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#  Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Andrew Speer <>.
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of WebDyne.
#  WebDyne is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
package WebDyne::Install;

#  Compiler Pragma
sub BEGIN	{ $^W=0 };
use strict	qw(vars);
use vars	qw($VERSION @EXPORT_OK @ISA);
use warnings;
no  warnings	qw(uninitialized);

#  Export the message function
require Exporter;

#  WebDyne Modules
use WebDyne::Base;

#  Constants
use WebDyne::Constant;
use WebDyne::Install::Constant;

#  External Modules
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
use IO::File;
use Config;

#  Version information

#  Debug
debug("%s loaded, version $VERSION", __PACKAGE__);

#  Uninstaller global
my $Uninstall_fg;

#  Init done.


sub message {

    #  Print out messages unless silent flag set
    return if $ENV{'SILENT'};
    @_ || return print $/;
    my $message=
	sprintf(join('[%sinstall] - ',  undef, ucfirst(shift())).$/, $Uninstall_fg && 'un', @_);
    print $message;


sub uninstall {

    #  Get prefix, discard class
    my (undef, $prefix)=@_;
    $prefix=undef if ($prefix eq $Config{'prefix'});

    #  Set uninstall flag
    message ;

    #  Get cache dn
    my $cache_dn=&cache_dn($prefix);

    #  Delete cache files and remove if empty
    if ($cache_dn && (-d $cache_dn)) {
	my @file_cn=glob(File::Spec->catfile($cache_dn, '*'));
	message "removing cache files from '$cache_dn'";
        foreach my $fn (grep {/\w{32}(\.html)?$/} @file_cn) {
            unlink $fn; #don't error here if problems, user will never see it
	message "removing cache directory '$cache_dn'";
	rmdir $cache_dn unless ($cache_dn eq File::Spec->tmpdir);
    if ($prefix) {
	message "updating perl5lib config.";
	&perl5lib::del($prefix) if $prefix;
	rmdir($prefix) if $prefix;

    #  Done
    return \undef;


#  Create cache dir and update perl5lib param
sub install {

    #  Get prefix, discard class
    my (undef, $prefix)=@_;
    $prefix=undef if ($prefix eq $Config{'prefix'});

    message ;
    message sprintf(q[installation source directory '%s'.], $prefix || $Config{'prefix'});

    #  Create the cache dir
    unless  (-d (my $cache_dn=&cache_dn($prefix))) {

	#  Make
	message "creating cache directory '$cache_dn'.";
	File::Path::mkpath($cache_dn, 0, 0755) || do {
	    return err("unable to create dir $cache_dn") unless (-d $cache_dn) };

    else {

	message "using existing cache directory '$cache_dn'.";


    #  Add prefix to perl5lib store
    message "updating perl5lib config.";
    &perl5lib::add($prefix) if $prefix;

    # Done

    # Done
    return \undef;


#  Work out cache dn
sub cache_dn {

    #  Get any prefix supplied
    my $prefix=shift();

    #  Var to hold returned result
    my $cache_dn;

    #  Use user specified location
    if ($WEBDYNE_CACHE_DN) {
    #  If installed into custom location via PREFIX, but not the same
    #  as the Perl instal,
    elsif ($prefix && ($prefix ne $Config{'prefix'})) {
	$cache_dn=File::Spec->catdir($prefix, 'cache');
    #  No prefix spec'd, or prefix is the same as Perl install dir, so
    #  use default location
    else {
    #  Done return result
    return $cache_dn;
