
        push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("acl", "accessor"), $data->{visibility}];
        push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("acl", "access"), "visbility"];
        # geo data
        if ((! exists($data->{geo})) && (my $geodata = $self->geodata_from_tags($data))) {
                $data->{geo} = $geodata;

        if (exists($data->{geo})) {


                if ($self->{'cfg'}->param("rdf.query_geonames")) {
                        push @triples, ($self->make_geonames_triples($data));
                push @triples, ($self->make_flickr_places_triples($data));

                my $geo_url = $self->build_geo_uri($data);
                push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("geo","Point"), $geo_url];

        # licensing
        if ($data->{license}) {
                push @triples, [$photo,$self->uri_shortform("cc","license"),$data->{license}];
                push @triples, ($self->make_cc_triples($data->{license}));
        else {
                push @triples, [$photo,$self->uri_shortform("dc","rights"),$LICENSE_ALLRIGHTS];
        # tags
        if (exists($data->{tags})) {
                foreach my $id (keys %{$data->{tags}}) {
                        my $tag_data = $data->{tags}->{$id};
                        my $is_mt = $tag_data->[3];

                        my $tag_uri = $self->build_user_tag_uri($tag_data);
                        push @triples, [$photo,$self->uri_shortform("dc", "subject"), $tag_uri];
                        push @triples, ($self->make_tag_triples($tag_data));

                        # FIX ME : DO NOT LEAVE HERE...

                        if ($is_mt) {

                                my $raw = $tag_data->[1];
                                my ($ns, $pred, $value) = $self->explode_machinetag($raw);
                                my $mt_url = $self->build_machinetag_uri($raw);

                                my $prefix = $self->add_namespace($ns, $mt_url);
                                push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform($prefix, $pred), $value];

                                push @triples, [ $mt_url, $self->uri_shortform("mt", "namespace"), $ns];
                                push @triples, [ $mt_url, $self->uri_shortform("mt", "predicate"), $pred];
                                push @triples, [ $mt_url, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "isReferencedBy"), $photo];
                                push @triples, [ $mt_url, $self->uri_shortform("rdf", "type"), $self->uri_shortform("flickr", "machinetag")];
        # notes/annotations
        if (exists($data->{notes})) {
                foreach my $n (@{$data->{notes}}) {
                        # TO DO : how to build/make note triples without $photo
                        my $note       = "$photo#note-$n->{id}";
                        my $author_uri = $self->build_user_uri($n->{author});
                        push @triples, [$photo,$self->uri_shortform("a","hasAnnotation"),$note];
                        push @triples, [$note,$self->uri_shortform("a","annotates"),$photo];
                        push @triples, [$note,$self->uri_shortform("a","author"),$author_uri];
                        push @triples, [$note,$self->uri_shortform("a","body"),$n->{body}];
                        push @triples, [$note,$self->uri_shortform("i","boundingBox"), "$n->{x} $n->{y} $n->{w} $n->{h}"];
                        push @triples, [$note,$self->uri_shortform("i","regionDepicts"),$data->{files}->{'Medium'}->{'uri'}];
                        push @triples, [$note,$self->uri_shortform("rdf","type"),$self->uri_shortform("flickr","note")];
        # people annotations
        if (exists($data->{people})) {
                foreach my $p (@{$data->{people}}) {
                        # TO DO : how to build/make note triples without $photo
                        my $person     = "$photo#person-$p->{id}";
                        my $person_uri = $self->build_user_uri($p->{id});
                        my $author_uri = $self->build_user_uri($p->{author});
                        push @triples, [$photo,$self->uri_shortform("a","hasAnnotation"),$person];
                        push @triples, [$person,$self->uri_shortform("a","annotates"),$photo];
                        push @triples, [$person,$self->uri_shortform("a","author"),$author_uri];
                        push @triples, [$person,$self->uri_shortform("a","personDepicted"),$person_uri];
                        push @triples, [$person,$self->uri_shortform("a","body"),"$p->{realname} ($p->{username})"];
                        push @triples, [$person,$self->uri_shortform("i","boundingBox"), "$p->{x} $p->{y} $p->{w} $p->{h}"] if defined $p->{x};
                        # XXX: Is this correct?  New photo page vs. old photo page show different photos...
                        push @triples, [$person,$self->uri_shortform("i","regionDepicts"),$data->{files}->{'Medium'}->{'uri'}] if defined $p->{x};
                        push @triples, [$person,$self->uri_shortform("rdf","type"),$self->uri_shortform("flickr","person")];
        # users (authors)
        foreach my $user (keys %{$data->{users}}) {
                push @triples, ($self->make_user_triples($data->{users}->{$user}));
        # comments
        if (exists($data->{comments})) {
                push @triples, ($self->make_comment_triples($data));
                foreach my $uri (keys %{$data->{comments}}) {
                        push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("a", "hasAnnotation"), $uri] 
        # EXIF data
        # dateTimeOriginal : EXIF/36867
        # dateTimeDigitzed : EXIF/36868

