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#  Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Andrew Speer <>.
#  All rights reserved.
#  This file is part of WebDyne.
#  WebDyne is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
package WebDyne::HTML::TreeBuilder;

#  Compiler Pragma
use strict	qw(vars);
use warnings;
no  warnings	qw(uninitialized redefine once);

#  WebDyne Modules
use WebDyne;
use WebDyne::Constant;
use WebDyne::Base;

#  External Modules. Keep HTML::Entities or nullification of encode/decode
#  subs will not work below
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use HTML::Entities;
use HTML::Tagset;
use IO::File;
use Data::Dumper;

#  Inheritance

#  Version information

#  Debug load
debug("Loading %s version $VERSION", __PACKAGE__);

#  Make a hash of our implictly closed tags. TODO, expand to full list,
#  instead of most used.
#%CGI_TAG_IMPLICIT=map { $_=>1 } (
#    'popup_menu',
#    'textfield',
#    'textarea',
#    'radio_group',
#    'password_field',
#    'filefield',
#    'scrolling_list',
#    'checkbox_group',
#    'checkbox',
#    'hidden',
#    'submit',
#    'reset',
#    'dump'
#   );

#  Update - get from CGI module, add special dump tag
%CGI_TAG_IMPLICIT=map { $_=>1 } (



#  Get WebDyne tags from main module

#  The tags below need to be handled specially at compile time - see the method
#  associated with each tag below.
map { $CGI_TAG_SPECIAL{$_}++ } qw(perl script style start_html end_html include);

#  Nullify Entities encode & decode
*HTML::Entities::encode=sub {};
*HTML::Entities::decode=sub {};

#  Add to islist items in TreeBuilder
map { $HTML::TreeBuilder::isList{$_}++ } keys %CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE;

#  Need to tell HTML::TagSet about our special elements so
map { $HTML::Tagset::isTableElement{$_}++ }  keys %CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE;

#  And that we also block <p> tag closures
push @HTML::TreeBuilder::p_closure_barriers,  keys %CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE;

#  Local vars neeeded for cross sub comms
our ($Text_fg, $Line_no, $Line_no_next, $Line_no_start, $HTML_Perl_or, @HTML_Wedge);

#  All done. Positive return


sub parse_fh {

    #  Get self ref, file handle
    my ($self,$html_fh)=@_;
    debug("parse $html_fh");

    #  Turn off HTML_Perl object global, in case left over from a __PERL__ segment
    #  at the bottom of the last file parsed. Should never happen, as we check in
    #  delete() also
    $HTML_Perl_or && ($HTML_Perl_or=$HTML_Perl_or->delete());
    undef $Text_fg;
    undef $Line_no;
    undef $Line_no_start;
    undef $Line_no_next;
    undef @HTML_Wedge;

    #  Return closure code ref that understands how to count line
    #  numbers and wedge in extra code
    my $parse_cr=sub {

        my $line;
	my $html = @HTML_Wedge ? shift @HTML_Wedge : ($line=<$html_fh>);
        if ($line) {
            debug("line $line");
            my @cr=($line=~/\n/g);
            $Line_no=$Line_no_next || 1;
            debug("Line $Line_no, Line_no_next $Line_no_next, Line_no_start $Line_no_start cr %s", scalar @cr);
        return $html;



sub delete {

    #  Destroy tree, reset any globals
    my $self=shift();

    #  Get rid of inline HTML object, if still around
    $HTML_Perl_or && ($HTML_Perl_or=$HTML_Perl_or->delete());

    #  Reset script and line number vars
    undef $Text_fg;
    undef $Line_no;
    undef $Line_no_next;
    undef $Line_no_start;
    undef @HTML_Wedge;

    #  Run real deal from parent


sub tag_parse {

    #  Get our self ref
    my ($self, $method)=(shift, shift);

    #  Get the tag, tag attr
    my ($tag, $attr_hr)=@_;

    #  Debug
    debug("tag_parse $method, $tag, line $Line_no, line_no_start $Line_no_start");

    #  Get the parent tag
    my $pos;
    my $tag_parent = (
	$pos  = $self->{'_pos'} || $self  )->{'_tag'};
    debug("tag $tag, tag_parent $tag_parent");

    #  Var to hold returned html object ref
    my $html_or;

    #  If it is an below an implicit parent tag close that tag now.
    if ($CGI_TAG_IMPLICIT{$tag_parent} || $tag_parent=~/^start_/i || $tag_parent=~/^end_/i) {

