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#  Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Andrew Speer <>.
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of WebDyne.
#  WebDyne is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
package WebDyne::Base;

#  Compiler Pragma
sub BEGIN	{ $^W=0 };
use strict	qw(vars);
use vars	qw($VERSION @EXPORT);
use warnings;
no  warnings	qw(uninitialized redefine once);

#  External modules
use Data::Dumper;
use IO::File;

#  Use Exporter
require Exporter;

#  Exports
@EXPORT=qw(err errstr errclr errdump errsubst errstack errnofatal);

#  Version information

#  Var to hold package wide hash, for data shared across package, and error stack
my (%Package, @Err);

#  All done. Positive return


sub import {

    #  Get message
    my ($message, @param)=@_;

    #  Get who is calling us
    my $caller=(caller(0))[0] || return undef;

    #  fh we will write to
    my $debug_fh;

    #  Environment var overrides all

	#  fn is whatever spec'd
	$debug_fh=IO::File->new($fn, O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_WRONLY) || do {
	    warn("unable to open file '$fn', $!");

    elsif ($ENV{'WEBDYNE_DEBUG'}) {

	#  fh is stderr

    elsif (ref(my $debug_hr=${"${caller}::DEBUG"}) eq 'HASH') {

	#  Debug is hash ref, extract filename etc and open
	my ($fn, $mode, $package)=@{$debug_hr}{qw(filename mode package)};
	$fn ||= $debug_hr->{'file'}; #Alias
	if ($fn && ($package ? ($package eq $caller) : 1)) {
	    $mode ||= O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_WRONLY;
	    $debug_fh=($Package{'debug_fh'}{$fn} ||= (
		IO::File->new($fn,$mode) || do {
		    warn("unable to open file '$fn', $!");
	elsif (!$fn) {
	    warn(sprintf('no file name specified in DEBUG hash %s', Dumper($debug_hr)));

    elsif (!ref(my $fn=${"${caller}::DEBUG"}) && ${"${caller}::DEBUG"}) {

	#  Just file name spec'd. Open
	    $Package{'debug_fh'}{$fn} ||= (
		IO::File->new($fn, O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_WRONLY) || do {
		    warn("unable to open file '$fn', $!");

    #  After all that did we get a file handle ? If so, import the debug handler
    if ($debug_fh) {

	#  Yes, setup debug routine
	*{"${caller}::debug" }= sub {
	    local $|=1;
	    my $method=(caller(1))[3] || 'main';
	    (my $subroutine=$method)=~s/^.*:://;
	    if ($ENV{'WEBDYNE_DEBUG'} && ($ENV{'WEBDYNE_DEBUG'} ne '1')) {
		my @debug_target=split(/[,;:]/, $ENV{'WEBDYNE_DEBUG'});
		foreach my $debug_target(@debug_target) {
		    if (($caller eq $debug_target) || ($method=~/\Q$debug_target\E$/)) {
			CORE::print $debug_fh "[$subroutine] ", sprintf(shift(), @_), $/;
	    else {
		CORE::print $debug_fh "[$subroutine] ", $_[1] ? sprintf(shift(), @_) : $_[0], $/;
	} unless UNIVERSAL::can($caller, 'debug');
	*{"${caller}::Dumper"}=\&Data::Dumper::Dumper unless UNIVERSAL::can($caller, 'Dumper');

    else {

	#  No, null our debug and Dumper routine
	*{"${caller}::debug" }= sub {} unless UNIVERSAL::can($caller, 'debug');
	#*{"${caller}::Dumper"}= sub {} unless UNIVERSAL::can($caller, 'Dumper');


    #  Setup file handle for error backtrace
    if (my $fn=${"${caller}::ERROR"}) {

	#  Just file name spec'd. Log


    #  Done
    goto &Exporter::import;


sub errnofatal {

    @_ ? $Package{'nofatal'}=@_ : $Package{'nofatal'};


sub err {

    #  Get the message and any sprintf params
    my ($message, @param)=@_;

    #  If no message supplied return last one seen
    unless ($message) {
	$message=@Err ? $Err[$#Err]->[0] && return undef :  'undefined error';
    else {
	$message=sprintf($message, @param) if @param;

    #  Init the caller var and array
    my @caller;
    my $caller=(caller(0))[0];

    #  Populate the caller array
    for (my $i=0; my @info=(caller($i))[0..3]; $i++) {
	#  Push onto the caller array
	push @caller, \@info;


