The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use strict;
use warnings;
# ^^^^^ Must not be moved. The first line is used in a test of isa_File!

# $Id$
# $Source$
# $Author$
# $HeadURL$
# $Revision$
# $Date$

use Test::More;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use lib 'lib';
use lib $Bin;
use lib 't';
use lib "$Bin/../lib";
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed refaddr);
use TestProperties;
use Cat;
use Test::Exception;



plan( tests => $THIS_TEST_HAS_TESTS );


dies_ok( sub { ! Class::Dot::property( ) }, 'property without name dies.');
like($EVAL_ERROR, qr/Property needs name/,
    '... and we get the error message we expect.'

my $metaclass = Class::Dot::Meta::Class->new();
ok( $metaclass, 'Create instance of the default metaclass' );

my $testo  = TestProperties->new( );
isa_ok($testo, 'Class::Dot::Object', 'TestProperties class::dot object');
my $cat    = Cat->new( );
isa_ok($cat, 'Class::Dot::Object', 'Cat class::dot object');
my $testo2 = TestProperties->new({ obj => $cat });
isa_ok($testo2, 'Class::Dot::Object', 'another TestProperties class::dot object');

my $testo3 = TestProperties->new({ obj => $cat });
is( $testo3->obj, $cat, 'defaults ok after second instance' );

for my $property (qw(foo set_foo bar set_bar obj set_obj defval set_defval
    digit set_digit hash set_hash array set_array compoze
    nodefault set_nodefault intnoval set_intnoval string set_string)) {
    can_ok($testo, $property);
isa_ok( $testo->obj,  'Cat',
   'isa_Object creates a new object of the type it is by default'
is(refaddr($testo2->obj), refaddr($cat),
   'isa_Object doesn\'t create new object if object already set.'
ok( ! defined $testo->mystery_object, 'isa_Object with no default class' );
ok( ! defined $testo->another_object, 'isa_Object with no default class' );
ok(! $testo->foo, 'isa_Data has no default value' );
$testo->set_foo('foofoo', 'set a value');
is($testo->foo, 'foofoo', 'retrieve a value');
$testo->set_bar('barbar', 'set another value');
is($testo->bar, 'barbar', 'retrieve another value');
is_deeply($testo->array, [qw(the quick brown fox ...)],
    'array with default_values'
is_deeply($testo->hash, {
        hello => 'world',
        goobye => 'wonderful',
    'isa_Hash default value',

# Composition with composite().
isa_ok( $testo->compoze, 'Composite', 'Composition with composite(): ');
ok( $testo->compoze->can('name'),      'Object created at composition: ');
is( $testo->compoze->name, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.',
    'Can get/call composited objects properties'

isa_ok($testo->blessed, 'Some::XXX::Class', 'no type but blessed object');
is( $testo->xyzzy, 3.141592, 'isa_Data with default value');

is( $testo->digit, 303, 'isa_Int default value' );

is( $testo->nofunc, 'This does not use isa_*',
    'property that does not use isa_*'

ok(! $testo->intnoval, 'int with no default value is not true' );

ok(! defined $testo->intnoval, 'int with no default is not defined' );

ok(! $testo->nodefault, 'property with no type set is not true' );

ok(! defined $testo->nodefault, 'property with no type set is not defined' );

ok(! $testo->string, 'string with no default value is not true' );

ok(! defined $testo->string, 'string with no default value is not defined' );

is($testo->defval, 'la liberation', 'default value for isa_String');

eval '$testo->bar("this should croak")';
    qr/You tried to set a value with bar\(\)\. Did you mean set_bar\(\) \?/,
    'croak on bar("value")'

isa_ok($testo->code,    'CODE', 'return value of isa_Code w/o default');
isa_ok($testo->codedef, 'CODE', 'return value of isa_Code w/  default');
is($testo->codedef->(), 10, 'isa_Code property is callable');
isa_ok($testo->filehandle, 'FileHandle',
    'return value of isa_File w/o default'
isa_ok($testo->myself, 'GLOB',
    'return value of isa_File w/ default'
my $fh = $testo->myself;
my $line = <$fh>;
like($line, qr/use strict/, 'read from a isa_File');

can_ok($testo, '__setattr__');
can_ok($testo, '__getattr__');
can_ok($testo, '__hasattr__');
ok( $testo->__hasattr__('string'),    '->__hasattr__() existing' );
ok( TestProperties->__hasattr__('string'),
    '->__hasattr__() as class method'
ok(!$testo->__hasattr__('stringnot'), '->__hasattr__() nonexisting' );
ok( $testo->__setattr__('string', 'the blob jumps high over the flob'),
	'->__setattr__() with existing attr'
ok(!$testo->__setattr__('stringnot', 'the blob jumps high over the flob'),
	'->__setattr__() with nonexisting attr'
is( $testo->__getattr__('string'), 'the blob jumps high over the flob',
	'->__getattr()__ set after ->__setattr__()'
is( $testo->string, 'the blob jumps high over the flob',
	'->$property() set after ->__setattr__()'

isa_ok( $testo->regex_empty, 'Regexp', 'isa_Regexp default value');
my $match_against = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.';
ok( $match_against =~ $testo->regex_def, 'Can match against isa_Regex');
is( $testo->bool, 1, 'isa_Bool default value of 0xffff becomes 1');