	#  End implicit parent if it was an implicit tag
	debug("ending implicit parent tag $tag_parent");


    #  Special case where <perl/block/etc> wraps <head> or <body> tags. HTML::TreeBuilder assumes
    #  head is always under html - we have to hack.
    elsif ($CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$tag_parent} && ($tag eq 'head')) {

	#  Debug and modify tree
	debug("found $tag_parent above $tag, modifying tree");


    #  Same for body tag as above
    elsif ($CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$tag_parent} && ($tag eq 'body')) {

    	debug("found $tag_parent above $tag, modifying tree");


    #  If it is an custom webdyne tag, massage with methods below
    #  before processing
    elsif ($CGI_TAG_SPECIAL{$tag} && ($method ne 'SUPER::text')) {

	#  Yes, is WebDyne tag
	debug("webdyne tag ($tag) dispatch");
	$html_or=$self->$tag($method, $tag, $attr_hr);


    #  If it is an custom CGI tag that we need to close implicityly
    elsif ($CGI_TAG_IMPLICIT{$tag_parent} || $tag=~/^start_/i || $tag=~/^end_/) {

	#  Yes, is CGI tag
	debug("webdyne tag ($tag) dispatch");


    #  If its parent was a custom webdyne tag, the turn off implicitness
    #  before processing
    elsif ($CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$tag_parent}) {

	#  Turn off implicitness here to stop us from being moved
	#  around in the parse tree if we are under a table or some
	#  such
	debug('turning off implicit tags');

	#  Run the WebDyne tag method.
	debug("webdyne tag_parent ($tag_parent) dispatch");
	$html_or=$self->$tag_parent($method, $tag, $attr_hr);

	#  Turn implicitness back on again
	debug('turning on implicit tags');

    else {

	#  Pass onto our base class for further processing
	debug("base class method $method");


    #  Insert line number if possible
    debug("insert line_no $Line_no, line_no_start $Line_no_start into object ref $html_or");
    ref($html_or) && (@{$html_or}{'_line_no', '_line_no_tag_end'}=($Line_no_start, $Line_no));

    #  Returm object ref


sub block {

    #  No special handling needed, just log for debugging purposes
    my ($self, $method)=(shift,shift);
    debug("block self $self, method $method, @_ text_fg $Text_fg");


sub script {

    my ($self, $method)=(shift,shift);


sub style {

    my ($self, $method)=(shift,shift);


sub perl {

    #  Special handling of perl tag
    my ($self, $method, $tag, $attr_hr)=@_;
    debug("$tag $method");

    #  Call SUPER method, check if inline
    my $html_perl_or=$self->$method($tag, $attr_hr);
    my $inline;
    if ($tag eq 'perl') {
	unless (grep {exists $attr_hr->{$_}} qw(package class method)) {
	    $html_perl_or->attr( inline=>++$inline );
    if ($inline) {

	#  Inline tag, set global var to this element so any extra text can be
	#  added here

	#  And return it
	return $html_perl_or;

    else {

	#  Not inline, just return object
	return $html_perl_or;



sub process {

    #  Rough and ready process handler, try to handle perl code in <? .. ?>. Not sure if I really
    #  want to support this yet ...
    my ($self, $text)=@_;
    debug("process $text");
    my $or=HTML::Element->new('perl', inline=>1, perl=>$text);
    debug("insert line_no $Line_no into object ref $or");
    @{$or}{'_line_no', '_line_no_tag_end'}=($Line_no_start, $Line_no);
    $self->tag_parse('SUPER::text', $or )


sub start {

    #  Ugly, make sure if in perl or script tag, whatever we see counts
    #  as text
    my ($self,$tag)=(shift, shift);
    my $text=$_[2];
    ref($tag) || ($tag=lc($tag));
    debug("start $tag Line_no $Line_no, @_, %s", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\@_));
    my $html_or;
    if ($Text_fg)  {
    else {
        my @cr=($text=~/\n/g);
        $Line_no_start=$Line_no - @cr;
        debug("tag $tag line_no $Line_no, line_no_start $Line_no_start");
	$html_or=$self->tag_parse('SUPER::start', $tag, @_);



sub end {

    #  Ugly special case conditions, ensure end tag between perl or script
    #  blocks are treated as text
    my ($self, $tag)=(shift, shift);
    ref($tag) || ($tag=lc($tag));
    debug("end $tag, text_fg $Text_fg, line $Line_no");
    my $html_or;
    if($Text_fg && ($tag eq $Text_fg)) {
	$html_or=$self->SUPER::end($tag, @_)
    elsif ($Text_fg) {
    else {
	$html_or=$self->SUPER::end($tag, @_)