    #  If this message is *not* the same as the last one we saw,
    #  we will log it
    unless ($message eq (@Err && $Err[0]->[0])) {

        #  Add to stack
        unshift @Err, [$message, @caller];

	#  If caller has a debug function enabled, call this with the warning
	if (UNIVERSAL::can($caller, 'debug')) {

	    #  Yes, they are using the debug module, so can we call it


	#  Dump to backtrace file if enabled
	foreach my $fn (keys %{$Package{'error_fn'}}) {

	    unless (my $fh=IO::File->new($fn, O_CREAT|O_APPEND|O_WRONLY)) {
		warn("unable to open file '$fn', $!");
	    else {
		seek($fh,0,2); # Seek to EOF
		my $errdump=&errdump();
		CORE::print $fh $errdump, $/,$/;



    #  Return undef
    return $Package{'nofatal'} ? undef : die(&errdump);


sub errstr {

    #  Check that there are messages in the stack before trying to get
    #  the last one
    if (my $count=@Err) {

	#  There are objects in the array, so it is safe to do a fetch
	#  on the last (-1) array slot
	my $errstr=$Err[--$count]->[0];

	#  And return the errstr
	return $errstr;

    else {

	#  Nothing in the array stack, return undef
	return undef;



sub errclr {

    #  Clear the warning stack
    undef @Err;

    #  Replace errors if args
    @_ && (return &err(@_));

    #  Return OK always
    return 1;


sub errsubst {

    #  Replace the current error message with a new one, keeping callback
    #  stack
    my ($message, @param)=@_;

    #  If no message supplied return last one seen
    unless ($message) {
	$message=@Err ? $Err[$#Err]->[0] && return undef :  'undefined error';
    else {
	$message=sprintf($message, @param);

    #  Chomp the message

    #  Replace if present, define if not
    @Err ? ($Err[$#Err]->[0] = $message) : goto &err;

    #  Return
    return undef;


sub errdump {

    #  Use can send additional info to dump as key/value pairs in hash ref
    #  supplied as arg
    my $info_hr=shift();

    #  Return a dump of error in a nice format, no params. Do this with
    #  format strings, so define the ones we will use
    my @format=(

	'+' . ('-' x 78) .  "+\n",
	"| @<<<<< | ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< |\n",
	"|        | ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~ |\n"


    #  Go through the message stack on error at a time in reverse order
    foreach my $err_ar (reverse @Err) {

	#  Get message, clean up
	my $message=ucfirst($err_ar->[0]);
	$message.='.' unless $message=~/[\.\!\?]$/;
	my @message=split("\n", $message);
	$message=shift @message if @message;

	#  Print out date, time, error message
	formline $format[0];
	formline $format[1], 'Date', scalar(localtime());
	formline $format[0];
	formline $format[1], 'Error', $message;
	(formline $format[2], $message) if $message;
	map {formline $format[2], $_} @message if @message;
	formline $format[0];

	#  Flag so we know we have printed the caller field
	my $caller_fg;

	#  Go through callback stack
	for (my $i=1; defined($err_ar->[$i]); $i++) {

	    #  Get method, line no and file
	    my $method=$err_ar->[$i+1][3] || $err_ar->[$i][0] ||  last;
	    my $lineno=$err_ar->[$i][2] || next;
	    my $filenm=$err_ar->[$i][1];

	    #  Print them out, print out caller label unless we
	    #  have already done so
	    formline $format[1],
	    $caller_fg ++ ? '' : 'Caller' , "$method, line $lineno";


	#  Include any user supplied info
	while (my ($key, $value)=each %{$info_hr}) {

	    #  Print separator, info
	    formline $format[0];
	    formline $format[1], $key, $value;
	    (formline $format[2], $value) if $value;


	#  Finish off formatting, print PID. Dont ask me why $$ has to be "$$",
	#  it does not show up any other way
	formline $format[0];
	formline $format[1], 'PID', "$$";
	formline $format[0];
	formline "\n";


    #  Empty the format accumulator and return it
    my $return=$^A; undef $^A;
    return $return;


sub errstack {

    #  Return or push the raw error stack
    return @_ ? \(@Err=@{$_[1]}) : \@Err;