# Test attribute privacy: readonly / ro

is( $testo->readonly, 'read me' );
ok(!$testo->can('set_readonly'), 'privacy readonly has no setter');
    'privacy readonly meta has no setter_name() defined'
is( $testo->readonly2, 'we read' );
ok(!$testo->can('set_readonly2'), 'privacy readonly has no setter');
    'privacy readonly meta has no setter_name() defined'

# Test attribute privacy: writeonly / wo

is( $testo->__getattr__('writeonly'), 'write me',
    'privacy wo: can __getattr__'
$testo->set_writeonly('read me later');
ok(!$testo->can('writeonly'), 'privacy writeonly has no getter');
is( $testo->__getattr__('writeonly'), 'read me later',
    'privacy wo: can set_writeonly'
    'privacy writeonly meta has no setter_name() defined'

is( $testo->__getattr__('writeonly2'), 'we write',
    'privacy wo: can __getattr__'
$testo->set_writeonly2('read me later');
ok(!$testo->can('writeonly2'), 'privacy writeonly has no getter');
is( $testo->__getattr__('writeonly2'), 'read me later',
    'privacy wo: can set_writeonly2'
    'privacy writeonly meta has no setter_name() defined'

my $propz = Class::Dot->properties_for_class($testo);
if ($propz->{defval}->can('type')) {
    is( $propz->{defval}->type(), 'String');
    is( $propz->{defval}->default_value, 'la liberation');
    my $defval_meta = $testo->__meta__('defval');
    is( $defval_meta->type, 'String', '__meta__->type is String');
    is( $defval_meta->default_value, 'la liberation', 
        '__meta__->default_value is defined'
else {
    for my $i (1 ... $THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS) {
        ok ($i, 'this feature does not exist anymore. and it is ok');

ok(!$testo->__getattr__('stringnot'), '__getattr__() nonexisting' );

is( $testo->override, 'not modified', 'override with after_property_set');

is( $testo->override, 'modified',     'override with after_property_get');

is( $testo->override2, 'xxx not modified', 'override with sub set_xxx {...}');

$testo->set_override('xxx modified');
is( $testo->override, 'xxx modified',     'override with sub xxx {...}');

# Property names starting with _ is special, in that the set accessor
# is named _set_property instead of set__property
    '__private becomes __set_private not set___private'
    '_private becomes _set_private not set__private'
    '__private__ becomes __set_private__ not set___private__'
$testo->_set_private('Private contents 1');
is($testo->_private, 'Private contents 1',
    'set with _set_private',
$testo->__set_private('Private contents 2');
is($testo->__private, 'Private contents 2',
    'set with __set_private',
is($testo->_private, 'Private contents 1',
    '_private not affected by __set_private',
$testo->__set_private__('Private contents 3');
is($testo->__private__, 'Private contents 3',
    'set with __set_private__',
is($testo->_private, 'Private contents 1',
    '_private not affected by __set_private__'

ok( $testo->__hasattr__('_private'),    'hasattr _private');
ok( $testo->__hasattr__('__private'),   'hasattr __private');
ok( $testo->__hasattr__('__private__'), 'hasattr __private__');

my $props_unfinalized = Class::Dot->properties_for_class(ref $testo);
    'non-finalized class does not cache properties_for_class()'

is( $testo->__hasattr__('obj'), 1,
    '__hasattr_ not cached before finalization'

# Class finalization. SHOULD BE TESTED LAST.
ok( ! $testo->__is_finalized__, 'not finalized before finalize_class()');
ok( $testo->__finalize__, 'finalize class with $self->__finalize__()');
ok( TestProperties->__finalize__,
    'finalize class with Class->__finalize__()'
ok( $testo->__is_finalized__,  'is finalized after finalize_class()');
ok( $testo2->__is_finalized__, 'other instance also finalized');
ok( Class::Dot::finalize_class(ref $testo), 'finalize class again');
ok( Class::Dot::finalize_class(), 'finalize class with caller');

my $props_finalized = Class::Dot->properties_for_class(ref $testo);
is( $props_finalized->{__is_retrieved_cached__}, 1,
    'finalized class caches properties_for_class()'

ok( $testo->__hasattr__('obj'), '__hasattr__ works after finalization');
is( $testo->__hasattr__('obj'), 2, '__hashattr__ cached after finalization');
ok(!$testo->__hasattr__('stringnot'), '__hasattr__ false on nonexisting');

