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#  This file is part of WebDyne.
#  This software is Copyright (c) 2016 by Andrew Speer <>.
#  This is free software, licensed under:
#    The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991
#  Full license text is available at:
#  <>
package WebDyne::Install::Apache;

#  Compiler Pragma
sub BEGIN {$^W=0}
use strict qw(vars);
use vars qw($VERSION);
use warnings;
no warnings qw(uninitialized);

#  Webmod Modules
use WebDyne::Base;

#  External Modules
use File::Spec;
use Text::Template;
use IO::File;
use Data::Dumper;

#  Base installer
use WebDyne::Install qw(message);

#  Constants
use WebDyne::Constant;
use WebDyne::Install::Constant;
use WebDyne::Install::Apache::Constant;

#  Version information

#  Debug
debug("%s loaded, version $VERSION", __PACKAGE__);

#  Uninstaller global
my $Uninstall_fg;

#  Init done.


#  Uninstall
sub uninstall {

    #  Set flag and call install routine


#  Install the Apache conf params needed to run the system
sub install {

    #  Get class, other paths
    my ($class, $prefix, $installbin_dn, $opt_hr)=@_;

    #  Run the base install/uninstall routine to create the cache dir
    unless ($Uninstall_fg) {
        WebDyne::Install->install($prefix, $installbin_dn) ||
            return err ();
    else {
        WebDyne::Install->uninstall($prefix, $installbin_dn) ||
            return err ();

    #  Get package file name so we can look up inc for templates
    (my $class_dn=$class . q(.pm))=~s/::/\//g;

    #  Load constants, get full path for class and constants from INC
    $class_dn=$INC{$class_dn} ||
        return err ("unable to find location for $class in \%INC");

    #  Get file name component, then cut file out to get directory,
    #  split and reverse class for later use;
    my $class_fn=(File::Spec->splitpath($class_dn))[2];
    my @class=reverse split(/::/, $class);

    #  Get webdyne cache dn;
    my $cache_dn=&WebDyne::Install::cache_dn($prefix);

    #  Get config/constant hash ref
    my %constant=(

        DIR_INSTALLBIN   => $installbin_dn,
        WEBDYNE_CACHE_DN => $cache_dn,

    my $config_hr=\%constant;
    debug('config_hr %s', Dumper($config_hr));

    #  Cannot do anything without Apache binary
    return err ("unable to find apache binary")
        unless $config_hr->{'HTTPD_BIN'};

    #  Get template path name from module install dir.
    my $template_dn=File::Spec->catdir($class_dn, $class[0]);
    my $template_fn=File::Spec->catfile(
        $template_dn, $config_hr->{'FILE_WEBDYNE_CONF_TEMPLATE'});

    #  Open it as a template
    my $template_or=Text::Template->new(

        type   => 'FILE',
        source => $template_fn,

    ) || return err ("unable to open template $template_fn, $!");

    #  Fill in with out self ref as a hash
    my $webdyne_conf=$template_or->fill_in(

        HASH => $config_hr,
        DELIMITERS => ['<!--', '-->'],

    ) || return err ("unable to fill in template $template_fn, $Text::Template::ERROR");

    #  Get apache config dir
    my $apache_conf_dn=$config_hr->{'DIR_APACHE_CONF'} ||
        return err ('unable to determine Apache config directory');

    #  Work out config file name
    my $webdyne_conf_fn=File::Spec->catfile(
        $apache_conf_dn, $config_hr->{'FILE_WEBDYNE_CONF'});

    #  Open, write webdyne config file unless in uninstall
    unless ($Uninstall_fg) {
        message "writing Apache config file '$webdyne_conf_fn'.";
        my $webdyne_conf_fh=$opt_hr->{'text'} ? *STDOUT : IO::File->new($webdyne_conf_fn, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC) ||
            return err ("unable to open file $webdyne_conf_fn, $!");
        print $webdyne_conf_fh $webdyne_conf;
    else {