        foreach my $facet (keys %{$data->{exif}}) {
                if (! exists($RDFMAP{$facet})) {
                my $photo_o_url = $data->{files}->{Original}->{uri};

                foreach my $tag (keys %{$data->{exif}->{$facet}}) {
                        my $label = $tag =~ /^\d+$/ ? $RDFMAP{$facet}->{$tag} : $tag;
                        if (! $label) {
                                $self->log()->warning("can't find any label for $facet tag : $tag");

                        my $value = $data->{exif}->{$facet}->{$tag};

                        # dateTimeOriginal/Digitized

                        if ( $facet eq "EXIF" and $label =~ /^dateTime(?:Original|Digitized)$/ ) {

                                my $time = str2time($value);
                                $value   = time2str("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z", $time);
                        push @triples, ["$photo#exif", $self->uri_shortform("exif","$label"), "$value"];
        # sets
        foreach my $set (@{$data->{sets}}) {
                my $set_uri = $self->build_photoset_uri($set);
                push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("dcterms","isPartOf"),$set_uri];
                push @triples, ($self->make_photoset_triples($set));
        # groups
        foreach my $group (@{$data->{groups}}) {
                my $pool_uri  = $self->build_grouppool_uri($group->{id});
                push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("dcterms","isPartOf"),$pool_uri];
                push @triples, ($self->make_group_triples($group));
                push @triples, ($self->make_grouppool_triples($group));
        return (wantarray) ? @triples : \@triples;

=head2 $obj->make_user_triples(\%user_data)

Returns an array ref (or list in a wantarray context) of array
refs of the meta data associated with a user (I<%user_data>).


sub make_user_triples {
        my $self      = shift;
        my $user_data = shift;
        my $uri = $self->build_user_uri($user_data->{user_id});
        my @triples = ();
        push @triples, [$uri,$self->uri_shortform("foaf","nick"),$user_data->{username}];
        push @triples, [$uri,$self->uri_shortform("foaf","name"),$user_data->{realname}];
        push @triples, [$uri,$self->uri_shortform("foaf","mbox_sha1sum"),$user_data->{mbox_sha1sum}];
        push @triples, [$uri,$self->uri_shortform("rdf","type"),$self->uri_shortform("flickr","user")];
        return (wantarray) ? @triples : \@triples;

=head2 $obj->make_tag_triples(\@tag_data)

Returns an array ref (or list in a wantarray context) of array
refs of the meta data associated with a tag (I<@tag_data>).


sub make_tag_triples {
        my $self     = shift;
        my $tag_data = shift;
        my $clean  = $tag_data->[0];
        my $raw    = $tag_data->[1];
        my $author = $tag_data->[2];
        my $is_mt  = $tag_data->[3];
        my $author_uri = $self->build_user_uri($author);
        my $tag_uri    = $self->build_user_tag_uri($tag_data);
        my $clean_uri  = $self->build_global_tag_uri($tag_data);
        my @triples = ();
        push @triples, [$tag_uri,$self->uri_shortform("rdf","type"),$self->uri_shortform("flickr","tag")];
        push @triples, [$tag_uri,$self->uri_shortform("skos","prefLabel"),$raw];
        if ($raw ne $clean) {
                push @triples, [$tag_uri,$self->uri_shortform("skos","altLabel"),$clean];
        push @triples, [$tag_uri,$self->uri_shortform("dc","creator"),$author_uri];
        push @triples, [$tag_uri,$self->uri_shortform("skos","broader"),$FLICKR_URL_TAGS.$clean];
        push @triples, [$FLICKR_URL_TAGS.$clean, $self->uri_shortform("rdf","type"), $self->uri_shortform("flickr","tag")];
        push @triples, [$FLICKR_URL_TAGS.$clean, $self->uri_shortform("skos", "prefLabel"), $clean];
        if ($is_mt) {

