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#  Compile and/or show compiled version of WebDyne HTML scripts
package main;

#  Compiler pragma
sub BEGIN {
    #  Massage warnings and @INC path
    use File::Spec;
    use FindBin qw($RealBin $Script);
    require File::Spec->catfile($RealBin, '');
    perl5lib->import(File::Spec->catdir($RealBin, File::Spec->updir()));
use strict qw(vars);
use vars   qw($VERSION);

#  Use the base module
use WebDyne::Base;

#  Other external modules
use WebDyne;
use WebDyne::Request::Fake;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use IO::File;

#  Version Info, must be all one line for MakeMaker, CPAN.

#  Run main
exit ${ &main(\@ARGV) || die errdump() };


sub main {

    #  Get argv array ref
    my $argv_ar=shift();

    #  Defaul options
    my %opt=(

	handler    => $ENV{'WebDyneHandler'} || 'WebDyne',
	error	   => 'text',
	header     => 0,
	warn	   => 1,


    #  Get command line options
    ) || pod2usage(2);
    pod2usage(-verbose => 99, -sections => 'Synopsis|Options', -exitval => 1) if $opt{'help'};
    pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $opt{'man'};
    $opt{'version'} && do {
      print "$Script version: $VERSION\n"; 
      print "WebDyne version: $WebDyne::VERSION\n";
      exit 0 

    #  Is dest file set ? If so open
    my $dest_fh;
    if (my $dest_fn=$opt{'outfile'}) {
        $dest_fh=IO::File->new($dest_fn, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY) ||
            return err("unable to open file $dest_fn for output, $!");

    #  Get srce file, add to options
    my $srce_fn=shift(@{$argv_ar}) ||
	pod2usage("$Script: no source file specified !");
    (-f $srce_fn) ||
	pod2usage("$Script: input file not found !");

    #  Get new request object
    my $r=WebDyne::Request::Fake->new(

	filename	=>  $srce_fn,
	#select          =>  $dest_fh,
	#status          =>  $opt{'status'},

       ) || return err();

    #  Set headers
    foreach my $header_out (@{$opt{'header_out0'}}) {
        my ($k,$v)=split(/\s*:\s*/, $header_out);
    foreach my $header_in (@{$opt{'header_in0'}}) {
        my ($k,$v)=split(/\s*:\s*/, $header_in);

    #  Get handler
    my $handler=$opt{'handler'};

    #  Load up whichever handler we are using
    eval ("require $handler") ||
	return err("$Script: unable to load handler $handler, $@");

    #  Set text errors only
    $WebDyne::Err::WEBDYNE_ERROR_TEXT=1 if ($opt{'error'} eq 'text');
    #  Set header, warning output
    $r->notes('noheader', !$opt{'header'});
    $r->notes('nowarn',   !$opt{'warn'});

    #  Run it and display results, or any error generated
    defined($handler->handler($r)) || return err();

    #  Manual cleanup

    #  Done, return success



=head1 Name

wdrender - parse and render WebDyne pages

=head1 Synopsis

B<wdrender> B<[OPTIONS]> B<FILE>

=head1 Options

-h, --help
Show brief help message.

-v, --version
Show version information.

=over 5

=item --handler

Use a different WebDyne handler module. Currently the only other
handler module available is WebDyne::Chain.


=over 5

=item --header

Show HTTP status headers (default). User --noheader to disable.


=over 5

=item --error=text[|html]

Show text error messages. User --error=html to HTML error message.


=item --outfile=<filename>

Send output to <filename> instead of STDOUT


=item --header_in="Header: Value"

Set simulated input header name to value. Can be set multiple times


=item --header_out="Header: Value"

Send output header with value (if header output enabled). Can be set multiple times


=item --status=value

Send status code x (e.g. 200,500,404) with header (if header output enabled)


=head1 Description

The B<wdrender> command displays the HTML that would be generated from a
psp page using the WebDyne perl module.

By default B<wdrender> will use the internal WebDyne handler when building
the output, but can optionally use other WebDyne modules (such as
WebDyne::Chain) by using the B<--handler> option..

=head1 Notes

The B<wdrender> command will attempt to build the HTML as faithfully as
possible from the command line environment, but may not be able to
exactly duplicate the HTML generated under a real Web Server. As an
example if a psp page takes advantge of the Apache request handler when
generating HTML, the B<wdrender> commend will not be able to duplicate
that environment.

=head1 Examples

B<wdrender> B<widget.psp>

Display the HTML that would be generated by WebDyne from the widget.psp

B<wdrender> B<--handler=WebDyne::Chain> B<widget.psp>

Display the HTML that would be generated by WebDyne from the widget.psp
file, but this time using the WebDyne::Chain handler. In this case the
example would fail, as WebDyne::Chain expects to get a list of modules
it will chain the page throught. Normally it would get that from the
Web Server configuration file, but the WebDyne::Chain module can take
the list of modules from the environment also. So a better example
would be:

B<WebDyneChain=WebDyne::Session> B<wdrender> B<--handler=WebDyne::Chain>

=head1 Author

Written by Andrew Speer,

=head1 Copying

Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Andrew Speer. Free use of this software is
granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)