        #  In uninstall - get rid of conf file
        if (-f $webdyne_conf_fn) {
            unlink($webdyne_conf_fn) && message "remove config file $webdyne_conf_fn";


    #  Only modify config file if no conf.d dir, denoted by var below
    unless ($config_hr->{'HTTPD_SERVER_CONFIG_SKIP'}) {

        #  Get Apache config file, append root if not absolute
        my $apache_conf_fn=$config_hr->{'HTTPD_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE'} ||
            return err ("unable to determine main server config file");
        ($apache_conf_fn=~/^\//) || (
                $config_hr->{'HTTPD_ROOT'}, $apache_conf_fn
        my $apache_conf_fh=$opt_hr->{'text'} ? *STDOUT : IO::File->new($apache_conf_fn, O_RDONLY) ||
            return err ("unable to open file $apache_conf_fn, $!");
        message "Apache config file '$apache_conf_fn'";

        #  Setup delims looking for
        my ($delim, @delim)=$config_hr->{'FILE_APACHE_CONF_DELIM'};

        #  Turn into array, search for delims
        my ($index, @apache_conf);
        while (my $line=<$apache_conf_fh>) {
            push @apache_conf, $line;
            push(@delim, $index) if $line=~/\Q$delim\E/;

        #  Check found right number of delims
        if (@delim != 2 and @delim != 0) {

            return err (
                "found %s '$delim' delimiter%s in $apache_conf_fn at line%s %s, expected exactly 2 delimiters",
                scalar @delim,
                ($#delim ? 's' : '') x 2,
                join(',', @delim)


        #  Check if delim found, if not, make last line
        unless (@delim) {@delim=($index, $index-1)}

        #  Close

        #  Splice the lines between the delimiters out
        splice(@apache_conf, $delim[0], $delim[1]-$delim[0]);

        #  Clean up end of conf file, remove excess CR's
        my $lineno=$delim[0]-1;
        for (undef; $lineno > 0; $lineno--) {

            #  We are going backwards through the file, as soon as we
            #  see something we quit
            my $line=$apache_conf[$lineno];

            #  Empty
            if ($line=~/^\s*$/) {

                #  Yes, delete and continue
                splice(@apache_conf, $lineno, 1);

            else {

                #  No, quit after rewinding lineno to last val


        #  Only splice back in if not uninstalling
        unless ($Uninstall_fg) {

            #  Get template we want to include in the config file
                $template_dn, $config_hr->{'FILE_APACHE_CONF_TEMPLATE'});

            #  Open it as a template

                type   => 'FILE',
                source => $template_fn,

            ) || return err ("unable to open template $template_fn, $!");

            #  Fill in with out self ref as a hash
            my $apache_conf=$template_or->fill_in(

                HASH => $config_hr,
                DELIMITERS => ['<!--', '-->'],

            ) || return err ("unable to fill in template $template_fn, $Text::Template::ERROR");

            #  Splice in now, but write out at end of block
            splice(@apache_conf, $lineno, undef, $apache_conf);


        #  Re-open httpd.conf for write out, unless uninstall and delims not found, which
        #  means nothing was changed.
        unless ($Uninstall_fg && ($delim[0] == $delim[1])) {
            $apache_conf_fh=IO::File->new($apache_conf_fn, O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY) ||
                return err ("unable to open file $apache_conf_fn, $!");
            print $apache_conf_fh join('', @apache_conf);
            message "Apache config file '$apache_conf_fn' updated.";

    else {

        #  No need to update Apache config file - using conf.d dir
        message 'Apache uses conf.d directory - not changing httpd.conf file';


    #  Almost done ..
    unless ($Uninstall_fg) {

        #  Chown cache dir unless it is the system temp dir - then don't mess with it
        if ($cache_dn) {
            unless ($cache_dn eq File::Spec->tmpdir()) {
                    "Granting Apache ($APACHE_UNAME.$APACHE_GNAME) ownership of cache directory '$cache_dn'.";
                chown($APACHE_UID, $APACHE_GID, $cache_dn) ||
                    return err ("unable to chown $cache_dn to $APACHE_UNAME.$APACHE_GNAME");