                my @mt_parts = $self->explode_machinetag($raw);
                my $mt_uri = $self->build_machinetag_uri($raw);                
                push @triples, [$FLICKR_URL_TAGS.$clean, $self->uri_shortform("skos", "broader"), $mt_uri];
                push @triples, [$FLICKR_URL_TAGS.$clean, $self->uri_shortform("skos", "altLabel"), $mt_parts[2]];
                push @triples, [$tag_uri, $self->uri_shortform("skos", "altLabel"), $mt_parts[2]];

        return (wantarray) ? @triples : \@triples;

=head2 $pkg->make_photoset_triples(\%set_data)

Returns an array ref (or list in a wantarray context) of array
refs of the meta data associated with a photoset (I<%set_data>).


sub make_photoset_triples {
        my $self     = shift;
        my $set_data = shift;
        my @triples = ();
        my $set_uri     = $self->build_photoset_uri($set_data);
        my $creator_uri = $self->build_user_uri($set_data->{user_id});
        push @triples, [$set_uri, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "title"), $set_data->{title}];
        push @triples, [$set_uri, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "description"), $set_data->{description}];
        push @triples, [$set_uri, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "creator"), $creator_uri];
        push @triples, [$set_uri, $self->uri_shortform("rdf", "type"), $self->uri_shortform("flickr","photoset")];
        return (wantarray) ? @triples : \@triples;

=head2 $obj->make_geo_triples(\%geo_data)


sub make_geo_triples {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data = shift;

        my @triples = ();

        my $point   = $self->uri_shortform("geo","Point");
        my $geo_url = $self->build_geo_uri($data);

        push @triples, [$geo_url, $self->uri_shortform("geo", "lat"), $data->{geo}->{lat}];
        push @triples, [$geo_url, $self->uri_shortform("geo", "long"), $data->{geo}->{long}];

        if (exists($data->{geo}->{acc})) {
                push @triples, [$geo_url, $self->uri_shortform("flickr", "accuracy"), $data->{geo}->{acc}];
                push @triples, [$geo_url, $self->uri_shortform("acl", "accessor"), $data->{geo}->{visibility}];
                push @triples, [$geo_url, $self->uri_shortform("acl", "access"), "visbility"];
                push @triples, [$geo_url, $self->uri_shortform("rdf","type"), $point];
        # What the hell is this one for, again?
        # push @triples, [$photo, $self->uri_shortform("dc","coverage"), $data->{coverage}];

        return (wantarray) ? @triples : \@triples;

sub build_flickr_places_url {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data = shift;

        my $url = $self->places_url($data->{'geo'}->{'place_id'});
        $url =~ s/^\///;

        return $FLICKR_URL_PLACES . $url;

sub build_flickr_places_id_url {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data = shift;

        return $FLICKR_URL_PLACES . $data->{'geo'}->{'place_id'};

sub build_flickr_places_url_oldskool {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data = shift;

        my @urn = ();

        foreach my $label (reverse(@FLICKR_GEOPLACES)){
                if ($data->{'geo'}->{$label}){
                        push @urn,  uri_escape($data->{'geo'}->{$label});

        if (! @urn) {
                return ();

        return $FLICKR_URL_GEO . join("/", @urn);

=head2 $obj->make_flickr_places_triples(\%geo_data)


sub make_flickr_places_triples {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data = shift;
        my @triples = ();


        my $photo_url = $self->build_photo_uri($data);
        my $geo_url = $self->build_geo_uri($data);

        my $places_url = $self->build_flickr_places_url($data);
        my $places_id_url = $self->build_flickr_places_id_url($data);
        my $oldplace_url = $self->build_flickr_places_url_oldskool($data);

        push @triples, [$geo_url, $self->uri_shortform("skos", "broader"), $places_url];
        push @triples, [$places_url, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "isReferencedBy"), $photo_url];


        foreach my $label (@FLICKR_GEOPLACES) {
                if (my $place = $data->{'geo'}->{$label}){
                        push @triples, [$places_url, $self->uri_shortform("places", $label), $place];
        push @triples, [$places_url, $self->uri_shortform("places", "id"), $data->{'geo'}->{'place_id'}];
        push @triples, [$places_url, $self->uri_shortform("rdf", "type"), $self->uri_shortform("flickr", "place")];

