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#  This file is part of WebDyne.
#  This software is Copyright (c) 2016 by Andrew Speer <>.
#  This is free software, licensed under:
#    The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991
#  Full license text is available at:
#  <>

<!-- Heading section with status code as page title -->

<title>WebDyne Error !{! $_[1]->{'r'}->status !}</title>

<!-- Embedded style sheet for formatting -->

<style type="text/css">
body {font-family:"Verdana"; font-weight:normal; font-size:.7em; color:black;} 
p    {font-family:"Verdana"; font-weight:normal; color:black; margin-top:-5px}
b    {font-family:"Verdana"; font-weight:bold; color:black; margin-top:-5px}
h1   {font-family:"Verdana"; font-weight:normal; font-size:18pt; color:red }
h2   {font-family:"Verdana"; font-weight:normal; font-size:14pt; color:maroon}
tt   {font-family:"Lucida Console"; font-size:.9em}
pre  {font-family:"Lucida Console"; font-size:.9em}

<!-- Begin body -->

<body bgcolor="white">

<!-- Status code and server status message -->

<h1>WebDyne Error !{! $_[1]->{'r'}->status !}</h1><hr align="left" width="80%" size="1"><h2><i>!{! \&HTTP::Status::status_message($_[1]->{'r'}->status) !}</i></h2>

<!-- Perl section to populate blocks with error messages, backtraces etc. -->

<perl param="!{! $_[1] !}">

#  Need WebDyne Constants
use WebDyne::Constant;

#  Get self ref, extract supplied params
my ($self, $param_hr)=@_;

#  Local vars used across all routines
my $errstr=$param_hr->{'errstr'};
my @errstack=@{$param_hr->{'errstack_ar'}};
my $errtrace_ar=pop @errstack;

#  Get data block from paramaters and load line numbers and other params
my $data_ar=$param_hr->{'data_ar'};
my ($html_line_no_tag_start, $html_line_no_tag_end)=$self->data_ar_html_line_no($data_ar) if $data_ar;
my $inline=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_ATTR_IX] && $data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_ATTR_IX]->{'inline'};

#  Get any eval text if supplied
my $eval_text_sr=$param_hr->{'errperl_sr'};

#  Source file name and tag start/finish line numbers for this error
my $srce_fn=$self->data_ar_html_srce_fn($data_ar) if $data_ar;
my $srce_fn_display=$srce_fn if $WEBDYNE_ERROR_SOURCE_FILENAME_SHOW;

#  Try to get line number of eval error 
my $eval_line_no;
for (my $i=1; defined($errtrace_ar->[$i]); $i++) {
    my $method=$errtrace_ar->[$i][0]  ||  last;
    next unless ($method=~/^WebDyne::\w{32}/);
unless ($eval_line_no) {
    #  Might be syntax error - last resort
    if ($errstr=~/syntax error at.*?line\s+(\w+)/) {

#  Display error string

	#  Translate CR's to line breaks so errors are formatted somewhat nicely and escape any HTML. Also
	#  massage line numbers displayed so make more sense in context of source file.
	my $errstr_display=$errstr;

	#  Render
	$self->render_block('error', errstr=>$errstr_display);
	#  Return now if full/extended error messages not required
	    return \undef;

else {

        #  Output generic error message
        my $errstr_display=$WEBDYNE_ERROR_SHOW_ALTERNATE;
	$self->render_block('error', errstr=>$errstr_display);
	#  Don't do any more - skip display of all other sections by just returning
	return \undef;

#  Number of pre and post lines, max line length to show.

#  Pull out the backtrace from the error handler internals and present as nicely as possible

        #  Iterate through error backtrace
	my $webdyne_module_seen;
	my $webdyne_backtrace_short=$WEBDYNE_ERROR_BACKTRACE_SHORT;
	for (my $i=1; defined($errtrace_ar->[$i]); $i++) {

		#  Get method
		my $method=$errtrace_ar->[$i+1][3] || $errtrace_ar->[$i][0] ||  last;

		#  If brief output look to see if we are in internal stack and quit
		if ($method=~/^WebDyne::\w{32}::/) {
		elsif ($method=~/^WebDyne::/ && !$webdyne_module_seen) {
		elsif ($webdyne_backtrace_short && $webdyne_module_seen) {

		#  Get line no
		my $line_no=$errtrace_ar->[$i][2];

		#  Format nicely and render line
		my $i_formatted=sprintf('%-2d',$i);
		$i=~s/ /&nbsp;/;
			i=>$i_formatted, package=>$method, line=>$line_no);

	#  And render whole block

#  Print source file region that caused error to show context. Only do if show source flag set
#  and we have found a line number.
if ($WEBDYNE_ERROR_SOURCE_CONTEXT_SHOW && $html_line_no_tag_start) {