                #  Selinx fixup
                if ($SELINUX_ENABLED_BIN) {

                    #  Run to see if SELinux enabled
                    if ((system($SELINUX_ENABLED_BIN) >> 8) == 0) {

                        #  SELinux is enabled. chcon first
                        message("SELinux appears enabled - attempting to set cache directory file contexts appropriately.");
                        if (my $chcon_bin=$SELINUX_CHCON_BIN) {

                            message("Adding SELinux context '$SELINUX_CONTEXT_HTTPD' to cache directory '$cache_dn' via chcon");
                            if (my $rc=system($chcon_bin, '-R', '-t', $SELINUX_CONTEXT_HTTPD, $cache_dn) >> 8) {
                                message("WARNING: SELinux chcon of $cache_dn to $SELINUX_CONTEXT_HTTPD failed with error code $rc\n")

                            #  Dynaloader files
                            my @module_so_fn;
                            while (my ($module_so, $module_so_fn)=each %{$SELINUX_SO_CHECK}) {
                                if (eval("require $module_so")) {
                                    foreach my $symbol (keys %::) {
                                        if ($symbol=~/^_<(.*)\/\Q$module_so_fn\E$/) {
                                            push @module_so_fn, File::Spec->catfile($1, $module_so_fn);

                            foreach my $module_so_fn (@module_so_fn) {

                                my $context_ls=qx/ls -lZ $module_so_fn/ ||
                                    message("WARNING: unable to get context of file $module_so_fn");
                                my @context_ls=split(/\s+/, $context_ls);
                                my $context=$context_ls[3];
                                my ($user, $role, $type)=split(/\:/, $context);
                                if (($type ne $SELINUX_CONTEXT_LIB) && !$opt_hr->{'setcontext'}) {
                                    message("WARNING: SELinux context type of '$module_so_fn' is '$type'");
                                    message("WARNING: file may not be loadable by Apache ! Use '$0 --setcontext' to change or fix manually");
                                elsif (($type ne $SELINUX_CONTEXT_LIB) && $opt_hr->{'setcontext'}) {

                                    message("Adding SELinux context '$SELINUX_CONTEXT_LIB' to module library '$module_so_fn' via chcon");

                                    if (my $rc=system($chcon_bin, '-t', $SELINUX_CONTEXT_LIB, $module_so_fn) >> 8) {
                                        message("WARNING: SELinux chcon of '$module_so_fn' to '$SELINUX_CONTEXT_LIB' failed with error code $rc\n")



                        else {
                                'WARNING: SELinux appears enabled, but the \'chcon\' command was not found - ' .
                                    "your cache directory may not be writable\n"

                        #  Now semanage, if we can find it
                        if (my $semanage_bin=$SELINUX_SEMANAGE_BIN) {

                            #  List
                            my $selist=qx/$SELINUX_SEMANAGE_BIN fcontext -l -n/;
                            unless ($selist=~/^\Q$cache_dn\E/m) {

                                #  Context not added yet
                                message("Adding SELinux context '$SELINUX_CONTEXT_HTTPD' to cache directory '$cache_dn' via semanage");
                                if (my $rc=system($semanage_bin, 'fcontext', '-a', '-t', $SELINUX_CONTEXT_HTTPD, "${cache_dn}(/.*)?") >> 8) {
                                    message("WARNING: SELinux semanage of $cache_dn to $SELINUX_CONTEXT_HTTPD failed with error code $rc\n")
                        else {
                            message('WARNING: SELinux semanage utility not found - chcon changes will be lost if SELinux relabel takes place.')

                # Done
                message 'install completed.'

    else {

        message 'uninstall completed'


    #  Finished
    return \undef;