        # For backwards compatibility

        push @triples, [$places_id_url, $self->uri_shortform("rdfs", "seeAlso"), $places_url];
        push @triples, [$oldplace_url, $self->uri_shortform("rdfs", "seeAlso"), $places_url];


        return (wantarray) ? @triples : \@triples;

=head2 $obj->make_geonames_triples(\%geo_data)


sub make_geonames_triples {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data = shift;

        my @triples = ();
        my $query   = sprintf("%s?style=FULL&lat=%s&lng=%s", $GEONAMES_API_FINDNEARBY, $data->{'geo'}->{'lat'}, $data->{'geo'}->{'long'});


        my $res = undef;
        my $xml = undef;

        eval {
                my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $query);
                $res = $self->{'api'}->request($req);

        if ($@) {
                $self->log()->error("Failed to ping, $@");
                return (wantarray) ? @triples : \@triples;                

        if ($res->is_success()) {
                $xml = $self->_parse_results_xml($res);

        if ($xml) {

                my $photo_url = $self->build_photo_uri($data);
                my $geo_url = $self->build_geo_uri($data);

                my $geoname_url = sprintf("%s?geonameId=%s", $GEONAMES_URL_RDF, $xml->findvalue("/geonames/geoname/geonameId"));

                # basic reverse geocoding

                push @triples, [$geo_url, $self->uri_shortform("skos", "broader"), $geoname_url];
                push @triples, [$geoname_url, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "isReferencedBy"), $photo_url];

                push @triples, [$geoname_url, $self->uri_shortform("geoname", "city"),        $xml->findvalue("normalize-space(/geonames/geoname/adminName2)")];
                push @triples, [$geoname_url, $self->uri_shortform("geoname", "region"),      $xml->findvalue("normalize-space(/geonames/geoname/adminName1)")];
                push @triples, [$geoname_url, $self->uri_shortform("geoname", "regionCode"),  $xml->findvalue("normalize-space(/geonames/geoname/adminCode1)")];
                push @triples, [$geoname_url, $self->uri_shortform("geoname", "countryCode"), $xml->findvalue("normalize-space(/geonames/geoname/countryCode)")];
                push @triples, [$geoname_url, $self->uri_shortform("geoname", "featureCode"), $xml->findvalue("normalize-space(/geonames/geoname/fcode)")];
                push @triples, [$geoname_url, $self->uri_shortform("rdf", "type"),            $self->uri_shortform("geoname", "Feature")];

                # gtopo30
                my $query = sprintf("%s?lat=%s&lng=%s", $GEONAMES_API_GTOPO30, $data->{'geo'}->{'lat'}, $data->{'geo'}->{'long'});
                my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $query);
                my $res = $self->{'api'}->request($req);
                if ($res->is_success()) {
                        $res->content() =~ /(\d+)/m;
                        my $topo = $1;
                        if (($topo) && ($topo != -9999)) {
                                push @triples, [$geoname_url, $self->uri_shortform("geoname", "gtopo30"), $topo];


        # happy happy

        return (wantarray) ? @triples : \@triples;

=head2 $obj->make_group_triples(\%group_data)

Returns an array ref (or list in a wantarray context) of array
refs of the meta data associated with a group (I<%group_data>).


sub make_group_triples {
        my $self       = shift;
        my $group_data = shift;
        my @triples = ();
        my $group_uri = $self->build_group_uri($group_data->{id});
        push @triples, [$group_uri,$self->uri_shortform("dc","title"),$group_data->{name}];
        push @triples, [$group_uri,$self->uri_shortform("dc","description"),$group_data->{description}];
        push @triples, [$group_uri,$self->uri_shortform("rdf","type"),$self->uri_shortform("flickr","group")];
        return (wantarray) ? @triples : \@triples;

=head2 $obj->make_grouppool_triples(\%group_data)