	#  Pretty printing
	my $sprintf_max=length($html_line_no_tag_start + $lines_post);
	$sprintf_max=2 if ($sprintf_max<2);

	#  Iterate through source lines till we get to area, then print
	if ($srce_fn && $html_line_no_tag_start) {
            my $fh=IO::File->new($srce_fn, &Fcntl::O_RDONLY) || die;
            my $line_no;
            while (my $line=<$fh>) {
                if ($line_no++ > ($html_line_no_tag_start - $lines_pre)) {
                    if ($line_fragment_max) {
                        $line=(length($line) > $line_fragment_max) ?
                            substr($line,0,$line_fragment_max) . '...' : $line;
                    my $line_no_formatted=sprintf("\%-${sprintf_max}d",$line_no);
                    $line_no_formatted=~s/ /&nbsp;/g;
                    my $line_error=($line_no >= $html_line_no_tag_start && $line_no <= $html_line_no_tag_end);
                    #  Render line
                        line_no=>$line_no_formatted, line=>$line, line_error=>$line_error)
                last if ($line_no > ($html_line_no_tag_end + $lines_post));
	#  Render block
	$self->render_block('context', srce_fn=>$srce_fn_display);

#  Now any eval backtrace
if ($WEBDYNE_ERROR_EVAL_CONTEXT_SHOW && $eval_text_sr) {

	#  Get message
	my $errstr=$param_hr->{'errstr'};
        #  Get each line of the eval code
        my @eval_line=split(/\n/, ${$eval_text_sr});

        #  Pretty printing
        my $sprintf_max=length($eval_line_no + $lines_post);
        $sprintf_max=2 if ($sprintf_max<2);

        #  Iterate through eval source lines till we get to area, then print
        foreach my $line_no ($html_line_no_tag_start .. ($eval_line_no+$lines_post)) {
            my $line=shift(@eval_line);
            if ($line_no > ($eval_line_no-$lines_pre)) {
                if ($line_fragment_max) {
                    $line=(length($line) > $line_fragment_max) ?
                        substr($line,0,$line_fragment_max) . '...' : $line;
                my $line_no_formatted=sprintf("\%-${sprintf_max}d", $line_no );
                $line_no_formatted=~s/ /&nbsp;/g;
                my $line_error=($eval_line_no == $line_no);
                #  Render line
                    line_no=>$line_no_formatted, line=>$line, line_error=>$line_error)
            #  Don't show excess lines if not needed.
            last if ($line_no >= ($eval_line_no + scalar @eval_line));
        #  Render block
        $self->render_block('eval', srce_fn=>$srce_fn_display);


#  Now any CGI params

    #  Get message
    local $Data::Dumper::Indent=1;
    my $cgi_param_dump=Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%_);
    $self->render_block('cgi_param', cgi_param_dump=>$cgi_param_dump );


#  Render version and URI blocks
$self->render_block('uri') if $WEBDYNE_ERROR_URI_SHOW;
$self->render_block('version') if $WEBDYNE_ERROR_VERSION_SHOW;

#  All done
return \undef;


<!-- Start of error table -->

<table width="80%">

<!-- The error string -->

<block name="error">
<tr><td><b>Error: </b></tr></td>

<tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">

<block name="error_extended_disabled">
<b>Backtrace: </b></tr></td>

<tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">
Set WEBDYNE_ERROR_SHOW_EXTENDED=1 to display backtrace and other information.

<!-- Module backtrace -->

<block name="backtrace">
<b>Backtrace: </b>

<tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">
<block name="backtrace_line">
${i}&nbsp;&nbsp;${package}, line ${line}<br>

<!-- The HTML source context -->

<block name="context">
<b>Context: </b>

<tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">
<b>#&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Source</b> ${srce_fn}<br>
<block name="context_line">
<span style="!{! $_[1]->{'line_error'} ? 'color:red' : 'color:black' !}">${line_no}&nbsp;&nbsp;${line}</span><br>

<!-- Any Eval context -->

<block name="eval">
<b>Code: </b>

<tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">
<b>#&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Source</b> ${srce_fn}<br>
<block name="eval_line">
<span style="!{! $_[1]->{'line_error'} ? 'color:red' : 'color:black' !}">${line_no}&nbsp;&nbsp;${line}</span><br>

<!-- CGI Paramaters -->

<block name="cgi_param">
<b>CGI Parameters: </b>

<tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">
<span style="color:black">


<!-- End of error table. Display requested URI -->


<block name="uri">
<b>Requested URI: </b>!{! shift()->r->uri().'' !}


<hr align="left" width="80%" size="1">

<!-- And finally WebDyne version information -->

<block name="version">
<b>Version Information:</b>&nbsp; WebDyne Version:!{! $WebDyne::VERSION !}



use HTTP::Status qw(status_message);
use CGI qw(escapeHTML);