#  Reminder to self. Keep this in, or implicit CGI tags will not be closed
#  if text block follows implicit CGI tag immediately
sub text {

    #  get self ref, text we will process
    my ($self, $text)=@_;
    debug("text *$text*, text_fg $Text_fg, pos %s", $self->{'_pos'});

    #  Are we in an inline perl block ?
    if ($Text_fg eq 'perl') {

	#  Yes. We have inline perl code, not text. Just add to perl attribute, which
	#  is treated specially when rendering
        debug('in __PERL__ tag, appending text to __PERL__ block');
        #  Strip leading CR from Perl code so line numbers in errors make sense
        #unless ($HTML_Perl_or->{'perl'}) { $text=~s/^\n// }

    #  Used to do this so __PERL__ block would only count if at end of file.
    #elsif (($text=~/^\W*__CODE__/ || $text=~/^\W*__PERL__/) && !$self->{'_pos'}) {
    elsif (($text=~/^\W*__CODE__/ || $text=~/^\W*__PERL__/)) {

        #  Close off any HTML
        delete $self->{'_pos'} if $self->{'_pos'};

	#  Perl code fragment. Will be last thing we do, as __PERL__ must be at the
	#  bottom of the file.
	debug('found __PERL__ tag');
	$self->push_content($HTML_Perl_or=HTML::Element->new('perl', inline=>1));
        debug("insert line_no $Line_no into object ref $HTML_Perl_or");
	@{$HTML_Perl_or}{'_line_no', '_line_no_tag_end'}=($Line_no_start, $Line_no);

    elsif ($text=~/^\W*__END__/) {

        #  End of file
        debug('found __END__ tag, running eof');

    else {

	#  Normal text, process by parent class after handling any subst flags in code
	#if ($text=~/([$|!|+|^|*]+)\{([$|!|+]?)(.*?)\2\}/gs) {
	if ($text=~/([$|!|+|^|*]+)\{([$|!|+]?)(.*?)\2\}/s) {

	    #  Meeds subst. Get rid of cr's at start and end of text after a <perl> tag, stuffs up formatting in <pre> sections
	    debug("found subst tag line_no_start $Line_no_start, line_no $Line_no, text '$text'");
	    my @cr=($text=~/\n/g);
	    if (my $html_or=$self->{'_pos'}) {
		debug("parent %s", $html_or->tag());
		if (($html_or->tag() eq 'perl') && !$html_or->attr('inline')) {
		    debug('hit !');

	    my $or=HTML::Element->new('subst');
	    $Line_no_start=$Line_no - scalar @cr;
            debug("insert line_no $Line_no_start, line_no_tag_end $Line_no into object ref $or for text $text, cr %s", scalar @cr);
            @{$or}{'_line_no', '_line_no_tag_end'}=($Line_no_start, $Line_no);
	    $self->tag_parse('SUPER::text', $or )
        else {

	    # No subst, process as normal
	    debug('processing as normal text');
	    $self->tag_parse('SUPER::text', $text )


    #  Return self ref. Not really sure if this is what we should really return, but
    #  seems to work


sub comment {

    my $self=shift()->SUPER::comment(@_);
    debug("insert line_no $Line_no into object ref $self");
    @{$self}{'_line_no', '_line_no_tag_end'}=($Line_no_start, $Line_no);


sub start_html {

    #  Need to handle this specially ..
    my ($self, $method, $tag, $attr_hr)=@_;
        $attr_hr->{'head'} ||= &CGI::meta({ "http-equiv"=>"Content-Type", content=>$WEBDYNE_CONTENT_TYPE_HTML })
    my $html=&CGI::start_html_cgi($attr_hr);
    debug("html is $html");
    push @HTML_Wedge, $html;

sub end_html {

    #  Need to handle this specially ..
    my ($self, $method, $tag, $attr_hr)=@_;
    my $html=&CGI::end_html_cgi($attr_hr);
    debug("html is $html");
    push @HTML_Wedge, $html;

sub include {

    #  No special handling needed, just log for debugging purposes
    my ($self, $method)=(shift,shift);
    debug("block self $self, method $method, @_ text_fg $Text_fg");