Returns an array ref (or list in a wantarray context) of array
refs of the meta data associated with a group pool (I<%group_data>).


sub make_grouppool_triples {
        my $self       = shift;
        my $group_data = shift;
        my @triples = ();
        my $group_uri = $self->build_group_uri($group_data->{id});
        my $pool_uri  = $self->build_grouppool_uri($group_data->{id});
        push @triples, [$pool_uri, $self->uri_shortform("dcterms","isPartOf"),$group_uri];
        push @triples, [$pool_uri, $self->uri_shortform("rdf","type"),$self->uri_shortform("flickr","grouppool")];
        return (wantarray) ? @triples : \@triples;

=head2 $obj->make_cc_triples($url)

Returns an array ref (or list in a wantarray context) of array
refs of the meta data associated with a Creative Commons license


sub make_cc_triples {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $license = shift;
        my @triples = ();
        $license =~ m!*)/\d\.\d/?$!;
        my $key  = $1;
        if (exists($CC_PERMITS{$key})) {
                foreach my $type (keys %{$CC_PERMITS{$key}}) {
                        foreach my $perm (@{$CC_PERMITS{$key}->{$type}}) {
                                push @triples, [$license, $self->uri_shortform("cc",$type),$DEFAULT_NS{cc}.$perm];
                push @triples, [$license, $self->uri_shortform("rdf","type"),$self->uri_shortform("cc","License")];
        return (wantarray) ? @triples : \@triples;

=head2 $obj->make_comment_triples(\%data)

Returns an array ref (or alist in a wantarray context) of array refs
of the meta data associated with a photo comment (I<%data>).


sub make_comment_triples {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data = shift;

        my $photo_uri = $self->build_photo_uri($data);
        my @triples   = ();

        foreach my $uri_comment (keys %{$data->{comments}}) {

                my $comment    = $data->{comments}->{$uri_comment};
                my $identifier = $comment->{id};

                my $w3cdtf     = time2str("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", $comment->{date});
                my $uri_author = $self->build_user_uri($comment->{user_id});

                # Use atom:content instead of a:body ?

                push @triples, [$uri_comment, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "creator"), $uri_author];
                push @triples, [$uri_comment, $self->uri_shortform("a", "body"), $data->{comments}->{$uri_comment}->{content}];
                push @triples, [$uri_comment, $self->uri_shortform("rdf", "type"), $self->uri_shortform("flickr","comment")];
                push @triples, [$uri_comment, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "created"), $w3cdtf];
                push @triples, [$uri_comment, $self->uri_shortform("dc", "identifier"), $identifier];
                push @triples, [$uri_comment, $self->uri_shortform("a", "annotates"), $photo_uri];

        return (wantarray) ? @triples : \@triples;

=head2 $obj->geodata_from_tags(\%data)

Try to parse out geolocative data from a collection of tag data.

Returns a hash ref (containing 'lat' and 'long' keys) on success
or undef if there were no matches.


sub geodata_from_tags {
        my $self = shift;
        my $data = shift;

        my %geo = ();

        foreach my $id (keys %{$data->{tags}}) {
                my $tag_data = $data->{tags}->{$id};
                my $raw_tag  = $tag_data->[1];

                if ($raw_tag =~ m!^geo:(lat|long)=(.*)$!) {
                        $geo{$1} = $2;

                if (($geo{lat}) && ($geo{long})) {
                        return \%geo;

        return undef;

=head2 $obj->namespaces()

Returns a hash ref of the prefixes and namespaces used by I<Net::Flickr::RDF>

The default key/value pairs are :

=over 4

=item B<a>

=item B<acl>

=item B<atom>

=item B<cc>

=item B<dc>

=item B<dcterms>

=item B<exif>

=item B<exifi>

=item B<flickr>


=item B<foaf>

=item B<geo>

=item B<geoname>

=item B<i>

=item B<rdf>

=item B<rdfs>

=item B<skos>

=item B<ymaps>




sub namespaces {
        my $self = shift;
        return (wantarray) ? %{$self->{'__ns'}} : $self->{'__ns'};

=head2 $obj->add_namespace($prefix, $namespace)

Add a prefix and namespace URI to the list of known namespaces.