# I'm a sucker for coverage :-)
    no warnings 'uninitialized'; ## no critic
    ok( Class::Dot->properties_for_class($testo), 'properties for class' );

# Test that inheriting from yourself gives a warning.
    no strict   'refs';     ## no critic
    no warnings 'redefine'; ## no critic
    my $orig_carp = \&Class::Dot::carp;

    my $carp_contents;
    *{ "Class::Dot::Meta::Class::carp" } = sub {
        $carp_contents = join q{ }, @_;

    Class::Dot::Meta::Class::carp('This carp is overridden');
    is($carp_contents, 'This carp is overridden', 'carp overrideable');

    $metaclass->superclasses_for('NonExisting' => 'NonExisting');
    is($carp_contents, "Class 'NonExisting' tried to inherit from itself.", 
        'superclasses_for: Inheriting from yourself yields warnings'

    # Ineherit from non-existing module.
    no warnings 'Class::Plugin::Util'; ## no critic
    my $old_warn_sig = $SIG{__WARN__};
    $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
    eval { Class::Dot::superclasses_for(
        'NonExisting' => 'Non::ExistingModule'
    ) };
    ok( $EVAL_ERROR, 'Cannot inherit from non-existing module' );
    $SIG{__WARN__} = $old_warn_sig;
    *{ "Class::Dot::carp" } = $orig_carp;

# Create class
my $class_name    = 'Hope::This::Class::Does::Not::Exist';
my $class_methods = {
    new => sub {
        my ($self, $options_ref) = @_;
        $options_ref ||= { };
        return bless {%{ $options_ref }}, $class_name;
    hello => sub {
        return 'world',
my $class_isa;
my $class_version = 3.141592;
ok(! $metaclass->create_class(
        $class_name, $class_methods, $class_isa, $class_version
ok(! $metaclass->create_class($class_name),
    'create_class same class again'
is( $class_name->VERSION, $class_version, 'VERSION is set in created class');
is( $class_name->hello, 'world', 'predefined method is defined');
my $class_instance = $class_name->new({foo => 'xyzzy'});
isa_ok($class_instance, $class_name);
is( $class_instance->{foo}, 'xyzzy', 'options_ref parsed');

my $subclass_name    = 'XXX::HTCDNE';
my $subclass_methods = {
    new => sub {
        my ($self, $options_ref) = @_;
        $options_ref ||= { };
        return bless {%{ $options_ref }}, $subclass_name;
    goodbye => sub {
        return 'universe',
my $subclass_isa    = [$class_name];
    $subclass_name, $subclass_methods, $subclass_isa
is( int $subclass_name->VERSION, 1, 'default class version is 1');
my $subclass_instance = $subclass_name->new({bar => 'xazzA'});
is( $subclass_instance->hello, 'world',
    'subclass inherits from parent'
is( $subclass_instance->goodbye, 'universe',
    'subclass has methods',
is( $subclass_instance->{bar}, 'xazzA',
    'subclass is a hash',
    'XXX::XXX::XXX::YYYY::YYYY::CCCC', undef, undef, 2.48
is( sprintf("%.2f", XXX::XXX::XXX::YYYY::YYYY::CCCC->VERSION), 2.48,
    'create class without methods',

eval { Class::Dot::Typemap->import(':std', ':nonstd') };
like( $EVAL_ERROR, qr/Only one export class can be used/,
    'C::D::Types: only one export class can be used at a time'
eval { Class::Dot::Typemap->import('ThisSubDoesNotExist') };
like( $EVAL_ERROR, 
    qr/There is no ThisSubDoesNotExist for type ThisSubDoesNotExist/,
    'C::D::Types: import nonexisting'

eval { Class::Dot::Typemap->import(':nonstd') };
ok(! $EVAL_ERROR, 'import nonexisting export class');

# Test that invalid type for has() croaks.
eval {
    use Class::Dot qw(has);
    has 'foormpxxxxpltttooooh' => (
        is => 'rw', isa => 'NonExistingTypeXXXRopmpmasdsd'
like($EVAL_ERROR, qr/Unknown type constraint/,
    'invalid type for has() croaks'

ok( $testo->can('HOW'), 'the __metaclass_ method is available');
ok( $testo->HOW, 'the metaclass is defined');
ok( blessed $testo->HOW, 'the metaclass is a object instance' );

ok( $testo->HOW->can('property'),
    'HOW has property object'
ok( $testo->HOW->property,
    'the metaclasses property attr is defined'
ok( blessed $testo->HOW->property,
    'the metaclasses property attr is an object instance'

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#   mode: cperl
#   cperl-indent-level: 4
#   fill-column: 78
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