This method returns a string containing the prefix you should use for
the namespace URI passed. If the prefix passed to the method is already
reserved for another namespace the method will return the following

 "nfr_" + I<the prefix passed to the method>


sub add_namespace {
        my $self   = shift;
        my $prefix = shift;
        my $url    = shift;

        my $def = $self->{'__ns'}->{$prefix};

        if (($def) && ($def eq $url)){
                return $prefix;

        if ($def){

                my $new_prefix = "nfr_" . $prefix;
                $self->log()->info("prefix $prefix already defined for NS $def; redefined as $new_prefix");

                $prefix = $new_prefix;

        $self->{'__ns'}->{$prefix} = $url;
        return $prefix;

=head2 $obj->namespace_prefix($uri)

Return the namespace prefix for I<$uri>


sub namespace_prefix {
        my $self = shift;
        my $uri  = shift;
        my $ns = $self->namespaces();
        foreach my $prefix (keys %$ns) {
                if ($ns->{$prefix} eq $uri) {
                        return $prefix;
        return undef;

=head2 $obj->uri_shortform($prefix,$name)

Returns a string in the form of I<prefix>:I<property>. The property is
the value of $name. The prefix passed may or may be the same as the prefix
returned depending on whether or not the user has defined or redefined their
own list of namespaces.

Unless this package is subclassed the prefix passed to the method is assumed to
be one of prefixes in the B<default> list of namespaces.


sub uri_shortform {
        my $self   = shift;
        my $prefix = shift;
        my $name   = shift;
        my $ns = $self->namespaces();
        my $uri = $ns->{$prefix};
        if (! $uri) {
                $self->log()->error("unable to determine URI for prefix : '$prefix'");
                return undef;
        my $user_prefix = $self->namespace_prefix($uri);
        return join(":",$user_prefix,$name);

=head2 $obj->api_call(\%args)

Valid args are :

=over 4

=item * B<method>

A string containing the name of the Flickr API method you are

=item * B<args>

A hash ref containing the key value pairs you are passing to 


If the method encounters any errors calling the API, receives an API error
or can not parse the response it will log an error event, via the B<log> method,
and return undef.

Otherwise it will return a I<XML::LibXML::Document> object (if XML::LibXML is
installed) or a I<XML::XPath> object.


# Defined in Net::Flickr::API

=head2 $obj->log()

Returns a I<Log::Dispatch> object.


# Defined in Net::Flickr::API

=head2 $obj->serialise_triples(\@triples,\*$fh)

Print I<@triples> as RDF/XML to a filehandle (I<$fh>). If no filehandle
is defined, prints to STDOUT.


sub serialise_triples {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $triples = shift;
        my $fh      = shift;
        if (! $fh) {
                $fh = \*STDOUT;
        # IO::Scalar-ism

        if ($fh->isa("IO::Scalar")) {

        else {
                binmode $fh, ":utf8";


        my $ser = RDF::Simple::Serialiser->new();
        my %ns = $self->namespaces();
        foreach my $prefix (keys %ns) {
                $ser->addns($prefix, $ns{$prefix});
        return 1;

=head2 $obj->serialize_triples(\@triples,\*$fh)

An alias for I<serialise_triples>


sub serialize_triples {
        my $self = shift;

sub places_url {
        my $self = shift;
        my $place_id = shift;

        if (! exists($self->{'__places_urls'}->{$place_id})){
                $self->{'__places_urls'}->{$place_id} = undef;

                my $info = $self->api_call({'method' => 'flickr.places.resolvePlaceId',
                                            'args' => {'place_id' => $place_id}});

                if ($info){
                        $self->{'__places_urls'}->{$place_id} = $info->findvalue("/rsp/location/\@place_url");

        return $self->{'__places_urls'}->{$place_id};

=head1 VERSION


=head1 DATE

$Date: 2010/12/19 19:06:12 $

=head1 AUTHOR

Aaron Straup Cope E<lt>ascope@cpan.orgE<gt>


Thomas Sibley E<lt>tsibley@cpan.orgE<gt>



This is an example of a Config::Simple file used to collect RDF data
from Flickr


=head2 RDF

This is an example of an RDF dump for a photograph backed up from Flickr :

 <?xml version='1.0'?>    

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:///home/asc/photos/2008/02/16/20080216-2269291707-ambient_pork_m.jpg">
    <dc:creator rdf:resource="x-urn:no#asc"/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:photoset rdf:about="">
    <dc:title>Untitled Set #2008</dc:title>
    <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:tag rdf:about="">
    <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:broader rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:prefLabel rdf:resource="filtr:process=filtr"/>

 <dcterms:StillImage rdf:about="">
    <dcterms:isVersionOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:place rdf:about="">
    <places:locality>San Francisco</places:locality>
    <places:county>San Francisco</places:county>
    <places:country>United States</places:country>
    <dc:isReferencedBy rdf:resource=""/>

 <dcterms:StillImage rdf:about="">
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:tag rdf:about="">

 <flickr:tag rdf:about="">
    <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:broader rdf:resource=""/>

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="x-urn:flickr:tag">
    <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="x-urn:freebsd:user">
    <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:tag rdf:about="">
    <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:broader rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:tag rdf:about="">

 <flickr:user rdf:about="">
    <foaf:name>heather powazek champ</foaf:name>

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <skos:broader rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:broader rdf:resource=""/>

 <dcterms:StillImage rdf:about="">
    <dcterms:isVersionOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>

 <dcterms:StillImage rdf:about="">
    <dcterms:isVersionOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <exif:flash>Flash did not fire, auto mode</exif:flash>
    <exif:focalLength>5.6 mm</exif:focalLength>
    <exif:exposureTime>0.005 sec (1/200)</exif:exposureTime>

 <flickr:tag rdf:about="">
    <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:broader rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:user rdf:about="">
    <foaf:name>Aaron Straup Cope</foaf:name>

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="x-urn:flickr:comment">
    <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>

 <dcterms:StillImage rdf:about="">
    <dcterms:isVersionOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:machinetag rdf:about="">
    <dc:isReferencedBy rdf:resource=""/>

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="x-urn:flickr:machinetag">
    <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:machinetag rdf:about="">
    <dc:isReferencedBy rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:tag rdf:about="">
    <skos:broader rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:prefLabel rdf:resource="geonames:locality=5391959"/>

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:///home/asc/photos/2008/02/16/20080216-2269291707-ambient_pork.jpg">
    <dc:creator rdf:resource="x-urn:no#asc"/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:tag rdf:about="">
    <skos:broader rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:prefLabel rdf:resource="filtr:process=filtr"/>

 <flickr:photo rdf:about="">
    <dc:title>Ambient Pork</dc:title>
    <dc:rights>All rights reserved.</dc:rights>
    <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/>
    <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/>
    <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/>
    <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/>
    <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/>
    <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/>
    <dc:subject rdf:resource=""/>
    <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <a:hasAnnotation rdf:resource=""/>
    <geo:Point rdf:resource=""/>

 <computer:user rdf:about="x-urn:no#asc">
    <foaf:name>Aaron Straup Cope</foaf:name>

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="#">
    <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/>
    <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:tag rdf:about="">

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="x-urn:flickr:user">
    <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:machinetag rdf:about="">
    <dc:isReferencedBy rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:comment rdf:about="">
    <a:body>best. title. ever.</a:body>
    <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/>
    <a:annotates rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:tag rdf:about="">
    <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:broader rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:prefLabel rdf:resource="geonames:locality=5391959"/>

 <flickr:tag rdf:about="">
    <skos:broader rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:prefLabel rdf:resource="ph:camera=n82"/>

 <geoname:Feature rdf:about="">
    <geoname:city>San Francisco County</geoname:city>
    <dc:isReferencedBy rdf:resource=""/>

 <flickr:tag rdf:about="">
    <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:broader rdf:resource=""/>
    <skos:prefLabel rdf:resource="ph:camera=n82"/>

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>

 <dcterms:StillImage rdf:about="">
    <dcterms:isVersionOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="file:///home/asc/photos/2008/02/16/20080216-2269291707-ambient_pork_s.jpg">
    <dc:creator rdf:resource="x-urn:no#asc"/>
    <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>


=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 TO DO

=over 4

=item *

Methods for describing more than just a photo; groups, tags, etc.

=item *

Update bounding boxes to be relative to individual images

=item *

Proper tests


Patches are welcome.

=head1 BUGS

Please report all bugs via

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Aaron Straup Cope. All Rights Reserved.

This is free software. You may redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


return 1;
